General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: RotBaron on October 20, 2023, 09:19:10 PM
Title: False equivalency(s)
Post by: RotBaron on October 20, 2023, 09:19:10 PM
What do you think really motivates ppl to make them. Assuming they’re intelligent ppl, they must know at least to some degree they’re being dishonest, right? I see this everywhere, to include ch 200 and this BBS.
If you don’t know exactly what I mean, here’s an example: John: The Better Business Bureau is dishonest, they pick winners and have covered for bad companies. Paul: Why do you hate big successful companies , they pay lots of taxes! John: I don’t, that’s not what I said. Paul: Yes you did, don’t you know what the BBB does for everyone?!
⬆️ that’s much more benign…. I mean things that end relationships, careers etc. Just an example
We used to be able to call out this bs, ppl are scared now.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: RotBaron on October 20, 2023, 09:21:36 PM
Maybe should have just put this in the insecurities thread idk.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Meatwad on October 21, 2023, 05:58:24 AM
It appears the new way of life is that one cannot anymore call out wrongdoings, lies, evils because of the fear of hurting feelings and everyone gets offended over everything and cries big crocodile tears and a boohoo sob story about how their life is permanently scarred because someone disagreed with them.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Eagler on October 21, 2023, 07:39:42 AM
Thin skin is an insecurity and it's huge these days
The ole sticks and stones saying is much too violent for some to even contemplate lol
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Maverick on October 21, 2023, 08:39:55 AM
Far too many folks seem to think that a differing opinion is insulting and worse, intolerable. They fail to understand that uniformity of thought is not a good thing and leads to societal and scientific stagnation. What has been lost is the ability to understand that others can have a different view and still be good friends / people that do not need correcting.
There is no constitutional right to not be offended nor is mere offensive thinking illegal. Especially just because it is different from what you like. Like a certain movie line said. This ain't burger king and you can't have it your way. At least all the time.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: DmonSlyr on October 21, 2023, 11:07:12 AM
Far too many folks seem to think that a differing opinion is insulting and worse, intolerable. They fail to understand that uniformity of thought is not a good thing and leads to societal and scientific stagnation. What has been lost is the ability to understand that others can have a different view and still be good friends / people that do not need correcting.
There is no constitutional right to not be offended nor is mere offensive thinking illegal. Especially just because it is different from what you like. Like a certain movie line said. This ain't burger king and you can't have it your way. At least all the time.
That's because almost all debate now is about emotional issues and you are either the good guy or bad guy in the debate in the eyes of the listeners. If you don't agree with them you are the bad guy because the debate is about their feelings and how your hurting people If you don't support it.
It's how leaders have got away with robbing people blind. They use people's humanitarian emotion to take advantage of them because they know most people "just want to help".
Secondly, to the OPs premise. It's because the majority of people have never taken an arguement and logic class. Probably most people would fail it too. Who knew so much Math. So people don't really understand that argument is an equation and a practiced art.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: JimmyD3 on October 21, 2023, 11:21:48 AM
There has always been a minimum of 2 ways to say something. You can either be nice about it, or be an a-hole about it. Like the old saying, "honey will catch more flies, than vinegar". :old:
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: AKIron on October 21, 2023, 11:46:05 AM
We have become very divided, at least in the US. To the point that each side has it's own list of grievances against the other. It's easy to assume with a stranger or online person that if they embrace one aspect of the other sides ideology they embrace all.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: AKIron on October 21, 2023, 11:49:39 AM
I'd like to see Ukraine spank Russia hard. The same for Israel and Iran. I don't like Russia or Iran. Do I want to pay for that? To a degree, not like we have been though.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: -gg- on October 21, 2023, 12:20:28 PM
What do you think really motivates ppl to make them. Assuming they’re intelligent ppl, they must know at least to some degree they’re being dishonest, right? I see this everywhere, to include ch 200 and this BBS.
