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General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: Chalenge on June 22, 2021, 08:23:06 AM

Title: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Chalenge on June 22, 2021, 08:23:06 AM
There are only leaked versions and rumors, but Microsoft may announce their intentions this week. Hopefully, IE11 will finally disappear for good.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Bizman on June 22, 2021, 09:24:38 AM
And not too long ago Microsoft clearly said that 10 will be the last Windows, that there'll not be any Win 11 or 12, instead the versions of Win 10 would have names like "Creators Edition" etc., or less fancy names like "21H1"
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Oldman731 on June 22, 2021, 09:37:43 AM
There are only leaked versions and rumors, but Microsoft may announce their intentions this week. Hopefully, IE11 will finally disappear for good.

WSJ mentioned this yesterday:

"Microsoft’s Surface Pro X, one of the company’s newer detachables, runs on an Arm-based processor designed in collaboration with Qualcomm. Windows isn’t yet as capable on such processors, largely because not many third-party developers write software for the version of Windows used on such hardware, despite the company’s continued encouragement. Microsoft said it would reveal a new version of Windows on June 24, and early indications are that it will include a substantial redesign of the operating system that will make it more usable and unified across a variety of processor types and PC designs."

- Oldman
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Meatwad on June 22, 2021, 08:22:15 PM
Microsoft Borg
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Ack-Ack on June 22, 2021, 11:53:21 PM
And not too long ago Microsoft clearly said that 10 will be the last Windows, that there'll not be any Win 11 or 12, instead the versions of Win 10 would have names like "Creators Edition" etc., or less fancy names like "21H1"

Microsoft stopped development of Windows 10x and instead is reportedly going to incorporate features from 10x into Windows 11 and also might find some of the features in some Windows 10 updates.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Bizman on June 23, 2021, 01:38:12 AM
No matter what the reason is, only five years ago Microsoft told that they won't change the number any longer. And now they do. No big deal, the main issue still will be how often you'll have to get the latest version and what the cost will be.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Chalenge on June 23, 2021, 05:34:31 AM

WSJ mentioned this yesterday:

"Microsoft’s Surface Pro X, one of the company’s newer detachables, runs on an Arm-based processor designed in collaboration with Qualcomm. Windows isn’t yet as capable on such processors, largely because not many third-party developers write software for the version of Windows used on such hardware, despite the company’s continued encouragement. Microsoft said it would reveal a new version of Windows on June 24, and early indications are that it will include a substantial redesign of the operating system that will make it more usable and unified across a variety of processor types and PC designs."

- Oldman

Hidden meaning: New Windows will look and feel like Apple.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: BoilerDown on June 23, 2021, 05:15:21 PM
Hidden cost: If you got a free upgrade to Windows 10 you're going to pay for Windows 11.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Bizman on June 24, 2021, 01:18:11 AM
Hidden cost: If you got a free upgrade to Windows 10 you're going to pay for Windows 11.
I've read that they'd allow free upgrade from 7 and 8.1 to 11. I've also read that they may require a Microsoft account for 11.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: pallero on June 24, 2021, 04:58:27 PM
I've read that they'd allow free upgrade from 7 and 8.1 to 11. I've also read that they may require a Microsoft account for 11.
And an old AH trick works for that in requirement window (Alt+F4 will drop that away), and you will be allowed to keep using local admin account. (I've read)
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: MADe on June 24, 2021, 06:59:30 PM
Hey Folks,

In looking to get w11 installed on my w10 machine, I discovered you must have a TPM module installed and enabled in w10. What a PIA. Im' a beta tester with this machine and have had 21H1 installed since april, looks like no 21H2 unless my mobo has a TPM header onboard. Investigating that!
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Meatwad on June 24, 2021, 07:48:52 PM
I've read that they'd allow free upgrade from 7 and 8.1 to 11. I've also read that they may require a Microsoft account for 11.

I think I will keep my Win7. It works fine for me
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: jigsaw on June 25, 2021, 12:56:04 AM
I've read that they'd allow free upgrade from 7 and 8.1 to 11. I've also read that they may require a Microsoft account for 11.

Hearing mixed things on this.  Some are saying that only Home requires the M$ account and if you have Pro you can use a local.  Take that with a grain of salt though.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Bizman on June 25, 2021, 02:12:38 AM
Hearing mixed things on this.  Some are saying that only Home requires the M$ account and if you have Pro you can use a local.  Take that with a grain of salt though.
There's also talk about some tricks to avoid using the M$ account, somewhat similarly to how you can make a local account to 10 by unplugging from the Internet during that phase of the installing process.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Max on June 25, 2021, 06:56:35 AM
I've read that they'd allow free upgrade from 7 and 8.1 to 11. I've also read that they may require a Microsoft account for 11.

