Aces High Bulletin Board
Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: Smothers on February 17, 2024, 03:15:46 PM
When I press F6 to get ready to bomb and calibrate, my view is straight up looking at the top of the fuel lodge, so I can't see the ground or bomb site, and I can't figure out how to fix it. Also, when I press F6 a bomb drops, every time unless there all gone. :bhead Is there a way to reset imputes without deleting the game? TIA -pheasant
Sounds like you have multiple key press settings. Go to options,controls, map keys and check your settings. There’s a sub menu,global flight,etc. you may have to check several of them to see what’s mapped.
Sounds like f6 has “look up” mapped which may be in the control modes. Rather that delete the game if all else fails set the mapping to default and then remap keys as you wish.
Plz report back if you resolve the issues or not and I’ll try to help as I can,I may have to turn on my gamming machine to check, I could meet you in the TA but we’ll have to set a time as my plate is pretty full atm.
Hope that helps.
Thanks, that makes sense but unfortunately I became frustrated and deleted the game. I'm downloading it again now. I appreciate the help and the offer to meet.
Once you have the game the way you want it make a back up of your settings files on are it happens again. AH does not like having two buttons mapped to the same function sometimes.