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Help and Support Forums => All things VR => Topic started by: Dadtallica on January 10, 2024, 12:50:51 PM

Title: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 10, 2024, 12:50:51 PM
I’ve had my son’s RiftS sitting in a corner staring at me for some time so I pulled it out to see what all the fuss is. While it was cool to have the viewing capability and I can see how your gunnery could improve, the loss in video resolution was just too much for me to take. I don’t spend a lot of time dogfighting anyway.

I play on a 55” 4K TV with 3840x2160 resolution and AH is as crisp as can be with everything maxed out. The Rift is at 1920x1080 and it’s almost as if everything out of focus. I just didn’t like it. Maybe a newer headset would give me a better experience but for now I will stick with the big screen.

If you have any tips for a better graphics experience I’m listening maybe I’m missing some settings.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: oboe on January 10, 2024, 01:12:56 PM
Looks like the Rift S's resolution is 1280x1440 per eye, so I can see how that is a huge step down from a 4K monitor.

Good news is if you have a powerful enough rig to run a 4K monitor with graphics settings maxxed out, you should be OK if you decide to get a newer, higher resolution VR headset.

Wondering too, if "everything" being out of focus was an indication of dirty lenses on the Rift, or maybe your eyes weren't situated properly in the headsets "sweet spot"?
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 10, 2024, 01:17:08 PM
Looks like the Rift S's resolution is 1280x1440 per eye, so I can see how that is a huge step down from a 4K monitor.

Good news is if you have a powerful enough rig to run a 4K monitor with graphics settings maxxed out, you should be OK if you decide to get a newer, higher resolution VR headset.

Wondering too, if "everything" being out of focus was an indication of dirty lenses on the Rift, or maybe your eyes weren't situated properly in the headsets "sweet spot"?

Oh that’s even lower than I thought. The lenses are clean, my glasses may not have been lol. It was mostly the resolution probably.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: xanax on January 10, 2024, 01:18:34 PM
The 55" TV thing would be incredible. Getting my wife to go along with the concept would be a miracle approaching the Red Sox comeback against the Yankees in '04.

 I'll give the VR thing a go at some point but I still like watching ball on TV in the background, futzing around on the laptop, bouncing a tennis ball off the wall etc. while headed to a furball. We'll see. The TrackIR thing is intriguing as well. Small steps.

But man, a 55" TV for flying and another one within view would be the best man cave ever. Well that and it's all in an air conditioned garage with my cars and mountain bikes in full view next to the well stocked fridge and framed Farrah Fawcett poster from 1976.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 10, 2024, 01:26:33 PM
The 55" TV thing would be incredible. Getting my wife to go along with the concept would be a miracle approaching the Red Sox comeback against the Yankees in '04.

 I'll give the VR thing a go at some point but I still like watching ball on TV in the background, futzing around on the laptop, bouncing a tennis ball off the wall etc. while headed to a furball. We'll see. The TrackIR thing is intriguing as well. Small steps.

But man, a 55" TV for flying and another one within view would be the best man cave ever. Well that and it's all in an air conditioned garage with my cars and mountain bikes in full view next to the well stocked fridge and framed Farrah Fawcett poster from 1976.

As a Yankee fan I will just let that go lol!

Those are other good points too I did not really like not being able to be do the other things easily. Most of what I need I have mapped in my hotas so I don’t need the keyboard much. I still didn’t like it lol. My set up is in a loft in my house so I can see and hear other TVs lol.

My son has a Quest 2 I will try that sometime maybe. For now I will stick to my old fart big screen.  :banana:
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Eagler on January 10, 2024, 01:35:18 PM
Yes vr is a very big hit in resolution

Zooming in helps me

I tried to play AH yesterday on my Sony 55 in TV but couldn't after playing ah in vr for years..the resolution had everything tiny

I sacrifice clarity for the 3d experience which has improved my aim greatly

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 10, 2024, 01:45:23 PM
Yes vr is a very big hit in resolution

Zooming in helps me

I tried to play AH yesterday on my Sony 55 in TV but couldn't after playing ah in vr for years..the resolution had everything tiny

I sacrifice clarity for the 3d experience which has improved my aim greatly


Was for me at first too but you can usually fix that with the scaling in the display settings. When I was shooting at the drones I can definitely see how it would improve shooting. It felt much more fluid for sure. Make I just need a better headset.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Vulcan on January 10, 2024, 01:59:40 PM
Oh that’s even lower than I thought. The lenses are clean, my glasses may not have been lol. It was mostly the resolution probably.

There is your problem, wearing glasses in VR is not an optimal experience. If you can get a copy of your prescription you can order clip in lenses for your headset.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Spikes on January 10, 2024, 02:03:56 PM
I'd try the Quest 2 if you can - it's fairly better spec'd compared to the Rift S especially with resolution.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Eagler on January 10, 2024, 02:11:25 PM
There is your problem, wearing glasses in VR is not an optimal experience. If you can get a copy of your prescription you can order clip in lenses for your headset.

Yes glasses add to it...I wear my mr magoo glasses under my vive pro as script lenses did not work for me

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 10, 2024, 02:12:33 PM
There is your problem, wearing glasses in VR is not an optimal experience. If you can get a copy of your prescription you can order clip in lenses for your headset.

I tried without and it’s not much different. I think I’ve just been spoiled by my stupidly large TV. Our main living room tv is 65” and my wife wants to get a new one so I may upgrade lol.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: fd ski on January 10, 2024, 02:45:12 PM
for bombing or vehicle combat i'd stick to monitor. VR for dogfighting experience.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 10, 2024, 06:05:56 PM
for bombing or vehicle combat i'd stick to monitor. VR for dogfighting experience.

Agreed. Maybe with better headset and some time doing it I might like it better.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: xanax on January 10, 2024, 06:52:18 PM
I tried without and it’s not much different. I think I’ve just been spoiled by my stupidly large TV. Our main living room tv is 65” and my wife wants to get a new one so I may upgrade lol.

Hey, can I get your wife to talk to my wife? That'd be great, thanks!

and if you get her to bring up the importance of a top of the line audio system? That'd be swell as well.....
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Vulcan on January 11, 2024, 01:47:19 PM
for bombing or vehicle combat i'd stick to monitor. VR for dogfighting experience.

Oh hell no, gv combat is so much fun in VR. Running around in a jeep killing wirbles is like teenage sex.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: streakeagle on January 11, 2024, 08:09:53 PM
I played flight sims on large screen TVs with TrackIR for years and loved it.
When the hardware went to 4K as a playable resolution, it looked absolutely amazing.

I started with the original Oculus Rift.
The experience was amazing, but the resolution was just too low for dogfighting.
So, I split my time between flat panel and VR.

I upgraded to the Rift S.
The resolution was still a little rough, but now I could see well enough to dogfight.
I now spent most of my time flying in VR, but still flew flat panel for certain situations.

Then I got the Reverb G2.
I almost never use the flat panel for any flight sims.

I just got the Quest 3 not long ago and it proved to be a decent step up from the G2 with better color/brightness/clarity.
I only use the flat panel when doing things where I need to see the keyboard and/or control panels, such as mapping all the controls for each aircraft in DCS World.
Every now and then I fly flat panel just to enjoy the graphics, but I fly and fight much better with VR compared to flat panel/trackIR.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 11, 2024, 10:40:14 PM
I played flight sims on large screen TVs with TrackIR for years and loved it.
When the hardware went to 4K as a playable resolution, it looked absolutely amazing.

I started with the original Oculus Rift.
The experience was amazing, but the resolution was just too low for dogfighting.
So, I split my time between flat panel and VR.

I upgraded to the Rift S.
The resolution was still a little rough, but now I could see well enough to dogfight.
I now spent most of my time flying in VR, but still flew flat panel for certain situations.

Then I got the Reverb G2.
I almost never use the flat panel for any flight sims.

I just got the Quest 3 not long ago and it proved to be a decent step up from the G2 with better color/brightness/clarity.
I only use the flat panel when doing things where I need to see the keyboard and/or control panels, such as mapping all the controls for each aircraft in DCS World.
Every now and then I fly flat panel just to enjoy the graphics, but I fly and fight much better with VR compared to flat panel/trackIR.