I too read yesterday that W11 will be a free upgrade. There wasn't a mention of the Microsoft account requirement.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: MADe on June 25, 2021, 08:23:33 AM
Got this answer from an ASROCK tech. Very disappointing. Once again the you are required to build a new machine in order to take advantage of new software. Dam crime.

Windows 11 requires TPM 2.0, and Intel starts to support TPM 2.0 since the Skylake platform.

So if you would like to use windows 11, please consider a newer platform like the Intel Rocket lake.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Spikes on June 25, 2021, 08:24:59 AM
To be honest I doubt there will be anything groundbreaking in Windows 11. It will only matter 10 years down the road when support is dropped for 10.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: 100Coogn on June 25, 2021, 08:33:12 AM
Just ordered a TPM from Amazon.  (Before the scalpers realize a lot of people will need one for Windows 11)

Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Eagler on June 25, 2021, 09:39:21 AM
When an operating system requires a social media login something is very wrong

Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: MADe on June 25, 2021, 04:20:47 PM
What slays me is that my w10 machine only 5 years old. It has a TPM header but I guess it only supports a 1.2 module. Does anyone know for sure if a TPM header will support both a 1.2 and 2.0?

A 2.0 module only $35. Possible the ASROCK tech left that diddy out assuming I would jump for a new rig.
Guess I will search a bit more.

I still have a w7 rig. I build myself, and every rig I put together still works. Need to reassemble my XP rig. It use to be my service pc to factory refresh my w7 SSD's. Has the software on that drive. Those SSD's are 15 year old VERTEX's in a RAID array. Still run like champs. I had to reinstall OS many times. I would factory refresh every time, still good SSD's.
Got ransom weared once. Downloaded a GIMP tool. Erased the drive, re-installed OS and bleep you ransom wear bleeper. I never use PC for important stuff, just games and googling. I had been learning to make aircraft for gaming, but that ended that.
Is crazy to run the world on computers when they will not provide real world safety methods! I still do not understand why certain infrastructures are internet connected. Just so some lazy bleep can work at home, dumb. Lets put people out of work and then take all the saved labor dollars and give it to russian criminals and the like. We are a dumb species...

end rant


Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: MADe on June 25, 2021, 04:22:03 PM
When an operating system requires a social media login something is very wrong


Like my original occulus vr rig you mean. Yuppers, greed will end us all.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: MADe on June 25, 2021, 04:31:41 PM

However, Microsoft has quietly noted that Windows 11 will run on PCs that have TPMs older than version 2.0 in certain situations. The company's support documents indicate that TPM 2.0 is more of a “soft floor” requirement, and that PCs with TPM 1.2 will also be able to run Windows 11. But “devices that meet the soft floor will receive a notification that upgrade is not advised,” Microsoft warns.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: wrench on June 26, 2021, 05:56:53 AM
Most CPUs of last few years have built in TPM.

AMD is called fTPM. Enabled mine and the upgrade tool said good to go.

Not sure what Intel calls theirs.

There were some other things had to configure in my motherboard BIOS/EUFI. Like needs to boot in EUFI mode, boot drive needs to be GPT, etc. You can use a windows command to reconfigure boot drive from MBR to GPT but do a backup 1st. Look online and consult your motherboard manual.

(2nd edit)
Just found this link that refers to what I'm talking about. (
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Chalenge on July 01, 2021, 02:36:38 PM
Still doesn't guarantee compatibility. Worse, MS has now hidden the health check tool, because even they are confused as to which hardware is approved.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: jigsaw on July 02, 2021, 01:27:03 AM
Most CPUs of last few years have built in TPM.

AMD is called fTPM. Enabled mine and the upgrade tool said good to go.

Not sure what Intel calls theirs.

Intel version is called "PTT".   Yet another kicker is possible CPU age cutoff even if the CPU/MB supports PTT/TPM.  I have an old 6700 based box I use for offload/render work to free up my main PC.  6700 is currently not on the list of "M$ Win 11" supported CPUs.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Bizman on July 02, 2021, 01:48:16 AM
The list for supported Core i# processors starts at the 8th generation. Somewhere I've read that a free upgrade would be offered even for computers running Win7 which is somewhat confusing as starting from the 7th generation Intel processors Windows 7 isn't supported.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: wrench on July 02, 2021, 02:26:36 AM
Microsoft has been growing their supported CPU list too. Last week my Intel i5-10400 wasn't on the list and now it is.

Heads up for those of you who convert boot drive from MBR to GPT to enable EUFI boot. My System Protection had to be manually updated, had to disable the old MBR protection profile and enable the new GPT profile. When I disabled the old profile it disappeared (as it should do).
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: MADe on July 02, 2021, 01:18:26 PM
For the brave at heart.