If you don’t know exactly what I mean, here’s an example: John: The Better Business Bureau is dishonest, they pick winners and have covered for bad companies. Paul: Why do you hate big successful companies , they pay lots of taxes! John: I don’t, that’s not what I said. Paul: Yes you did, don’t you know what the BBB does for everyone?!
⬆️ that’s much more benign…. I mean things that end relationships, careers etc. Just an example
We used to be able to call out this bs, ppl are scared now.
that's called a "strawman" argument and people do it because they're too stupid to argue a point. They also do it just to get under someone's skin deliberately.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: -gg- on October 21, 2023, 12:21:46 PM
Far too many folks seem to think that a differing opinion is insulting and worse, intolerable. They fail to understand that uniformity of thought is not a good thing and leads to societal and scientific stagnation. What has been lost is the ability to understand that others can have a different view and still be good friends / people that do not need correcting.
There is no constitutional right to not be offended nor is mere offensive thinking illegal. Especially just because it is different from what you like. Like a certain movie line said. This ain't burger king and you can't have it your way. At least all the time.
sand those are the people who smash the complainer button and who have destroyed this place.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Bizman on October 21, 2023, 12:38:42 PM
We have become very divided, at least in the US. To the point that each side has it's own list of grievances against the other. It's easy to assume with a stranger or online person that if they embrace one aspect of the other sides ideology they embrace all.
It's by design. Come out and say you love American and want it to prosper and the other side media comes out and says you are a Manchurian candidate for Russia and creates fake dossiers with no punishment and sows division and hatred in people. Then call the guy all the trigger words in the book and label his supporters the same and then act bewildered when his supporters get angry about propaganda that their guy legalized. There literally is no way out of this. You either agree to get robbed and have all your money sent over seas or you are the bad guy. Its a no win situation all around.
I think I read yesterday that 34 trillion in debt amounts to 1 million years in seconds. But who cares about all that right?
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: GasTeddy on October 21, 2023, 01:12:58 PM
Polarization, division, creation of uncertainties, disputes, strifes, quarrels... Directly from handbook of cultural marxists. And social media makes it so easy, as big part of lemmings believe everything they find in it.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Animl-AW on October 21, 2023, 05:45:19 PM
Look all over cable TV channels. Conspiracy show after conspiracy show. These exist for a reason (same as infomercials). It's the marketing of such. It tends to normalize conspiracies.
IMO, people who willingly fall for conspiracies may have panophobia, the fear of everything. Which conspiracies tend to play on this personality type. Cults use conspiracies non-stop, daily, keeping them off balance.
I'm not a psychologist, but I play one on AH BBS.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: RotBaron on October 21, 2023, 10:05:42 PM
Pretty much agree with most stated thus far. :aok
Problem is this behavior is destructive toward the intended target, like fired/divorced/“unfriended” etc. Sometimes lives ruined simply for a dissenting POV that gets immensely distorted. :confused:
The last part about conspiracies kinda makes me laugh though. Past several years conspiracies tend to be spoiler alerts :rofl. Minus the ridiculous reptilian stuff… the gov acknowledged UFOs! :rofl
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Animl-AW on October 22, 2023, 12:39:53 PM
Problem is this behavior is destructive toward the intended target, like fired/divorced/“unfriended” etc. Sometimes lives ruined simply for a dissenting POV that gets immensely distorted. :confused:
The last part about conspiracies kinda makes me laugh though. Past several years conspiracies tend to be spoiler alerts :rofl. Minus the ridiculous reptilian stuff… the gov acknowledged UFOs! :rofl
What should be obvious.
Two tribes and conspiracies
One views conspiracies as pathetically ridiculous, lacking common sense. The realist who insist on grounded proof. Science may be required to convince. Admitting one is fact is expanding knowledge. Defense is research. Reasonable. “Show me the money!”.
