Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Mister Fork on December 17, 2023, 08:15:58 PM

Title: Rough week
Post by: Mister Fork on December 17, 2023, 08:15:58 PM
Hey everyone,

It's been a rough week in my life. Tuesday on December 5, my daughter called and informed me she had leukemia. Thursday a biopsy confirmed and she started her treatment on Saturday (the 9th). Tuesday last at 8:51am, she passed from complications of leukemia. Strange enough, my favourite uncle died four hours prior after a long battle with bone cancer.

My elderly parents happened to be flying home to visit my uncle but he passed before they could see him. Little did they know I would be flying home too as they would also be helping bury my daughter.  She would of been 24 this Friday. Funeral is this Tuesday, exactly two weeks from when she first called me.

She loved flying sims, and would sometimes join me flying online in IL2 and here in the WWI arena. She had a big heart, and showed everyone she met love. She leaves behind a husband and an 8 year old grandson who I also love very much and have connected with.

To my princess of the sky, you are always with me.


Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: oboe on December 17, 2023, 08:58:03 PM
Oh my God.  So sorry for your unfathomable loss, Mister Fork.  Words absolutely fail at a time like this.  Will keep you and your family in my thoughts. 

Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: The Fugitive on December 17, 2023, 09:13:32 PM
Im so sorry for your lose.  :pray
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: JimmyD3 on December 17, 2023, 09:15:51 PM
So sorry to hear of your loss Mister Fork. Loss of a child has to be one of the hardest burdens to carry. Prayers for you and the family sir.  :pray
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: hazmatt on December 17, 2023, 09:19:01 PM
Hey everyone,

It's been a rough week in my life. Tuesday on December 5, my daughter called and informed me she had leukemia. Thursday a biopsy confirmed and she started her treatment on Saturday (the 9th). Tuesday last at 8:51am, she passed from complications of leukemia. Strange enough, my favourite uncle died four hours prior after a long battle with bone cancer.

My elderly parents happened to be flying home to visit my uncle but he passed before they could see him. Little did they know I would be flying home too as they would also be helping bury my daughter.  She would of been 24 this Friday. Funeral is this Tuesday, exactly two weeks from when she first called me.

She loved flying sims, and would sometimes join me flying online in IL2 and here in the WWI arena. She had a big heart, and showed everyone she met love. She leaves behind a husband and an 8 year old grandson who I also love very much and have connected with.

To my princess of the sky, you are always with me.


I can't imagine. I have 2 young daughters. Not sure what to say other then you are in our prayers.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Peabody on December 17, 2023, 09:20:12 PM
My deepest condolences. So very sorry for your loss.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Oldman731 on December 17, 2023, 09:31:16 PM
She had a big heart, and showed everyone she met love.

Oh, lord, Fork, I am so sorry.  I share your nightmare, as you know. 

I remember how strangely it was physically exhausting, even though I wasn't doing anything strenuous.  Try to get some rest, stay away from the bottle as much as possible.  There really is no way around the next few months, and there are years after that.  Thank the heavens that the boy has a father, so that he and you and your beautiful wife can help him over these days and years.

The best thing about this game is that you make friends for life, even if you'll never meet them in person.  You can find comfort here.  You know that, because of the past and because you came here today.  Share with us.  Please.

- oldman
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Devil 505 on December 17, 2023, 09:32:08 PM
I'm so sorry for your losses, Mister Fork.

Take care.  :salute
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: -gg- on December 17, 2023, 11:31:42 PM
Oh my gosh. I am so very sorry. That's just horrible.
I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Dadtallica on December 17, 2023, 11:47:36 PM
Wow… so sorry that is unfair to the max! Hit the cartoon skies for some escape from reality when you can!  :salute
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: GasTeddy on December 18, 2023, 01:55:45 AM
My sincere condolences. Life is fragile and can vanish so fast.     

Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Vulcan on December 18, 2023, 02:04:28 AM
That sucks Mister Fork, loss of a child has to be a parents worst nightmare.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Eagler on December 18, 2023, 06:09:37 AM
So sorry for your loss Mister Fork


Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 18, 2023, 07:43:28 AM
Wow, Mr. Fork, so sorry to hear. My condolences to you and your family.  :pray your daughter seemed like an awesome person.

I'm suspicious of the hospitals treatment. Seems like to be diagnosed only to pass away a few days later after treatment is very suspect to me. Such a shame.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: AKIron on December 18, 2023, 07:55:48 AM
Very sorry to hear that Mr. Fork.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: SNO on December 18, 2023, 08:06:30 AM
Sorry for the loss of your Daughter and Uncle Mr Fork.  :salute
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: AKIron on December 18, 2023, 08:40:45 AM
There's nothing that can be said to make this easier to endure but one thing I've learned over the years is don't give up the memories to avoid pain. That pain becomes more bitter sweet than depressing over time.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: nrshida on December 18, 2023, 08:56:12 AM
I am so sorry Mister Fork, the little boy will need every caring family-member he can get now. Sterkte  :salute
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Maverick on December 18, 2023, 10:29:59 AM
I am so very sorry that this happened. Nothing I can say will make it better, though I wish it could. I pray that God welcomed them home into His arms and that He provides some comfort to you and the rest of the family.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Bizman on December 18, 2023, 11:19:56 AM
My sincerest condolences. Although I guess I've never played with or against you, as a father of two daughters of 25 and 28 the thought of suddenly losing either is something I don't even want to think about.  :salute :pray
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: SIK1 on December 18, 2023, 12:52:23 PM
My condolences Mister Fork.

Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Shuffler on December 18, 2023, 01:03:41 PM
Oh my God..... Fork I am so sorry to hear this. We will include your family in our prayers.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Easyscor on December 18, 2023, 01:09:43 PM
I'm sure I'm not the only one to gasp the F word upon reading this Fork.

My sincerest condolences!
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Prayer on December 18, 2023, 02:20:48 PM
 So sorry this has happened Fork. Stay strong for yourself and more importantly your family.  :pray
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: fudgums on December 19, 2023, 04:41:16 AM
Sorry for your loss fork. Thoughts for you and your family over the next couple of weeks/months.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Puma44 on December 19, 2023, 07:02:00 AM
So very sorry to hear, Fork. 
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Widewing on December 19, 2023, 10:30:34 AM
This is simply awful and heart breaking. I can only pray that you and your family are comforted during this time of pain and sorrow.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Brooke on December 19, 2023, 10:35:19 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that, Mr. Fork.

My best wishes to you and your family.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: icepac on December 19, 2023, 10:45:55 AM
If your daughter had any drawings or designs she doodled, maybe we could come up with a “princess of the sky
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Captain Virgil Hilts on December 21, 2023, 10:59:20 AM
My condolences. I can't possibly imagine. Life is so precious, and often so short. May God bless and comfort you and yours in your time of loss and pain.
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Frodo on December 21, 2023, 11:38:10 AM
Sorry to hear this.  :salute
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Bear76 on December 21, 2023, 11:38:44 AM
Damn Fork, I'm so sorry bud. You and your family are in my prayers.  :(
Title: Re: Rough week
Post by: Mister Fork on December 21, 2023, 06:16:44 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words. We had a lovely service and I wrote her a poem that I read out. An error correction - she was 33. She would have turned 34 tomorrow.

I’ve really connected with my grandson again. He’s a bit of a firecracker just like his mom.

Note to self. When flying with two bags of sugar in your carryon, looks a lot like two bags of coke or C4. It was a little exciting for a bit when I went through airport security yesterday morning on the flight home.  :rolleyes: