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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: captain1ma on December 10, 2024, 06:05:44 PM

Title: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 10, 2024, 06:05:44 PM
getting ready to go public this. will just be an objective of either bomb down or capture a target. not sure what im doing so im gonna wing it.

it will be at 3pm EST so that the UK brothers can participate!
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Molsman on December 10, 2024, 06:28:30 PM
 :aok :joystick: :joystick: :airplane:
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: SIK1 on December 11, 2024, 10:01:02 AM

I've been looking forward to this. 

Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 11, 2024, 11:42:01 AM
Sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I propose putting on a smaller maps so it condenses the action a bit. I presume would be AvA? I imagine sorta of an unorganized take off at your own pace kinda fight? Or do you think more of a scenario style where both sides roll at the same time with their squads (harder to organize). After one target is captured then could move objective to another field. Change up the sides so now the other team has to defend, ect.
If bases are closer together than that would make it easier for the attacking team rather than have to fly 20 minutes to the attack field every time and then fly back which takes players out of the fight longer.

Just some things to consider but definitely sounds like it would be fun with 20 players or so.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Lazerr on December 11, 2024, 01:43:17 PM
I'll try and make it, things like this and MNM are great for the game.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Shuffler on December 11, 2024, 04:25:31 PM
Is this another of those things where we have to wear a uniform.... or is clothing optional?
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Mister Fork on December 11, 2024, 05:42:36 PM
Title: Sunday European Campaign Setup and suggestions
Post by: captain1ma on December 16, 2024, 08:18:52 PM
so heres what i got. please comment on likes or dislikes.

Battle of britain:

Duration- 1.5 hours.

first Running  SUNDAY JAN 5th, 2025
Start time will be 3pm EST. 9pm UTC.



Axis: bomb a base and a port down to 50% or less and you're awarded the base.
Allies: defend

Air spawns:
Axis will get a 4k airspawn/spawns
allies will get a 5k airspawns

ceiling is 6k with a 127mph updraft to the north. the idea is to keep the fights Low.

if the axis fail to bomb down the base, then at the next one, the allies will be given bombers to try to get a beachhead.

3k friendly/ 1k enemy
wind north and 127mph above 6k
Ack 2
manned Guns active

please let me know what you like and dont like about this setup.

Title: Re: Sunday European Campaign Setup and suggestions
Post by: Chris79 on December 16, 2024, 08:21:46 PM
so heres what i got. please comment on likes or dislikes.

Battle of britain:

Duration- 1.5 hours.

first Running  SUNDAY JAN 5th, 2025



Axis: bomb a base and a port down to 50% or less and you're awarded the base.
Allies: defend

Air spawns:
Axis will get a 4k airspawn/spawns
allies will get a 5k airspawns

ceiling is 6k with a 127mph updraft to the north. the idea is to keep the fights Low.

if the axis fail to bomb down the base, then at the next one, the allies will be given bombers to try to get a beachhead.

3k friendly/ 1k enemy
wind north and 127mph above 6k
Ack 2
manned Guns active

please let me know what you like and dont like about this setup.

I’d up both the air spawns and alt cap to 12k and 18k respectively and remove the man guns.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Lazerr on December 16, 2024, 08:26:46 PM
Yeah the manned guns are a rather large drawback in my opinion.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 16, 2024, 08:30:29 PM
the idea is to keep the fights low, thats why the low ceiling. as for the manned guns, i figure they probably wont be used considering the bombers but they can be omitting for this one. eventually i would like to activate them for base defense.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Chris79 on December 16, 2024, 08:50:40 PM
the idea is to keep the fights low, thats why the low ceiling. as for the manned guns, i figure they probably wont be used considering the bombers but they can be omitting for this one. eventually i would like to activate them for base defense.

6k is to low, at least make it 12k.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Eagler on December 17, 2024, 06:59:47 AM
6k is to low, at least make it 12k.

Depends on how many ppl show up..

The 4k alt limit in MNM helps concentrate the action...considering 5 on each side is a bunch, the action needs to be concentrated by limiting the playing space in all directions..

Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 17, 2024, 08:11:18 AM
ok we'll skip the manned guns for this round. lets give it a try and we can tweak it depending on the player base. if we get more players we'll raise the ceiling a little. for now, lets try it out with full critiquing and figure out how to make it better!

base and town take down will be an objective. as will defense and even offense.

the only reason i dont have the english trying to take a base is because its battle of britain. after this one, that will probably change.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Frodo on December 17, 2024, 12:50:14 PM
 :aok  :cheers:
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 19, 2024, 06:49:23 PM
ok boys and girls, heres the first draft, please read SLOWLY to understand and critique the hell out of it!!
tell me what you like and dislike. yeah i know chris, higher alt, but lets try it my way first.