Another views conspiracies as truth, common sense. See themselves as realist, but only take the nonfactual word of a selected group of like-minded as proof. Science is discarded, unless its to save their life, they may discard that as well. Admitting one has been debunked is seen as losing face. Defense is projection. Unreasonable. “Get your own money!”.
Cognitive conversation between the two has low odds. Division takes its toll.
Wisdom from the troll under the stairway. You can all thank me later. <sticks tongue in light socket>
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: -gg- on October 22, 2023, 04:11:05 PM
labels are always a problem. People love to label others and dismiss them out of hand if they do not agree or like what that person might be saying. Facts don't even matter.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: RotBaron on October 23, 2023, 09:40:10 AM
But don’t do your own research, just trust us. :devil Well unless it’s for an assignment, then the experts can correct your improper THINKING :rofl
I'm getting extremely tired of big pharma. They've got commercials on the tennis channel and literally every break its the diabetes commercial and they just bascially brainwash people with it. Last month it was the HIV med which is just so annoying every damn commercial break. What irritates me even more, is that it should be your doctor recommending you drugs, not you asking your doctor to prescribe you drugs. It's completely backwards. The amount of big pharma commercials on TV now is just ridiculous and annoying. But interestingly enough. They explain to you all of the side effects that could occur. They don't do that with the "vaccine". Hell, they don't even have the ingredients list for the pharmacys. It's a completely blank sheet of paper. That should tell you everything you need to know about how nefarious this "covid response" was.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: -gg- on October 23, 2023, 10:54:13 AM
I'm getting extremely tired of big pharma. They've got commercials on the tennis channel and literally every break its the diabetes commercial and they just bascially brainwash people with it. Last month it was the HIV med which is just so annoying every damn commercial break. What irritates me even more, is that it should be your doctor recommending you drugs, not you asking your doctor to prescribe you drugs. It's completely backwards. The amount of big pharma commercials on TV now is just ridiculous and annoying. But interestingly enough. They explain to you all of the side effects that could occur. They don't do that with the "vaccine". Hell, they don't even have the ingredients list for the pharmacys. It's a completely blank sheet of paper. That should tell you everything you need to know about how nefarious this "covid response" was.
Drives my GP crazy...patients walking in asking for a script of this or that...
They might be onto something with the diabetes commercials..just playing the odds as many are the size of small trucks these days...not only obese but morbidly though
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Meatwad on October 23, 2023, 06:54:48 PM
I'm getting extremely tired of big pharma. They've got commercials on the tennis channel and literally every break its the diabetes commercial and they just bascially brainwash people with it. Last month it was the HIV med which is just so annoying every damn commercial break. What irritates me even more, is that it should be your doctor recommending you drugs, not you asking your doctor to prescribe you drugs. It's completely backwards. The amount of big pharma commercials on TV now is just ridiculous and annoying. But interestingly enough. They explain to you all of the side effects that could occur. They don't do that with the "vaccine". Hell, they don't even have the ingredients list for the pharmacys. It's a completely blank sheet of paper. That should tell you everything you need to know about how nefarious this "covid response" was.
Yep. Side effects for some new magical drug on tv said could cause a whole list of ailments and possibly death.
But for a certain experimental drug that everyone MUST TAKE, side effects will not even be remotely mentioned. Just the mere mention of someone asking about or questioning side effects is called a conspiracy theorist and silenced
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: oboe on October 23, 2023, 07:52:25 PM
This page lists common side effects for COVID-19 vaccines:
Yep. Side effects for some new magical drug on tv said could cause a whole list of ailments and possibly death.
