Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => Friday Squad Operations => Topic started by: Nifty on July 12, 2002, 04:37:26 PM

Title: TOD last minute info (will be in MOTD as well)
Post by: Nifty on July 12, 2002, 04:37:26 PM
first off, patch your clients guys!  1.10 patch 2 is out now.  :)

Next, ALL ships will be set to a hardness of 3800 lbs.  This is so that 5 Vals can take out a CV if they are all on target with all their bombs.  CVs should be priority, then the CA fleets if you've got ordnance leftover.  DDs after that if through some miracle you've got eggs/torps left after sinking 9 ships!  ;)

Finally...  nevermind.  just checked.  Our SBD has the SBD-3 loadout, not the SBD-5 loadout.  I was going to restrict you guys to 1200lbs, but that's all you can take anyways!  ;)

Oh yeah, if you've never flown in the Philippines terrain before, make sure you get in the SEA early or download the terrain from HTC's website.  :)