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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Boozer on May 01, 2002, 08:21:56 AM

Title: Fix needed ASAP
Post by: Boozer on May 01, 2002, 08:21:56 AM
The jugs are not supposed to be made of plastic!! I have to unload 60 cannon rounds into an F6 to down it but I can ping a P-47 with  12 .303 hits and send it fluttering to the ground.

   Now, all the anecdotal evidence I can gather says the P-47 is suposed to be the toughest bird in the sky, but in AH it's the Hellcat.

   Can we up the jug-tough please? :)

 (um, not a jug pilot:)
Title: Fix needed ASAP
Post by: popeye on May 01, 2002, 08:45:43 AM
Blue planes are overmodeled.
Title: Fix needed ASAP
Post by: MrLars on May 01, 2002, 11:18:41 AM
The bloo planes are fine, it's the spinach that's overmodeled :D
Title: Fix needed ASAP
Post by: AKDejaVu on May 01, 2002, 11:25:01 AM
Had a spit I behind my F6F-5 the other night.  He musta pinged me about 600 times before he gave up.  No damage.

I would think about that comic from duma where the .303s were pinging the Lancaster and just laugh.

Title: Fix needed ASAP
Post by: Turbot on May 01, 2002, 11:50:00 AM
The P-47D-11 has 2745 kills and has been killed 1926 times.  (1.43 Kills for every death)

 The F6F-5 has 20111 kills and has been killed 22897 times.  (.87 kills foir every death)

Just by the numbers F6F doesn't look to be avoiding to many bullets.  (Should add up all the jugs but dont have time to run that one)
Title: Fix needed ASAP
Post by: nuchpatrick on May 01, 2002, 12:12:26 PM
Well.. I do fly the P-47D-11 on a regular basis and it seems to have devloped a glass tail like the P-38. I've been ticked off many of times by having a spit shoot my bellybutton off in the Jug. Knowing that the armor on the Jug should be rough as nails it frankly isn't.

However, keep in mind that the tail section of a Hellcat is more ridged for CV landings...tho I don't fly the Hellcat I don't care for it's sluggish performance. It does seem like a solid plane.. even for my Jug's 8 .50 cals!!
Title: Fix needed ASAP
Post by: Makofan on May 01, 2002, 12:15:47 PM
hee hee hee

Our Hispano's can cut through anything!!  Bring on the Abrams!!