But for a certain experimental drug that everyone MUST TAKE, side effects will not even be remotely mentioned. Just the mere mention of someone asking about or questioning side effects is called a conspiracy theorist and silenced
when I took the shot i was given a 2 page paper explaining it and possible side effects.
those who questioned it said I would be dead in 2 years. that's conspiracy.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Animl-AW on October 23, 2023, 09:09:20 PM
I'm getting extremely tired of big pharma. They've got commercials on the tennis channel and literally every break its the diabetes commercial and they just bascially brainwash people with it. Last month it was the HIV med which is just so annoying every damn commercial break. What irritates me even more, is that it should be your doctor recommending you drugs, not you asking your doctor to prescribe you drugs. It's completely backwards. The amount of big pharma commercials on TV now is just ridiculous and annoying. But interestingly enough. They explain to you all of the side effects that could occur. They don't do that with the "vaccine". Hell, they don't even have the ingredients list for the pharmacys. It's a completely blank sheet of paper. That should tell you everything you need to know about how nefarious this "covid response" was.
In drugs, ingredients is a patent, there's a lot of reason for this. people died from drinking bleach, think what they would do if they had ingredients, bogus generic drugs that can kill you for sure. Reporting side effects is mandatory by law, they aren't offering you favors. Covid response was not nefarious. The most deaths happened in districts that voted the party that was anti-vaccine.
I've mixed for and recorded many pharma conferences under NDA. They are bigger on symptoms than cures. Many drugs trying to get a pass from FDA actually caused deaths in testing. Don't consume anymore chemicals than needed. Even taking too many vitamins can destroy your liver digesting them. It's not so much pharma as it is marketing. Marketing would sell you bleach as a cure if they let them.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Eagler on October 24, 2023, 07:21:52 AM
"Jeopardy brought to you by moderna"
Is what it was all about...
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: DmonSlyr on October 24, 2023, 10:58:43 AM
Covid response was not nefarious. The most deaths happened in districts that voted the party that was anti-vaccine.
Ehh thats correlation without causation. There are so many factors to take into play regarding who and how people died, age, wellness, other diseases, and of course how the hospitals recorded their deaths so they could get that sweet subsidiy.
I got extremely sick for a couple of weeks in Jan 22. A buddy of mine who lives about an hour away also got extremely sick with the same thing. We both exhibited the exact same symptoms. He was a military nurse and took the vaccine. I did not. He went to the hospital, I did not. Ironically, the day I got sick, I took vitamin D for the first time in a year. I was shocked by that. That being said, hundreds of thousands of people are exhibiting myocarditis, blood clots, cancer, sudden death, stroke, ect from the spike proteins. Both my wife's parents got cancer within months of each other a few months ago and they've taken multiple jabs. I just dont trust it. I need to see long term effects. I don't have to worry about any of that because I didn't take it.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Animl-AW on October 24, 2023, 02:44:15 PM
Ehh thats correlation without causation. There are so many factors to take into play regarding who and how people died, age, wellness, other diseases, and of course how the hospitals recorded their deaths so they could get that sweet subsidiy.
I got extremely sick for a couple of weeks in Jan 22. A buddy of mine who lives about an hour away also got extremely sick with the same thing. We both exhibited the exact same symptoms. He was a military nurse and took the vaccine. I did not. He went to the hospital, I did not. Ironically, the day I got sick, I took vitamin D for the first time in a year. I was shocked by that. That being said, hundreds of thousands of people are exhibiting myocarditis, blood clots, cancer, sudden death, stroke, ect from the spike proteins. Both my wife's parents got cancer within months of each other a few months ago and they've taken multiple jabs. I just dont trust it. I need to see long term effects. I don't have to worry about any of that because I didn't take it.
I took it 3 times, I got nothing, nor covid again. I will take the word of science over a crazy who said drink bleach or a blue light up your bum.. I’m out, once we go from talking about conspiracies to drowning in them, thats enough for me. We all just described yhe symptoms of conspiracy mongers. You have zero proof but circumstantial evidence.
Thats enough fir me. :)
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: DmonSlyr on October 24, 2023, 05:07:29 PM
I took it 3 times, I got nothing, nor covid again. I will take the word of science over a crazy who said drink bleach or a blue light up your bum.. I’m out, once we go from talking about conspiracies to drowning in them, thats enough for me. We all just described yhe symptoms of conspiracy mongers. You have zero proof but circumstantial evidence.
