Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: Eagler on October 28, 2023, 11:58:15 AM
Anyone using this or the mark iv?
Got mine yesterday..big difference from ch pro peds
Do you use scaling on them?
I downloaded their configuration app and set a curve there but when I added scaling in AH the response was very weak so I removed the ah scaling
Thanks for any setup info!
Eagler, I have the same pedals. Using for 5+ years. I have never used the VKB software to change the curves. I only use their software to to calibrate their gear.
I use the Aces High advanced controller settings to scale the pedals and stick. Setting a very slight dead zone in center and scaling the pedals works great for me. I do the same in MSFS, IL2 and DCS.
Give it a try and let me know how it works. Also, never calibrate VKB gear in game. Only use the VKG configuration utility.
Eagler how are those pedals holding up? Or other thoughts after like a month of use. I'm thinking of buying them too.
Thanks Bixby - that helped
Howdy svaalbar - the peds are extremely accurate and built very well
The action is different than the ch pro pedals that I have used for 20 use your feet instead of your legs
I am still adjusting to that but would recommend them