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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 06:55:10 AM

Title: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 06:55:10 AM
I think this is a larger issue than the corrupt 2020 election they helped influence and are now an active part of the cover up.

They have been extremely bias for years but have not tried to hide it since the majority of them wailed and cried on national tv when Trump won in 16.

A bias press is something out of 1984 and is extremly dangerous.

Social media has now become a thought control policing force also.

Once they lost their neutrality they became activists and should have the same rules and limitations applied to them as other groups have such as the liberl hate child the NRA.

With this passing as the press these days encourages government over reach to the extreme when their party is in power.

Who else here thinks the media is bias these days for the liberals and their policies and beliefs?


Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 07:19:04 AM
And now this is a big deal..what most with half a brain knew for months b4 the election..

Why now?

To kick out creepy sleepy corrupt joe and put in sleezy harris..the plan all along

Why else would they have pick her for vp?

One of the  worst ones in the dem primaries?

The crazy liberals knew this was the only way to get a whack job like her anywhere near the WH.

Sadly they might get away with it as the most in DC are corrupt and want their private party back regardless where it sends the will not affect their power game on either side.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 07:24:33 AM
No evidence..hear that all the time from the millionaire talking heads on the cable "news" trying to pass as reporters these days

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 07:43:50 AM
Mockingbird media. Say the same thing over and over and over again and surely the people will believe it.

Operation mockingbird is a real thing.

This is that absolute state we are in right now.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FLS on December 18, 2020, 08:35:28 AM
The news media has always been biased. The difference lately is that they are also less professional and online video can let people see things for themselves (until facebook/google/youtube  blocks it).

Some of you may recall Ben Rhodes saying, “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing,”
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 09:13:51 AM

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 09:56:49 AM

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 10:13:13 AM

I can guess but do you think its bias Capt?

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 10:29:19 AM
I can guess but do you think its bias Capt?


Yes, I think Fox News, OANN, NewsMax, WSJ  are just as biased as CNN, and MSNBC and WaPo.

I don't ever expect it to be any different.  It is the nature of humans to have a point of view and even if you think you are being balanced, it colors even the questions you decide to ask. 

I start my morning reading with WashPo and end with NationalReview.  I assume both have little bits of the truth and I average out my world view somewhere in the middle.

But this thread and all the others is just more MAGA whining.  It is the equivalent of "Trump woulda caught the ball, but the sun got in his eyes!"  Uhhhh huh.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Maverick on December 18, 2020, 10:38:13 AM
I learned about a thing called yellow journalism in school many decades ago. I have watched it's return from merely an annoyance to prevalence bordering on propaganda over the last 55+ years. Look up the definition of yellow journalism and then take a look at any major news paper featuring the AP articles as well as the talking heads spewing on tv. We are past the clinical definition today and the blatant fawning of the media, of all types to include merely entertainment programs moralizing the new paradigm of left wing belief.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 10:44:31 AM
... moralizing the new paradigm of left wing belief.

And the Fox News... Fox and Friends, Sean Hannity, Ingraham Trump DK sucking is completely invisible to you?  OANN, NewsMax on their knees in front of Trump is just solid journalism?

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 10:56:34 AM
Fox news is nothing like it used to be

Neither is the drudge report

I see both moved left of center in their reporting

FN is just as guilty as cnn msnbc etc for covering for sleepy creepy corrupt joe

I find it humorous that many think fn is a conservative news source these days

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 11:02:05 AM
Fox news is nothing like it used to be

Neither is the drudge report

I see both moved left of center in their reporting

FN is just as guilty as cnn msnbc etc for covering for sleepy creepy corrupt joe

I find it humorous that many think fn is a conservative news source these days


So what news source has no bias, either left or right?
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: zack1234 on December 18, 2020, 11:28:48 AM
CNN is the bench mark for the American populations intelligence.

The American worship of celebrities is very odd.

The Egyptian empire lasted for 4 thousand years.
The Roman Empire lasted for 2 thousand years
The British Empire lasted for 500 years
The US Empire lasted 70 years :rofl

How long will the new Chinese empire last?
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Busher on December 18, 2020, 11:53:09 AM
I think this is a larger issue than the corrupt 2020 election they helped influence and are now an active part of the cover up.


You live in a country that demands "due process" of law before conviction and  prohibits libelous statements under threat of civil litigation. Yet you continue to claim a corrupt election and active cover-up in statements presented as fact. You don't seem to want to comment on the scope of the conspiracy it would take to accomplish this level of corruption.
So for the benefit of those of us that respect facts over opinions, kindly get some F**king proof.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 12:04:33 PM
So for the benefit of those of us that respect facts over opinions, kindly get some F**king proof.

If they had any at all, they would have presented it to the multiple Trump appointed judges they have stood before.

Nadda.  Zip. Zilch.  Big freakin goose egg. 

They may be MAGA-stupid, but they are not crazy enough to lie in the face of a Federal judge. 

It's safer to just spew crap on Twitter and Fux News.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 12:54:42 PM
So you are good with bias as long as they agree with your bias?

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: TheBug on December 18, 2020, 12:56:58 PM
So you are good with bias as long as they agree with your bias?


Pretty sure that is what you are looking for.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Spikes on December 18, 2020, 01:00:00 PM
If they had any at all, they would have presented it to the multiple Trump appointed judges they have stood before.

Nadda.  Zip. Zilch.  Big freakin goose egg. 

They may be MAGA-stupid, but they are not crazy enough to lie in the face of a Federal judge. 

It's safer to just spew crap on Twitter and Fux News.

Fortunately, once they get their post they no longer need Trump for anything, and I guess he didn't account for that aspect.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: MiloMorai on December 18, 2020, 01:29:25 PM
I suggest the pro tRumpers read some of the bio books about tRump.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: RotBaron on December 18, 2020, 01:44:10 PM
Newsmax and OAN have picked up the viewers Fox News lost over turn coating on them.

Yes all media “news” is biased, of course, just have to figure out which is rhetoric, conjecture, and total BS these days...
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 18, 2020, 01:53:32 PM
Newsmax and OAN have picked up the viewers Fox News lost over turn coating on them.

Yes all media “news” is biased, of course, just have to figure out which is rhetoric, conjecture, and total BS these days...

good job on picking the right news sources. all the conspiracy theories and made up news in just 2 places. no need to go anywhere else for that.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 02:24:03 PM
So you are good with bias as long as they agree with your bias?


Again, I think you are just gullible thinking you are ever going to find one that isn't. 

The ones you deluded into thinking aren't, you just thing that because they confirm your bias, so that makes you feel better.

Sure, some sources try harder than others to look at things objectively; there are qualitative differences between WaPo and Breitbart, between NationalReview and HuffPo.  But all of them will have various biases built into their thinking even if they try not to.

You average out that read error by honestly sampling from a broad spectrum of sources with an open mind, and not just drinking the kool-aid from the site that most comfortably sound like you talking to yourself.

So again, which news source do you think is without bias either left or right?


Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 02:27:46 PM
Trump is just the latest example

Please open your mind and get past your orange man hate

This is really about the future of this country and the globe as I see the same slants in foreign press as well.

