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Special Events Forums => Special Events General => Topic started by: Aub on June 01, 2002, 01:39:00 AM

Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: Aub on June 01, 2002, 01:39:00 AM
The first ever Aces High King Of The Hill was a blast. Thanks to everyone that attended! We started off with about 30, and as time dragged on, the final match had about 10 participants :)

The total event last 3 hours and 55 minutes with 11 distinct matches. We had 6 different people to win a match.

The night started with Iron1 winning the first match. Immediately, fears rose about the arena about him winning this event as he did WW. Fears were quickly put to rest, though. Hblair won the next match, followed by ZenCH, and then Tumor. Four rounds, for winners!

Tumor was our first repeat winner, winning the fifth round and getting his second straight victory. Tumor immediately became a target, so that the event would last well past midnight :)

Hblair won the sixth round, capturing his second win. Tumor and Hblair were being hunted, but not so much as they were always in the final five it seemed. FDutchmn snuck in and captured the seventh and eight rounds, adding three people who were one win away from victory. Even MORE astounding was that Redd won the ninth and tenth rounds. Something had to give.

It finall did in the eleventh round, when TUmor captured his third victory and became June's KING OF THE HILL!!!

Thanks to everyone for coming, and stay tuned for next months KOTH :)
Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: Tumor on June 01, 2002, 02:39:47 AM
...ahhh, I suck!  We REALLY need more participants :)

  WOOO that shiiiite was FUN!!

  It was a blast, I really didn't think an event like Koth (or WW) could be so much fun (even though hblair is a engine cuttin cheeter and Stick327 can't take a joke heheheh).   All in good fun Stick..really .  

... I still think the IL2 should be allowed in regular Koth flight (anything with forward fireing guns really lol)

Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: FDutchmn on June 01, 2002, 03:30:23 AM
I had fun too :)

We flew the planes in the following order (parenthesis the winner):

Ki61 (Iron1)
P47D11 (Hblair)
Bf109G10 (ZenCH)
P51D (Tumor)
Bf110G2 (Tumor)
La5 (Hblair)
Fw109A5 (FDutchmn)
MC.205 (FDutchmn)
A6M (Redd)
F6F (Redd)
F6F (Tumor)

Damn, I shudda chosen the MC.205 twice! :D  Nahhh, 202 would have been fun too :))
Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: NHMadmax on June 01, 2002, 04:26:49 AM
i tried to be there fell a sleep glad to hear it was a good nite by all.
Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: jordi on June 01, 2002, 09:15:31 AM
WOuld it make more sence to JUST  have 1 ROOK field open that everyone takes off from instead of 3 ?

Overall looked very good - I had to leave after round #1 and I am glad to hear everyone had a good time !

Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: FDutchmn on June 01, 2002, 10:39:27 AM
Originally posted by jordi
WOuld it make more sence to JUST  have 1 ROOK field open that everyone takes off from instead of 3 ?

The way it's setup, three is fine, I think.
Title: Congratulations to Tumor and Aub!
Post by: Gooss on June 01, 2002, 11:01:47 AM
Congrats to Tumor!  Hail the new KOTH!

Enjoy the crown and good luck defending.

Congrats to Aub for a well run KOTH.  

The AH differences were most likely enhancements to the beloved event.  Launching at alt speeded things up.  Launching from the three fields help to spread the contestants before the command to "Fight".  AHVoice definitely made heckling far more enjoyable.

I had a ball.

Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: fuzeman on June 01, 2002, 01:30:01 PM
A big < S > to the organizers and participants. It was a TON[kilo]-o-fun and I had a blast, actually 11 of them because I never won a round :D
I used to attend the original KOTH on AW and I also think the 1 takeoff field was better. It seemed to me the last few flyers sometimes had to travel in to get back to fighting and there were mini-KOTHs near each takeoff field. Would a AH map with 3 fields really close together possibly be an improvement?
I also think the climb to 5k alt was not that big a deal and it gave a margin of error in takeoff time. If you weren't paying attentin or missed the 'fields open, takeoff' command you had a chance to takeoff before the fight started without having to re-enable flight.
With the DA map, we weren't really at 5k unless you were over the water, also.
Being the first, there were a few rough edges and questions about the 'rules' but I feel those will smoothe out after a few events and things will get downright NASTY as they should be
I know I was barking out the rules left and right, using my familiarity with the AW version, and I hope I wasn't being TOO much of a loudmouth, just enough of one to help .

Again   for a great night and a sleepy saturday,
what is it now... 27 days and counting until the next one.
I can't wait!!

Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: BigMax on June 02, 2002, 08:41:13 PM
My puter died Friday...:(

I've got a temp while I get a new MoBoard... I'll definitelty be in the next one.

Congrats Tumor!
Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: fuzeman on June 03, 2002, 02:15:18 AM
Now that's a kill :(

Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: Redd on June 03, 2002, 06:34:53 PM

Had a blast - thanks for organizing - first of this type of thing I've flown in.

There was quite a bit  of squad teaming/tactics in this one  - is that how they normally play out ? - I can certainly understand , I would always clear a squaddies's 6 as a priority.

Maybe instead of 2 "individual" events (KOTH and WW) one of them could be an official squad event - that would be a blast - last squaddie standing wins for the squad.

Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: Aub on June 03, 2002, 07:03:32 PM
There is supposed to be no squaddies helping one another... but it's very hard to stop. All we can do is hope everyone plays to the letter of the rules.

Hehe, thatd be funny. All 100 Damned members show up, would there be any doubt they would win the Squad KOTH?
Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: Tumor on June 08, 2002, 02:47:34 AM
Hey Redd
  I don't know for sure, can't say but I don't think there was any winging going on.  In the first round, I found ZenCH and Krusher knife-fighting down low and my first shot was directed at ZenCH (who I think ended up killing me).   I got ZenCH and Krusher at least 2 times each (heheh).  Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is.. if one of my squaddies gets in front of my guns.. he's gettin lead and I'm not gonna pull any punches.  I think at one point, I gave up a pretty good shot on Krusher and opted to go for hblair, but that was because I knew I could get an angle on hblair and Krusher would have had to work to get an advantage... gotta pick your fight kinda thing, specially considering how much Scotch Krusher had had by that time lol.  Anyway, if I don't kill my own squaddies at the first chance... I won't last long because I know they'll be coming after me.

  I suppose in this kind of event... unless you "blind" all the icons and turn the vox/txt off, it's probably going to happen eventually, I've seen the same things said of WW.  We'll have to leave it to indifidual pilots and thier ability to keep things within the rules.

Title: AH KOTH Results - June
Post by: Redd on June 08, 2002, 03:12:56 AM
Hi Tumor

Was more making a point that KOTH and WW are pretty similar  - and a squad event would be fun.

I think it's human nature that a squaddie is going to look after one of his own  - it's instinctive after flying in the MA.

Yeah Vox has really changed things also, it works so well, it would probably be big adv if used in KOTH.
