Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: bacon8tr on January 13, 2025, 03:20:51 PM
I put my flight gear away years ago....and ran into an old squaddie on social media. He asked if I was still flying and informed him I had departed shortly after he did. However, the convo got me to thinking and reminiscing, of days and fights gone by.....dang I miss it! So in the coming week or so, it is my intent to pull down the old box from the attic, take a can of air to the old flight stick, work out the coms and saddle up. I am much older now then I was on my last sortie, eye sight and reflexes aren't what they once were, but at least I can enjoy being cannon fodder :noid I know back in the day, folks used to get aggravated with the whole "pick a chess piece and stick with it" thing... I never flew or ground pounded anywhere but in Bish land. I've decided to tour the country side and rotate with each new tour. I don't suspect anyone will remember who the heck this is! But I look forward to firing the 'ol Butcher Bird up again and taking to the friendly skies! See ya all soon :cheers: :salute
Good times to he had, see you in the air Sir. Welcome back! :salute :cheers:
Welcome back. Still plenty of fun to be had from 3pm CST to 10pm CST. Other hours of the day are pretty hit or miss.
There is now an auto switch feature built into the game that puts you on the lowest populated country. I personally jump around countries to help find action. Used to fly primarily Knights but find the game more fun rotating around and playing with and against all the great people in the community.
Welcome back. Still plenty of fun to be had from 3pm CST to 10pm CST. Other hours of the day are pretty hit or miss.
Those hours are right in my wheel house :banana:
Those hours are right in my wheel house :banana:
Awesome. If we cross paths and you need someone to cover your arse while you knock the rust off just hollar!
Welcome Back!!!! <S>
mmmmmmm' Bacon...
Every thing is better with bacon :rock
Welcome back!
MA from 8 to 12pm est is usually a blast
See you there
Woooot bacon....... we love bacon. :rofl
Good to see you back. I still fly some. You'll know when I am on.... all the trees look worried.
Ahhh yes I remember the name, welcome back sir!! :salute
welcome back!! check out monday night madness next monday. you wont be sorry!!
Welcome back Bacon... still good place to have amazing figths :salute
Welcome Back
Cheers, One-eye
Welcome back!
I want a sizzling bacon sound when the plane catches on fire.
I want a BLT.... :x
Let us know how that goes Bacon8tr.