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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Honch on March 20, 2002, 01:18:40 PM

Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Honch on March 20, 2002, 01:18:40 PM
I've seen a lot of trash talking about spitfires here on this board and in the MA.  I'm not sure I understand it all.

I'm still relatively new to the game and I would kind of like to understand why there is so much animosity towards spits.

I like it alot, But why shoudln't I fly the Spit V?
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: streakeagle on March 20, 2002, 01:29:46 PM
Nothing is wrong with flying the Spit V. People just don't want to get gangbanged by turn fighters with 20 mm Hispanos ;) Yet they don't want to take the time to fly in such a way as to avoid turn fighting.

Additionally, this game is much more fun if everyone flies a variety of aircraft. If every enemy encountered is a Spitfire, it gets boring real fast. Either you have to fly a comparable aircraft, be very patient using BnZ tactics, or be prepared to die a lot in furballs.

I happen to like flying P-51Ds and F-4U1s (the birdcages). It is very hard (not impossible because the enemy pilot may suck ;)) for me to win if I encounter a Spit above me with more speed. Some people would say the solution to this problem is to accuse those who fly the Spits of being dweebs flying uber planes that are spoiling the fun of anybody who flys planes that can't turn with them and to perk the Spits to prevent such dweebery. I think it is a matter of flying the P-51 as intended: higher and faster than the opposition. If I can't get the P-51 into a position of advantage and I get tired of being bounced by planes with more e or maneuverability, I hop up in an A6M5 and give the Spitfires (or whatever else it is that is killing me) a taste of their own medicine. Though I prefer flying the Spitfire to the A6M5 when dealing with hordes of Tempests in HtH combat.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Vector on March 20, 2002, 01:57:35 PM

Of course you should fly spit if you like it! :)
Spits just happens to excel in every area and it's the reason we see them so much. I personally think there's no better plane to learn acm than spit ix, that's one heck of the plane.
I admit I get frustrated too every now and then when facing hordes of spits, but I always get over it after shooting couple of them down with my rusty jug hehe.

Fly what you like, after all it's you that pays 15$/month and you can do what ever you like. Just remember there will be always whining for something, don't take it too personally. :)
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: FDisk on March 20, 2002, 02:01:38 PM
Please do.. we need more spit V pilots!
most of them run the IX

The only 2 problems with that plane

A. i turn fight you will run out of E and find yourself very low and very slow.
B. .303s couldn't penetrate a sheep's bum in this game. Even FDBs can!
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: AKDejaVu on March 20, 2002, 02:07:56 PM
I advise against seeking aproval for your choice in aircraft.  Fly what you want for whatever reasons you want.  Its the best way to enjoy the game.

Another good way to enjoy the game is to completely ignore those that wish to dictate how you should enjoy the game.

Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Fatty on March 20, 2002, 02:17:36 PM

Unless some twit's sob story on channel one about how he got caught turning his 400+mph plane on the deck and died actually moves you to care.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Honch on March 20, 2002, 02:46:02 PM
Thanks for the advice

Why it is, then, that everyone seems to attack the Spit V so vehemently?  

I don't see how it's such a super fighter, or why its gotten such a reputation as a dweeb's plane.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Fatty on March 20, 2002, 02:51:00 PM
People who fly fast planes cry when they get slow and are killed by slow planes.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Seeker on March 20, 2002, 02:57:43 PM
Fly what ever you like, it's your money.

The Spit's attacked by idiots who don't know how to fight it, usually the same guys that squeak about Buff guns, GV guns and anything else that kills them too.

Ignore them.

As to why not the V, well, the I's got more style, and the IX's got more speed, but again, it's your money :-)
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: FDisk on March 20, 2002, 03:00:41 PM
It's the spit IX that got that image.

It's because the RAF has so many talented pilots and the the LW can touch anyone who's been flying for 2 months or is paying attention to them swooping in from 20k feet.