This hit home a bit thank you!

I’m still having trouble going to the 55” down to the vr native res. It’s a big jump.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: PopJanko on January 18, 2024, 08:45:05 AM
There is your problem, wearing glasses in VR is not an optimal experience. If you can get a copy of your prescription you can order clip in lenses for your headset.

Where would you order clip in lenses?

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Eagler on January 18, 2024, 08:59:10 AM
Where would you order clip in lenses?


Several out's one

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: SNO on January 18, 2024, 09:05:18 AM
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Drano on January 18, 2024, 03:06:02 PM
2nd vote for Reloptix. Like the magnetic two part system so if you need to pop out the lenses for cleaning or sharing the headset with a non-blind person it's super easy. Made in the US too so if you're on this side of the pond quicker and cheaper.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Baloo on January 20, 2024, 09:37:20 AM
TrackIR and 27" monitor, 240 FPS, great clarity and graphics...I sit standard distance away from monitor and have the dual throttle, stick, rudder setup. Not sure what it's like flying a real P38...but I'm sure I am more comfortable  :rofl. I did some research into VR and yea the framrates and resolution are a big turn off, for me.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 20, 2024, 10:02:50 AM
TrackIR and 27" monitor, 240 FPS, great clarity and graphics...I sit standard distance away from monitor and have the dual throttle, stick, rudder setup. Not sure what it's like flying a real P38...but I'm sure I am more comfortable  :rofl. I did some research into VR and yea the framrates and resolution are a big turn off, for me.

I should retitle that I liked it just not as much lol. I thought about track ir but it’s not usable with my big tv. Would have to find a way to mount it somewhere. I’ve read some put it behind their head instead.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: oboe on January 20, 2024, 10:55:00 AM
TrackIR and 27" monitor, 240 FPS, great clarity and graphics...I sit standard distance away from monitor and have the dual throttle, stick, rudder setup. Not sure what it's like flying a real P38...but I'm sure I am more comfortable  :rofl. I did some research into VR and yea the framrates and resolution are a big turn off, for me.

Good to see you up the other night, Baloo.   I thought I could recognize "Journey's End" as it raced down the runway on take off!   If you haven't tried the SickPuppy soundpack (aka Challenge's sounds) I recommend it.  The external sounds of the P-38 are fantastic.   

I use both VR and TrackIR.   VR for fighters, TrackIR  for GVs and bombing.  Wish I could stick with one or the other, but they each have strong and weak points.   The P-38 experience is exceptional in VR, you really get a sense of the size of the aircraft, plus its so easy to peer around the canopy framing in VR - you just move your head a little.   Superior to even optimized fixed views.   

I hope every one who is into flight sims gets a chance to try VR before they are done simming. 

Are you guys using the TrackIR hat clip?  I started with that but found the tracking subpar and the clip a pain to wear and use.  I ordered a plastic clip from an independent 3D printer and built my own clip using IR LEDs similiar to the video below, and have it ziptied to my headset, and it works great.

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Baloo on January 20, 2024, 03:06:30 PM
Good to see you up the other night, Baloo.   I thought I could recognize "Journey's End" as it raced down the runway on take off!   If you haven't tried the SickPuppy soundpack (aka Challenge's sounds) I recommend it.  The external sounds of the P-38 are fantastic.   

I use both VR and TrackIR.   VR for fighters, TrackIR  for GVs and bombing.  Wish I could stick with one or the other, but they each have strong and weak points.   The P-38 experience is exceptional in VR, you really get a sense of the size of the aircraft, plus its so easy to peer around the canopy framing in VR - you just move your head a little.   Superior to even optimized fixed views.   

I hope every one who is into flight sims gets a chance to try VR before they are done simming. 

Hey Oboe! It was great to see you up there as well, I think of you every time I admire that skin, no joke   :cheers: My wife has promised me when she wins the lottery she is buying my a 38 mockpit so I can fly in it  :rofl Also I did try Challengers sounds and while I do love the sounds, I noticed errors pop up specifically something to do with the stall buffet sound so I had to remove it...have you noticed this at all?

