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General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: xanax on June 22, 2024, 03:57:18 PM

Title: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: xanax on June 22, 2024, 03:57:18 PM
I think this looks pretty intriguing coming out of Flight Sim Expo. I've read the old MS Sidewinder force feedback had about 2Nm of force whereas this one is pulling 9Nm. I'm guessing it'll have similar increase in wallet force feedback as well.

Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: edge12674 on June 27, 2024, 01:13:49 PM
Pre-order just went up.  A reasonable price for high-end.  Availability of 4 to 6 weeks is sooner than I expected.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: xanax on June 27, 2024, 03:15:49 PM
Pre-order just went up.  A reasonable price for high-end.  Availability of 4 to 6 weeks is sooner than I expected.

And they claim 12Nm, which sounds really good. I'll wait to see if they're compatible with my VKB and for a flood of reviews to land on Youtube and whatnot. I see it's IL-2 and DCS ready and I bet it'll work with AH.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: Gman on June 28, 2024, 02:46:22 PM
I have one of the lower tier MOZA steering wheel/pedals sets as my driving gear (R3 bundle) - it was a bit less $$ than FANATEC equivalents, and was available while the Fanatec stuff was backordered.  VERY impressed with the quality of the Moza product.  I pre ordered their FFB because I generally check out all the new sim gear, but I'm really hopeful that this new Moza base/stick is as good as their base tier wheel/peds for driving games are.

One thing is that the stick is a very reasonable price for a new metal grip/stick IMO, so hopefully they make some other options out of metal-ish materials like VKB/Virpil do.  Be nice to get an F15/F18 grip and maybe some commie stuff too.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: Skyyr on June 28, 2024, 03:28:55 PM
I'm ordering it along with their grip and z-axis adapter; but I'm going to hold off until the first round releases and issues are identified. Not going to be a beta tester for a $1k stick setup.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: xanax on June 28, 2024, 04:06:08 PM
I'm ordering it along with their grip and z-axis adapter; but I'm going to hold off until the first round releases and issues are identified. Not going to be a beta tester for a $1k stick setup.

Good call.

I'm sure Gman will put it through its paces and have some good insight.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: streakeagle on July 01, 2024, 06:41:02 PM
WinWing showed a photo of a force feedback joystick base, too.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: Mayhem on July 03, 2024, 09:04:49 PM
I have one of the lower tier MOZA steering wheel/pedals sets as my driving gear (R3 bundle) - it was a bit less $$ than FANATEC equivalents, and was available while the Fanatec stuff was backordered.  VERY impressed with the quality of the Moza product.  I pre ordered their FFB because I generally check out all the new sim gear, but I'm really hopeful that this new Moza base/stick is as good as their base tier wheel/peds for driving games are.

One thing is that the stick is a very reasonable price for a new metal grip/stick IMO, so hopefully they make some other options out of metal-ish materials like VKB/Virpil do.  Be nice to get an F15/F18 grip and maybe some commie stuff too.

G-Man you ever going to open that game Controller museum of yours? Asking for a friend (Damned Renegade)
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: Gman on July 07, 2024, 01:53:19 PM
I have about 40 sets of Hotas, going back to the 286 pc and even Commodore 64 era vintage units. It’d just be  a spread in one of my extra offices when I get around to it.  I have close to the same number now of newer units from all the semi-custom companies that have popped out in the last 7 or 8 years. It’s been an addiction, worse than my pocket knife collection. 

I’ve been layed up with a shattered right leg going on a year now.  Then 3 weeks ago I got a small stroke and then pneumonia and bi lateral lung infections with pulmonary edemas etc.  Almost took me out, but after 20 days total in the hospital I’ll be out this week.  I had re subbed a couple months back, first order of biz is getting my setups going and getting back in the air.

Pics to follow.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: xanax on July 07, 2024, 03:41:31 PM
I have about 40 sets of Hotas, going back to the 286 pc and even Commodore 64 era vintage units. It’d just be  a spread in one of my extra offices when I get around to it.  I have close to the same number now of newer units from all the semi-custom companies that have popped out in the last 7 or 8 years. It’s been an addiction, worse than my pocket knife collection. 

I’ve been layed up with a shattered right leg going on a year now.  Then 3 weeks ago I got a small stroke and then pneumonia and bi lateral lung infections with pulmonary edemas etc.  Almost took me out, but after 20 days total in the hospital I’ll be out this week.  I had re subbed a couple months back, first order of biz is getting my setups going and getting back in the air.

Pics to follow.

Holy smokes Gman, Rub some Robitussin on all of that!
I kid of course and it's good to hear you're coming back together.
Can't wait to see those pics.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: JimmyD3 on July 07, 2024, 06:13:49 PM
Dang Gman, sorry to hear of your difficulties! Hope the days and years to come will treat  you better. Looking forward to seeing you back in the game.  :salute
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: Mayhem on July 08, 2024, 12:50:09 PM

I’ve been layed up with a shattered right leg going on a year now.  Then 3 weeks ago I got a small stroke and then pneumonia and bi lateral lung infections with pulmonary edemas etc.  Almost took me out, but after 20 days total in the hospital I’ll be out this week.  I had re subbed a couple months back, first order of biz is getting my setups going and getting back in the air.

Pics to follow.

Sounds like you did a GE.
Please take care of yourself, stay healthy, and get well soon.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: Shuffler on July 09, 2024, 04:54:58 PM
Pulling for you G!   :aok
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: Eagler on August 02, 2024, 07:43:00 AM

Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: edge12674 on August 02, 2024, 12:10:41 PM
Saw that review.  Looks like Moza still needs a few months to bake the software.  Hopefully by Christmas.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: xanax on August 02, 2024, 12:22:36 PM
Good video. I like that he was able to verify Nm claims and show motor temps under duress. Looks like once they get the software sorted, it'll be a compelling option. I didn't realize folks already had adapters ready for just about all the big joystick makes already in the pipeline.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: Eagler on August 21, 2024, 09:49:37 AM
Another review

Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: xanax on August 21, 2024, 10:16:23 AM
Good vid.

This thing is quickly moving to the top of my Xmas wish list. New skis and a subscription to a boxed, grass-fed beef service just fell a couple spots.
Software looks like it's coming along ok.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: steely07 on August 21, 2024, 06:51:53 PM
I dropped a comment over there asking for a yes/no does it work with AH, I assume it will, as AH uses direct input, but I'd really like to know for sure, it's a lot of mony to gamble if not
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: edge12674 on October 24, 2024, 11:10:37 AM
Not sure if this helps, but I just built my FFBeast joystick base and it works with AH.  This was using only DirectX input in the AH program.  So it looks like the Moza base would probably work.  Of course additional support with proprietary joystick base software should add even more effects and fine tuning.

There are effects for guns, buffeting, damage, etc.  There does not appear to be any change to control forces related to aircraft speed. :cry
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: Getback on February 16, 2025, 04:33:03 PM
Looks pretty good! The price tag seems a bit out of my range. I'll have to see how everyone likes it before I purchase.
Title: Re: New force feedback options soon?
Post by: icepac on March 01, 2025, 04:10:04 AM
Don’t forget to add the power consumption of the stick when computing power consumption of the system.