Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: icepac on November 26, 2024, 08:04:37 AM
For better or worse.
Saw a lot of that during AH3 beta, even killed a few ships with tanks. :D
I miss throwing my tank in neutral and going 100mph+ down a hill
I miss throwing my tank in neutral and going 100mph+ down a hill
I forgot we could do that back in the day :rofl
I miss being able to ditch/land with no wheels going 450+ :devil
Multiple spawning LVT's on Land and armies of 100's troops heading to the map room mowed down by machine gun fire. Proper ww1 style.
It was funny :D
Brilliant thread Icepac :aok
It does sound horrible but it was a laugh :devil
I miss throwing my tank in neutral and going 100mph+ down a hill
Why did this change
It didn't change.
Have a 3 way battle with 50+ on a side? :aok
You can't lure up ME163s because they rarely come up to take on a fighter which they know because of the icon.
The only thing I can say I truly miss is rolling from an airfield and being inside a 100 plane furball within 5 minutes, those days were something else. I still to this day am in awe of Hitech's smoothing code to make that even possible
Furballs that lit your hair on fire...
Treetop level, flat scissors, flaps full out.
It still happens, now and again, but it's pretty rare. I've always thought that the best fight is the one that ends with no one having fired his/her guns.
- oldman
Treetop level, flat scissors, flaps full out.
It still happens, now and again, but it's pretty rare. I've always thought that the best fight is the one that ends with no one having fired his/her guns.
- oldman
I've got just the opponent for you then, me! Your allies, the trees, will take me out long before you or I can fire guns in a scissor fight on the deck.
I will add to the list...
You cant shoot down the real finetime any longer :old: :salute
Taking off from a field, flying to a nearby furball, finding someone near co-alt , having a clean merge, fighting until you had a winner, giving each other a <S> afterward and starting over again for another round. Had nights like this that lasted hours were my arm literally got tired and I had to take a brake before re-upping.
People respected each other, some light smack talk occurred, yes I participated in this to, only the occasional not so good sticks would (HO) you, seemed as a general rule most people usually didn't take cheap shots, very little gang banging happened unless you upped into a place were fields were being taken over, thats your choice,..... those days are long gone and I salute all of those (I doubt many left) that are either playing or reading this participated in such antics, you made this game a pure joy for me personally and I always looked forward to playing on the nights I could, I could name names but no need, those who played like the above know who they are and probably quit long ago because such play slowly disappeared over the years. No regrets just wish it could have lasted longer.
Taking off from a field, flying to a nearby furball, finding someone near co-alt , having a clean merge, fighting until you had a winner, giving each other a <S> afterward and starting over again for another round. Had nights like this that lasted hours were my arm literally got tired and I had to take a brake before re-upping.
People respected each other, some light smack talk occurred, yes I participated in this to, only the occasional not so good sticks would (HO) you, seemed as a general rule most people usually didn't take cheap shots, very little gang banging happened unless you upped into a place were fields were being taken over, thats your choice,..... those days are long gone and I salute all of those (I doubt many left) that are either playing or reading this participated in such antics, you made this game a pure joy for me personally and I always looked forward to playing on the nights I could, I could name names but no need, those who played like the above know who they are and probably quit long ago because such play slowly disappeared over the years. No regrets just wish it could have lasted longer.
How about climbing to 35k in a P47m to hunt buffs and finding an enemy p51b at 50k?
Did the ki67 get adjusted in my absence from the arena such that it can't go 492mph?
Did the ki67 get adjusted in my absence from the arena such that it can't go 492mph?
Apparently, a lot of things have changed since you last played, perhaps even the website. You might have overlooked this nifty feature on this page:
( (
People these days don't want to put in an effort (like searching the website or checking in-game settings) and expect things handed to them. :rolleyes:
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but lack of curiosity is worse than that.
Or you could check <THIS PAGE> ( for fighter info.
Or you could check <THIS PAGE> ( for fighter info.
Thanks I have saved the page :salute
I miss defending the CV group under atack when every gun was manned. The sound of all those 5 inch and 40mm going off and planes constantly flying off.
Thanks I have saved the page :salute
I miss defending the CV group under atack when every gun was manned. The sound of all those 5 inch and 40mm going off and planes constantly flying off.
Speaking of defending the CV group:
My neighbor and I share a garage/shop and we have it wired for internet. He was in there the other (Monday?) night playing AH on the PC and manning a gun on a BB as I came over and watched. Guns were going off, bombs dropping and torps swimming-quite the calamitous scene, man. Suddenly, off to the left, the CV is struck and starts going down. We could actually see the stern rise straight into the vertical before finally starting to slowly slip under the sea. We were both awestruck by the sight and were furiously looking for a way to take a screenshot. What a nice touch to the game by rendering such a scene. It was actually pretty fun manning guns too. I gave it a whirl last night in fact.
