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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Defiance on June 23, 2001, 02:29:00 PM

Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Defiance on June 23, 2001, 02:29:00 PM
Here i am totally shrecked off with AH

Why you may ask ??

Well it's not the sim or concept of the game which i have enjoyed so much and used to look forward to playing all the hours i could muster

It's darn idiotic remarks on open radio, The "WTF you should of died" or How did you do that it's impossible"

To top it all i assume i am not the only one that gets the insinuation of being a hack !!

Well for the small minded moronics that jump to quick conclusions i will enlighten you to my abilities in the way of hacking

Any Windose probs or software related probs i am fortunate to have made several decent friends in the time i flew FA and here in AH  :)to help me out
Hardware stuff seems to come to me naturally as i love to use tools/hands and learn new stuff
Bfalcon4 is my main help for any software glitches i have and he is a very close n trusted cyber pal, We share a laugh n joke and try to have fun (which is getting harder by the day for me)
We have flew in FA and here together and i really enjoy the friendship and times online together, Hell he even ships stuff from USA to me here in the UK without a thought of cost etc, Now that's what you call a m8  :)

OK back to hacking, Well without the help of him would you believe up until a short time ago i didn't even know how to copy/paste lol, He couldn't get over that !!! knew nothing of HTML and basicly Windose was an install i always loaded at default settings After guidance and help i am learning HTML and have a trial webpage on AH

Now i can choose what to install from a format can recover from scanreg/restore and can even find my way around windows directory without panicking in case i delete something wrongly
I did a few days ago Fubar something in windows, When i d/load say an AH map it used to save as an icon on my desktop or wherever i sent it, I then clicked it and it would open, Now it d/loads as a Paint icon and when opened it's blank white and error message saying wrong gizmo or alike

So to the Morons who know who they are does this seem as though i am a Hack ??

Intelligent people would maybe think not ! Then again the level/tone of some conversations i have to endlessly be subjected to on open radio shows me at times intelligent life in AH can sometimes be at a low level
And i know about gagging radio 1 but why should i have to when all it would take is these morons changing there garbage remarks !!

Each day it seems AH community slips a bit lower in some respects imho
I used to look forward to all the hours of fun but alas now it sure aint as much fun as it once was  :(

Totally pissed off at the mo
"Pissed off" if this offends i appologise but to have enjoyed something so so so so so much then end up thinking about a sub cancel just to escape the daft idiotic remarks makes me so angry

Titanium now Defiance

Have Fun !!
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: airspro on June 23, 2001, 02:42:00 PM
Hey Tit , man I love ya's   :)

I know it's bothersome but in time u will get over it . I did , the being called a hack , cheat etc .

One good thing "the other new sim" has is no channel 1   :D

But AH is a better flight sim so far by far .

Ya's sidie knows what it's like to get "free" stuff from the states , borg and guard too , lol . If they only knew   :eek:

Bfalcon4  <S>

HEY them MUSKETS guys are the best . Say Hi to SirG for me also /

Take care my friend ,
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Hajo on June 23, 2001, 02:52:00 PM
defiance, do what I do, ignore them.  after years of on-line gaming, nothing has changed. some people just can't handle getting whipped!  :eek:
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Niblitz on June 23, 2001, 03:59:00 PM
Hey Defiance ya old mullet!  :D

Good to see you keeping the faith here, you should see what we've had to deal with in the "other sim". Sheeesh!!

To be frank, I wish I could still afford to play AH, because, believe it or not, I'm already nostalgic for you guys (sniff!). Right now, not only can i not find any of the mullets, but i also can't get any1 to use RW and organise some ops like like we did in here. It's just impossible to find any1 right now. Big mess (although still fun, just don't expect to fly a plane yet, unless you have a killer rig).

I look forward to the day we all can kick axis together again. I raise a pint in your general direction m8!


ps i think i have your email addy, i drop u a line if you like  :)
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: 2Late4U on June 23, 2001, 06:28:00 PM
There are two things I do with people that whine and complain constantly when they die...first of all, I ignore them....then I kill them again and again and again   :D

Just ask a particular Bishi spit I vulched 9 times last week after shooting him down over his base    ;)
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Bluedog on June 23, 2001, 07:26:00 PM
<S> G'day Tit, long time mate  :)

I know you've prolly heard this a million times....but take the 'hacker' accusation as a complement, and just ignore all the other drivel on Ch#1.

You were one of the guys that made me feel 'welcome' here when I first made the move with my squad from WB, and have allways been helpfull and friendly when I asked dumbarse questions, even now that I'm a Knit.