I have read that the oldest cpu you can use is an i7 7770 cpu. I may have the used the wrong cpu version number, but it is something similar. I myself am using a i7 6850, so I would have to upgrade my cpu. As well as my mobo. Not gonna happen, machine to young to justify the expense.

I may try the articles regedits tho. Any thoughts about this from you well versed software peeps?

My X-99 Taichi mobo has the secure boot option listed in bios. But no PTT listed. Maybe because I have no TPM 1.2 module installed on mobo header.????

Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Spikes on July 02, 2021, 01:55:09 PM
I may try the articles regedits tho. Any thoughts about this from you well versed software peeps?
If all it does is simply check, the regedit should be no issue.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: hazmatt on July 02, 2021, 11:07:04 PM
Anybody running on Linux? The only windows computer I have left is my gaming rig and and would very much like to be rid of windows for good.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: MADe on July 03, 2021, 11:13:28 AM
If all it does is simply check, the regedit should be no issue.

I'm strongly considering trying the registry edit option. Done many reg edits in past, so I am familiar with them. But I read where MS is allowing some none ready machines to try out w11, but they will make you go back to w10 after they get their metedata fill. This I do not want. If I go there, I go there!

Unbelievable that MS would act like this after so many lost their jobs. Moi being one of them. Broadway still shut down....

Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: mikeWe9a on July 04, 2021, 10:40:12 AM
While Windows 11 has a bunch of new hardware requirements, I haven't seen anything so far that differentiates it from Windows 10 as far as application support goes.  As such, if your hardware doesn't meet the Windows 11 requirements, I haven't seen anything that would really drive a hardware upgrade unless/until Microsoft stops supporting 10.  Unless someone has insight into something else?

Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: MADe on July 04, 2021, 03:29:08 PM
While Windows 11 has a bunch of new hardware requirements, I haven't seen anything so far that differentiates it from Windows 10 as far as application support goes.  As such, if your hardware doesn't meet the Windows 11 requirements, I haven't seen anything that would really drive a hardware upgrade unless/until Microsoft stops supporting 10.  Unless someone has insight into something else?


Yup you most likely correct about the overall experience. But I did read something about it being better for gaming????

 As far as hardware. This not about the hardware we care about, cpu, graphics cards. Its about security,????, The fact they they cannot write code for damn, secure code. TPM is one item! They know what most folks are using, they are pushing something they know many folks are not using or do not have. They knew this when the wrote the coding! Seriously, 1 item and you must buy new PC's to use their latest OS, under the guise of "for your own protection". Its truly bad faith from MS to push this kind of bad business ethics on users. Plus I been reading where you must have a Microsoft account active, laptops must have a camera in them. Whats more hackable than a web account??? A camera????
I have slowly come to believe that security flaws are intentional, that they sell the knowledge to criminals reaping dollars on both sides of the fence. Maybe I'm crazy, but I wonder sometimes....

 :bhead :old:
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Shuffler on July 08, 2021, 12:40:43 PM
TPMs are in most more recent CPUs. IF you have an older machine, you can possibly add it in a header on the MB.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: save on July 08, 2021, 03:35:41 PM
As cunning as MS are, they probably will launch DirectX13 or something similar for Win11 but not Win10.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Max on July 09, 2021, 06:52:37 AM
TPMs are in most more recent CPUs. IF you have an older machine, you can possibly add it in a header on the MB.

I thought TPM are MB components.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: 2bighorn on July 09, 2021, 01:55:16 PM
I thought TPM are MB components.

On Motherboard is so called hardware TPM. Most recent motherboards have TPM header and you have to purchase TPM chip (if you build your own PC). Some newer pre-build PCs from big manufacturers like Dell, HP, etc already come with TPM chip on board.

Recent CPUs from INTEL and AMD have so called firmware TPM which can be used instead of MB TPM chip, but it is disabled by default on most motherboards and you have to enable it in UEFI.

If you have both, you can select which one to use.
Title: Re: Windows 11 is coming
Post by: Morpheus on July 19, 2021, 10:47:18 AM
Literally it took me several years to drop widows 7 and move everything over to 10! In all honesty I look back with little to no regrets! The one regret I do have is sticking so long with my Die Hard Widows-7!! Not for nothing but I so much love windows 10 and see no reason to drop it on any system I have right now. I might switch to 11 on a laptop when it does come around to my table.  I just have to get used to another new breed of windows. But almost just like it was in high school or my college years with girls I see no reason to want to make any move from 10 and for me there is no need to kill 10!

<S> Morph