I guess this could have gone into a "things you can do" thread rather than this one I suppose. Oops!
Air spawning PT boats.... ah those days........
Apparently, a lot of things have changed since you last played, perhaps even the website. You might have overlooked this nifty feature on this page:
( (
People these days don't want to put in an effort (like searching the website or checking in-game settings) and expect things handed to them. :rolleyes:
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but lack of curiosity is worse than that.
I know the performance pages a lot better than you, shane.
I also know how they perform way above the top of the chart.
I also know the engine management systems, boost pressures, spark advance curves....etc.
Why do I know these things about airplanes shane has never toucherd?
Because I worked at the Paul Garber restoration facility in the early 1990s.
What was shane doing in 1989 while I was working on C46s and super connies.
I know the performance pages a lot better than you, shane.
I also know how they perform way above the top of the chart.
I also know the engine management systems, boost pressures, spark advance curves....etc.
Why do I know these things about airplanes shane has never toucherd?
Because I worked at the Paul Garber restoration facility in the early 1990s.
What was shane doing in 1989 while I was working on C46s and super connies.
Perfect... typical weebsauce behavior. I posted HTC info - game related, amirite? And you come at my ankle all swoll up with.. blablala somethng something... totally irrelevant. :rolleyes:
You'll fit right back into the MA and I'm sure your .rpt mashing finger is all ready to go. :aok
(You could also download the game and test it offline yourself, you know, to help refresh your muscle memory before you jump back into the big pool.) :joystick:
Or you could check <THIS PAGE> ( for fighter info.
He was asking about the ki-67,tho'... :noid
I miss throwing my tank in neutral and going 100mph+ down a hill
i remember that!! that was soooo much fun!!!
Fight a squid
Can the ki67 still go 492mph without losing parts?
Fight a squid
UFOs also....
Can the ki67 still go 492mph without losing parts?
You find out and tell us.
You cannot drive your GV into a shore battery and shoot enemy tanks with impunity.
Things you can't do in Aces High anymore.
Wing with Whels, TC, or Arc.
How about having your GV get blown up by merely bumping into a rock
Opening the website without cert warnings..
From a younger guy, who became the greatest of all time, while every single one of you were still on the clock. . . :banana:
this thread is just bad
I miss throwing my tank in neutral and going 100mph+ down a hill
Anyone else remember you could creep the tanks with the engine off? Only sound was the treads. You could actually ninja up on someone and they had no idea you were sneaking up on them. :aok
Still flying naked after all these years.
Neutral downhill in tanks/jeeps hyperspeed sound, PT boat flips :rofl
getting 150 proxies from dorks spawning again and again.
getting 150 proxies from dorks spawning again and again.
You are truly Pig evil my friend.
No ENY just Perk planes....
Getting a base capture in Attack mode :noid
Here's something you can still do.
Notice that spybro's plane he landed on the CA continues to levitate after the boat was sunk from beneath it.
Being able to stick your main gun through the wall of an enemy GV hanger while camping the hanger.
Sic Puppies run them all the time. Had a couple crushed tonight! LOL!!!! but was still fun!
Mission were my favorite… a bunch of countrymen all banding together to demolish the enemy. NOE lanc raids were the best
Sic Puppies run them all the time. Had a couple crushed tonight! LOL!!!! but was still fun!
The 110 mission? Yes i joined it. was fun. Is there a way to get notified more easily when there posted? Use to be announced in the chat buffer all the time "Mission Up!"
The 110 mission? Yes i joined it. was fun. Is there a way to get notified more easily when there posted? Use to be announced in the chat buffer all the time "Mission Up!"
When its a mission one of loads up in the mission editor then we announce it in the text buffer. Some time they are just "fly by the seat of our pants" type missions they just put together on the fly.
Oh I got one..... you can't go around and visit other players wives. Their husband's are not playing AH 24/7 anymore.
Wedging yourself into the back corner of a VH and making people super mad. :banana:
Dredger runs!!
Candy mountain missions to find someones kidney
Have not been able to do this recently.
Still flying naked after all these years.
The AWACS radar can even see that, and the color of your lipstick. :old:
Crater runways for airfield denial.
Oh I got one..... you can't go around and visit other players wives. Their husband's are not playing AH 24/7 anymore.
Anyone remember the Air Warrior Widows club?
TL;DR whole thread...
Can't find 200+ players in the MA on an average night! Looking back wistfully at the good ol' days...
Things you still CAN do…. Taxi backwards on a CV and slingshot yourself backwards on a CV with the tail hook engaged
It didn't change.
It changed when automatics were installed in jeeps and tanks. No neutral anymore.