Mate, dont let a bunch of whinging little sissy boys ruin your fun, just squelch 'em.
I figure if someone accuses you of hacking, when you are in fact not....then you gotta be doin' something right  :)

You could, of course, forsake the Rook Way, and purify your virtual soul by joining the Glorious Knight Order.....gettin' gangbanged can be quite fun too, there is a definate plus to target rich environments  ;)

Look at it this way, if you are gettin pissed off by the whining and accusations, think of how much you must be pissing them off to cause it  :) he he
Not too many points about this game are more fun than giving your oponent/s a raging case of the flaming trots by your insolent persistance in shooting them down, IMHO  :)

Chin up and stick around mate, AH would be a poorer playground without you.

<S> Blue
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Ghosth on June 23, 2001, 08:58:00 PM
HEY Welcome back Tit, I've missed you!

Attitude on channel 1 is just that, attitude.
They died, you didn't, it was their mistake & some of them can't handle that much truth. So,,,,,,,,,, easier to say "hacker" or "cheat" or "that plane can't do that".

Heck I've even felt the urge myself a time or two. The difference being I've learned to Alt F4 when I feel that way.

Hang in there bro!
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: eagl on June 23, 2001, 09:02:00 PM
If you promise to bail out anytime I ping you and also promise not to shoot at me, I double super secret PROMISE not to call you a cheater  :)
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Dmitry on June 23, 2001, 09:35:00 PM
nobody called me a cheater or a hack... Now I thjink its only because I suck  :)

Seriusly dont mind them and .squelch 1

Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Hangtime on June 23, 2001, 11:00:00 PM
Finest compliment I was ever paid in this sim..


I was sooooo proud.  :)

If yah crank up a good whine with yer flyin, rest assured, you done good.  :)
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: hblair on June 23, 2001, 11:16:00 PM
I don't really look at being called a hacker as a compliment, as it usually comes from someone who is ignorant and/or a sore loser, therefore what they have to say doesn't carry much merit.
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Hangtime on June 24, 2001, 03:02:00 AM
Bah. Just torment the squealing little whiners with ACM... the more noise they make the better the kill.

Title: Why ohh why
Post by: hazed- on June 24, 2001, 08:33:00 AM
hangtime you want to get yourself a sharp stick and a big fat pig  :D

and just poke it!  :D

same result  :)
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: lazs1 on June 24, 2001, 08:43:00 AM
I never turn off my puter cause I'm not sure I could figure out how to turn it back on.
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Beegerite on June 24, 2001, 11:19:00 AM
You may have all those evil sounding nicks now but you're still TS_Gumpy and Gumpy-Gumpy to me!

I have a simple rule.  Squelch 1 and only unsquelch it to <S> a good adversary.  I even went so far as to make it a guideline in our squadron not to engage in open chanel banter.  

There is a psychological component to insulting somebody on the open chanel.  That is that others will see how kewl, macho etc. etc. you are.  If others don't see you (the morons you're talking about) insulting somebody, you have nothing else staring back at you from your monitor but the image of a pathetic sociopathic loner with pimples, bad teeth, a hangover, and a stunted woman insulting noodle.  That isn't as satisfying to these idiot-moron-inbiciles as the attention they can garner from a well placed insult on the open chanel.  Even talking about them makes them all wet.  Ignore the mullets!!!

The open chanel insult and previously the newsgroup flame are part of the internet.  You ain't gonna change it, been that way since I first went online on Compuserve and The Source back in the early 80's.

Bumper stickers for sale $1.00



Originally posted by Defiance:
Here i am totally shrecked off with AH

Intelligent people would maybe think not ! Then again the level/tone of some conversations i have to endlessly be subjected to on open radio shows me at times intelligent life in AH can sometimes be at a low level
And i know about gagging radio 1 but why should i have to when all it would take is these morons changing there garbage remarks !!

Each day it seems AH community slips a bit lower in some respects imho
I used to look forward to all the hours of fun but alas now it sure aint as much fun as it once was   :(Titanium now Defiance

Have Fun !!
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Pepe on June 25, 2001, 02:47:00 AM
Well I've been very dumb. I didn't notice your change...   ;)

I have been wandering what had been of Titanium!   :)

Have my late welcome back!   :D


Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Creamo on June 25, 2001, 02:51:00 AM
It's darn idiotic remarks on open radio, The "WTF you should of died" or How did you do that it's impossible"

Kill for the whine, otherwise it's AI.
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Naudet on June 25, 2001, 03:15:00 AM
Def/Tit, u said u flew FA. I did it too and i have to say there were much more idiots on open channel in FA on 1 day then i see in AH in about a month.

There will always be a few budheads that have to compensate some social/psychic or other mental deficits in a online sim, were nobody see what for poor guys they really are. Dont listen to em, simply have fun like most players in AH want to have to.
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: StSanta on June 25, 2001, 04:37:00 AM
The more I play this game, the more I start seeing it from Creamo's point of view.

Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Westy MOL on June 25, 2001, 09:13:00 AM
Defiance/Titanium, to be honest imo if you are bothered by obvious imbeciles spouting ignorance on channel one then maybe you're just too too sensitive.