If the media talking heads have an agenda how can you trust them?

I think the real fear is many are not involved enough to even know the difference and actually believe every word from these clowns these days

For way too many the sleepy creepy corrupt joes son hunter news is actually new to them


Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 02:32:32 PM
Blah blah blah blah blah...

So, I take it you can't identify a news source that you think is without bias either left or right?

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: TheBug on December 18, 2020, 02:32:50 PM
Trump is just the latest example

Please open your mind and get past your orange man hate

This is really about the future of this country and the globe as I see the same slants in foreign press as well.

If the media talking heads have an agenda how can you trust them?

I think the real fear is many are not involved enough to even know the difference and actually believe every word from these clowns these days

For way too many the sleepy creepy corrupt joes son hunter news is actually new to them


It is the hypocrisy of the trump lovers that bothers me the most.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 02:41:38 PM
Unbiased statistical proof of machine vote tampering.

How can a judge deny that nothing happened when there is mathematical proof? Oh that's right. Judges don't do math. Must be "baseless" then.

Are we not to trust real statisticians or are we going to just write off them now too because it doesn't fit your narrative

Just another example of the probably 25 examples I have saved, along with 1000s of affidavits and IT software professionals who went on the stand to testify.

Keep living in fantasy land.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 02:43:25 PM
It is the hypocrisy of the trump lovers that bothers me the most.

You mean like Nancy not wearing her mask in the barber shop or Newsome going to eat with friends at a restaurant? Or Whitmer going to her cabin with friends?

This guy wants to talk about hypocrisy of Trump Supporters LOL
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Ramesis on December 18, 2020, 02:44:16 PM

Yes, I think Fox News, OANN, NewsMax, WSJ  are just as biased as CNN, and MSNBC and WaPo.

Uhh, u left out ABC, NBC and CBS
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Ramesis on December 18, 2020, 02:46:49 PM

So what news source has no bias, either left or right?

I guess u are not old enough to remember Cronkite
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 02:50:01 PM
Uhh, u left out ABC, NBC and CBS

I also left out NYPost, Washington Times, Breitbart, DailyStormer, The Economist, The Blaze, etc. 

If your point is there are more sources with left bias than right, no one is stopping you from starting some more right leaning media, if you think you can find enough market to support them.

Stop whining, get busy.  :salute
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 02:51:50 PM
I guess u are not old enough to remember Cronkite

Trumpers would call Cronkite a liberal cuck today.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Ramesis on December 18, 2020, 02:55:10 PM

If your point is there are more sources with left bias than right, no one is stopping you from starting some more right leaning media, if you think you can find enough market to support them.

If I had the money I would but sadly I don't... when and if ur socialism comes about in this country I hope u enjoy
it... I have been in socialist countries... it isn't pretty
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Arlo on December 18, 2020, 02:56:16 PM
The 'Fourth Estate' is all about government accountability to its citizenry. The recent assault on the media is all about gaslighting.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 18, 2020, 02:58:59 PM
It is the hypocrisy of the trump lovers that bothers me the most.

beginning with the election. they claim lots of evidence.

ask the simple question of why wasn't all this evidence introduced in court? you hear nothing.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 03:00:58 PM
If I had the money I would but sadly I don't...

Well that's no ones problem but yours.  If you think there should be more right leaning media, then get them started.  That's the proper solution rather than whining the other media isn't regurgitating Trump filth like you want. 

BTW, being anti-Trump doesn't make you a Socialist.  You just like to think it does.


Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Arlo on December 18, 2020, 03:01:20 PM
beginning with the election. they claim lots of evidence.

ask the simple question of why wasn't all this evidence introduced in court? you hear nothing.

Guess its the media's fault. *ShruG*
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: TheBug on December 18, 2020, 03:13:20 PM
You mean like Nancy not wearing her mask in the barber shop or Newsome going to eat with friends at a restaurant? Or Whitmer going to her cabin with friends?

This guy wants to talk about hypocrisy of Trump Supporters LOL

Hehe, more like Eagler’s post. But my most favorite was the campaign signs that said Trump 2020 God and Country.  Lol, that’s your man for that.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2020, 03:22:27 PM
It is the hypocrisy of the trump lovers that bothers me the most.

You are hung up with trump love/ hate

Maybe you need to seek help

I dont love any politician ..stated that numerous times but you like the media ignore facts

I dont love many ppl at all these days and those lucky ones are in my inner family circle

I just tolerate the rest

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FESS67 on December 18, 2020, 03:47:09 PM
Media bias has always existed and different outlets would cover the same story with a slightly different spin on it however the underlying facts of the story were usually evident. During this presidency the news outlets have become increasingly partisan and that should not be a surprise as Trump adopts a pretty black and white stance of 'you are either with me or against me'.

I have always found the concept of 'free speech' or a 'free press' an interesting one.  How 'free' should free be?  Should I be able to say / publish / post to social media anything I want to without fear of reprisal in whatever form that takes?  That after all would be free speech. Of course that is not the case, in fact a society that allowed that would quickly fall into chaos.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Busher on December 18, 2020, 04:35:15 PM
Media bias has always existed and different outlets would cover the same story with a slightly different spin on it however the underlying facts of the story were usually evident. During this presidency the news outlets have become increasingly partisan and that should not be a surprise as Trump adopts a pretty black and white stance of 'you are either with me or against me'.

I have always found the concept of 'free speech' or a 'free press' an interesting one.  How 'free' should free be?  Should I be able to say / publish / post to social media anything I want to without fear of reprisal in whatever form that takes?  That after all would be free speech. Of course that is not the case, in fact a society that allowed that would quickly fall into chaos.

It's interesting you should raise this point. I posted in another thread that "free speech" in entrenched in many more national Constitutions than just the United States. But of interest the U.S. is the only country where the highest court supported the right to "hate speech".
Hate speech is defined as "public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation".
The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that hate speech is legally protected free speech under the First Amendment. The most recent Supreme Court case on the issue was in 2017, when the justices unanimously reaffirmed that there is effectively no "hate speech" exception to the free speech rights protected by the First Amendment.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 06:04:11 PM
All you have to do is read Mark Levins first chapter of "Unfreedom of the press" to get an idea of statistically the divides in the media. Its a good read based on actual #s and facts.

You find it funny how literally everywhere on social media, youtube, mainstream TV, ect, Trumps #s beats bidens by the 10s of thousands. All the ratings are horrible for SJW bull crap, yet somehow Biden got more votes than any president in history with 16% of counties while only getting about 50 people to show up at his rallies.

Trump had 25K people show up at rallies all around the country. Let me know when Biden can do that, or 1% Harris for that matter. Those are #s you will never be able to steal or manipulate from Trump.

You media is a scam and the ratings prove it.

Look at the downvotes on youtube alone for anything SJW. Remember when Microsoft had to turn off their commercial with marina abromovich because of thousands of downvotes.

Did you see the amount of downvotes on Klaus Scwuabs "great reset" video compared to Likes.

Football ratings, Emmy ratings, Oscar ratings. All the lowest ever when they should be soaring because your "movement" is so popular.