BOOHOO! I can't touch the IX it's a dweeby plane!
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: myelo on March 20, 2002, 03:08:51 PM
Originally posted by Honch
Why it is, then, that everyone seems to attack the Spit V so vehemently?  

They are just trying to improve your historic experience in the game. The real Luftwaffe pilots in WWII didn't like the Spit V either.
Title: Re: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Widewing on March 20, 2002, 03:14:52 PM
Originally posted by Honch
I've seen a lot of trash talking about spitfires here on this board and in the MA.  I'm not sure I understand it all.

I'm still relatively new to the game and I would kind of like to understand why there is so much animosity towards spits.

I like it alot, But why shoudln't I fly the Spit V?

Spitfires tend to dominate the furballs. Many, if not most pilots do not understand how to deal with them. So, they get shot down and whine accordingly.

I also like the SpitV and fly it frequently. Furthermore, I could care less who doesn't like it (usually those who find themselves on the business end). I also fly the N1K2, another so-called "dweeb" ride.

Some of the best pilots in AH fly the SpitV. That should be a clue to those who belittle it.

If someone should squeak, just shoot him down... :D

Honch, ignore the complainers and enjoy yourself.

See you out there.

My best,

Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Apache on March 20, 2002, 03:15:43 PM
Fly it Honch. The more I hear wailing & gnashing of teeth about the spitV, the more I fly it.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Nifty on March 20, 2002, 03:16:30 PM
Honch, screw 'em and fly what you want.  If that's the Spit V, fly it all you want.  :)

FDisk, plenty of people fly the Spit V.  Prolly 60% more kills by the IX, but the V is still well represented.

Fatty, if they get upset by getting their uber fast ride killed by a Spit V, I wonder what those 190 and P-51D guys was thinking when I got them in a Spitfire Mk Ia?  :D
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Fatty on March 20, 2002, 03:18:45 PM
Heh, it's not a spit but my new favorite is the hurricane I.  On top of simply shooting them down, I take joy in the knowledge they've had to listen hundreds of 303 pings.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: WBHoncho on March 20, 2002, 03:23:39 PM
fly what you want squlech channel 1
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Honch on March 20, 2002, 03:25:22 PM
Originally posted by myelo

They are just trying to improve your historic experience in the game. The real Luftwaffe pilots in WWII didn't like the Spit V either.

LOL myelo
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Wlfgng on March 20, 2002, 04:02:34 PM
fly the spit V.. it's great.

most pilots think you're in a spit IX and start turning with you.. big mistake on their part.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: bozon on March 20, 2002, 04:15:15 PM
never flown the V much till the end of last tour.
once i got the taste of it i got hooked. it's now my vulch plane... that means being vulched IN plane. i roll it out of vulched fields, being shot down with gears out again and again, but if you can survive the first 2 sec after takeoff you can start fighting right off the floor.
who is a bigger dweeb? the one that flies the v or the one vulching it? :)

do what you like. enjoy it.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: HFMudd on March 20, 2002, 05:02:11 PM
I use this test for personal dweebery.  I tell my wife I'm going back into the computer room to do bills.  10 min of bill paying and 3 hours of AH I come back out.  The look I get from her more or less answers the "dweeb" question.