Sunday Night European Campaign
Sunday Jan. 5, 2025 3pm EST 8pm UTC
Duration 1.5 hours

Most of us know the story. Hitler
considered England a threat to his
plans for the conquest of Europe
and when she refused to negotiate
a peace, he decided to suppress or
conquer her. The first stage of
that plan called for air supremacy
over the English Channel and
southern England, to be followed
by landings of German troops
along the English coast.

The Battle of Britain, so famously
named by Winston Churchill,
raged in the air from July,
through mid September 1940.

Axis: Bomb down P16 and/or A15 below

Allies: Defend P16 and A15

Scoring allies win if points exceed Axis kills
1 engine plane-1 point
2 engine plane -2 points

Axis win if they can get A15 or P16 at or below 50%

Allies will have 4500ft airspawns to be determined
Axis will have 4000ft airspawns to be determined

**Tower radar is on for air traffic control
for both sides***

Terrain: avaeto

Allied Planeset, England, Bishops:
- Hurricane Mk I
- Spitfire Mk I

Axis Planeset, in France, Knights:
- Bf-109E-4
- Bf-110C-4b
- Ju 87
- He-111 H
- Ju-88

Friendly icons: 3k
Enemy icons: 1k
ceiling-5K with a 127MPH updraft from the North

Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Baloo on December 20, 2024, 09:57:57 AM
Awesome! Can't wait!  :cheers: :salute
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Puma44 on December 20, 2024, 10:19:40 AM
If you want to maintain both “keeping the fights close” and the high altitude “boom & zoom” options, insert a thick cloud deck around 5,000’.   :salute
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 20, 2024, 10:28:23 AM
yeah thanks for reminding me about the clouds, ill have to make up a cloud file for it.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Shane on December 20, 2024, 10:48:18 AM
ok boys and girls, heres the first draft, please read SLOWLY to understand and critique the hell out of it!!
tell me what you like and dislike.

Axis Planeset, in France, Knights:
- Ju-88

Consider removing the JU-88A-4 since the HE-111 is available? The A-4 outperforms its historical counterparts, the A-1 and A-5 (which were at BoB.) I think this would see more usage of the HE-111's.

Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 20, 2024, 02:31:43 PM
i can live with that! consider it done
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 20, 2024, 07:11:28 PM
Can ditches count as lands to keep the pace up instead of having to fly all the way back home for time sake? Since we do have air spawns after all.

I feel the alt cap is too low. Maybe 10k since airspawns are already 4,500 feet. I doubt there's gonna be any alt monkey BnZers in hurr/spit 1s and 109Es/110. Its gonna be pretty close quarters but I feel 5k might impact the fight
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 20, 2024, 08:10:40 PM
Can ditches count as lands to keep the pace up instead of having to fly all the way back home for time sake? Since we do have air spawns after all.

I feel the alt cap is too low. Maybe 10k since airspawns are already 4,500 feet. I doubt there's gonna be any alt monkey BnZers in hurr/spit 1s and 109Es/110. Its gonna be pretty close quarters but I feel 5k might impact the fight

i get the concerns. the spawns will be such that no one really will have time to climb. The idea is a close quarter fight if it needs to be adjusted ill do it on the fly. for now its going to be 5, and we'll figure it out as we go.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Chris79 on December 20, 2024, 08:14:09 PM
Can ditches count as lands to keep the pace up instead of having to fly all the way back home for time sake? Since we do have air spawns after all.

I feel the alt cap is too low. Maybe 10k since airspawns are already 4,500 feet. I doubt there's gonna be any alt monkey BnZers in hurr/spit 1s and 109Es/110. Its gonna be pretty close quarters but I feel 5k might impact the fight

Yeh, the bombers will get devastated by ground ack as well.
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 20, 2024, 08:33:41 PM
well i can raise the ceiling to 8k then with a spawn at 5k and 5.5k respectively
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 20, 2024, 08:41:36 PM
scoring clarification. if the axis take a base down to 50% or below, it gives them the base.

otherwise scoring is based on downed aircraft

1 point for single engine
2 points for twin engine
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 21, 2024, 01:06:49 PM
i think i have everything set but the weather
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Lazerr on December 21, 2024, 02:41:17 PM
When you are saying take a base down by 50%, are we talking about a town, or 50% of the total objects on a base?
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 21, 2024, 08:13:41 PM
the town for A15 to 50% and the port buildings by 50%

i have the setup running in the AVA arena right now for anyone that wants to try it out.

bases will be 91 and 95 for Axis

15 and 16 for allies.

please check airspawns at A15-- South and South west

and at 91 and 95

North at 91 for bombers and fighters
Northwest at 95 for bombers and fighters
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: Lazerr on December 21, 2024, 10:43:53 PM
What's 50% of a port?
Title: Re: coming soon--Sunday European Campaign
Post by: captain1ma on December 22, 2024, 09:07:24 PM
half the buildings and guns.