People aren't buying it. 
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Busher on December 18, 2020, 06:38:28 PM
All you have to do is read Mark Levins first chapter of "Unfreedom of the press" to get an idea of statistically the divides in the media. Its a good read based on actual #s and facts.

You find it funny how literally everywhere on social media, youtube, mainstream TV, ect, Trumps #s beats bidens by the 10s of thousands. All the ratings are horrible for SJW bull crap, yet somehow Biden got more votes than any president in history with 16% of counties while only getting about 50 people to show up at his rallies.

Trump had 25K people show up at rallies all around the country. Let me know when Biden can do that, or 1% Harris for that matter. Those are #s you will never be able to steal or manipulate from Trump.

You media is a scam and the ratings prove it.

Look at the downvotes on youtube alone for anything SJW. Remember when Microsoft had to turn off their commercial with marina abromovich because of thousands of downvotes.

Did you see the amount of downvotes on Klaus Scwuabs "great reset" video compared to Likes.

Football ratings, Emmy ratings, Oscar ratings. All the lowest ever when they should be soaring because your "movement" is so popular.

People aren't buying it.

No Goofie, it's you and your Q group that aren't buying it.

Trump has big rallies because he craves admiration and abhors criticism. It's a classic trait of narcissistic psychotics. Do a little useful reading

Intelligent people, in the face of an extremely contagious and potentially deadly disease ( and I know that TrumpleSkilskin and Q tell you its a hoax) have the sense not to attend rallies.

So before you run your mouth more about Orange Crybaby winning, go get some F**king proof that can pass the legal litmus test.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 07:41:34 PM
You live in a country that demands "due process" of law before conviction and  prohibits libelous statements under threat of civil litigation. Yet you continue to claim a corrupt election and active cover-up in statements presented as fact. You don't seem to want to comment on the scope of the conspiracy it would take to accomplish this level of corruption.
So for the benefit of those of us that respect facts over opinions, kindly get some F**king proof.

Those declassified documents showed they lied to us about fabricated treason for 4 years. Plenty off proof there.

The list goes on and on.

Just look at what they talk about and how they do it.  It is entertainment to maintain viewership.  A business. Let's get a social scientist in here to define it. I can see it, I'm human it is easy, they do it to improve their life.  Like any self serving person would.  The p.c. culture is a evolution of social success. Virtue and truth be dammed, the mob is rolling.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 07:43:42 PM
Media bias has always existed and different outlets would cover the same story with a slightly different spin on it however the underlying facts of the story were usually evident. During this presidency the news outlets have become increasingly partisan and that should not be a surprise as Trump adopts a pretty black and white stance of 'you are either with me or against me'.

I have always found the concept of 'free speech' or a 'free press' an interesting one.  How 'free' should free be?  Should I be able to say / publish / post to social media anything I want to without fear of reprisal in whatever form that takes?  That after all would be free speech. Of course that is not the case, in fact a society that allowed that would quickly fall into chaos.

Only if you eliminate truth.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Busher on December 18, 2020, 08:12:33 PM
Those declassified documents showed they lied to us about fabricated treason for 4 years. Plenty off proof there.

The list goes on and on.

Just look at what they talk about and how they do it.  It is entertainment to maintain viewership.  A business. Let's get a social scientist in here to define it. I can see it, I'm human it is easy, they do it to improve their life.  Like any self serving person would.  The p.c. culture is a evolution of social success. Virtue and truth be dammed, the mob is rolling.

What declassified documents about treason?
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 08:18:10 PM
No Goofie, it's you and your Q group that aren't buying it.

Trump has big rallies because he craves admiration and abhors criticism. It's a classic trait of narcissistic psychotics. Do a little useful reading

Intelligent people, in the face of an extremely contagious and potentially deadly disease ( and I know that TrumpleSkilskin and Q tell you its a hoax) have the sense not to attend rallies.

So before you run your mouth more about Orange Crybaby winning, go get some F**king proof that can pass the legal litmus test.

Man you people are delusional. Totally morally bankrupt cheats and frauds who wish they could get 25K people at rally and hide behind behind covid just like Q predicted. Bunch of cowards.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 08:18:30 PM
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 08:20:13 PM
I thought he had big rallies because a lot of people showed up.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: potsNpans on December 18, 2020, 08:24:41 PM
Judges Toss Two Republican Lawsuits Challenging Georgia’s Absentee Ballot Rules: The Twelfth District Republicans argued that rules imposed months ago to allow counties to set up ballot drop boxes and let election officials open ballots before Election Day violate state laws and the U.S. Constitution, the report notes.
  In Augusta, U.S. District Court Judge Randal Hall dismissed a lawsuit that sought to prohibit the use of drop boxes for absentee ballots and ramp up signature verification protocols, amid charges that the current processes increase the likelihood of voter fraud, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
     Hall said that the plaintiffs lacked standing and that the court shouldn’t change the rules so close to the election.

“We are not even on the eve of an election,” Hall said, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “We are, as it relates to this particular election, closing in on halftime.”

The judge also said the plaintiffs were not able to show specific harm brought about by the current rules.

“The court finds that those claims are simply based on speculation, highly speculative issues,” Hall said, 
the Twelfth District Republicans argued that rules imposed months ago to allow counties to set up ballot drop boxes and let election officials open ballots before Election Day violate state laws and the U.S. Constitution, the report notes.
 Maricopa County Board Votes Against Complying With Subpoenas to Audit Voting Machines

Courts have yet to rule on the facts, maybe you can make a horse drink water if you deprive it long enough from water.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 18, 2020, 08:39:39 PM
Man you people are delusional. Totally morally bankrupt cheats and frauds who wish they could get 25K people at rally and hide behind behind covid just like Q predicted. Bunch of cowards.

sorry election are not based on how many people show up at a rally.  it's based on how many vote.

justin Bieber has more people showing up than trump ever dreamed. so did just about every single rock star.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Arlo on December 18, 2020, 08:42:45 PM
sorry election are not based on how many people show up at a rally.  it's based on how many vote.

justin Bieber has more people showing up than trump ever dreamed. so did just about every single rock star.


Does this mean Justin Bieber isn't President Elect? Awwww, man.  :eek:
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 08:47:18 PM
I find it disturbing when fellow citizens do not care that we had two precincts that tallies 120% mail in ballot submissions.  The most treasured right in our society is compromised and the response is laughter.  Crazy.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Arlo on December 18, 2020, 08:53:59 PM
I find it disturbing when fellow citizens do not care that we had two precincts that tallies 120% mail in ballot submissions.  The most treasured right in our society is compromised and the response is laughter.  Crazy.

Yes. Everything you claim must be taken seriously, actual proof or otherwise.

Everybody, listen up - when NatCigg says something sad- be sad. When he says something scary- be scared. When he says something serious- take it very very seriously. Amen.  :old:
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 09:00:26 PM
There you go.

I forgot the measuring stick. Did not know it was a contest.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 09:01:41 PM
sorry election are not based on how many people show up at a rally.  it's based on how many vote.

justin Bieber has more people showing up than trump ever dreamed. so did just about every single rock star.


Not a single non biased mathematical model using a database of votes has shown a probability of the election in certain counties being accurate.

