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Help and Support Forums => All things VR => Topic started by: Eagler on August 01, 2024, 06:32:27 PM
Is anyone using this vr headset in AH?
I think it might require openXR and I didn't think AH supported that
I have used the Pimax Crystal in AH with no problems. The Crystal Light is the same as the OG Crystal just minus eye-tracking and battery. Same displays and lenses. Local dimming is not really needed for AH, but it will make colors a little more vibrant. I would also recommend the DMAS audio upgrade for the Crystal light.
The Crystal Light is THE best upgrade for the G2. Better clarity without the small sweet spot of the G2. Colors are better. No cable issues like the G2 has.
Hope this helps.
I'm curious about the Crystal Light in AH myself since I may be giving my G2 to my son.. I might also stretch it out another year though and see what develops in another year.
After SNO provided tons of info on the headset and its accessories I have placed an order for one..a preorder of sorts so it isn't instant
Thanks SNO!
let me know how it works out. I got Varjo and it looks really bad in AH, fishbowl all around. I thought it is something about OpenXR but if it works on Crystal, then it should work on varjo as well.
let me know how it works out. I got Varjo and it looks really bad in AH, fishbowl all around. I thought it is something about OpenXR but if it works on Crystal, then it should work on varjo as well.
SNO is using the crystal light now in ah
I have been using the crystal light in AH for about a month or so and here is my review of it.
I have an I9 1200k, 32mb memory with a Rtx 3080 12gb memory.
I got the crystal light with local dimming, it works real good running at 120mhz. I wear my regular glasses in the headset and I purchased the studio form kit, you can space the headset from your face any distance you need. I had gotten some inserts from HonsVR but they messed them up so I just use my glasses. Overall there is no screen door effect at all it is like looking at your monitor which is awesome, sometimes at a distance the icons are a little blurry but I attrubte that to my glasses and the focal distance of the headset which I am still fine tuning with the studio form kit. For me and with win 11 not going to support wmr this is the perfect replacement. I use steamvr to run AH just like with the G2 and run the per application setting in steamvr at 50% which is on that page says the resoulution is 3048x3608 not sure what it actually is as I hear that is not accurate. The headset was very uncomfortable at first but I got the studio form kit for it and you are able to form the face piece to your face, with the top comfort strap to help support the headset weight off your face. It doesn't weigh much more if at all more than the G2. The stock speakers are a downgrade from the G2 so I am going to get the dmas speakers from pimax for it as well. So $800 for the headset, $100 for the dmas speakers, $25 for top comfort strap and $50 for studio form kit. Under $1000 for awesome headset. I have the leather not the foam facepiece but obviously personal preference. The top comfort strap is nice but I am going to order the one from Pimax as well for ease of adjustability when my grandkids use the headset. I am getting the dmas speakers when they are available as well. I purchased the headset with the controllers if the grandkids want to use them, although you don't need them for AH
Thanks for that info SNO!
It sold me
Nice write-up SNO. I have been using the OG Crystal for a year now. If you have any questions let me know.
I tried the Pimax top strap, but found it needed a pad to avoid hot spot. It also pushes out the padding alongside the ear pieces. I thought the adjust-ability of the top strap was going to be really good, but did not find it much better than the Apache strap. For me the Studio Forms Apache strap works the best.
I have a couple sets of the HonsVR prescription lenses and have been very happy with them. If they messed up your lenses, don't hesitate to contact them. I have found HonsVR to have very good customer service.
I also found the face pad for the Samsung Odyssey Plus fits the Crystal very well, especially if you wear glasses and have a thin face. Much more comfortable, no light leaks, and easy to clean.
As far as face pads go. Most G2 face pads will work with the Crystal as well.
Something else to look into is FFR (Fixed Foveated Rendering). This works with the G2 and Crystal Light. In essence it tells the GPU to give you the sharpest image only where your eye can see and everything else is rendered at a lower resolution. The end result is a performance boost of 20 to 30% without any noticeable loss of clarity. First time I used it I did not think it was working, as I noticed no visual difference. Then I looked at my FPS and noticed a marked increase. I was then able to crank up my resolution to make things even clearer without bringing my GPU to its knees. The wiki mentions it working with SteamVR, but I have not tried it. Here is more info on it (read down a little bit and it discusses the G2 and Crystal light):
Hope this helps.
Great info and sounds like a solid headset. Thanks for passing your experience along. Any interaction or feedback on customer support? Not attempting to compare with my atrocious hp G2 experience, at all. I’m learning more and more, if customer service is solid, the product is equally so.
Thanks again!
Haven’t had any interactions with customer support so not sure.
As an early adopter of the Pimax Crystal, I have had several interactions with Pimax support staff. Only two issues I had were a loose connection on the "power hub" and a broken battery clip. Both items were replaced immediately with no hassle. Also had some interaction with regards to software features. Again, Pimax staff responded quickly and was helpful.
This was my first Pimax product and I was a little apprehensive due to the poor ratings Pimax customer support had prior to the release of the Crystal. Been pretty happy with the company and product.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the info Tshark!
You were the one that 1st got me interested in the pimax
Hoping it allows me to enjoy dcs more
May be something I can look into in the future...I don't have as much of an issue with VR in AH due to icons, but in IL2 I'm at quite the disadvantage ID'ing planes without icons with a Quest 2. It's not until close in that I can tell what the type is.