Thats enough fir me. :)
I haven't got covid since either. And you are misrepresenting what he said, as per usual with you guys on the other side. You are trusting a "science" that doesn't have any long term results, where people are still getting covid who took it, and companies making billions and billions off of it, and many people seeing unintended side effects they weren't warned about. Hey it's your choice, but I feel bad for those who were forced to take it to keep their livelihoods and got a long term side effect.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Eagler on October 24, 2023, 05:52:58 PM
By vaccine standards it's still in testing and we are all a part of it..hoping for the best but already worse than I thought it would be
Have had it twice , 3 pokes total - done
Only one flu shot my entire life in the 90's..sick as a dog..never again
To each their own healthcare..just don't force yours on me
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: guncrasher on October 24, 2023, 07:53:04 PM
strange game, the only wining move is not to play with the crazies.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Eagler on October 25, 2023, 07:42:29 AM
I took it 3 times, I got nothing, nor covid again. I will take the word of science over a crazy who said drink bleach or a blue light up your bum.. I’m out, once we go from talking about conspiracies to drowning in them, thats enough for me. We all just described yhe symptoms of conspiracy mongers. You have zero proof but circumstantial evidence.
Thats enough fir me. :)
Wow! Someone said drink bleach and stick a light up your rear?? What kind of an idiot would listen to advice like that? Also.. A person of authority who gave that kind of advice should be held accountable... Gotta link to the person in question saying that?
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: GasTeddy on October 25, 2023, 01:04:25 PM
Wow! Someone said drink bleach and stick a light up your rear?? What kind of an idiot would listen to advice like that? Also.. A person of authority who gave that kind of advice should be held accountable... Gotta link to the person in question saying that?
I didn't take shots because of cardiological probs it seemed to create and had covid twice. First was almost symptomless, second one like seasonal grip or so. Milder than swine flu anyway.
My relative, who had to take three jabs because of her job, is now enjoying her third covid. Another one in same business said she rather quits her job than takes third one, as it clearly neither prevents nor stops its spreading.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: JimmyD3 on October 25, 2023, 01:37:49 PM
I took the first 2 Moderna, declined the third booster. Had covid once back in Jan. of 22, thought it was a mild cold, got tested and it came back positive. Felt great in about 3 days. No issues since, btw I am now 72. :old:
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Shuffler on October 25, 2023, 02:38:02 PM
I have never had covid. I never stayed inside. I went out in public and all over. If some place required a mask, I wore my bandana. My wife had covid and had her head laying on my shoulder in the waiting room. I still never got covid. They say that some folks can't get it. Guess I am one of those.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Eagler on October 25, 2023, 03:25:21 PM
Shuffler Did you test? Maybe not if you didn't feel bad..
There are some that can carry it without symptoms and some of those can spread it..
Good to see you in MNM!
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Shuffler on October 25, 2023, 03:41:35 PM
Shuffler Did you test? Maybe not if you didn't feel bad..
There are some that can carry it without symptoms and some of those can spread it..
Good to see you in MNM!
I have tested and been tested several times whenever I was around someone that had it. Always been negative. At the time I had no idea that I was one of those that seems to not be able to get it. We have employees and did not want to shut our shop down by bringing it in.
We do work for companies that makes us essential. So we operated normally through all the shut downs.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: AKIron on October 25, 2023, 04:51:18 PM
Next year is an election year so there will be something new. Maybe just a nuclear winter.
Maybe we'll watch On the Beach tonight. Don't know if the wife has seen it.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: AKIron on October 25, 2023, 05:02:07 PM
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: CptTrips on October 25, 2023, 05:43:45 PM
Polarization, division, creation of uncertainties, disputes, strifes, quarrels... Directly from handbook of cultural marxists. And social media makes it so easy, as big part of lemmings believe everything they find in it.