If the courts or military don't stand up and really look at more of these cases, there's gonna be hell to pay. There is no way many people  can take this election seriously. This is not some "nothing burger" as Van Jones stated.

"Muh evidence"

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Busher on December 18, 2020, 09:16:16 PM
Man you people are delusional. Totally morally bankrupt cheats and frauds who wish they could get 25K people at rally and hide behind behind covid just like Q predicted. Bunch of cowards.

Be sure to play in crowded places DS. Show us how brave you are.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Devil 505 on December 18, 2020, 09:18:56 PM
Not a single non biased mathematical model using a database of votes has shown a probability of the election in certain counties being accurate.

You mean the same ones who had Hillary winning 4 years ago?
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 09:22:54 PM
You mean the same ones who had Hillary winning 4 years ago?

After the election? Let's see them, on the record at a hearing. If anything, Hillary n them still cheated, just didn't realize how many Trump supporters there actually were because of their lying polls.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 09:23:36 PM
Be sure to play in crowded places DS. Show us how brave you are.

Tell that to Antifa playing in traffic  :D
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Arlo on December 18, 2020, 09:24:44 PM
Not a single non biased mathematical model using a database of votes has shown a probability of the election in certain counties being accurate.

If the courts or military don't stand up and really look at more of these cases, there's gonna be hell to pay. There is no way many people  can take this election seriously. This is not some "nothing burger" as Van Jones stated.

"Muh evidence"

Glad that video of claims (not to be confused with evidence) was accompanied by a link to
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Arlo on December 18, 2020, 09:26:16 PM
Tell that to Antifa playing in traffic  :D

Because running over anti-fascists is cool and all.  :old:
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 18, 2020, 09:28:37 PM
Not a single non biased mathematical model using a database of votes has shown a probability of the election in certain counties being accurate.

did you know that by turning on your water faucet there's a very small chance that you can cause a nuclear explosion? the odds of it happening have been calculated.

the odds of winning the lottery improve if you buy a ticket.  you not buying a ticket doesn't mean your odds of winning are zero. somebody can gift you a ticket or you could find it in the street.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 09:36:13 PM
Glad that video of claims (not to be confused with evidence) was accompanied by a link to

"Our evidence has never been refuted, only ignored."

I see you didn't watch the video.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Arlo on December 18, 2020, 09:39:17 PM

"Our evidence has never been refuted, only ignored."

I see you didn't watch the video.

No, you don't see that.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 18, 2020, 09:44:58 PM

"Our evidence has never been refuted, only ignored."

I see you didn't watch the video.

well then let's quote gulliani, when asked by a judge if he had any proof he said no.

so does that make the judge biased?

another case dismissed i believe in Arizona was because the lady had no standing.  proof? she didn't bother to register to vote and didn't vote.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Busher on December 18, 2020, 09:57:47 PM

"Our evidence has never been refuted, only ignored."

I see you didn't watch the video.

It's not evidence, it's opinion and at least 50 Judges have ruled it so. The highest court in the land refused to hear the case because the brief was presented without evidence. He ran out of lawyers because no reputable legal team will use the word "fraud" with no evidence. And God knows he's likely to need a reputable legal team to handle all the civil litigation and state prosecutions soon to follow.
Face the music. The American people made a choice and it wasn't him. Being a bad loser is a hard rep to shake.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 10:14:44 PM
Unfortunately the truth will not be known.  The ballots have been signed off and counted.  To the next election, we hope we can insure one person one vote.  As we know these common sense polices like show your I'd and absentee ballot deadlines are necessary for election integrity. Yet for some reason people insist these controls are voter suppression.

It is really not that complicated.  Its politics version 20.20.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 10:19:31 PM

If you bozos have evidence, go win a court case.

If not, you'll be watching Joseph Biden taking the oath of office Jan 20. 

And Donald Trump high-tailing it off in his private jet to a non-extradition treaty country.   :rofl :rofl :rofl

It's over.

Deal with it.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 18, 2020, 10:21:25 PM
violator when you say something like non-biased whatever, only thing everybody knows that no matter what fact they bring you will ignore it, because you will dismiss it if it goes against what you believe.

that means the only proof you have is biased because it fits your narrative. which means you are biased and not the other way.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2020, 10:25:51 PM
Because running over anti-fascists is cool and all.  :old:

You mean anti-people?

When reckless endangerment on normal citizens is perfectly okay cuz...."im antifa" LOL. "But we are not an organized group at all" "we all wear black n stuff cuz we are soo badass. We love taking our anger out at the black man's local store down the street."WE ANTIFA, don't get mad at us for hurting you!"

Clown world.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 10:30:39 PM

If you bozos have evidence, go win a court case.

If not, you'll be watching Joseph Biden taking the oath of office Jan 20. 

And Donald Trump high-tailing it off in his private jet to a non-extradition treaty country.   :rofl :rofl :rofl

It's over.

Deal with it.

You obviously have not paid much attention to the data or witnesses.  Enjoy your victory lap under your leader.  You can rest assured the 7000 dead people that voted in michigan are with you.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 18, 2020, 10:44:11 PM
You obviously have not paid much attention to the data or witnesses.  Enjoy your victory lap under your leader.  You can rest assured the 7000 dead people that voted in michigan are with you.

apparently the data or witnesses did not matter to trump's attorneys, they were not presented in court.

can you explain why all the evidence you have was not presented in court by his attorneys?

only have two explanations, either there was no evidence or trump's attorneys were actually against him. so which one is it?

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 18, 2020, 10:47:31 PM
You obviously have not paid much attention to the data or witnesses.

You obviously haven't paid attention to the court case win/loss record.   :rofl :rofl :rofl

If you got evidence, go prove your case in court.

You've had 60 tries at bat plus a pleading before the Supreme Court. 

<buzzer> Loooooooosers.   :rofl :rofl :rofl  :ahand

So the final act of MAGA stupidity with be to try and invoke Electoral Count Act of 1887 on Jan 6. 

I'm sure they will find at least one inbred Trumpkin House member and Senator to dance the kabuki.  But before you Trumpkins get too excited you might want to go read it.  Both the House and Senate would have vote to reject any states Electoral certification.

Enough Republican Senators have already signaled they will not play along with this to deny them the majority .  And regardless, obviously the Democratic controlled House will not vote to decertify.  That is what is technically called a Dead-End!

It's over. 

Deal with it.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 18, 2020, 10:48:14 PM
You mean anti-people?

When reckless endangerment on normal citizens is perfectly okay cuz...."im antifa" LOL. "But we are not an organized group at all" "we all wear black n stuff cuz we are soo badass. We love taking our anger out at the black man's local store down the street."WE ANTIFA, don't get mad at us for hurting you!"

Clown world.

alt rally in Charlottesville does this represent everybody on the right?  I dont think so.  proud boys who "arent racists" were there supporting this.  sad thing is people who believe white supremacist are only white are wrong.

look at time stamp about 1:07 to 1:12.  see if you can identify who was there.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FESS67 on December 18, 2020, 11:13:58 PM
You obviously have not paid much attention to the data or witnesses.  Enjoy your victory lap under your leader.  You can rest assured the 7000 dead people that voted in michigan are with you.

