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General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: BUG_EAF322 on March 01, 2002, 01:17:27 PM

Title: whine arena
Post by: BUG_EAF322 on March 01, 2002, 01:17:27 PM
I was just checkin the arena  flyingabout 15K
they call u a 25 flying tank.
Not giving any advantage the whines start.

It seems that when u fly slower and lower gives the nme more fun?

what should i do next time when 2 fw's r on my big asstarget?
give away advantage get in the fight and let the other get on my tail? :rolleyes:

=Twin Engined Devils=
Title: whine arena
Post by: Tac on March 01, 2002, 01:55:58 PM
I think you should shoot them down and enjoy the cheese! :)

2 FW's shouldnt engage a lone 38 at alt anyway... 3 or more perhaps they'd have a chance *G*
Title: whine arena
Post by: BUG_EAF322 on March 01, 2002, 02:32:20 PM
Yep i smoked one dough i didnt dived aftr it, so it rtb or ditched.
Think the ct is for flying to live, getting a kill and than getting killed is a failure in my opinion.
That Fw should have been happy it was not one off my better shooting teammates  otherwise it would have blown up.  :D      

=Twin Engined Devils=
Title: whine arena
Post by: hazed- on March 01, 2002, 03:16:55 PM
hehe ok I was one of these fw190s, happened to be a 190a8 with full heavy ord for a jabo as i took off.
there way above us was a P38 at 2ok if not 25k so i dump ord and try to climb under wep so i have room to dive and avoid any attack. well as the p38 flies around i watch as it dives on another 190 and loops over which is perfectly reasonable (e tactics).I keep grabbing but heavy its not a lot of use.You had a huge alt advantage bug and jesus did you use it! for a good 15  minutes we both tried to climb or engage but all you did was 1 half hearted attack and then went back to climbing. By this time i was wondering what the hell you was flew above me 3 or 4 times, so i weaved expecting the attack but it never came.I followed and followed but after a while i got totally bored.
I thought maybe you was leading me to a trap but no. The one time you engaged the other 190 you hit his engine and wounded the pilot.I was nowhere near i just saw black dot with smoke.
Did you continue for the kill? did you switch your attack to me? did you my ass.You climbed!! apar just flew to back to base  and i like an idiot followed yet again!
well after 20-25 minutes this got too much, I wanted to slit my wrists i was so bored.
You say you flew to live.Well hell anyone can fly away from a fight.I tried my best to goad you to come and fight/kill me but you just flew off into the distance claiming you was too big a target to dogfight lol. hmmm you must be some pilot if you cant convert a 5 or 6 k advantage against a heavy 190a8 into a safe attack.
I actually was so bored i rtb'd to go elsewhere.If this is how you want to fly then fine but to be honest I cant see where the fun is.
each to his own.personally i was glad you left as it meant I actually got some fights and knew i wouldnt mistake you for someone who likes to shoot things lol.Remember there was only 10 people or so in there, and finding a fight was hard enough without 25 minute chases SHEESH!

BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Title: whine arena
Post by: BUG_EAF322 on March 02, 2002, 12:49:42 AM
to shortcut ur story life sucks when u on't own the fight

Title: whine arena
Post by: Tac on March 02, 2002, 01:07:51 AM
190's should cost 1 perk too ;)
Title: whine arena
Post by: BUG_EAF322 on March 02, 2002, 01:14:26 AM
yeah and i didn't want to lose my perkpoint too i made a nice landing :D
Title: whine arena
Post by: hazed- on March 02, 2002, 11:24:39 AM
Originally posted by BUG_EAF322
to shortcut ur story life sucks when u on't own the fight


what a fool you are. What I am trying to explain to your poor intellect is I play to fight.Sure advantage is good and like everyone who plays i prefer to have an advantage but the fight, whether its using evasives or turning the enemies advantage to your own, is what makes the fun.You managed to remove it. Then you have the cheek to claim we only engage when the advantage is ours. THE ADVANTAGE WAS YOURS. we did all the chasing.

As to the 1 perk cost, why dont you go check the cost of the 190a8?

Tac, I have no problem with you or your flying.Ive never felt the need to mention a single engagement and I think you'll agree we've had a few over the years.Usually Im satisfied with a win or a loss if the fight is a good one.If I was you Id stop trying to back up your teammates boring behaviour.

And btw, I would have never had even said another word on the subject if it wasnt for this pathetic thread.I know what I saw and what I felt at the time and confusion was the main feeling.I just couldnt understand what he was doing.To be honest I was quite surprised Bug turned out to be in tacs squad.Twin engined devils?
or twin engined paint drying? :) hehe
Title: whine arena
Post by: Tac on March 02, 2002, 12:17:00 PM
Ew, thats under the belt.

FYI, I too would "extend" for a good while if I see dots around me I cant identify and I see 1 enemy plane chasing me. There's no way of telling just how far they are or if they heading my way. Just last night I was flying 22k over A25.. saw a 109 at 20k.. started to engage it, went past the merge.. and then saw 3 dots coalt. Since the 109 was d2.5 away and hadnt turned back to me I flew towards the dots to ID it... turned out to be a n1k, a 190 and another 109, all heading to me.