Same playbook, same % of people not paying attention.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: RUSH1 on October 26, 2023, 02:18:41 PM
I have tested and been tested several times whenever I was around someone that had it. Always been negative. At the time I had no idea that I was one of those that seems to not be able to get it. We have employees and did not want to shut our shop down by bringing it in.
Same with one of my nephews. His mom, dad and younger brother have had it twice, each about 3 days apart from each other on both occasions. That means he spent about 4 weeks total living in the Wuhan lab without contracting it. All of his friends have had it at least once also.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Animl-AW on October 28, 2023, 10:40:00 AM
Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, a study says
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Eagler on October 28, 2023, 10:54:13 AM
Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, a study says
Hmm how did that polling go? Lol
It's always the first question they ask as you are dying in er..."who did you vote for last?"
Same ole question here too..die with it or from it..
Npr is in the same boat as cnn these days imo
And if true when and where are the liberals celebrating the news? :aok
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Animl-AW on October 28, 2023, 11:07:02 AM
It's always the first question they ask as you are dying in er..."who did you vote for last?"
Same ole question here too..die with it or from it..
Npr is in the same boat as cnn these days imo
And if true when and where are the liberals celebrating the news? :aok
Its not by polling, its what districts had the most deaths. But very common to discount the source rather than accept reality. People see ghost that are not there because they choose to see ghost that are not there. NPR did not do the study, they just reported the study. Its not the only study that came up with same results.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Eagler on October 28, 2023, 11:52:08 AM
I believe it just by the fact it affects the elderly
Most elderly are conservative
Most conservatives are republican
Still the with or by question...
I don't blindly trust any news nowadays wasn't always this way
After working for marketing research firms I know better than to trust any polling lol
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: sparky127 on October 28, 2023, 12:37:41 PM
Unintended irony is the best irony. This thread delivers.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Meatwad on October 28, 2023, 01:43:08 PM
It is extremely easy to create a poll and make the numbers go your way. Get 25000 results, then filter out the numbers that dont agree with your personal views and opinions. Then officially release the poll stating "out of 2000 people, 78% state (insert your view).
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: AKIron on October 28, 2023, 06:01:43 PM
Equivalencies are in the eye of the beholder. Reality may exist without a beholder.
If not, does it matter? Or if so?
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: DmonSlyr on October 28, 2023, 07:24:52 PM
Jokes on them, the democrat voters were already dead 🤣
IMO, I think it's dangerous to push conspiracies and false information, especially based on no science, in the medical field, that can get people in a bad spot who follow it. People did literally die because they were foolish enough to follow the rantings of one man to drink bleach. Because of what I have witnessed at work, and being married to one and living with another RN, I've picked up a lot along the way to know these things being said are very dangerous to readers/listeners. Yet in an operating room you'll be damn sure to be trusting science. I did have covid real bad, one step away from death, it's not something to toy with for political or personal laughs.
You have the freedom to do what you please, beleive what you choose. But I'm personally against talking others into dangerous things, based on politics as the dividing line. Really? A politician over a scientist? who take us to Mars, builds things to a save a life that would otherwise expire, everything is base don science, everything, including physics, instead believe known political habitual liars who can barely tie their own shoes? It's beyond me how much common logic has been lost to swindling drivel on the internet.
That's the only reason I posted it,... it's dangerous to spread myths of the medical field, by common people who have no connection to the knowledge of it. I'll take the scientific medical field over garbage spread on the InTardNet. :) <S>
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: DmonSlyr on October 28, 2023, 10:01:57 PM
IMO, I think it's dangerous to push conspiracies and false information, especially based on no science, in the medical field, that can get people in a bad spot who follow it. People did literally die because they were foolish enough to follow the rantings of one man to drink bleach. Because of what I have witnessed at work, and being married to one and living with another RN, I've picked up a lot along the way to know these things being said are very dangerous to readers/listeners. Yet in an operating room you'll be damn sure to be trusting science. I did have covid real bad, one step away from death, it's not something to toy with for political or personal laughs.