I use the clip on for the head set and yes it does work well on a monitor, but I've played on my old 65incher as well...thing is you just need a clear line of view for the LEDs to the camera, so you could technically just have it on the desk next to you.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 20, 2024, 03:15:00 PM
Hey Oboe! It was great to see you up there as well, I think of you every time I admire that skin, no joke   :cheers: My wife has promised me when she wins the lottery she is buying my a 38 mockpit so I can fly in it  :rofl Also I did try Challengers sounds and while I do love the sounds, I noticed errors pop up specifically something to do with the stall buffet sound so I had to remove it...have you noticed this at all?

I use the clip on for the head set and yes it does work well on a monitor, but I've played on my old 65incher as well...thing is you just need a clear line of view for the LEDs to the camera, so you could technically just have it on the desk next to you.

So for my 55” I would just have to have it near me in view? I was under the impression it had to be centered in front of me? 
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: The Fugitive on January 20, 2024, 03:53:32 PM
So for my 55” I would just have to have it near me in view? I was under the impression it had to be centered in front of me?

I use to have mine velcroed to the left side of my 42 inch TV about head high and it picked up the reflectors well. You just need to be sure you dont have any strong lights behind you. That would make it hard for the sensors to "see" the reflectors well.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 20, 2024, 03:59:33 PM
I use to have mine velcroed to the left side of my 42 inch TV about head high and it picked up the reflectors well. You just need to be sure you dont have any strong lights behind you. That would make it hard for the sensors to "see" the reflectors well.

Thanks that’s good to know. Going to try SmoothTraxk tonight to see how that goes.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Baloo on January 20, 2024, 04:42:48 PM
I use to have mine velcroed to the left side of my 42 inch TV about head high and it picked up the reflectors well. You just need to be sure you dont have any strong lights behind you. That would make it hard for the sensors to "see" the reflectors well.

Yes Sir! I have mine on the side of my monitor as well. And yep, when wife reads behind me sometimes the light affects the feed, but all is well lol. Good luck Dad!
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 21, 2024, 02:13:43 PM
Yes Sir! I have mine on the side of my monitor as well. And yep, when wife reads behind me sometimes the light affects the feed, but all is well lol. Good luck Dad!

Thanks Baloo. Looks like SmoothTrack is going to be all I need it works great.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: popeye on January 30, 2024, 04:41:39 PM
Can you turn off the head tracking?  I've tried TIR several times and can't get used to it.  The 3D effect of VR might be fun, but I would want hat-switch views only.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: SNO on January 30, 2024, 06:05:44 PM
I found VR tracking much more natural than TIR
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: The Fugitive on January 30, 2024, 08:51:07 PM
Can you turn off the head tracking?  I've tried TIR several times and can't get used to it.  The 3D effect of VR might be fun, but I would want hat-switch views only.

VR is 1-1 tracking. So just like in your car as you make a turn, you turn you head to look ahead, the same happens in VR. You dont have to "hunt" for a view, you just look. With TIR there was a lot of adjustments to tune it in and many dont bother and just give up. VR is what real life is like, no adjustments. The plus however is in AH, all of the hat position switching works as well.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Eagler on January 31, 2024, 06:10:39 AM
Can you turn off the head tracking?  I've tried TIR several times and can't get used to it.  The 3D effect of VR might be fun, but I would want hat-switch views only.

AH allows jstick views in VR....the only flight sim that does out of the big three

They say a fan might help with any initial motion sickness but I never had any in AH

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: popeye on January 31, 2024, 07:35:36 AM
So,  can head tracking be turned off?
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Eagler on January 31, 2024, 07:51:27 AM
So,  can head tracking be turned off?

Just don't move your head all over the place...