I had plenty of fuel left so I just turned around, did another merge with the 1st 109 and got away from there.. the 190, a 109 and the n1k chased me for 1 and a half sectors before the n1k turned away and the 190 immelled out a bit later. Thats when I engaged the 109, smacked it and went back for the 190. The n1k was nowhere to be found. Boring that I flew away for nearly 10 minutes on a slight climb when I had "the advantage" of a few K of alt? Perhaps, but it wouldve been even more boring to be forced to fight a frustrating fight vs 3 planes in a plane that cant run away once its engaged...get shot down in a fight I had no chance of winning and then spend the next 10+ minutes just trying to climb back to 20k & back to the place where that fight took place.

"To be honest I was quite surprised Bug turned out to be in tacs squad."

Even after a whole year of he not being in AH, he can still beat my bellybutton in a 38. I hate Bug322 so much I had to invite him in. Plus he's from Holland.. maybe he'll send me a cute blond, or share some of his cool "weblinks" :D :D :)
Title: whine arena
Post by: BUG_EAF322 on March 02, 2002, 12:37:17 PM
Just an another arrogant LW driver.

Any Way

It's just really BS u are talkin.

and u proofed crap again
Title: whine arena
Post by: hazed- on March 02, 2002, 05:01:17 PM
Bug youre talking Bs mate.

theres running under pressure and running ..well I dont know why you ran to be honest. Apar was already long other planes around.I goaded you , 'P38 what are you doing??' was my words i think.Then I said  'Sheesh screw this im RTB' which incidently had this been any normal person would have been a que to reverse and attack but you didnt even do that!.

'I lost you 190' I think you said. yeah right, we was both heading NE for whole time after your passes above me without attacking.

anyway like i said play how you like but be aware some of us aint got all day to chase cons without the slightest bit of action.Maybe its not your fault I get bored but that sort of 25 minute 'non' fight would try the patience of a saint.I only wish i could tell it was you so i could head elsewhere.
Title: whine arena
Post by: hitech on March 02, 2002, 05:16:19 PM
This is a classic example of a few things.

It's an example of what happens if you make dieing to exspensive, this isn't the case here but the result is the same.

It is also a claisic example of how arena play differes from senerio play and real life . In a senerio this wouldn't happen because getting a kill would not be the goal of either side, accomplishing the mission would.

Also flying for kill steaks or flying to live only works in the main arena because there are enof people who just furball than can be abused by the only want to fight with an advantage crowd.

Just pointing out a few game play dynamics to give people food for thought.

Title: whine arena
Post by: hazed- on March 02, 2002, 08:35:31 PM
Well Let me be the first to appologise if I am out of line here in what ive said.Unfortunately I am short tempered and 'bite' on any remarks made to me or about me that I dont agree with.hmmm seems bug is similar?  :D

Perhaps I am out of line to call BUG dull for flying the way he did.In his view he was flying the way he wants to fly:'to live' and I agree wholeheartedly with what HT says in terms of scenario behaviour compared to MA behaviour. In scenarios I try my best to do exactly what bug is claiming he was doing in this situation.But in CT I play to enjoy myself a bit more and Im not too worried about my score or performance in there.

CT for me has become a great arena.The balance of the style of play I see in there is almost perfectly suited to the day to day 'fix' I need.
Ive seen some great stuff in there.Ive seen people allow people to ditch when they are obviously out of the fight, Ive seen people leave 2 players to fight it out without diving in to take a kill the other guy is obviously working his way to getting. There seems to be a nice mix of fighting and mission participation too.
 Now I can see Bugs point, that I have no right to expect him to fly in any manner no matter what he does, but at the same time I was kind of hoping he would see my point, which is, it can be frustrating fighting this type of behaviour especially, as with less people the distances and flying time to find fights is increased(on some occations). Its wound up turning into a schoolyard slanging match and now I re read it I wish Id just ignored it, it would have been better for both of us I think.

I'll agree to stop calling bug dull and mind my own business if he agrees to relax a little and just throw himself in the fight a little more? :) after all, if Bug had requested me to stay out of the fight with the other 190 (apar) I'd have done it.

There, I extend the hand of peace.............:D

Title: whine arena
Post by: Hangtime on March 02, 2002, 09:55:32 PM

Actually, this is a classic example of scorecard flying... and also an example of what happens when that style of flying gets challenged. The result is always the same... one side or the other hollers in aggravation: "you don't pay my subcription fee, don't tell me how to play this game".

Taking it to the next step, Hazed is well within HIS rights to point and say "Dweeb!!"   unfortunately, neither Hazed or Bug will be much influenced to change their styles, neither will be much enamored of the others postion and all the rest of us get to watch the diatribe and go "tsk, tsk, ain't that a squeak". While neither of the protagonists in the debate get any satisfaction, the rest of us do get a chance to see inside the heads of those we fly with and against... and maye we'll make a decison to change in how WE fly.

Or, maybe not.

Just another day in AH.

Title: whine arena
Post by: BUG_EAF322 on March 03, 2002, 02:21:03 AM
What caught me in one off my several flying moods
yesterday i was in the ct too 8 off 10 times catchin high LW planes

Anyway u caught on a bad moment . At that one time nobody can conclude how i fly and how i should fly.
Just hate that .
I'm not calling u names that childish too.

And i'm always frienldy enough to say I LOVE U HAZED

Title: whine arena
Post by: Saintaw on March 03, 2002, 05:00:18 AM