Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Custom Sounds => Topic started by: Mitsu on May 30, 2002, 12:33:48 PM

Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Mitsu on May 30, 2002, 12:33:48 PM
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: SlapShot on May 30, 2002, 12:48:08 PM
Teaser !!! :D
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Weave on May 30, 2002, 02:27:42 PM
2 weeks?:D

Btw Mitsu, can you present your sounds for download individually? I've done some sound mods of my own, and having all yours in one dl requires I go back and replace mine again. I use many of your sounds (great job! ) but I liked your old site where they could be sampled and grabbed one at a time.:cool:
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Mitsu on May 30, 2002, 02:43:21 PM

answer is no.

extract my sound pack to temp folder, then pick up your favorite sounds.
Title: Released MSC V1.04.
Post by: Mitsu on May 30, 2002, 02:45:58 PM
there is only full version, 17.0MB.
Readme is here.
MSC Webpage

Have fun. :)
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Weave on May 30, 2002, 05:01:41 PM
Ok, thanx bud:D
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Swoop on May 30, 2002, 07:01:10 PM
Mit old pal, ya gotta do something about the japanese characters in the install prog.  :D

Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: NHMadmax on May 30, 2002, 07:05:20 PM
cool looking foward to trying them out

thanks again Mitsu and keep up the hard work it really appreciated
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Mitsu on June 01, 2002, 03:21:35 AM
OK, I have some sound bugs now.
I will fix them and release new patch soon.

Title: question for u Mitsu
Post by: HeLLcAt on June 01, 2002, 08:35:19 AM
I have a tire sound on bombers thats really cool, the only problem is the bit rate is 16, is there a way you could change it 8 to be used for AH?

Post by: Onnie M. on June 03, 2002, 06:28:31 PM
FANTASTIC Sound collection! Absolutely wonderful, well done!

Nice job on the sound pack Mitsu! :eek:

Onnie Mcyntire
The 332nd Viking Squadron (
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: LJK_KämpferAs on June 03, 2002, 10:33:46 PM
Title: Re: question for u Mitsu
Post by: Duedel on June 04, 2002, 03:04:32 AM
Originally posted by HeLLcAt
I have a tire sound on bombers thats really cool, the only problem is the bit rate is 16, is there a way you could change it 8 to be used for AH?


You could use a freeware wav editor (take a look at ( ) or simply mail me the sound and i'll do it for you.
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: SlapShot on June 05, 2002, 01:15:39 PM
Those new "hit" sounds scared the crap out of me the first time I heard them.

They take some getting use to ... they sounded so real that I was looking on the floor to see if there was any blood.

Thanks and GREAT JOB !!!
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: LJK_KämpferAs on June 05, 2002, 08:54:16 PM
I second that, jumped 1/2 outta my seat :)
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: steely07 on June 05, 2002, 11:11:30 PM
Thanks Mitsu
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: SunKing on June 06, 2002, 02:56:23 AM
any new BF-110 sounds in this release?
Title: Re: Re: question for u Mitsu
Post by: Alino on June 06, 2002, 05:14:31 PM
Originally posted by Duedel

You could use a freeware wav editor (take a look at ( ) or simply mail me the sound and i'll do it for you.

Hi Duedel welchen benutzt du ?
Empfehl mir bitte mal einen nicht allzu komplizierten.:confused:
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: brendo on June 09, 2002, 12:22:45 AM

Thankyou for your sounds. In AH + your sounds = great immersion.

I nearly fell out of my tree when I heard the Bf109 7.9 mm machine guns. May I asked where you got the sound for them? I made a historical sound for WB2.x about 3 years ago, from a source file featuring an MG42. I figured that was a close approximation. Did you also use an MG42 for the MG's, or was my guess not too far off?
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Mitsu on June 12, 2002, 05:06:34 AM
I don't know, I have collected sounds from several games, some people, and internet. and I just edited them.

My Bf109's MG sounds are from the Robot sounds of the Warbards.
If you have created its sound for robots, answer will be yes.

Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Blank on June 28, 2002, 01:55:52 PM
first off Mitsu cool sounds,

but My panzers engine start sound doesn't work,  I hit e it goes brrrm once then it goes completely quiet, no sound as if engine not on?

then when I push stick forward and tank moves the sound starts again after stuttering a bit (nice engine sound by the way)

is this a bug? or has the download messed up this sound?

anyone else have similar problem?

thanks again for the great sounds :)
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: cobra427 on June 28, 2002, 02:31:09 PM
the sounds are awesome.......really can scare you when you get pinged and you didnt see the shooter...... or when the game is
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: gofaster on June 28, 2002, 04:15:20 PM
Originally posted by Blank
first off Mitsu cool sounds,

but My panzers engine start sound doesn't work,  I hit e it goes brrrm once then it goes completely quiet, no sound as if engine not on?

then when I push stick forward and tank moves the sound starts again after stuttering a bit (nice engine sound by the way)

is this a bug? or has the download messed up this sound?

anyone else have similar problem?

thanks again for the great sounds :)

Blank, I haven't encountered that problem with Mitsu's soundpack, but I have encountered something similar while using the stock sounds.  I think its just a delay in the AH software, not Mitsu's files.  Just let your machine finish booting up before you log in. :)
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Blank on June 29, 2002, 07:30:33 AM
thanks gofaster for the reply

I checked but it wasn't the problem, but i got it sorted now (me being dumb :o)

Mitsu keep up the good work,  :)
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: spothq on June 30, 2002, 05:26:28 AM
Ive attemtped to directly thank Mitsu to no avail.

Mitsu, thank you for the sound pack, I've really enjoyed using them and appreciate your work.

Samuel - SSME - Keegan
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Epsilon 5 on June 30, 2002, 04:41:03 PM
Way cool sounds! A good change from the original ones. Here are my comments :

(note that I moved all original sounds before installing the new ones)

  • the wheel landing sound is good.. but I miss the screeching sound of the brakes
  • the c-47 engine at full throttle hurts my ears, something about the wrong frequency.
  • the capital ship guns (the big and medium ones) don't sound impressive enough
  • the bomb "boom" sound isn't much impressive either.
  • the stall horn is hard to hear by time.
  • it seems there is no GV engine start sound.
  • no wake sound for boats
  • the rocket sound is weak, and they make little noise hitting hangars
  • the 30mm gun on the pt boat sounds weak

Else, I just love the sounds! some of the sounds make you really think that those fighters are weak by times! :D the lancaster is notably impressive with the sound, and i just love the sound of the quad m2 on a m16 MGMC

Gun sounds are really cool, if only there was tracers for each bullet ;)

Is it me or the guns we can most notably find on the b-26 sound like the unreal machine gun?

And I prefer the original me262 sounds ;)

Btw where did you get those sounds.. . from other games, an official source, or maybe you made them yourself?
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Mitsu on July 01, 2002, 10:50:28 AM
thanks for review, epsilon.

I'll try to improve them for next version. :)
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Blank on July 01, 2002, 03:32:44 PM
has anyone noticed theres no sound for the parachute opening in the game,

Mitsu could you make one, that nice unfurling silk sound and a Urggg sound when you land on the ground?
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Epsilon 5 on July 01, 2002, 05:20:25 PM
Originally posted by Blank
has anyone noticed theres no sound for the parachute opening in the game,

Mitsu could you make one, that nice unfurling silk sound and a Urggg sound when you land on the ground?

I'd rather hear a hilarious "SPLAT!!" when I eject too low :D
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: moot on July 01, 2002, 10:50:53 PM
If HTC has played Duke Nukem 3D they may remember that free falling past a certain velocity triggered a death scream.
Title: Now that 1.10 is out.....
Post by: Mw007 on July 03, 2002, 12:42:33 PM
i have your sound pack, mitsu, however with this new update, i dont have any sounds for the new planes that were added. I figured that the update would fill in the sounds that were missing...but it didnt....for the time being, could you tell me how to add sounds to the new planes. I'm ok with adding existing sounds to the new ones until a new sound patch comes out.


Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Wotan on July 04, 2002, 08:24:49 AM
read the date of this post :) it prior to new version.
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Duedel on July 05, 2002, 06:02:01 AM
Sorry Alino im a little bit late here:

I use CoolEdit. It's a blast but not free.
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Mushkin1uk on July 05, 2002, 06:44:41 AM
Do we have to download all of 1.04 or is there going to be an upgrade?

F***ing good work though thanks
Title: Mitsu's Aces High Sounds Collection V1.04
Post by: Alino on July 05, 2002, 12:49:26 PM
Originally posted by Duedel
Sorry Alino im a little bit late here:

I use CoolEdit. It's a blast but not free.

LOL Better late then never ,-))))
Thank you Duedel