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General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: hazmatt on December 14, 2023, 02:53:41 PM

Title: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: hazmatt on December 14, 2023, 02:53:41 PM
What would be the best bang for the buck?

Should I buy a used card off of Ebay? (that's where I got my 1080ti)

Maybe an AMD card?

Maybe a 4k series card?

I'd like to hear what I should buy and why.

Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: Dadtallica on December 14, 2023, 03:29:45 PM
Kind of dependent on what you have to run it with and what you want it to do. I play AH on 2060 and it’s maxed out just fine. I can get 120 FPS but the 55” tv I play on can’t do more than 50 with clear quality at the best resolution.
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: hazmatt on December 14, 2023, 03:33:38 PM
I wanna the best bang for the buck. The one to run them all!

Mostly VR flight sim stuff.
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: Bizman on December 15, 2023, 01:37:55 AM
1080Ti is still among the fastest cards. Agreed, it doesn't natively support ray tracing but if you don't play games that use it, well...

There's an old rule of thumb: If you want to upgrade, doubling the performance is the way to go. Benchmarks are what they are but they give some perspective. Looking at this one it seems that only the top 2 apply to that rule: ( That said, I guess you might see a significant improvement in performance with the top 10, scoring over 27000. But it also depends on your other hardware.

Notice that there's a couple of Radeon Pro versions that aren't aimed for gaming so count those out.
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: hazmatt on December 15, 2023, 10:49:30 AM
I was looking at the 4070. Looks like I can get it for $550.
Shows 54% faster on paper and 75% faster on tests.

I want to make sure it will run stuff for the next 5 years though.

I'm currently running a 12100 cpu but plan to upgrade that sometime in the future.
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: Spikes on December 15, 2023, 10:54:07 AM
Do you have a VR headset? I have a 12700k and 1080ti and can play AH and Flight Sim 2020 in VR without issue. Have not tried it much with DCS.
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: hazmatt on December 15, 2023, 11:16:41 AM
Do you have a VR headset? I have a 12700k and 1080ti and can play AH and Flight Sim 2020 in VR without issue. Have not tried it much with DCS.

Yes, I use a Quest 2 and I can run AH3 without a problem. However,  I've taken a break from the mods I'm trying other titles like IL2 and plan to try DCS.

I can run IL2 with all the settings maxed but there are times when my framerate drops a bit so I suspect it will be worse in DCS.

My GPU is going on 7 years old so I figured it might be time to get a new card. I just want to make sure I get something that's going to work for me for at least 5 years.

Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: hazmatt on December 15, 2023, 01:45:28 PM
also looking at the 7800 xt
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: Eagler on December 15, 2023, 02:50:09 PM
Make sure the new card 3070ti didn't fit the case I was trying to swap the 1080 out of..

Ended up building an entire new box


Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: hazmatt on December 15, 2023, 03:31:44 PM
Aye. I have a monster CORSAIR Vengeance C70 case so I'm pretty sure it will fit. I made that mistake previously. lol
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: Meatwad on December 15, 2023, 07:19:45 PM
I have a Geforce GTX 580 classified card 3gb that is 11 inches long and requires two 8 pin and one 6 pin power plug to work that sits on the shelf due to the size.  I am personally using a GTX 1060 3gb card for the computer which works perfect for my uses, even gets 50 to 60 fps in AH. Looking it up online, it appears to perform worse then the 1060 card which is why I dont use it in this one.
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: Prayer on December 15, 2023, 11:11:42 PM
What are you looking to play? In Feb I went used 2080 Ti that keeps up with basically a 3080 card for 300. Can play most anything on 4k, 2k it is a beast. Do not forget to upgrade your CPU at the same time or you will get bottle necked. For the money id recommend a 5800x3d or 5800x.
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: hazmatt on December 16, 2023, 01:08:30 AM
Thanks for all that have responded.

I've looked at the 2080ti too. It's a decent upgrade for my card but it's only one gen newer then my card and there's two more generations after that one. I'd prefer to upgrade more then one generation as my card is 4 gens back. Hmmm

Looks like the 5800 is about the same as my cpu. Looks like it would be a sideways upgrade for me and I'd have to buy a new motherboard.
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: Bizman on December 16, 2023, 03:48:02 AM
I wouldn't upgrade from 1080Ti to 2080Ti, the boost in performance isn't that big. 3080 would be another thing, then again a 4070 would give the same performance with much less power usage.

A friend just upgraded from 1080 to RX 6750 XT, about 30% better in the Passmark benchmark and other overall ratings. But when comparing texture rendering the new card was twice as fast. So although the actual speed isn't that much faster the new card is much steadier in environments where there's lots of textures. He's using a WQHD/144Hz monitor and based on his first comments despite the frame rate being the same with both cards the new one was more fluent.

For your budget the RTX 4070 might be the best bang for the buck option, they seem to sell for 549 at Amazon and BestBuy.

Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: hazmatt on December 16, 2023, 09:26:17 AM
Ya, I was thinking 4070 or 7800 xt. What do you think about the 7800 xt?
Title: Re: If I were to spend <$500 on a video card to upgrade my 1080ti
Post by: Bizman on December 16, 2023, 12:52:08 PM
They're close to each other, both in the price range and performance as you can see here: ( and ( The latter has a typo in the address. One more thing to consider is the power consumption, the Radeon is about 20-25% thirstier but it also has more memory.

RTX isn't as good on AMD cards as it's on Nvidia cards but if that's not of importance, both are top shelf products. Not flagship but competitive performers in a decent price range. I guess there's going to be some price competition in the near future between the two.

I'd say the choice should be done by the price and your monitor: If your monitor (or VR) supports GSync Nvidia might be a better choice, if FreeSync then AMD.