Sadly dead people voting, or even pets voting, is not that uncommon - I remember cats and dogs voting in the UK.  The process is not perfect and whilst those of us that sit on the outside cannot understand why it is that hard, it would seem it is the world over.

The question is, has fraud been committed or not?  The facts of this fraud need to be presented and then the legal people will argue over the presented facts.

Take your 7000 dead that voted in Michigan.  There are so many questions that need to be asked and proven (note proven by fact not by opinion).  Who did the deceased vote for?  Biden or Trump?  All of them voted for Biden I assume.  Do you not think that a bit obvious?  I mean if I was going to cheat I would not do so in such a way that it was obvious.

If we are statistically minded, how many dead people voted in other states?  Did all the dead people vote for Biden?  Did the dead people turn up to vote or did they mail their votes in?  Did they die after mailing the votes or before?

What I see is Trump supporters claiming all sorts of fraud only in the states he did not win.  It appears there was no fraud otherwise.  Most, if not all, of the fraud was via mail in ballot.  Because this has been the avenue of biggest voter fraud before?

I am certainly no expert but mail in ballots have been used before with no issues flagged.  The issues with mail in voting this time around were flagged by Trump many months before the election.  He was painting a narrative of fraud for all to swallow for months before the election.  Why is that?  Is mail in voting inherently fraudulent?

No of course not, or at least in the past it has not been.  Trump may be an idiot but he is not a fool.  He wanted the election to be like a political rally - turn up and be counted.  But in 2020 he knew that only his supporters would do that, following the messiah mask less into the valley of death.  He knew that the Biden supporters preferred to not go out in public, to not gather in large groups and therefore to vote by mail not in person.

This thread started about media bias.  Take a look back at Trumps messaging and posture with regard to this election.  He has sought to sow the seeds of doubt in a process simply because it did not favour him.  I actually think it is a shame because Hillary and the 'established' political circles were so obviously corrupt that it was a breath of fresh air when Trump won in 2016.  Sadly he turned out to be a very strange cat and not the long term solution the USA needed.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 11:15:11 PM
You obviously haven't paid attention to the court case win/loss record.   :rofl :rofl :rofl

If you got evidence, go prove your case in court.

You've had 60 tries at bat plus a pleading before the Supreme Court. 

<buzzer> Loooooooosers.   :rofl :rofl :rofl  :ahand

So the final act of MAGA stupidity with be to try and invoke Electoral Count Act of 1887 on Jan 6. 

I'm sure they will find at least one inbred Trumpkin House member and Senator to dance the kabuki.  But before you Trumpkins get too excited you might want to go read it.  Both the House and Senate would have vote to reject any states Electoral certification.

Enough Republican Senators have already signaled they will not play along with this to deny them the majority .  And regardless, obviously the Democratic controlled House will not vote to decertify.  That is what is technically called a Dead-End!

It's over. 

Deal with it.

I watched our elected officials call witnesses liars and use court cases as their support.  It is nauseating to see opinions based on court cases.  How can we discount truth with a unrelated summary, that we ourselves can not see the evidence?

Also, spare me the maga label. I'm talking about the election.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 18, 2020, 11:26:52 PM
I watched our elected officials call witnesses liars and use court cases as their support.  It is nauseating to see opinions based on court cases.  How can we discount truth with a unrelated summary, that we ourselves can not see the evidence?

Also, spare me the maga label. I'm talking about the election.

all courts cases that were filed against the election are public record.  you want to see the evidence presented, well it's there.  it's just that simple.  cases presented had just allegations, when the attorneys were asked if they had proof, they said no.


Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 18, 2020, 11:28:08 PM
Sadly dead people voting, or even pets voting, is not that uncommon - I remember cats and dogs voting in the UK.  The process is not perfect and whilst those of us that sit on the outside cannot understand why it is that hard, it would seem it is the world over.

The question is, has fraud been committed or not?  The facts of this fraud need to be presented and then the legal people will argue over the presented facts.

Take your 7000 dead that voted in Michigan.  There are so many questions that need to be asked and proven (note proven by fact not by opinion).  Who did the deceased vote for?  Biden or Trump?  All of them voted for Biden I assume.  Do you not think that a bit obvious?  I mean if I was going to cheat I would not do so in such a way that it was obvious.

If we are statistically minded, how many dead people voted in other states?  Did all the dead people vote for Biden?  Did the dead people turn up to vote or did they mail their votes in?  Did they die after mailing the votes or before?

What I see is Trump supporters claiming all sorts of fraud only in the states he did not win.  It appears there was no fraud otherwise.  Most, if not all, of the fraud was via mail in ballot.  Because this has been the avenue of biggest voter fraud before?

I am certainly no expert but mail in ballots have been used before with no issues flagged.  The issues with mail in voting this time around were flagged by Trump many months before the election.  He was painting a narrative of fraud for all to swallow for months before the election.  Why is that?  Is mail in voting inherently fraudulent?

No of course not, or at least in the past it has not been.  Trump may be an idiot but he is not a fool.  He wanted the election to be like a political rally - turn up and be counted.  But in 2020 he knew that only his supporters would do that, following the messiah mask less into the valley of death.  He knew that the Biden supporters preferred to not go out in public, to not gather in large groups and therefore to vote by mail not in person.

This thread started about media bias.  Take a look back at Trumps messaging and posture with regard to this election.  He has sought to sow the seeds of doubt in a process simply because it did not favour him.  I actually think it is a shame because Hillary and the 'established' political circles were so obviously corrupt that it was a breath of fresh air when Trump won in 2016.  Sadly he turned out to be a very strange cat and not the long term solution the USA needed.

From what I've seen there is not enough evidence to change Michigan's results. And yes putting the vote under a microscope has always shown problems.

This election was different.  Absentee ballot rules were relaxed and the quantity far exceeded anything in the past.  Michigan's election official says she still has not received a paper roll call of voters to reference ballots.  She voted to certify they election while still saying the mistakes of this election can not be repeated.

So we should be working out these problems, finding truth in the process. But all we hear is the flush of change back to normal. Nobody would dare light a match called truth, right now. On we go.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FESS67 on December 19, 2020, 12:14:12 AM

So we should be working out these problems, finding truth in the process. But all we hear is the flush of change back to normal. Nobody would dare light a match called truth, right now. On we go.

This is a very powerful statement and I agree with all of it.  The problem is we need to examine everything with an open mind and therein lies the problem.  I firmly believe the establishment is corrupt and wants their version of the truth to be told.  I also firmly believe that Trump is equally as corrupt and wants his version of the truth to be told.

Where do we go from there?  Who is the adjudicator?  Certainly not the press, they have chosen their sides.  Is it the judiciary?  No, sadly they are also politically motivated.  Social media?  Hell no, they would have Kanye in the White House!!

I only hope that America finds enough voices of reason because from my side of the fence I see a very real threat of civil unrest even civil war because ultimately neither side of politics can be trusted to be truthful.  That is not a desirable situation.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 19, 2020, 01:04:39 AM
This is a very powerful statement and I agree with all of it.  The problem is we need to examine everything with an open mind and therein lies the problem.  I firmly believe the establishment is corrupt and wants their version of the truth to be told.  I also firmly believe that Trump is equally as corrupt and wants his version of the truth to be told.