Love the 51D up high.
Love the SpitV down low.
Love the Zeke even lower.
Never flown an LA7.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Pongo on March 20, 2002, 05:27:53 PM
The combination of a turn rate that imposes net and video card induced misses and  hispanos that can criple and kill at 900 yards and a plane that is very pointable to a make a shot  make the Spit Vb and its twin the Seafire II  survivable planes for a mediocre pilot when being attacked by a better pilot even with advantage on the better pilot side.
Really good pilots with solid connects and video cards that never miss  a sprite can deal with them quite easily. But the frame rate challenged crowd can have quite a challenge with a low turning spit.
Some of the best pilots in the game do fly the spit v.  In thier hands it can be an awsome plane. Mainly again because it can induce misses by its rapid turn rate, while punishing to outside of normal seperation range with its guns.
Such deaths lead to anger..
Anger leads to whining on channel one..
Whinning on channel one leads to the dark side.
Fly it.  It will keep you alive vs mediocre pilots and sometimes allow you to frustrate better pilots. But the best will eat you up in it. Cause against a good shot with a good video card and good connect your best evasion will actually leave you vulnerable. The best defence against a good pilot is to seperate from him. And no spit we have right now can do that against most of the planes in the game. When we get one that will get real interesting.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: gavor on March 20, 2002, 08:23:26 PM
Fly what you like, tell whiners to *&$% off.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Blue Mako on March 20, 2002, 08:29:44 PM
Originally posted by Fatty
Heh, it's not a spit but my new favorite is the hurricane I.  On top of simply shooting them down, I take joy in the knowledge they've had to listen hundreds of 303 pings.

A while back I was in a Spit V and saddled up on a P47 that was low and slow.  I took great delight in pinging him to death with a full ammo clip of .303 (even though I had a full clip of hispano's).   It is a joy to behold hit sprites washing over the planform of a jug.  The beauty of the .303 is that the joy lasts so much longer than with heavier guns.   I had my finger on the trigger for about 10 seconds, it was sooooo beautiful I didn't want it to end.  I bet he was still getting ping sounds when he was in the tower. :D
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Tumor on March 21, 2002, 02:10:59 AM
I don't think it's the Spit V's that get "attacked" as being dweeby or uber or whatever.  The discontent boils down to "ALL of the people flying ALL of the spits ALL the time".  

  Spits offer the widest path of least resistance, and they are great rides but FWIW, I simply "wish" there was less spitballing and more more of just about anything else.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Seeker on March 21, 2002, 02:28:52 AM
Spit IX with rockets still your standard ride, Tumour?
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Gixer on March 21, 2002, 02:32:31 AM
I enjoy flying the Spit5 alot and as for the .303's I to find them very enjoyable and rather effective in close.  As with the convergence set in at less then 200 yards It makes for alot of fun to sit on someones six and chew a wing right off.

Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: freeze on March 21, 2002, 03:47:46 AM
I allway have my convergence for the .303 on 600.
It squite nice when ur toy is runing and u ping him 600- 700 and he starts turning around :-)
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: SELECTOR on March 21, 2002, 07:57:20 AM
i pick a plane to fly each tour and i flew spit 5 exclusivley last tour
i agree its a great plane and if you like it fly it .. fly what you want its your to being called dweeb and other nasty name, well just squelch the person who calls you as they are usualy sad spitful people who think they have the right to dictate to others who are just trying to have fun..usualy their remarks accompany sayings like HO dweeb ,Ram DWeeeb,you need to check connection as your warping and thats why you shot me down.
there is no reason to put up with these taunts and i think
HTC should try and stop people upsetting other players in this sly and hurtful way...

shame on all of you who do this!:mad:
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Seeker on March 21, 2002, 08:06:47 AM
Ignore Selector, he's an alt monkey.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Tumor on March 21, 2002, 08:20:16 AM
Originally posted by Seeker
Spit IX with rockets still your standard ride, Tumour?

You BUM!! :)
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Tumor on March 21, 2002, 08:22:42 AM
Originally posted by SELECTOR
i pick a plane to fly each tour and i flew spit 5 exclusivley last tour
.....usualy their remarks accompany sayings like HO dweeb ,Ram DWeeeb,.......

shame on all of you who do this!:mad:

Well exSCUUuuuuUUZE ME!!  I try my best to keep my to Spitdweeb, Dweebfire, Spitball, or Spitgirl :)
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: popeye on March 21, 2002, 09:15:00 AM
The Spoit V is a ton of fun.  Even more fun is the Seafire.  People think it is a Spoit IX....until they start turning.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Ripsnort on March 21, 2002, 09:42:06 AM
Originally posted by Honch
Thanks for the advice

Why it is, then, that everyone seems to attack the Spit V so vehemently?  