You have the freedom to do what you please, beleive what you choose. But I'm personally against talking others into dangerous things, based on politics as the dividing line. Really? A politician over a scientist? who take us to Mars, builds things to a save a life that would otherwise expire, everything is base don science, everything, including physics, instead believe known political habitual liars who can barely tie their own shoes? It's beyond me how much common logic has been lost to swindling drivel on the internet.
That's the only reason I posted it,... it's dangerous to spread myths of the medical field, by common people who have no connection to the knowledge of it. I'll take the scientific medical field over garbage spread on the InTardNet. :) <S>
Doctors had 0 clue how the vaccine would work because it had no long term studies and sketchy trials on humans. Infact mrna vaccines didn't work well at all in animals. Doctors prescribed me a drug one time for a sprained wrist when I was little and I had an allergic reaction. My point is that you don't know and Doctors don't know how the drug will actually effect you as an individual. Being worked on in an operation room is a different job entirely. I don't believe the vaccine works because people I know who took it still got really sick. Ive also read about many lasting side effects or straight up instant death. It's every adults job to do their own research and make their own decisions.
Secondly. Since you keep talking about the bleach fiasco. Go back and listen to what he actually said. You are basing your claims off a false media propaganda interpretation of what they told you he said. It's dangerous what the media has done to this country with their rhetoric. Guess who legalized propaganda? You should watch the actual speeches instead of listening to soundbites and spins from a media that hates him.
Again, look what American weak leadership has done to the world with this dementia patient in charge. It amazes me how some of yall can talk crap about Republicans after bringing this guy to the table...
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: guncrasher on October 28, 2023, 10:27:37 PM
Doctors had 0 clue how the vaccine would work because it had no long term studies and sketchy trials on humans. Infact mrna vaccines didn't work well at all in animals. Doctors prescribed me a drug one time for a sprained wrist when I was little and I had an allergic reaction. My point is that you don't know and Doctors don't know how the drug will actually effect you as an individual. Being worked on in an operation room is a different job entirely. I don't believe the vaccine works because people I know who took it still got really sick. Ive also read about many lasting side effects or straight up instant death. It's every adults job to do their own research and make their own decisions.
Secondly. Since you keep talking about the bleach fiasco. Go back and listen to what he actually said. You are basing your claims off a false media propaganda interpretation of what they told you he said. It's dangerous what the media has done to this country with their rhetoric. Guess who legalized propaganda? You should watch the actual speeches instead of listening to soundbites and spins from a media that hates him.
Again, look what American weak leadership has done to the world with this dementia patient in charge. It amazes me how some of yall can talk crap about Republicans after bringing this guy to the table...
but he did say that. here's for you. perhaps a powerful light will come over you.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Animl-AW on October 29, 2023, 06:43:39 AM
Doctors had 0 clue how the vaccine would work because it had no long term studies and sketchy trials on humans. Infact mrna vaccines didn't work well at all in animals. Doctors prescribed me a drug one time for a sprained wrist when I was little and I had an allergic reaction. My point is that you don't know and Doctors don't know how the drug will actually effect you as an individual. Being worked on in an operation room is a different job entirely. I don't believe the vaccine works because people I know who took it still got really sick. Ive also read about many lasting side effects or straight up instant death. It's every adults job to do their own research and make their own decisions.
Secondly. Since you keep talking about the bleach fiasco. Go back and listen to what he actually said. You are basing your claims off a false media propaganda interpretation of what they told you he said. It's dangerous what the media has done to this country with their rhetoric. Guess who legalized propaganda? You should watch the actual speeches instead of listening to soundbites and spins from a media that hates him.
Again, look what American weak leadership has done to the world with this dementia patient in charge. It amazes me how some of yall can talk crap about Republicans after bringing this guy to the table...