Where do we go from there?  Who is the adjudicator?  Certainly not the press, they have chosen their sides.  Is it the judiciary?  No, sadly they are also politically motivated.  Social media?  Hell no, they would have Kanye in the White House!!

I only hope that America finds enough voices of reason because from my side of the fence I see a very real threat of civil unrest even civil war because ultimately neither side of politics can be trusted to be truthful.  That is not a desirable situation.

I dont see civil war or unrest on the horizon.  The government would have to do something really stupid like try to seize guns.  To develop responsible citizens we need to maintain a mandate for history, civic, and government classes in grade school and encourage productive dialogue by example in the media.  Like Greece.  :x
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FESS67 on December 19, 2020, 01:10:35 AM
I dont see civil war or unrest on the horizon.  The government would have to do something really stupid like try to seize guns.  To develop responsible citizens we need to maintain a mandate for history, civic, and government classes in grade school and encourage productive dialogue by example in the media.  Like Greece.  :x

But sir, respectfully, there is another side in this.  So not only does the government have to avoid doing something really stupid, so does the opposition and their track record is not built on reasoned debate.

But on a lighter side, I found this on social media.  Trump is actually a great singer.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 19, 2020, 01:11:27 AM
It would not hurt to teach hunter safety in school like was done 50 years ago.  It is the knowledge of core values that is lacking.  Lacking in pop culture I should say. In my neck of the woods my point of view I prevalent.  Probably why I think the way I do.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 19, 2020, 01:19:32 AM
I'm not worried about a antifa guerilla war. Their acne medicine will wear off eventually.

But never say never.  :noid
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FESS67 on December 19, 2020, 01:20:51 AM
It would not hurt to teach hunter safety in school like was done 50 years ago.  It is the knowledge of core values that is lacking.  Lacking in pop culture I should say. In my neck of the woods my point of view I prevalent.  Probably why I think the way I do.


As it is the world over.  It is the reason I grew up calling Germans Krauts, Japanese were Japs, Chinese were Chinks...............I did not mean anything by it, I did not know any better.  Now I am older I tend to think more and judge less.  I try to see both sides and when I do not agree with the other side I do not fight them I just agree to not agree on this point but tomorrow we may agree on something else.

Trump does not see tomorrow.  For him it is all about today.  Agree with him today for if you do not then you are not here tomorrow.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 19, 2020, 01:26:12 AM
As it is the world over.  It is the reason I grew up calling Germans Krauts, Japanese were Japs, Chinese were Chinks...............I did not mean anything by it, I did not know any better.  Now I am older I tend to think more and judge less.  I try to see both sides and when I do not agree with the other side I do not fight them I just agree to not agree on this point but tomorrow we may agree on something else.

Trump does not see tomorrow.  For him it is all about today.  Agree with him today for if you do not then you are not here tomorrow.

Lol yeah, to his own demise.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 19, 2020, 01:29:21 AM
It would not hurt to teach hunter safety in school like was done 50 years ago.  It is the knowledge of core values that is lacking.  Lacking in pop culture I should say. In my neck of the woods my point of view I prevalent.  Probably why I think the way I do.


shouldnt that be taken care of at home?  it's like lets teach the bible in school.  I never learned the bible in school. force kids to say a prayer in school means nothing to them.  not because they dont believe in god but because it's forced upon them.

lots of posts all over the place about bringing religion back to schools, but what does that mean?  who's bible?  who's religion?  would you accept mormon teaching? Scientology? i know you mean christian, but which christian?  we have about a billion religions in the usa.  who do you want to teach it, joel osteen? the guy from liberty school? catholic teaching, protestant, muslim, anybody else i didnt mention?

to me that's lazy parenting.  you want your kids to learn about guns, you teach them, and if you cant, find somebody who can.  you want religion, teach them yourself, according to what you believe. because otherwise you will raise hell if whoever is teaching them is not somebody you agree with.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 19, 2020, 01:30:49 AM
As it is the world over.  It is the reason I grew up calling Germans Krauts, Japanese were Japs, Chinese were Chinks...............I did not mean anything by it, I did not know any better.  Now I am older I tend to think more and judge less.  I try to see both sides and when I do not agree with the other side I do not fight them I just agree to not agree on this point but tomorrow we may agree on something else.

Trump does not see tomorrow.  For him it is all about today.  Agree with him today for if you do not then you are not here tomorrow.

To psycho analyze, I think of it more like a business mindset. If you are not in you are out. You do not talk certain ways in public against our image.  Not that he can't see tomorrow.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 19, 2020, 01:37:08 AM
shouldnt that be taken care of at home?  it's like lets teach the bible in school.  I never learned the bible in school. force kids to say a prayer in school means nothing to them.  not because they dont believe in god but because it's forced upon them.

lots of posts all over the place about bringing religion back to schools, but what does that mean?  who's bible?  who's religion?  would you accept mormon teaching? Scientology? i know you mean christian, but which christian?  we have about a billion religions in the usa.  who do you want to teach it, joel osteen? the guy from liberty school? catholic teaching, protestant, muslim, anybody else i didnt mention?

to me that's lazy parenting.  you want your kids to learn about guns, you teach them, and if you cant, find somebody who can.  you want religion, teach them yourself, according to what you believe. because otherwise you will raise hell if whoever is teaching them is not somebody you agree with.


Religion and civic duty are separate.  As is the church and state.  The notion of god represents if not is, what binds our collective will.  And that can be taught in school.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 19, 2020, 01:56:08 AM
Man you guys just don't get it. Trump is screwing the establishment to preserve America from the globalist communist take over. Its really that simple. He sacrificed a lot to do what he is doing.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: guncrasher on December 19, 2020, 02:17:27 AM
Religion and civic duty are separate.  As is the church and state.  The notion of god represents if not is, what binds our collective will.  And that can be taught in school.

not really accurate, it's our will to survive.  if you asked me about god, I tell you I believe and his commandments, but that conflicts with me training to kill others in the marines.  thou shall not kill. love thy neighbor.

it's our will to survive as a nation that conflicts with the commandments.  I am not sorry, but I hope for the best.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 19, 2020, 07:05:48 AM
Trump should be thanked by both sides for clearly exposing the medias extreme left bias and the debt of corruption in our government.

Both are far more dangerous than 8 years of bad orange man.

If any republican had won in 16 hillary would have beat them senseless and it would not have been so clear to so many so quickly if at all.

I would have loved to see the same media make excuses for her covid death count as she would be excused.

But then the china trade wars and the lose of face for them would not have happened for the last 4 years and my guess is then covid would probably have never happened.

The china payoffs would have just continued...

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 19, 2020, 08:51:59 AM
not really accurate, it's our will to survive.  if you asked me about god, I tell you I believe and his commandments, but that conflicts with me training to kill others in the marines.  thou shall not kill. love thy neighbor.

it's our will to survive as a nation that conflicts with the commandments.  I am not sorry, but I hope for the best.