I don't see how it's such a super fighter, or why its gotten such a reputation as a dweeb's plane.

Its simple logic, "Real men fly radials, 'Nancy boys' fly inlines"...right Verm? :D
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Kieran on March 21, 2002, 02:16:13 PM
No matter what you fly someone will have something to say about it. Fly what you like, how you like, when you like. When said persons whine, let them.

If the plane is in the set it is a viable option in my book.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Dead Man Flying on March 21, 2002, 02:37:57 PM
Why shouldn't you fly the Spit?  Because only n00bs or low-skill dweebs fly them, that's why.  You must be one of those two things, Honch.  Maybe both.

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: AKDejaVu on March 21, 2002, 03:00:32 PM
Originally posted by freeze
I allway have my convergence for the .303 on 600.
It squite nice when ur toy is runing and u ping him 600- 700 and he starts turning around :-)
LOL!  When I'm in my F6F and hear .303 pings... I think "If I don't do something in the next 10 minutes I might lose an aileron." :D

Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: gavor on March 21, 2002, 04:50:05 PM
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
Why shouldn't you fly the Spit?  Because only n00bs or low-skill dweebs fly them, that's why.  You must be one of those two things, Honch.  Maybe both.

-- Todd/Leviathn

I bow to the 733t flying master. j00 ownz0r! w00t
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Furious on March 21, 2002, 05:32:48 PM
I would like the spit V below.  It has been modified with a DB605a1 engine and a 109-G6 propellor.  

Read about it here:

Mmmmmm yellow nosed spit.

Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Dead Man Flying on March 21, 2002, 10:22:14 PM
Originally posted by gavor
I bow to the 733t flying master. j00 ownz0r! w00t

I stand by my unstated position on flying Spits, and I won't budge an inch on it!  w00t!

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: gavor on March 21, 2002, 10:42:46 PM
The spit is #1 cr4pZ0r leuser plane, only fit for super-aces. n00b dweeb scum tards fly uber platforms like the TBM or PFFCP.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: CptTrips on March 22, 2002, 12:12:58 AM

They're crunchy, and taste good with katchup. :D

Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: Mino on March 22, 2002, 02:46:29 AM
So embarrassing to be shot down by a Spit of any kind.

Must be kind of fun though!:D
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: MANDOBLE on March 22, 2002, 05:09:08 AM
Honch, do you want a good reason? : Piety.

Using deaths as an indication of usage (1 death = 1 take off), this tour:

4 Spit versions: 40700 deaths

For comparison:

5 109 versions: 12000 deaths
4 190 versions: 10500 deaths

Spit usage is doubling the usage of 109 plus 190.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: straffo on March 22, 2002, 06:07:06 AM
But when vulched ... 1 death == 0 take off :D

And I often see spit used at field defenses (with Zeke).
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: thrila on March 22, 2002, 10:57:04 AM
Mand, you can't use deaths as an indication.  Quite simply because some rides are far more survivable that others i.e. the 190D is much more survivable than an a6m.   A 190D is very capable of entering a fight, getting a couple of kills and leaving when the going gets tough.  Slow planes don't have that ability and have to "fight" their way home.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: FDisk on March 22, 2002, 11:13:13 AM
Originally posted by Nifty

FDisk, plenty of people fly the Spit V.  Prolly 60% more kills by the IX, but the V is still well represented.

Oh, I'd say higher than that, but I'd totally agree.
Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: SKurj on March 22, 2002, 02:40:38 PM
303 the best wounding weapon in the game +)

Title: Why Shouldn't I Fly the Spit V
Post by: SirLoin on March 22, 2002, 07:40:52 PM
There are no "Dweeb" planes in AH...Only "Dweeb" pilots who whine for whatever reason when you shoot them to bits.

Enjoy the Spit V.I have for 2 years and have only recently started to experiment with other planes...And if you want to turn even better,get rid of all them 303's on your climbout...Turn and burn baby!