Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Animl-AW on December 14, 2024, 04:09:33 PM

Title: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 14, 2024, 04:09:33 PM
 I could say "finished" but as most videos, this is where I ended up.

Feel free to share anywhere and everywhere.

Sharing link is:

I had help from several in the community. Almost all scenes were donated over time from the community, not me. Except opening 51 shot.

It really helps get videos scene outside the bubble if people inside the bubble all view and "like".
Seriously, otherwise it just sets on the fireplace mantle collecting dust.
If you see an AH video you think represents the game well make sure you hit the like button.
The more videos are "Viewed", "Liked" and "Shared". the more likely it will get more views outside the bubble.
even if you hate it but love the game,.. "like" it. :)

No one is searching YT for "Animl", so I'll change the name of my page to something that is searched. MAYBE "Aces High II Combat Simulator"
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: ZE on December 14, 2024, 04:16:52 PM
It looks excellent Animl ??
Great job
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 14, 2024, 04:25:14 PM
Link fixed
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: MDStampf93 on December 14, 2024, 04:27:57 PM
That came out really good, nice job Animal. I’ll post it to my TikTok account with creds of course.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 14, 2024, 04:37:19 PM
That came out really good, nice job Animal. I’ll post it to my TikTok account with creds of course.


No credits necessary.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: guncrasher on December 14, 2024, 05:15:01 PM
that makes me want to subscribe and play  :rock :rock :rock :rock

Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: CptTrips on December 15, 2024, 09:23:22 AM

Actually, that's pretty good.

Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 15, 2024, 10:11:42 AM
 Doesn’t mean anything yet.
But in 17 hrs it got 59 views, still doesn’t mean much yet.
However, 49% were “Suggested” views. Where it shows up when ppl are viewing other vids. Which tells me its reaching outside the bubble. Which is where we want to be, or better.

I haven’t looked at MotA stats yet, but I think the norm for my videos is 16%-25% suggested.

Me thinks the 6 likes in a few hours gave it a lil boost.

If everyone went directly to the page, view and like, it would give it a nice kick start to get out side the bubble more.

Its not about me. I don’t need the credit, its about getting it out there, and hope its good enough to get ppl beyond viewing and coming to check the game out.

What we need to do is get info on the AH web page updated so we don’t look dead. Get those events posted. A lil help could go a long way.

I changed the name of the YT page to Aces High III combat Simulator, because no one is searching for Animl.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: The Fugitive on December 15, 2024, 12:14:01 PM
Doesn’t mean anything yet.
But in 17 hrs it got 59 views, still doesn’t mean much yet.
However, 49% were “Suggested” views. Where it shows up when ppl are viewing other vids. Which tells me its reaching outside the bubble. Which is where we want to be, or better.

I haven’t looked at MotA stats yet, but I think the norm for my videos is 16%-25% suggested.

Me thinks the 6 likes in a few hours gave it a lil boost.

If everyone went directly to the page, view and like, it would give it a nice kick start to get out side the bubble more.

Its not about me. I don’t need the credit, its about getting it out there, and hope its good enough to get ppl beyond viewing and coming to check the game out.

What we need to do is get info on the AH web page updated so we don’t look dead. Get those events posted. A lil help could go a long way.

I changed the name of the YT page to Aces High III combat Simulator, because no one is searching for Animl.

Exactly! The same goes for my page. The more "likes" and "Subscribes" a page gets the more it gets cycled back in. Visit only takes a minute, like and comment even if you say it sucks!  LOL! ok well dont say it sucks, ly and say its awesome so others will too  :)
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 16, 2024, 10:40:38 AM
255 views in a lil over 24 hrs.  Now 40%+ suggested views, 16% menu views. We’re reaching outside the bubble. 100 just over this last night. Translating into actual players is different.

Thanks to everyone who joined the cause. Good kick start. :)

The next hurdle of getting ppl who leap frog games settle for a sub. I’ve been reading around and it is a issue with ppl who either play many games, or the cling to single player games, which is the opposite of this mentality
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: ~ZoSo~ on December 16, 2024, 11:18:31 AM
Looks great!  :salute
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: waystin2 on December 16, 2024, 12:00:06 PM
Is population growing again?
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Lusche on December 16, 2024, 12:12:14 PM
Is population growing again?

AH is apparently experiencing the slight annual seasonal uptick, but overall... not yet
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 16, 2024, 12:31:23 PM
Is population growing again?

Actually not really. That’s the whole point, an attempt to turn it around, at least a little.

I learn not put too much stock in former players. If they were right it would have died the day they quit. Nothing positive will cone from the former. No offense intended, its human nature. No one likes their ex-partners either.

At least we’re reaching outside the bubble to give it a chance or if it can happen again. If they don’t know they don’t decide.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: ~ZoSo~ on December 16, 2024, 12:35:50 PM
Actually not really. That’s the whole point, an attempt to turn it around, at least a little.

I learn not put too much stock in former players. If they were right it would have died the day they quit. Nothing positive will cone from the former. No offense intended, its human nature. No one likes their ex-partners either.

At least we’re reaching outside the bubble to give it a chance or if it can happen again. If they don’t know they don’t decide.
Oh, ok.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 16, 2024, 12:40:18 PM
AH is apparently experiencing the slight annual seasonal uptick, but overall... not yet

Its nit happening like last year. We had a few unfortunate buzz-kill issues allowed to continue too long this yr. IMO, some attempt is better than no attempt. I lost nothing but a few hrs of time, while being bored out of my mind.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: oTRALFZo on December 16, 2024, 01:04:01 PM
We should get Sally Struthers as the AH spokesperson to do a commercial.
"for 48 cents a day, you can feed a few egos"

JK. Great Job Animl.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: hazmatt on December 16, 2024, 01:45:54 PM
Actually not really. That’s the whole point, an attempt to turn it around, at least a little.

I learn not put too much stock in former players. If they were right it would have died the day they quit. Nothing positive will cone from the former. No offense intended, its human nature. No one likes their ex-partners either.

At least we’re reaching outside the bubble to give it a chance or if it can happen again. If they don’t know they don’t decide.

Very nice! Wishing you much success.

Do you think it might be possible to modify it slightly to pitch it for the Christmas season as a gift or something like that? I was thinking something that you could add to the front and cut off after the holidays. Maybe something like: "Looking for the perfect gift for your aviation history buff friend or family member?" " How about gifting them a subscription to AH3..."

Too bad you have that feeling about former players. I and others promoted the last big event on multiple forums and though some of us have found greener pastures, I don't know of any who have ever said or wished or said anything about wanting the game to die.

Ya, the sub is an issue for many based on what I've seen on the steam reviews etc and posts on forums like IL2/Warthunder. Seems people have it in their heads that when they pay they should get something like a plane or vehicle. The only other model I've seen these days which still does subs has multiple levels, free, premium and builder last I checked. (this way you can contribute more if you want or play for free if you for some reason you can't/won't do the sub):
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 16, 2024, 02:16:11 PM
Very nice! Wishing you much success.

Do you think it might be possible to modify it slightly to pitch it for the Christmas season as a gift or something like that? I was thinking something that you could add to the front and cut off after the holidays. Maybe something like: "Looking for the perfect gift for your aviation history buff friend or family member?" " How about gifting them a subscription to AH3..."

Too bad you have that feeling about former players. I and others promoted the last big event on multiple forums and though some of us have found greener pastures, I don't know of any who have ever said or wished or said anything about wanting the game to die.

Ya, the sub is an issue for many based on what I've seen on the steam reviews etc and posts on forums like IL2/Warthunder. Seems people have it in their heads that when they pay they should get something like a plane or vehicle. The only other model I've seen these days which still does subs has multiple levels, free, premium and builder last I checked. (this way you can contribute more if you want or play for free if you for some reason you can't/won't do the sub):

Well, good idea, but time is the issue. I’m kind psssed at myself for letting it go past 1 min.
Its passed 300 views now. I don’t want to interrupt any momentum.

I don’t mean to put all formers in the same basket, but for many they have nothing but negative laughing input at anything we try. Kinda vexations straight out of the box. Not all comments are wrong, just too much negative plastered in public view. Basically talking us out of trying anything at all. Not all are that way, but enough to use filters.

I know you and Dadllitica was out there pounding the ground for us, I read it. We all appreciate that your efforts dragged some in. 

I shoulda done this earlier, I just wasn’t up to normal speed yet. Last yr with work I had no time, now with retirement I’m all about free time and popping the cork on the bottle,…again.


Now get ur ars back in our air snd stop wirryin sbout mods, small beans :)
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: hazmatt on December 17, 2024, 11:07:53 AM
Well, good idea, but time is the issue. I’m kind psssed at myself for letting it go past 1 min.
Its passed 300 views now. I don’t want to interrupt any momentum.

I don’t mean to put all formers in the same basket, but for many they have nothing but negative laughing input at anything we try. Kinda vexations straight out of the box. Not all comments are wrong, just too much negative plastered in public view. Basically talking us out of trying anything at all. Not all are that way, but enough to use filters.

I know you and Dadllitica was out there pounding the ground for us, I read it. We all appreciate that your efforts dragged some in. 

I shoulda done this earlier, I just wasn’t up to normal speed yet. Last yr with work I had no time, now with retirement I’m all about free time and popping the cork on the bottle,…again.


