Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: nopoop on February 10, 2025, 03:08:53 PM
I enjoy opinion and news. Always have. This a list of what is in my bubble of who I drop in daily.
Dana Bash, Wolf, and Jake Tapper on CNN. Brett Bare, The 5 and Jessy on FOX. Flip board and X online.
I cant watch News Max nor MSNBC because of my gag reflex. I would add The Faukner Focus to my gag list also..
That's my bubble, what's yours ?
All of the above + Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert (can't handle news without a good chuckle).
I enjoy opinion and news. Always have. This a list of what is in my bubble of who I drop in daily.
Dana Bash, Wolf, and Jake Tapper on CNN. Brett Bare, The 5 and Jessy on FOX. Flip board and X online.
I cant watch News Max nor MSNBC because of my gag reflex. I would add The Faukner Focus to my gag list also..
That's my bubble, what's yours ?
Stephanie Ruhl, because damn she's good lookin, therefore always right. (smart and knows the markets)
Fareed Zakaria, one in-tune SOB
The rest is like HTF did you get this job?
I removed the other bad F word from my TV menu
That's my bubble, what's yours ?
Actually, I don't watch TV news. It isn't because there's something bad about TV news, but it takes them ten minutes to give you the information you can read in one minute.
So: Philadelphia Inquirer, WSJ, NYTimes, Politico, TheHill, CNN, in that order, every morning and occasionally during the day.
- oldman
All of the above + Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert (can't handle news without a good chuckle).
Ya have to throw up your hands and laugh, because there's nothing ya can do about it.
not my circus, not my monkeys
Jordan Sather - young guy, use to think he was a shill when he first started, but over the years I've followed and find him to be genuine and he goes a lil bit deeper that MSM and covers things they won't. Very knowledgeable about UFOs and the community and calls out a lot of BS.
George Webb - Goes deeper than anyone. Has spent a good chunk of his savings to become a traveling journalist. Probably one of the best out there. No one does a level of digging like him and his team does. If you want the deepest info, this guy is it.
Amazing Polly- she's a Canadian. Very good researcher. Her older stuff is really great. She's a big connect the institutions and people type.
Catherine Herridge is very good also.
X of course.
Jordan Sather - young guy, use to think he was a shill when he first started, but over the years I've followed and find him to be genuine and he goes a lil bit deeper that MSM and covers things they won't. Very knowledgeable about UFOs and the community and calls out a lot of BS.
George Webb - Goes deeper than anyone. Has spent a good chunk of his savings to become a traveling journalist. Probably one of the best out there. No one does a level of digging like him and his team does. If you want the deepest info, this guy is it.
Amazing Polly- she's a Canadian. Very good researcher. Her older stuff is really great. She's a big connect the institutions and people type.
Pulitzers for all!
Every news source has a point of view it is working to convince you to adopt.
I think the only way to get a feel for what is really going on is to see news across the whole spectrum. That way, you can spot the consistencies, the inconsistencies, what one side is saying that the other fails to mention, etc.
You can't get a wide view if you stick to TV or newspapers, as that whole universe of stuff has about two points of view. CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NYT/The View/the comedy news guys/etc. all have about the same view. Fox/Newsmax/NY Post/etc. all have about the same view.
X is the place to quickly get as wide and as deep (or as summarized) a view as you want.
One has to start with common sense or they won't be able to tell fact from fiction...
Seems to be a shortage of it imo
X, Rogan, Tim Pool, Mike Rowe, Sabine Hossenfelder, Dr. Ed Weir, blancolirio, Darpatv.
The media is a brain dead resource.