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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Taiaha on July 17, 2002, 08:55:24 AM

Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: Taiaha on July 17, 2002, 08:55:24 AM
When I logged off last night at about 10.30 Eastern US, the situation stood like this:

MA: 452 players
CT: 54 players
Training arena: 43 players

Hmmm.  Someone still seems to be having a lot of fun. . .
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: Ripsnort on July 17, 2002, 08:59:17 AM
Heh, I DO remember being so thoroughly excited when logging into the MA about 2 years ago when I saw that more than 75 were online! :)  Wee hours used to produce roughly 10-15, busy nights were roughly 75-100.
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: AKIron on July 17, 2002, 09:30:30 AM
Maybe they were just there to squeak and moan?
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: eddiek on July 17, 2002, 09:36:52 AM
SShh, Taiaha.......those people online are the minority who do have fun in AH........don't want the secret to get out that some folks do have fun in the MA, not matter how much "work" it involves.
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: straffo on July 17, 2002, 09:52:11 AM
When I logged on last night at 22:00  CET
it was :

MA: 172 players
CT: 0 players
Training arena: 7 players

quite a different figure no ?
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: AKIron on July 17, 2002, 10:03:22 AM
Originally posted by straffo
When I logged on last night at 22:00  CET
it was :

MA: 172 players
CT: 0 players
Training arena: 7 players

quite a different figure no ?

Please pardon my ignorance but what is CET in relation to GMT?
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: straffo on July 17, 2002, 10:08:37 AM
CET is  GMT + 1  

It's for Berlín Madrid París Roma (and all those I've forgiven :))
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: LePaul on July 17, 2002, 10:10:55 AM

I recall having over 100 players was a big deal too

I dunno, every time we have a new version, or map, the pro-ct arena makes the speech circuit.  Yet the numbers still show the Main Arena has most of the players.  

Its becoming a predictable and vicious circle  :D
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: Taiaha on July 17, 2002, 10:29:50 AM
LePaul, yep, saw those pro-CT speeches myself.  But as a fan of the CT I think it's doing quite well at the moment, and probably doesn't need a huge influx from the MA to survive.  The times I've been in there I've noticed new people just poking their heads in to try it out.  Its big problem is numbers still tend to be low during European evening times, but the scenario design has been so intelligent recently that it's been entirely possible to find good action in the CT with as few as a dozen people in there.

Different flavors for different tastes, that's what it's all about.

My only concern would be the numbers Straffo pointed to.  HTC really seems to be pulling in the US punters at the moment.  But what do you guys think: how well are they doing recruiting new people from other parts of the world?
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: Vermillion on July 17, 2002, 12:16:51 PM
And let me point out one more little issue with that arguement.  Just because people are logged in, doesn't mean that they are enjoying themselves like they did in past versions.  There's been plenty of my squadmates online when I have logged in to play, but that doesn't mean that they enjoy the way things are going. Quite the opposite actually, if you go be the chatter on voice comms.
Title: For all the Prophets of Doom (a.k.a whiners)
Post by: lazs2 on July 17, 2002, 02:13:36 PM
I second verm... Our squad is experiancing much the same.   I certainly don't see a maxed out arena or even any discussion on 1.10's new features.

Seems mstlyu people saying things have gotten more boring and then a few others telling those people that they are only imagining that they are bored.