Now get ur ars back in our air snd stop wirryin sbout mods, small beans :)
I wasn't thinking to interrupt any momentum, I was thinking to add it to the front of the video and maybe try to post it with other search terms.
If for example the current film would be found with the terms: Flight sim, world war II aircraft, maybe post one that would come up with different search terms. Maybe something like Christmas gift world war II history, or Christmas gift aviation buff.

Aye, I understand how you feel about former players. I kinda have the same feeling about current players that seem to be trying to burn it down from the inside. They act like they're firemen but they're actually the arsonists.

Dad definitely was the  master promoter. I just try to help out where I can.

Good deal on the retirement, hope you enjoy it. Now you should be able to fly at least 8 hours a day!

Doubt I'll be back at this point. I did give it go after a long break but found that all the things I was starting to dislike were still there and in some cases worse.  I'm not a fan of many things that I saw change in the game over time. The only way I'd imagine coming back is if there was a FTP account and a jump in numbers (enough to negate some of the stuff that was going on when I left) The main reason for this is now that my kids are old enough that we all play together and there's no way I can justify almost $900 a year for stuff that we might only get to play together 1 or 2 days per week. All the other games we play have some sort of way for me to mitigate the cost. WoW has FTP until lvl 20, WWII online has FTP, you can get an IL2 account setup for less then $10 and there's no monthly payment, you can play WT for free and I bought some other games on sale on steam like the latest CLOD stuff they are adding VR support to that I haven't even really had a chance to try yet.

That said I do wish you guys the best. I don't have any hard feelings about the stuff that drove me out. I'm over it.  Oh, and I'm not trying to recruit anybody lolz.

Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: waystin2 on December 17, 2024, 03:02:17 PM
Actually not really. That’s the whole point, an attempt to turn it around, at least a little.

I learn not put too much stock in former players. If they were right it would have died the day they quit. Nothing positive will cone from the former. No offense intended, its human nature. No one likes their ex-partners either.

At least we’re reaching outside the bubble to give it a chance or if it can happen again. If they don’t know they don’t decide.
I applaud your cheerleading.  I did it for years.  I sincerely hope it pays off with an arena full of enemies to shoot again.  :aok
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Oldman731 on December 17, 2024, 05:11:59 PM
I applaud your cheerleading.  I did it for years.  I sincerely hope it pays off with an arena full of enemies to shoot again.

Come back, Wastin.  You know you want to.

- oldman (Heck, we're even discussing hunting wild boar with knives (in the O Club).  Pigs should be represented.)
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 17, 2024, 05:23:49 PM
I applaud your cheerleading.  I did it for years.  I sincerely hope it pays off with an arena full of enemies to shoot again.  :aok

Unfortunately its nothing new. I did the same in AW, I just had more privileges to do certain things. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

The ad shows 760 now in two days with all positive comments. Which I think is pretty good for a AH vid. But in analytics is shows 886, I think the difference is encrypted views, like viewing from here.

I’ll never say I will re-fill the arena, I’d think it did well if I got 20. Anything else is icing on the cake.

YouTube recommendations - 73.9% , views 616
YouTube Home - 70.5%, views 587
Up next - 3.5% views 29
External - 16.6%, Views 138
Channel pages - 3.4%, views 28
Direct or unknown - 3.2%, views 27
Other 2.9%, views 24
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 17, 2024, 05:35:01 PM
I like what this guy did 7 yrs ago Things he talked about may have changed, but made good common points. I get how people who play several games don’t like subs. But would think you can always  suspend ypur account if you’re not going to play for a month.

Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: xanax on December 17, 2024, 06:47:26 PM
Great vid, Animl. Anyone watching will it least want to take look at AH for sure.

My only niggle is that you didn't get Sam Elliot to do the VoiceOver.

I hope to play again soon....retirement pending soon, so I'll have time to play on the PC.

Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 17, 2024, 07:22:58 PM
Great vid, Animl. Anyone watching will it least want to take look at AH for sure.

My only niggle is that you didn't get Sam Elliot to do the VoiceOver.

I hope to play again soon....retirement pending soon, so I'll have time to play on the PC.

I just hit retirement, I hope the game catches a second wind and gives me things to do.

Glad you at least want to return. I get the time thing. Last 15 yrs my job turned into a life and soul sucking rewind.

Two shorts;

1) I have a private funny story about the VO.

