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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: wlvrn on May 01, 2002, 11:56:33 AM

Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: wlvrn on May 01, 2002, 11:56:33 AM
Simple question, but what does the "P" stand for in P-38, P-47, etc...

It obviosly was the fighter designation prior to "F", but what did it actually stand for?  My assumption was "production", but that's just a guess.

Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Sikboy on May 01, 2002, 11:59:49 AM
[edit] Nowadays its Patrol (eg: P-3)
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: wlvrn on May 01, 2002, 12:01:15 PM

I should've known that.

Thanks SB.
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Hortlund on May 01, 2002, 12:09:55 PM
P = *ussy,
as in P-51, P-47, P-40 etc etc etc
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: AKSWulfe on May 01, 2002, 12:12:24 PM
Fw= F*kin Weenie

Me= Mammory Entrails

Bf= B*tchy F*k
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Animal on May 01, 2002, 12:13:04 PM
LW = Idiots.
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Soviet on May 01, 2002, 12:19:36 PM
Originally posted by Animal
LW = Idiots.

that's mature :rolleyes:

Would you please not refer to a whole Group as idiots, I fly LW planes and I highly respect Allied planes, particularly the P-47 and P-51 so please don't generalize a whole group as a bunch of idiots to reply to one person.
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Grimm on May 01, 2002, 12:29:17 PM
FW =  Ford Wagon  :)       Country Squire or Country Sedan ;)

"Iv got an A8"

"Roger... 88 Ford Wagon"   ;)
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Sandman on May 01, 2002, 12:41:19 PM
Originally posted by Soviet

that's mature :rolleyes:

Would you please not refer to a whole Group as idiots, I fly LW planes and I highly respect Allied planes, particularly the P-47 and P-51 so please don't generalize a whole group as a bunch of idiots to reply to one person.

Somebody is feeling tender. :D
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Sikboy on May 01, 2002, 12:54:57 PM
Originally posted by wlvrn

I should've known that.

Thanks SB.

NP :) And good thing I got in here with usefull information before the flames started flying lol.

Title: alphabet soup
Post by: Durr on May 01, 2002, 01:06:37 PM
Originally the Army Air Corps and later the Army Air Force, had completely different designations from the Navy.  The Navy used a setup with letters standing for the function of the aircraft followed by the number of aircraft of that type it was from that company, and then a letter that stood for the company that produced the plane.  For example:
F-4f = Fighter, 4th model from Grumman, f=Grumman
F-4U-1 Fighter, 4th model from Chance Vought, U=Chance Vought, 1st variant of this aircraft
TBF = Torpedo Bomber, made by Grumman

The Army Air Corps simply numbered their planes starting at 1, no matter who the manufacturer was, and prefaced the designation with a letter standing for the function or aircraft type, then a letter for the mark, or variation within the model:
P-51b = Pursuit, 51st type, 2d model of
B-17f = Bomber, 17th, 5th model of

Later the newly created Air Force changed all P designations to F thus the P-51 Mustang became the F-51 Mustang for the Korean War, and in one of the more confusing shifts, they started calling A-26 the B-26 (not to be confused with the WW2 B-26 which we have in AH).  

Then, somewhere around the Vietnam war, the Army, Navy, and USMC decided to standardize designations between the services, resetting the number count to 1.  Since then, no matter what the branch the numbers have gone up from there.  The missing numbers like F-17 are actually prototypes that didnt see production due to losing in competition with another type.  The F-17 was a competitor to the F-16 for the AF lightweight fighter contract which it lost.  Later of course it became the F-18 for the USN and USMC.

The current alphabet soup as it stands now is as follows:
A= attack
B= bomber
C= cargo
E= electronic warfare
F= fighter
H= helicoptor
K= tanker
L=liaison, also used for special Antarctic types
M= special operations
O= observation
P= patrol
Q= drone
R= reconnaissance
S= spyplane, also antisubmarine
T= trainer
U= utility
V= VIP transport, formerly used to designate a spotter or liaison
W= weather tracking
X= experimental
Y= prototype

There are always exceptions to this, for example, the F-117 was just randomly numbered at 117 and was designated a fighter as something of a deception.  The old fighter numbers had stopped at 111 before they reset them to standardize between the services.
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Hortlund on May 01, 2002, 01:25:55 PM
Originally posted by Animal
LW = Idiots.

I see someone needs to work on his spelling...there are no L:s or W:s in "Idiots".
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: streakeagle on May 01, 2002, 01:26:36 PM
The F-117 wasn't just randomly numbered, it was a ruse to divert attention while everyone focused on identifying the missing F-19 designation...

After the F-111, century series designations were being used for captured/borrowed foreign military aircraft such as the MiG-21. The USAF chose F-117 to disguise the nature of the aircraft since it was quite normal for these captured aircraft to be kept hush-hush and operate from secure bases.
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Durr on May 01, 2002, 01:29:00 PM
Like I said, it was a deception effort :)
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: AKSWulfe on May 01, 2002, 01:32:09 PM
You're right Hortlund, but there's a lotta idiots in the LW.

I've lost count of how many message boards I've gone to where the oh-so-mighty LostWaffle planes are being protested as "neutered" or "under-modelled" or... well whatever... but never have I seen it "they perform just as I thought they would", or "wow the 109x or 190x sure are great"... replace x with any model number except G10, K4 or D9.

If you can find one of those posts, lemme know.
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Hortlund on May 01, 2002, 01:35:31 PM
Originally posted by AKSWulfe
You're right Hortlund, but there's a lotta idiots in the LW.

I've lost count of how many message boards I've gone to where the oh-so-mighty LostWaffle planes are being protested as "neutered" or "under-modelled" or... well whatever... but never have I seen it "they perform just as I thought they would", or "wow the 109x or 190x sure are great"... replace x with any model number except G10, K4 or D9.

If you can find one of those posts, lemme know.

Well, have you ever heard me whine over that?
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: AKSWulfe on May 01, 2002, 01:37:43 PM
Nope, that's why I said "a lotta".

Not all of 'em are annoying, sniveling, whining babies when they get shot down because their planes were so devilishly neutered by a company who "has a bias" or "underlying motive". :)
Title: A = Attack; B = Bomber; F = Fighter, P = ???
Post by: Hortlund on May 01, 2002, 01:49:18 PM
Yeah, but then again, I think all nations have those. I mean its not as if the P38 crowd doesnt have their expert whiners too...