While waiting for my pre-ordered headset to ship, reading up on it I got the impression my graphics card was on the lower end of its specs..
I am now waiting on a 4070 ti super gigabyte "Eagle" card with 16GB to be delivered this afternoon!
If it works out I should have a 3070 ti 8GB card up for sale soon..I will post that card here before it goes to ebay
The 4070 ti super made a huge difference in dcs and il2 over the 3070 far so good there
Email yesterday stated I should get the crystal light this coming Friday!
Keep you posted
:aok :aok
Very cool Eagler...let us know how its working out in AH for you :aok
"Out for delivery" :aok
Let you know how it goes!
Got it going...
First added the 4 face pads to the headset to provide a pocket for my Mr. Magoo works but is very tight compared to the vive pro
It's not built as well as the vive pro, you can't pick it up by the back of it like the vive you have to grab the strap or the front on the unit due to its frontal weight..
The higher resolution makes everything prettier but smaller, seems the planes are half size compared to the vive resolution making it much harder at the moment..
I didn't get the earpiece upgrade as it wasn't available..
Is it normal to have the original speakers about and inch or so above your ears?
Still getting used to it..
And IL2 looks better and smoother but dcs crashes after I pick the mission..using steamvr and need to still setup openxr
I had that same feeling ergonomically and it does take getting used to after coming off another headset. I think after you tweak and adjust things to your liking you will soon forget about the old headset, I know I did. Yes the speakers are higher and send the sound down. The plane’s being half the size also gives alot bigger fov.
Glad you got it in Eagler. Switching VR headsets means starting from scratch with regards to comfort and performance. You might also try tinkering with any accessories from your prior VR headset. I found several facepads from the G2 fit the Crystal perfectly.
I recommend the "Apache strap" for the Crystal. It will make the headset more comfortable. With the "Apache strap" you will be able to completely loosen the Pimax top strap and avoid any possible breakage where the strap connects to the Crystal body. I always pick up my OG Crystal by the Apache strap.
I installed the apache strap and it helps
Also plugged in some ear pods into the stereo jack in the faceplate so that helps with the sound
I bumped up the res from 90 to 120 per SNOWs suggestion
Getting used to the smaller icons
Thanks for the tips guys
For those who last used the G2, how do the visuals compare?
Although I thought the G2 was good, this is better with no screen door effect. The FOV seems a little bigger but not significantly. The headset is more picky on placement on your face to get the best sweet spot than the G2 was.
I had modified the vive pro with the Sony gear lens mod which replaced the fresnel lenses with a clear glass like the crystal light has..
The sweet spot is larger on the crystal light and getting used to the higher resolution I can spot cons at a pretty good distance now
Nice! Thanks gents!
Thanks for the updates Eagler :aok
Just bit the bullet and paid for the unit after my 15 day trial..
I made the icon text bigger in AH which helped..
I was able to order the dmas ear speakers kit yesterday when I got the email they were back in stock..this is a ripoff imo as the original speakers suck butt and are not usable .. you have to use the stereo jack and external ear buds or headset to hear anything
I haven't got openxr going properly yet..I messed with it just enough so DCS crashes when I try to open any mission lol
IL2 looks much better
Night time in ma is weird now as it is more great than dark/black...seems vive pro would show nights very well in comparison to this one
Still getting used to it as it does feel slightly different than the vive pro but more comfortable every day
Thanks again Eagler...glad o hear it is working out for seems my HP G2 died yesterday so I'm probably right behind you in getting a replacement on the way. I agree with you that the DMAS ear speakers should be automatically included and are supposed to make a huge difference. Did you get the "Local Dimming" version ? not sure it would make much difference in AH anyway.
The quest 3 with link cable looks to be the only option for what we use it for but by the time you get the cable & a good head strap you are pushing nearly the same price, I do believe the new integrated Pimax Play XR software that is customized by Pimax will eventually make a huge difference for tweaking.
How long did it take you to get delivery on yours? they are stating 2 - 4 weeks right now.
Once again thanks Eagler for details of how its been working for you.
I have a question about how to setup room boundaries
When I do it from the headset using the volume control and pick seated and big it seems to save it ok and playing that login usually works fine
But next login or so the room limitations overlay thingy starts popping up and limiting how far back you can sit have to reset it then..
It happened in da today limiting my pov as I had to lean into the windscreen to avoid the overlay or fuzzy momentary pop out from the game
How can I save it permanently?
Advanced settings room chaperone?? Not looking at it but I disabled the room boundaries as I only play sitting.
Advanced settings room chaperone?? Not looking at it but I disabled the room boundaries as I only play sitting.
There is a disable somewhere?
I will try to look for it
Pimax Play, advanced, uncheck “activate chaperone”
Pimax Play, advanced, uncheck “activate chaperone”
Thanks SNO!
did you get it working in DCS at all eagler?
I have a 24gb 7900XTX and I think the crystal light will be superior to the quest 3 for what we use it for.
Howdy Bruv
Yes I was able to get DCS going again after I removed openxr
I have it running in stream again and it runs pretty well now
Wish their icon system was like AH and that jstick views worked too but can't have everything..
The DMAS speakers upgrade sounds great but the off the ear experience is something I have to get used to after always using covered cupped earphones