As stated it is 1 to 1 in vr, not so in trackir

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on January 31, 2024, 08:25:12 AM
I’m using Smoothtrack right now on and off and it definitely will take some practice. It’s hard to keep your head still after not having to do so for many years.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: popeye on January 31, 2024, 08:27:35 AM
I'll take that as a "no".   :D
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Eagler on January 31, 2024, 09:25:05 AM
I'll take that as a "no".   :D

Yes please stay out of vr as you don't need to become any harder to kill than you are already


Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: diaster on February 06, 2024, 02:44:07 PM
There is your problem, wearing glasses in VR is not an optimal experience. If you can get a copy of your prescription you can order clip in lenses for your headset.
It is kind of weird for me because I wear glasses and normal life mainly to have readers but in track I are they just get in the way and make everything worse so if you need glasses to quote “read and things like that try it without them. Everything for me is clear and crisp weird maybe because it’s infinity focus
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: xanax on February 06, 2024, 05:45:30 PM
I used Smoothtrack for a couple weeks but my 2016 Iphone wasn't up to snuff. The battery would drain astonishingly fast and the phone itself was getting uncomfortably hot. I don't like phones so I don't want to invest in a new one. So instead, I bought the TRACKIR-5 kit and it works fantastic. I look like a dork with the IR "radar array" attached to the nerd headphones and even more like a Dweeb if I use the hat sensor instead and attach it to my Red Sox cap. I don't care about any of that really except I have forgotten the hat mounted device a couple of times and wore it to play tennis and once to the grocery store. Other than that, it was a breeze to setup and I haven't had to play around with the settings much. It'll be a game changer for me once I unlearn the 8-way hat. I continually forget and mix in the 8-way with head movement for a fine way to lose a target or just get discombobulated. I may undo the all the 8-way bindings except the 6 view and give that a try.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Eagler on February 07, 2024, 07:18:06 AM
It is kind of weird for me because I wear glasses and normal life mainly to have readers but in track I are they just get in the way and make everything worse so if you need glasses to quote “read and things like that try it without them. Everything for me is clear and crisp weird maybe because it’s infinity focus

If your distance vision is ok you should not need glasses in vr as it uses distance not near or reading distance

I wear glasses under my vive pro as all my vision is poor...legally blind without correction

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Drano on February 07, 2024, 11:33:10 AM
If your vision is bad like mine you can order scrip lenses for pretty much any headset. I got mine from Reloptix. If you have bifocals, you don't use that for these lenses.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Eagler on February 07, 2024, 01:35:39 PM
If your vision is bad like mine you can order scrip lenses for pretty much any headset. I got mine from Reloptix. If you have bifocals, you don't use that for these lenses.


Issues with my script and you have to use the original fresnel lenses that come with the vive pro...both killed that option for me

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Alpo on March 06, 2024, 10:50:54 AM

I wear glasses under my vive pro as all my vision is poor...legally blind without correction



As many times as you have killed me, I'm impressed and saddened all at the same time


Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Baloo on March 06, 2024, 01:26:37 PM
I use Track-IR and also undid all my view bindings except for the 6, that way I don't have to crane my head around like a mad man - works very efficiently
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Eagler on March 06, 2024, 02:22:18 PM
Straight up jstick view is very handy also

Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Oldman731 on March 06, 2024, 09:30:11 PM
As many times as you have killed me, I'm impressed and saddened all at the same time

Eagler has a highly developed sense of smell.

- oldman
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: xanax on March 06, 2024, 09:55:10 PM
I use Track-IR and also undid all my view bindings except for the 6, that way I don't have to crane my head around like a mad man - works very efficiently

Same here except I still habitually use both the hat and turn my head. Of course both cancel each other and I'm looking forward again.
Is there really a point to looking back? If someone's back there, they're shooting me down anyways, I don't need to see the violence.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Baloo on March 07, 2024, 09:01:39 AM
Same here except I still habitually use both the hat and turn my head. Of course both cancel each other and I'm looking forward again.
Is there really a point to looking back? If someone's back there, they're shooting me down anyways, I don't need to see the violence.

Best time to bust out some evasive maneuvers and turn the fight! I'd hate to make it easy to fill my tail up with hot lead  :rofl
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: xanax on March 07, 2024, 09:21:02 AM
Best time to bust out some evasive maneuvers and turn the fight! I'd hate to make it easy to fill my tail up with hot lead  :rofl

Heck yes, I was kidding but I've had a bit of a hassle transitioning from hat views to TRACKIR and getting them backwards....or forwards in this case.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: The Fugitive on March 07, 2024, 10:12:52 AM
Heck yes, I was kidding but I've had a bit of a hassle transitioning from hat views to TRACKIR and getting them backwards....or forwards in this case.