Well friend, don’t ask me to do what you are unwilling to do. I base nothing on opinion. Anything I say can be back-walked to verify. It’s if someone is willing to do so. Discounting a source is not it, its denial and refusing to learn and accept reality. I’m a centrist realist. I carry no flag. The entire bleach thing is 100% fact. The entire country gasped.
People say they think for themselves when actually they rely on one man, one media, to tell them what to think, which is way outside realism. Thats how cults work. Constant daily fear and hysteria to keep them off balance from the truth.
Again, medical issues via amateurs is very dangerous. The hoax proved to not be a hoax. Even the man who created it said so in private recorded convos. Bob Woodward book of interviews that were recorded.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Eagler on October 29, 2023, 07:26:31 AM
Not sure how some hold the last one accountable for anything he said when his supposedly better replacement can't mumble/read a complete sentence off a teleprompter nor find he way of a stage nor walk up steps without falling down, ride a bike, its endless..
Both sides of the same corrupt uniparty are all suckered into thinking it is actually different than that...
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: DmonSlyr on October 29, 2023, 08:54:36 AM
Well friend, don’t ask me to do what you are unwilling to do. I base nothing on opinion. Anything I say can be back-walked to verify. It’s if someone is willing to do so. Discounting a source is not it, its denial and refusing to learn and accept reality. I’m a centrist realist. I carry no flag. The entire bleach thing is 100% fact. The entire country gasped.
People say they think for themselves when actually they rely on one man, one media, to tell them what to think, which is way outside realism. Thats how cults work. Constant daily fear and hysteria to keep them off balance from the truth.
Again, medical issues via amateurs is very dangerous. The hoax proved to not be a hoax. Even the man who created it said so in private recorded convos. Bob Woodward book of interviews that were recorded.
I listen to many different sources, especially doctors who were banned from expressing their concerns. But again. It's up to you and your analysis. But I'm not gonna let people (not you ) treat me like a second class citizen for not injecting something I don't need.
Also, you all talk about cults but when 44 was the first black president and had all the media behind him and was more popular than any president since Reagan. No one said his followers were in a cult. This is just linguistic programing the media uses to label 75m people as cultist because they support an populist agenda. It's all just wordplay to try to make other side look bad even more democrats don't switch over and vote for him.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Animl-AW on October 29, 2023, 09:01:59 AM
Not sure how some hold the last one accountable for anything he said when his supposedly better replacement can't mumble/read a complete sentence off a teleprompter nor find he way of a stage nor walk up steps without falling down, ride a bike, its endless..
Both sides of the same corrupt uniparty are all suckered into thinking it is actually different than that...
Ss opposed to someone who can’t stay on subject. Aimlessly rambles snd rants, has no picies other than retributions, pushes blind hate, had trouble walking down s ramp and has 91 proven charges against, where 90% of witnesses are of same party. The new guy didn’t get elected because he was great, he got elected for stability and the country was exhausted from daily hysteria. The people who voted him in also didn’t replace jesus with his name. We don’t praise him like lost sheep, come to find out the former is not s billionaire, he’s paying all his bills with donations from the poor, who are getting grifted daily. History will not be kind. At lesst yhe current acts like a grown mature adult man who accomplished more in 1 yr than the other in 4, who spent 8t in same time. <shrug>
Good people got caught up in bad things.
The last got 100s of 1000s killed by lies of covid.
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: JimmyD3 on October 29, 2023, 09:36:12 AM
In before the lock. :devil
Title: Re: False equivalency(s)
Post by: Eagler on October 29, 2023, 10:24:31 AM
See are one of those that thinks there is a difference
Congrats they won
I am for the same ruthless to the point of actual corruption put on the orange guy sentenced to every one of our politicians and let the blood flow where it flows..I would put our DOJ under the same microscope as they have been shown to be as corrupt as anyone else these days..