Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: muckmaw on July 07, 2002, 10:30:57 PM

Title: Buff Complaint...Legitimate problem
Post by: muckmaw on July 07, 2002, 10:30:57 PM
So I've got the new bombing system down...I hit about 50% of my targets today, and I'm very very pleased with the new system. Anything that makes the game even slightly more realistic is a huge plus in my book. I've been getting AH urges all day. I've not been this hooked on AH in a while. BORN AGAIN!!!

Now for the minor complaint. When flying a buff formation, if the lead ship takes a critical hit and goes intoa death roll, the other 2 ships follow the manueaver, and begin to break up. So if your on your tail gun, you have to jump to your cockpit, tulips the damage, and if critical, jump to plane 2 by bailing. Problem is, plane 2 is already in a death spiral from following lead, and 3 is close behind.

HTC, anything we can do about this? Say, if lead plane is critically hit, and destruction is imminent, you automatically swap to the good plane in your group? Or at least let the 2nd and 3rd flight maintain straight and level flight once a critical hit has been detected on the lead plane?

All things considered, AH has NEVER been better.

Thanks HTC, and AK (Except for curly, who knocked out my 26 formation today....Ya Pr*ck! :D )

Title: Buff Complaint...Legitimate problem
Post by: moose on July 07, 2002, 10:41:39 PM

 I was in bombsight today and got the tail knocked off. Saw my b17 through the sight and knew it was time to get out

other two 17s managed to stay up though

interesting though, i wonder how a feature could be implemented that would allow those other two bombers to fly even if you rode the wreckage of the 1st into the ground
Title: Buff Complaint...Legitimate problem
Post by: muckmaw on July 07, 2002, 11:05:43 PM
Well, I'm no programmer. But I would imagine when a critical part of the plane is hit, some signal goes off that says "This plane is doomed no matter what." I would imagine this same signal could be used to automatically jump the pilot to flight 2, or to tell the other 2 planes, go straight and level until the pilot swithes planes.

Does'nt seem too complicated, really.
Title: Buff Complaint...Legitimate problem
Post by: Turbot on July 07, 2002, 11:48:41 PM
Would give the gunner a great advantage - could continue firing without interruption (or aiming again)