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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: xman on March 25, 2000, 12:48:00 PM

Title: Please recommend Sidewinder 3d FF stick scalings?
Post by: xman on March 25, 2000, 12:48:00 PM
Posted this new hardware board but since no response there yet will post here too:

Can someone recommend stick scaling settings for this stick?I can't seem to find any
                    that I'm comfortable with..redoout, blackout and mushiness are main issues...any help

                    2nd Lt 332 Flying Mongrels
Title: Please recommend Sidewinder 3d FF stick scalings?
Post by: Baddawg on March 25, 2000, 01:14:00 PM
I have that stick and i found it very difficult to get the just the  right feel. It seems so sensitive in here . When i played with scaling  from the Aces high utility i ran into nothing but problems and server messages.
Ok here is my set up and it works good on a F4U and FW190 it needs a bit more for a p51 but  (
Ok i used my profile editior with msff  to thrustmaster emulation high
i have force feed back  ON!to med stick return to  center medium in windows game controlers.
Next i went to (
and downloaded the Ctfj3 utility
and changed the dead zones only on x and y axis to 6
it sure seemed to solve my oversensitivity issues, but still a very  slow and even input is required . I hope this helps
like i said any time i fiddled with the AH stick scalling utility  i got chaos,and carnage, lol.  (
Delete the  joystick setting file in your AH folder in settings (stick .cfg) and start everything from scratch.
Good luck

[This message has been edited by Baddawg (edited 03-25-2000).]
Title: Please recommend Sidewinder 3d FF stick scalings?
Post by: danish on March 25, 2000, 01:15:00 PM
Have a SW Precision Pro USB - dont think that'll make too big a difference though.
I use 100% all over with 0 damping and just a tad of deadband - execpt for pitch where I start scaling 80-90-100, and damping 50%.

I have used Sidewinders for a number of years now and dont really think the setup matters much.Gotta fly the plane, not the stick.

Title: Please recommend Sidewinder 3d FF stick scalings?
Post by: CANNON on March 25, 2000, 02:25:00 PM
 When I fist started i thought there were magic numbers that would make my stick perfect. It dont work that way. My suggestion is that you play with it awile offline. Make sure that your deadband is set, so you arnt draggin anything. When it feels just ok. Leave it alone for about a month. You will ajust to the stick. where ever it is, will feel right to you. And any small bumps on the scale after that time will be noticeable to you. so you can go up are down depending. FWIW my SW is set pretty close to 100 percent across the board.
Title: Please recommend Sidewinder 3d FF stick scalings?
Post by: xman on March 26, 2000, 01:06:00 PM
Thanks guys...i took all your input and reached the conclusion that it is very difficualt to get a good setting with this jstick...but I definately had my scaling set to low and damping too high...seems to feel much better with everything at 100 except the first 3 pitch settings I put at 70, 80, 90
and damping at almost zero...with a very small deadzone...seems to work a lot better than before..thanks again :=)