You can try like a few people have said, remove the hat views except the 6 view. Muscle memory will still have you flicking that thumb all over the place but it wont mess with your views. The 6 view does come in handy to save your neck and maybe get the speed of the transition from view to view a bit slower which can help in keeping view.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Baloo on March 07, 2024, 11:39:06 AM
Heck yes, I was kidding but I've had a bit of a hassle transitioning from hat views to TRACKIR and getting them backwards....or forwards in this case.

Do you also have a button to re-center the track ir view? No matter where you're looking, you just look at the centerl of screen and press button...boom you're back to the 12
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: xanax on March 07, 2024, 12:28:41 PM
Do you also have a button to re-center the track ir view? No matter where you're looking, you just look at the centerl of screen and press button...boom you're back to the 12

I sure do, an absolute must in getting everything righted-especially getting the gun site front and centered again.

I took Fugitives advice this morning and removed all views except six view. It feels a bit strange but it'll be quick to unlearn the muscle memory I think. It frees up 7 spots for various functionality as well.

Just when I get this setup perfected, it'll be time to go virtual I'm guessing. At least I'll know what to hint at for a birthday present from the wife I suppose.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Grind on May 31, 2024, 01:08:44 PM
I bought a Meta Quest 3 a few days ago. Had some problems getting the headset to link up with my pc. After scouring the internet for two days I managed to find a solution to my problem. However, I never could get it to hook up with the cable and so far Meta support has sucked. They are friendly though. Anyway, I’m sticking with the TrackIR setup. It’s easier on the neck and looks better. I did like the 3d look of VR but the resolution left little to be desired. Plus there is no fumbling around trying to blindly locate the controllers, etc… using TrackIr. I gave the Quest to my wife.

<S> ZoSo
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: RichardDarkwood on May 31, 2024, 04:57:30 PM
I bought a Meta Quest 3 a few days ago. Had some problems getting the headset to link up with my pc. After scouring the internet for two days I managed to find a solution to my problem. However, I never could get it to hook up with the cable and so far Meta support has sucked. They are friendly though. Anyway, I’m sticking with the TrackIR setup. It’s easier on the neck and looks better. I did like the 3d look of VR but the resolution left little to be desired. Plus there is no fumbling around trying to blindly locate the controllers, etc… using TrackIr. I gave the Quest to my wife.

<S> ZoSo

I don't know how you couldn't set it up. Its so easy
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Grind on May 31, 2024, 05:55:32 PM
I don't know how you couldn't set it up. Its so easy
There was a setting that needed to be enabled on my system preventing the headset from linking with pc. It still won’t link with their $80.00 cable. One would figure in 2024 this stuff would be plug and play. I’m really glad you had a flawless experience. That being said, it ain’t worth the money IMHO.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Spikes on May 31, 2024, 06:38:25 PM
It is plug and play, my Quest 2 was anyway.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: RichardDarkwood on May 31, 2024, 07:48:35 PM
There was a setting that needed to be enabled on my system preventing the headset from linking with pc. It still won’t link with their $80.00 cable. One would figure in 2024 this stuff would be plug and play. I’m really glad you had a flawless experience. That being said, it ain’t worth the money IMHO.

I use the $25 amazon cable and it works good and charges the headset at the same time
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Grind on May 31, 2024, 08:03:14 PM
I use the $25 amazon cable and it works good and charges the headset at the same time

Yeah, I hear the Kiwi brand cables have great throughput.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Grind on May 31, 2024, 08:07:15 PM
It is plug and play, my Quest 2 was anyway.

My Quest 3 wasn’t for me and many others. I’m sure my wife will enjoy playing Candy Crush on it.
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: LCADolby on June 01, 2024, 03:07:06 AM
I have a Quest, I run into the same issues with regard to blurriness and I've used it for a day or 3 and put it back into the box
Title: Re: Welp… I Did Not Like VR.
Post by: Dadtallica on June 01, 2024, 09:53:19 AM
The resolution hit to me was far worse than the gain in immersion. My 55” tv feels pretty immersive to me.