2) I actually sat on a plane with Sam, I think it was WA > CO. Sat and talked for 2 hrs before I realized who I was talking to. Just BSing. I knew I had seen that face and voice before, but musta been tired and didn't connect the two. I swear on my life, he was dressed like in the "The Big Lebowski" movie, without the hat, they must have just made the movie. Actually a really nice personable guy, wasn't all plastic. He came and sat with me while his suits discussed biz. Just two dudes passing time chatting. <shrug>
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: LNG15 on December 17, 2024, 08:48:33 PM
I like what this guy did 7 yrs ago Things he talked about may have changed, but made good common points. I get how people who play several games don’t like subs. But would think you can always  suspend ypur account if you’re not going to play for a month.

Something funny. I was the one who asked Vudu that question while I was live streaming once on Twitch.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Mano on December 18, 2024, 09:50:34 AM
Great video animal. Way to go. What does YouTube charge for advertising?  It is the 2nd largest search engine behind google. What does X charge for advertising? 
Both platforms have huge online audiences.

AH is a classic.

Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 18, 2024, 10:48:17 AM
Great video animal. Way to go. What does YouTube charge for advertising?  It is the 2nd largest search engine behind google. What does X charge for advertising? 
Both platforms have huge online audiences.

AH is a classic.


I didn’t go that route on YT. Its about $16 per day to get into paid advertising boost. They have 2-3 plans. If you pay ya get a larger audience.

YT is now owned by google. Therefore, pretty much same search algorithm.

AH is s classic to those who know about it, we want more to know about it and remind those who forgot. IMO, at least a vid has a chance once it reaches outside the bubble. Absolutely no promises on results.

As far as getting outside the bubble, no one cares who Animl is, no one searches for Animl nor his vids. Frankly, probably not many search for HTC or AH. This genera searchs for combat sims, flight sims …etc. words like these are important in your title and text to contain what they actually search for. Ya know who searches for Animl, AH or HTC? Many who are already in game or follow it.

Yes I would get more views if I paid to advertise. Right now I’m working on a no budget status.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Drano on December 18, 2024, 01:01:45 PM
Hey finally checked out your vid Animl. Nicely done! Only complaint is there were too many P-38s harmed in the production of this video. I strenuously object!
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Leisure on December 18, 2024, 01:02:09 PM
I know many of the videos I watch have hashtags at the bottom of their descriptions. So I'd imagine hashtags like #flightsim, #multiplayer, #WWIIcombatsim and the like would help with the search algorithm and getting views.
I recently searched "pork shoulder crockpot" and such a simple somewhat nebulous phrase yielded a ton of recipes probably due to hashtags.

Doing some pulled pork tomorrow in fact because of my findings.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 18, 2024, 05:55:40 PM
I know many of the videos I watch have hashtags at the bottom of their descriptions. So I'd imagine hashtags like #flightsim, #multiplayer, #WWIIcombatsim and the like would help with the search algorithm and getting views.
I recently searched "pork shoulder crockpot" and such a simple somewhat nebulous phrase yielded a ton of recipes probably due to hashtags.

Doing some pulled pork tomorrow in fact because of my findings.

There's a thought. Any port in the storm to get things out there without investment. Thanks for the suggestion.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Molsman on December 18, 2024, 08:09:13 PM
looks awesome

 :airplane: :airplane: :joystick: :joystick: :joystick: :old: :old: :old:
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 19, 2024, 09:01:54 AM
It appears we got a new guy from the video. He posted on the page looking for tech help. I always suspect trolls, but seems legit.
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: GOODBYE on December 19, 2024, 10:20:23 AM
I ran into him for the first time maybe a month or 2 ago, he’s legit
Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: waystin2 on December 19, 2024, 11:41:36 AM
Come back, Wastin.  You know you want to.

- oldman (Heck, we're even discussing hunting wild boar with knives (in the O Club).  Pigs should be represented.)
Heya Oldman, I would be lying if I said we don't reminisce about days past in AH and how fun the big fights were.  There are two issues that are intertwined that are stopping us.  The first is targets.  The Pigs need a plethora (yes I said plethora-lol) of targets to scrap with.  Right now if the POTW returned we would horribly unbalance side numbers for some unfortunate country-and make it a living hell for the other two countries when 15 to 20 swine lay into one or the other.  It used to get real bad when the AK's were in the same side as the Pigs for a month long tour.   My sincerest wish is that it regains its former glory with large numbers and new stuff coming out regularly.  Until then we lie in the mud and wait to fly again.  I wish you all very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  :aok

Title: Re: My Aces High Combat Simulator Ad.
Post by: Animl-AW on December 19, 2024, 11:55:21 AM
I’m sure the community could accommodate and equalize imbalance.

AKs still reap havoc when their numbers enter. Just pick an opposite country. We actually NEED another large squad to balance that. Those two squads going at it would be epic fun.

Be a part of its return to glory. Both squads could spark the right fire. The community would love yas for it.

I think if we got help with numbers it MIGHT help us get some tweaks.

Thanks for your support. <S>