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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: -ik- on July 11, 2002, 05:21:45 PM

Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: -ik- on July 11, 2002, 05:21:45 PM

Some of you here right remember me from you know where ;)

Anyway, here is my situation and question.  I've recently returned to the online flight sim scene after a couple year hiatus, and have found my macintosh unfit for the new version of my old stomping-ground.  So I have to save my money for a new box and, gasp, I'm considering a platform switch to have access to all of the new sims out there.  What I know of AH is that its gameplay is much like the old four color free for all, but what I used to enjoy most was the historic arena (especially the low icon settings).  If you all will indulge me and tell me what AH has to offer in this department, I'd appreciate it!  Thanx.

Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: Turbot on July 11, 2002, 05:23:40 PM
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: Revvin on July 11, 2002, 05:28:40 PM
I'd agree on your choice of platform it will open up much much more in the way of sims. AH's CT seems to have more popularity than the WB HA but not by a big margin. The MA in both sims are the most popular but I know that's not what you are after. Being a LW afficienado you'll enjoy IL-2 even if it's not MMOG.
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: lazs2 on July 11, 2002, 05:31:17 PM
hi ik... they have a CT arena that offers quassi historical matchups and reduced icons.   It is deserted compared to the main arena with about 2-8% of the main arena population but..... the main arena aproaches 500 players here so even 8% is more than what you may be used to recently.    They are "historical' guys there so of course, they lack the skill of main arena players but some of em aren't tooooo  bad.   Be careful tho... they are a little bit thin skinned.
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: funkedup on July 11, 2002, 05:32:38 PM
IK the Combat Theater is your best bet if you want an HA substitute.

I don't fly there because I am just about completely burned out on the arena format, regardless of the sim.  I do my flying in the Friday TOD and Sunday TOD which are squadron-based scenario series, comparable to the S3 in WB.  These events offer reduced icons and historical matchups.  If you fly both of those it's 4 hours of flying each weekend which is about all I have time for these days.  If your squad is not registered you can just visit the TOD forum and ask to fly as a guest with a registered squadron.
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: Miska on July 12, 2002, 08:19:41 AM

I am another refugee from "you know where".  I currently fly in the CT and I turn off my icons.  I have no problems identifying dots, and if I fly smart, I live, even though others use icons.  What more could I want.  Cya in there.
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: Ripsnort on July 12, 2002, 08:48:05 AM
Last night was a "typical" night for US time zones, about 40 in there...was a great battle with P40's, F4F's A6M2's and Vals!  Had a great time (meant to log off MA for bed, but the CT was whispering my name before I hit the "QUIT" button on the AH FE!)
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: hblair on July 12, 2002, 08:49:45 AM
Buy a PC and make yourself at home. All your old WB pals are here, and the 109G10 will climb like a scalded ape, will out-accelerate a Pony-D as well as leave a Spit9 in the dust. Also with the 30mm cannon, give 'em one ping and they're going down 90% of the time. If you ping 'em in the engine, their engines dies.
The G-10 is a monster.






You will be happy here. :)
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: gofaster on July 12, 2002, 09:05:55 AM
Last night the Shills were using the free H2H feature to do some F4F vs A6M2 dogfighting.  The software was free, registering an account was free, accessing the H2H arena was free.  We had between 8 and 12 people confined to a single sector, working wingman tactics and generally twisting and turning around the skies.

Changing platforms will open a lot more possibilities for you.
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: -EnVY- on July 12, 2002, 11:07:09 AM
So the gunnery in AH is like swatting a fly with a phoenix missile, every plane ha sthe moves of a spit regardless of RL flight characteristics, there's no mac support, and there's a flippin pizza for a map. Sounds like fun, if you're into nonsensical QUAKENERDFREAKNMUNDANEOVERKIL LARCADECRAP! Let's hear it...what's so great about numbers when EVERYBODY can turn on a dime and has weightless howitzers killing anything with two pings from a mile away?
It stinks and i don't like IT.
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: sling322 on July 12, 2002, 11:16:34 AM
Sheesh....whats up his prettythang?

Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: lazs2 on July 12, 2002, 11:29:51 AM
look at his handle sling.
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: Ripsnort on July 12, 2002, 11:32:25 AM
Originally posted by -EnVY-
So the gunnery in AH is like swatting a fly with a phoenix missile, every plane ha sthe moves of a spit regardless of RL flight characteristics, there's no mac support, and there's a flippin pizza for a map. Sounds like fun, if you're into nonsensical QUAKENERDFREAKNMUNDANEOVERKIL LARCADECRAP! Let's hear it...what's so great about numbers when EVERYBODY can turn on a dime and has weightless howitzers killing anything with two pings from a mile away?
It stinks and i don't like IT.

HI MG!  Got a new ISP I see..

(Note: , "there's no mac support"...thats a dead giveaway bud, put down the crack pipe, and THINK! )
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: Edbert on July 12, 2002, 11:52:28 AM
Hey, who let Wild-bill/Mr-Bill/Hoooo-ahhhhh dude in here?
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: funkedup on July 12, 2002, 12:43:30 PM
I thought they banned MG?
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: hblair on July 12, 2002, 12:46:35 PM
Go back to your sinking ship MG. They need extra bailers.
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: -pjk-- on July 12, 2002, 02:29:12 PM
Hiya  --ik--

If you buy a PC, you better use 2 weeks free  to get your own figure of AH. I used my 2 weeks few years ago and opened account maybe 2 months ago to give AH 2nd try. Do not  trust anyones comments, you have to  make it your own, but be sure to give it a try:-)

Lack of RPS may be the biggest  flaw, at least it is for me, but i can live and die  with lack of it:-)

FM's  really are  LOT different to compare that other sim/game. Specially what comes to 109  series :-).  Others seems to be about same.

Strategy is better in AH, if someone really cares of it doing low lvl furballs:-)

I  still have active account.

PS.  why not play both,  these are   really cheap ones nowadays :.-))

PPS  I gave AH 4 weeks and LOT of hours to get figure,  i think it is minimum.(trying any of  sims we today have)
Title: historic matchups? Icons?
Post by: Ripsnort on July 12, 2002, 02:31:11 PM
Hi PJK! Coming out West anytime soon? Lemme know, the Flight Museum has quite a few additions since your last visit.