Me 2.

Smart people can do smart things.  I also hope for the best.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FLS on December 20, 2020, 08:19:37 PM
This is from almost 100 years ago. Note that he implies most of the media at that time supported one party.

H.L. Mencken (1880-1956) was the most influential newspaperman of his era and a prolific author of iconoclastic books and essays. This is reprinted from The Evening Sun of Baltimore, November 30, 1925.

The eminent Nation announces with relish “the organization of a national committee of 100 to induce Congress to prohibit the inter-State traffic in revolvers,” and offers the pious judgement that it is “a step forward.” “Crime statistics,” it appears, “show that 90% of the murders that take place are committed by the use of the pistol, and every year there are hundreds of cases of accidental homicide because someone did not know that his revolver was loaded.” The new law—or is it to be a constitutional amendment?—will do away with all that. “It will not be easy,” of course, “to draw a law that will permit exceptions for public officers and bank guards”—to say nothing of Prohibition agents and other such legalized murderers. “But soon even these officials may get on without revolvers.”

More than once, in this place, I have lavished high praise upon the Nation. All that praise has been deserved, and I am by no means disposed to go back on it. The Nation is one of the few honest and intelligent periodicals ever published in the United States. It stands clear of official buncombe; it prints every week a great mass of news that the newspapers seem to miss; it interprets that news with a freedom and a sagacity that few newspaper editors can even so much as imagine. If it shut up shop then the country would plunge almost unchallenged into the lowest depths of Coolidgism, Rotarianism, Stantaquaism and other such bilge. It has been, for a decade past, the chief consolation of the small and forlorn minority of civilized Americans.

But the Nation, in its days, has been a Liberal organ, and its old follies die hard. Ever and anon, in the midst of its most eloquent and effective pleas for Liberty, its eye wanders weakly toward Law. At such moments the old lust to lift ‘em up overcomes it, and it makes a brilliant and melodramatic bellybutton of itself. Such a moment was upon it when it printed the paragraph that I have quoted. Into that paragraph—of not over 200 words—it packed as much maudlin and nonsensical blather, as much idiotic reasoning and banal moralizing, as Dr. Coolidge gets into a speech of two hours’ length.

The new law that it advocated, indeed, is one of the most absurd specimens of love muffin legislation ever heard of, even in this paradise of legislative donkeyism. Its single and sole effect would be to exaggerate enormously all of the evils it proposes to put down. It would not take pistols out of the hands of rogues and fools; it would simply take them out of the hands of honest men. The gunman today has great advantages everywhere. He has artillery in his pocket, and he may assume that, in the large cities, at least two-thirds of his prospective victims are unarmed. But if the Nation’s proposed law (or amendment) were passed and enforced, he could assume safely that all of them were unarmed.

Here I do not indulge in theory. The hard facts are publicly on display in New York State, where a law of exactly the same tenor is already on the books—the so-called Sullivan Law. In order to get it there, of course, the Second Amendment had to be severely strained, but the uplifters advocated the straining unanimously, and to the tune of loud hosannas, and the courts, as usual, were willing to sign on the dotted line. It is now a dreadful felony in New York to “have or possess” a pistol. Even if one keeps it locked in a bureau drawer at home, one may be sent to the hoosegow for ten years. More, men who have done no more are frequently bumped off. The cops, suspecting a man, say, of political heresy, raid his house and look for copies of the Nation. They find none, and are thus baffled—but at the bottom of a trunk they do find a rusted and battered revolver. So he goes on trial for violating the Sullivan Law, and is presently being psychoanalyzed by the uplifters at Sing Sing.

With what result? With the general result that New York, even more than Chicago, is the heaven of footpads, hijackers, gunmen and all other such armed thugs. Their hands upon their pistols, they know that they are safe. Not one citizen out of a hundred that they tackle is armed for getting a license to keep a revolver is a difficult business, and carrying one without it is more dangerous than submitting to robbery. So the gunmen flourish and give humble thanks to God. Like the bootleggers, they are hot and unanimous for Law Enforcement.

To all this, of course, the uplifters have a ready answer. (At having ready answers, indeed, they always shine!) The New York thugs, they say, are armed to the teeth because New Jersey and Connecticut lack Sullivan Laws. When one of them wants a revolver all he has to do is to cross the river or take a short trolley trip. Or, to quote the Nation, he may “simply remit to one of the large firms which advertise the sale of their weapons by mail.” The remedy is the usual dose: More law. Congress is besought to “prohibit the inter-State traffic in revolvers, especially to bar them from the mails.”

It is all very familiar, and very depressing. Find me a man so vast an imbecile that he seriously believes that this prohibition would work. What would become of the millions of revolvers already in the hands of the American people if not in New York, then at least everywhere else? (I own two and my brother owns at least a dozen, though neither of us has fired one since the close of the Liberty Loan drives.) Would the cops at once confiscate this immense stock, or would it tend to concentrate in the hands of the criminal classes? If they attempted confiscation, how would they get my two revolvers—lawfully acquired and possessed—without breaking into my house? Would I wait for them docilely—or would I sell out, in anticipation, to the nearest pistol bootlegger?

The first effect of the enactment of such a law, obviously, would be to make the market price of all small arms rise sharply. A pistol which is now worth, second-hand, perhaps $2, would quickly reach a value of $10 or even $20. This is not theorizing; we have had plenty of experience with gin. Well, imagining such prices to prevail, would the generality of men surrender their weapons to the Polizei, or would they sell them to the bootleggers? And if they sold them to the bootleggers, what would become of them in the end: would they fall into the hands of honest men or into the hands of rogues?

But the gunmen, I take it, would not suffer from the high cost of artillery for long. The moment the price got really attractive, the cops themselves would begin to sell their pistols, and with them the whole corps of Prohibition blacklegs, private detectives, deputy sheriffs, and other such scoundrels. And smuggling, as in the case of alcoholic beverages, would become an organized industry, large in scale and lordly in profits. Imagine the supplies that would pour over the long Canadian and Mexican borders! And into every port on every incoming ship!

Certainly, the history of the attempt to enforce Prohibition should give even uplifters pause. A case of whisky is a bulky object. It must be transported on a truck. It can not be disguised. Yet in every American city today a case of whisky may be bought almost as readily as a pair of shoes despite all the armed guards along the Canadian border, and all the guard ships off the ports, and all the raiding, snooping and murdering everywhere else. Thus the camel gets in and yet the proponents of the new anti-pistol law tell us that they will catch the gnat! Go whisper it to the Marines!

Such a law, indeed, would simply make gun-toting swagger and fashionable, as Prohibition has made guzzling swagger and fashionable. When I was a youngster there were no Prohibition agents; hence I never so much as drank a glass of beer until I was nearly 19. Today, Law Enforcement is the eighth sacrament and the Methodist Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals by itself authority for the sad news that the young of the land are full of gin. I remember, in my youth, a time when the cops tried to prohibit the game of catty. At once every boy in Baltimore consecrated his whole time and energy to it. Finally, the cops gave up their crusade. Almost instantly catty disappeared.