 If a zipper head calls out a great lead turn as a cheat. Then head for that base he's taking off from and relish in shooting him down again, and again, and again.

 Till he calls you a hacker and you are bestowed with that ultimate in praise!   :D


[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Westy MOL ]
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: AKDejaVu on June 25, 2001, 09:41:00 AM
"Cherry Picker"

"Nice Spray and Pray"


"Coward! You didn't stay and fight"

All remarks I've received in the last week.  All by people that just died.  All followed by a "LOL! Shut up dead guy!".

I do notice that of all the people I've fought this tour, only two have said these things.  Many more have said "Nice Fight <S>".

If you squelch channel one for the minority, you risk missing something actually good from the majority.

Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Wlfgng on June 25, 2001, 09:54:00 AM
LOL Hangtime.. sooo true !
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Defiance on June 25, 2001, 11:03:00 AM
Westy i can see where ya comin from but if i can try to explain a bit more clearly....

The silly comments be it on open radio or priv text are just that silly/moronic etc etc
All it does in my case is erode the fun element bit by bit from my flying time
I arse around on squad/country radio and have a laugh n try to crack a joke now n again as many do   :)
I was brought up with a very commom phrase etched into my braincell "If you can't say anything good, Keep thy gob shut" i just wish more guys/gals were on the same par   lol

As for FA i was gumpygumpy then joined the TS guys   :) TS_Gumpy
I/WE 99.9% of the time full full real so all the quaker kids were left to abuse each other in ffa and arcade arenas   :D
In my two years flying FA Real i never witnessed as much b#llocks in there as i now can flying AH for one week   :(

I did take being called/insinuated i was a Hack as a compliment but after i while it sure does get boring  lmao (ahh if only i was i maybe able to get cyber work etc !!)
To me repetition equates to boredom and constant spoutings on radio 1 do to me get boring, This in itself as i say erodes pleasure from this sim from my point of view

Ask yourself this, Compared to one year ago has radio text got worse or better ?
I myself can say worse for sure, This is what annoys me

I say Perk the Text   :p

Have Fun

Disillusioned Def

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Defiance ]
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Westy MOL on June 25, 2001, 12:17:00 PM
Perk the text? I wish   :)

 I see the radio as having gotten much better over the last year. There is, imo, actually much less obscenities scrolling on the radio text bar than a year ago. A LOT less.
 The idiocy like "Nice warp"  "BS!! No way a P-51 could out turn a Spit!!!" "nICE HAck mOvE XXX! " all remains the same imo.
 I think maybe you've just gotten tired of it as you've given it too much mind.  


[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Westy MOL ]
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Defiance on June 25, 2001, 12:42:00 PM
Hey Westy you might be right !
Maybe i am visualising the text buffer as one might an eye irritant (hmm that spelt right ?)
You know the kinda thing you see a speck in your eye like a black mark etc and the more you look the more it tends to irritate you lol

Have Fun


edit...still can't spell   :(  lol

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Defiance ]
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Nifty on June 25, 2001, 02:34:00 PM
Originally posted by Westy MOL:
Perk the text? I wish    :)

 I see the radio as having gotten much better over the last year. There is, imo, actually much less obscenities scrolling on the radio text bar than a year ago. A LOT less.
 The idiocy like "Nice warp"  "BS!! No way a P-51 could out turn a Spit!!!" "nICE HAck mOvE XXX! " all remains the same imo.
 I think maybe you've just gotten tired of it as you've given it too much mind.  


[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Westy MOL ]

*ROFL* did you explain to the spit about how you can take a wider turn arc but at a faster speed and turn outside the guy???  "Cheater!"  "Naw, I just paid attention in physics class!"

On a side note...  Don't turn a Pony with a Spit V behind you!!  Just ask daddog how excited I got when the pony started turning!  I saw the pony extending;  I was resigned to watching him go, when all of a sudden he turned hard left, and bye bye precious E and speed!  A couple of rounds from the 20's and the Pony went BOOOM!  I should listen to my own advice, I blew my E in my first sortie in the Chk 6 and started flopping around.  AKHog laughed at me, that n1k2 dweeb!!   ;)
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: Beegerite on June 25, 2001, 08:20:00 PM
Know what I learned from this thread.  Some can keep chanel 1 open and it doesn't bother them at all, on the other hand there are those myself included who are of the temperament that if in real life you were to in the most remote way insinuate that we were cheating, we would immediately reach up your arse and turn you inside out.  We dysfunctional fellows can't afford to look like stunninghunks so to eliminate the posibility of doing something stupid on chanel 1 I'll just keep it squelched.
Title: Why ohh why
Post by: laz on June 25, 2001, 08:53:00 PM
just out of curiostity (if its spelled right  :)  ), have any of you ever said crap like this to people?? maybe you guys could be talking about each other??  :eek:   :eek:   :eek: