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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: RRAM on July 05, 2002, 03:22:31 AM

Title: New Map: Idea on how to better find fights
Post by: RRAM on July 05, 2002, 03:22:31 AM
Heya and all :)

First of all, as I've mentioned in other threads, I overall like the map. I just dislike it being a tad high, but I think it's on the works to lower it a bit...

This is all the problem I have with it, but well, I see that other of the major problems that many people has with the map is that it's hard to find a fight in it because it's so big. In fact I also feel quite lost when I try to see where the action may be at a first glance.

The idea I've had to solve it,I don't know how hard would be to implement...but here it is.

Make the square sectors "dynamic". That is, change the sector size for the zoom level you have.

Say, you enter into the arena and you see the map with 75*75mile sectors. Radar Bar says that in XX.XX YY.YY sector there is action. Nice, you go there and zoom the map.

AS soon as the zoom level reaches a point of 1/4 of the map (the previous map size in 1.09) the sector size changes to the well-know and common 25*25mile sectors, and the radar bars are distributed on the sectors where action is.

That way you get a general idea at first glance, and a more precise one when you zoom into the area you are in.

As I said, I have no idea on how hard would be to introduce this, but I'm sure it'd help the "action" guys in finding a fight :)
Title: New Map: Idea on how to better find fights
Post by: KG45 on July 05, 2002, 05:55:25 AM
why look for trouble? i plan on changing my handle to 'milk-runner'

plenty of opportunities to rack up easy perkies!

just kidding  :p
Title: New Map: Idea on how to better find fights
Post by: Wotan on July 05, 2002, 06:46:33 AM
milk frunning is only a problem when it impacts gameplay. Having 50 folks out hit remote bases on a map this large should really shouldnt bother anybody.

I agree with ram great map but a bit to high alt on average.

insert/delete works ok for to find a fight. But I also really on my squaddies and others in the arena to point me to the actions.

Rams idea is a good one :)
Title: New Map: Idea on how to better find fights
Post by: lazs2 on July 05, 2002, 08:18:19 AM
That might help but... with so low a population density.... even if you find a fight...  It really isn't much of a fight.

The best fights I've found on this map are pale imiotators of the huge furs we could expect in previous maps.   I see no solution using these maps and all the fields on em.