The real victim of moral legislation is always the honest, law-abiding, well-meaning citizen—what the late William Graham Summer called the Forgotten Man. Prohibition makes it impossible for him to take a harmless drink, cheaply and in a decent manner. In the same way the Harrison Act puts heavy burdens upon the physician who has need of prescribing narcotic drugs for a patient, honestly and for good ends. But the drunkard still gets all the alcohol that he can hold, and the drug addict is still full of morphine and cocaine. By precisely the same route the Nation’s new law would deprive the reputable citizen of the arms he needs for protection, and hand them over to the rogues that he needs protection against.

Ten or fifteen years ago there was an epidemic of suicide by bichloride of mercury tablets. At once the uplifters proposed laws forbidding their sale, and such laws are now in force in many States, including New York. The consequences are classical. A New Yorker, desiring to lay in an antiseptic for household use, is deprived of the cheapest, most convenient and most effective. And the suicide rate in New York, as elsewhere, is still steadily rising.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: zack1234 on December 21, 2020, 04:30:15 AM
So CNN is the basis for American news?

The fact that there is very little investigation of Chinese responsibility for world wide pandemic.

The fact is these media outlets are under attack from reliable online news outlets.

They can produce proper programs for a fraction of the big media outlets.

China is bank rolling virtually all the mainstream media outlets.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Slade on December 21, 2020, 06:06:33 AM
The media bias chart is useful:

This article I wrote might be useful too:
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Eagler on December 21, 2020, 06:40:13 AM
That chart is not accurate as it shows news from sources that it states are neutral but certainly are not

The entire chart needs to slide left IMO

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Slade on December 21, 2020, 06:41:52 AM
Gotcha Eagler.

BTW (from my article):

Media Bias Chart
If you find other sources that prove to be factual other than the Media Bias Chart use that too. BEFORE you criticize them why don't you visit them and get to know who and what they are. They are real people you can actually contact and talk to not some monolithic agency pushing some point of view.

EDIT: They routinely adjust the ratings as things naturally evolve.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: NatCigg on December 21, 2020, 07:07:47 AM
The media bias chart is useful:

This article I wrote might be useful too:

That's funny right there. La times, New York times, weather channel, ABC are only slightly left and most accurate.  Amazing how data and reality do not match.  Nobody is reading everything they printed, where is the data on information they do not share, who judged something to be true, did they count the editorial paragraphs thrown into each report, what is the point of say I know more truth when there is no truth only opinion perpetrated as truth.

Much 9f your proposition demands that you do not accept truth, yet because of your goal, you are constantly on the edge of conclusion.   The moment you leave that acute position of uncertainty, you are wrong.  Yet here we are.

I do appreciate the effort, but do not let your desire allow you to accept fake truth because you can not disprove the data or opinion.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: perdue3 on December 21, 2020, 10:08:37 AM
The media bias chart is useful:

This article I wrote might be useful too:

Fruitless endeavor with this lot, I'm afraid. Everything is Marxist unless it agrees that Trump was cheated.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: CptTrips on December 21, 2020, 11:05:26 AM
Fruitless endeavor with this lot, I'm afraid. Everything is Marxist unless it agrees that Trump was cheated.

I think that chart is a pretty fair representation.  Of course it will always be somewhat subjective.

But yeah, the usual suspects will think anything less than the DailyStormer is radical leftist propaganda.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: zack1234 on December 21, 2020, 11:06:33 AM

The fact none of you discuss the implications on the US demise at the hands of the Chinese state is self evident of your pre occupation with false flags and inabilty to come to terms that the Chinese have won without dropping a bomb.

Russian cyber attack? Grow up.

Both Russia and China despise the US because they have kept their National identities.

The Western elites have ensured they have a new proliatariat to gain wealth from in India and China.

Trump is also implicated in the invasion of Manchuria by the japanese in the 1930's

You lot even believe the American civil war was fought to free slaves.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FLS on December 21, 2020, 11:08:08 AM
The China problem is known to conservatives. To the progressives it's more like the China opportunity.

This is how progressives do democracy.

Democratic President Woodrow Wilson... was the driving force behind the notorious Sedition Act of 1918, passed by his fellow Democrats at a time when they controlled both houses of Congress. This anti-democratic outrage made it a felony crime to criticize the government and, by extension, Wilson himself. A violation of the Sedition Act was punishable by a fine of as much as $10,000 and imprisonment for as long as 20 years. More than 2,000 American citizens were arrested and prosecuted pursuant to the Sedition Act. This crime against democracy was at length repealed by the Republicans after the GOP won majorities in both houses of Congress in the 1918 midterm elections.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: zack1234 on December 21, 2020, 11:12:26 AM
Woodrow Wilson was a degenerate racist.
He wrote books about it.
Anyone who wears a top hat is suspect.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: perdue3 on December 21, 2020, 12:54:21 PM
Woodrow Wilson was a degenerate racist.
He wrote books about it.
Anyone who wears a top hat is suspect.

He was also a filthy Dry.  :furious
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: zack1234 on December 21, 2020, 01:25:21 PM
He never got drunk?
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FLS on December 21, 2020, 02:03:26 PM
Wilson vetoed the Volstead act but was over-ridden by the Congress.

In Feb 1920 he was still so ill from a stroke 5 months earlier that he was unable to fulfill his duties but nobody close to him wanted to declare him unfit. His wife decided what issues he would be aware of and deal with.

Some people think we have a similar situation today.

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: zack1234 on December 21, 2020, 03:51:10 PM
Similarly today?
Biden is a degenerate stupid old racist fool?
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: perdue3 on December 21, 2020, 03:57:58 PM
Wilson vetoed the Volstead act but was over-ridden by the Congress.

In Feb 1920 he was still so ill from a stroke 5 months earlier that he was unable to fulfill his duties but nobody close to him wanted to declare him unfit. His wife decided what issues he would be aware of and deal with.

Some people think we have a similar situation today.

During the war, he gave hope to teetotalism by outlawing the production of alcohol by grain. In 1919, he did indeed veto the act. Still, he enacted an executive order that outlawed the production of alcohol which only fanned the flames.

Biden is a degenerate stupid old racist fool?

Have you seen/heard the other guy?
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FLS on December 21, 2020, 05:19:54 PM
During the war, he gave hope to teetotalism by outlawing the production of alcohol by grain. In 1919, he did indeed veto the act. Still, he enacted an executive order that outlawed the production of alcohol which only fanned the flames.

During the war we didn't have to join,  and then he censored flu news.

He also gave us the federal income tax. I can't think of anything I like about him.
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: morfiend on December 21, 2020, 06:35:18 PM

Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: FLS on December 21, 2020, 08:13:22 PM
There's a message in the method.  :aok
Title: Re: Media Bias
Post by: Ramesis on December 22, 2020, 03:22:02 PM
CNN is the bench mark for the American populations intelligence.

The American worship of celebrities is very odd.

The Egyptian empire lasted for 4 thousand years.
The Roman Empire lasted for 2 thousand years
The British Empire lasted for 500 years
The US Empire lasted 70 years :rofl

How long will the new Chinese empire last?

Exactly, the Chinese are on the rise... the U.S. on the decline...
Typical cycle in history