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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: Smothers on February 02, 2025, 03:07:58 PM
Hey all,
I just bought a new desktop comp and monitor and am open to any settings suggestions to get the most out of the graphics for playing AH. Its a cyperpower pc, Intel Core i5 processor, 32 GB ram, GeForce rtx 4060 vid card, Acer 31.5 XZ2 curved monitor.
I've been messing with the numerous settings in the Nvidia control panel but haven't managed to get the graphics just right. I have the clouds looking great, but the overall terrain while flying looks like it can be improved. The lower part of the monitor looks really good but the middle to top part of the view of the terrain (land and water) starts to look less sharp and appears to have a sheen that flickers or looks like its moving kinda like the sun shining on water. My frame rate is great so not concerned with performance. I know I can keep trying new settings and will eventually get there, but with so many settings and possible combinations it's taking a long time and is a bit frustrating. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thx :salute
Smothers, we have a player named Animl that has an excellent tech site as it relates to AH3 and Nvidia. Here is the link;
Back in the day Skuzzy said that AH graphics are designed to use the default settings of any video card - in Nvidia control panel that means "application controlled" for most settings which in turns means that all settings are done in within the game. At least that method doesn't interfere with other graphics in your computer.
That said, Animl has good tips on his site.
Lastly, familiarize yourself with the settings of your monitor! For home office use a neutral preset is good, but for gaming you may want a more vivid colour scheme.
Along with these suggestions look in the game under options, graphics then check and uncheck the different settings to tailor to your liking. The lens flare, shadows, and I think antaliasing affects what you listed.
Thanks for the suggestions and link to Animl's website, lots of info there! I will try changing all the nvidia settings to application-controlled that have it as a choice and see how well that works AND play with the game graphic option check boxes.
Well remember thise are nVidia settings, however some may be found and apply in AMD.
Some quality settings can cause stuff like flicker/glitter effect.
AH should run just fine on application controlled.
If vsync us disabled you’ll get monster fps, but it should be clamped off at 80-120.
Other than that AH usually runs fine on defaults. Usually my settings spy to low fps.