Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 10:14:00 AM

Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 10:14:00 AM
It's time once again to insult Ripsnort...come up with a good come back, or I will deem you worthless...NO repeats from the last thread: (

I'll help you get started...

You're so fat and lazy you start out each morning with a 30-minute jog around the bathroom.

You're so dumb that you write to your mother in Germany every week, even though she sends you mail from Iowa asking why you never write.

You're so ugly that people stay away from you whenever they hear you howl.

Your breath smells more and more like squirrel dung each passing day.

You're so paranoid that you begin to stop and consider all of the blades of grass you've stepped on as a child, and worry that their ancestors are going to one day seek revenge.

You're so twisted that you have meaningful conversations with your toaster.

Your father pretends you don't exist, just to play along with your little illusion.

You have no life, therefore you collect dead windowsill flies.

You like cats. Especially with mayo.

You're so  pathetic you cry at the end of every episode of Gilligan's Island because they weren't rescued.

You tend to agree with everything your mother's dead uncle tells you.

You argue with yourself about which is better, to be eaten by a koala or to be loved by an infectious disease.

You're so stupid you like to sit in cornfields for prolonged periods of time, and pretend that you're a stalk.

You're so dumb you keep thinking this is the year for the Red Sox.

Your life had been reduced to the point that you like reading lists like this.

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 07-14-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 07-14-2000).]
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Nash on July 14, 2000, 10:22:00 AM
Wow... I'm reading yer list of insults and thinkin' that... These are the worst bunch of insults I've ever heard, in perhaps, my whole entire life... Like HORRIBLE insults... reflective of an intelect composed of Playdoh... Brittany freaking Spears could muster up more vile than this.

... Until I read yer last one. That stung Rip. Your so cold.
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Wanker on July 14, 2000, 10:30:00 AM
Hey Rip,

Yer so ugly, that when you were born, the doctor slapped your mother!

Have a nice day!  (
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Yeager on July 14, 2000, 10:34:00 AM
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries!

There!  is that insult enough?

Yeager   (


[This message has been edited by Yeager (edited 07-14-2000).]
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 10:36:00 AM
LOL Yeager !  no, GE is a better rumor!
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Pongo on July 14, 2000, 10:44:00 AM
You are as big a whiner as Karnak.
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 10:47:00 AM
Hey! Lets not get personal with someone else there, Canadian Bacon!  This is to insult me!

1.      Weed
2.      Vancouver:  1.5 million people and two bridges
3.      The local hero is a pot-smoking snowboarder
4.      The local wine doesn't taste like malt vinegar
5.      Your $400,000 Vancouver home is 5 hours from downtown
6.      A university with a nude beach
7.      You can throw a rock and hit three Starbucks locations
8.      If a cop pulls you over, just offer them some of your hash
9.      There's always some sort of deforestation protest going on
10.     Cannabis
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: popeye on July 14, 2000, 10:49:00 AM
Oh, one more thing Lazs, we have an OFF_TOPIC BB for this, this BB is for "Aces High General Discussion" . Thanks !  (

snicker....   (

Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Downtown on July 14, 2000, 10:55:00 AM
Your so loathesome you would be bi-sexual except you are afraid that it would make you strike out twice as often!

I like the red soxs one, someone in the Sporting News picked the Lions to beat Tennesee in the Super Bowl this year.

"Downtown" Lincoln Brown. (
Wrecking Crews "Drag and Die Guy"
Hals und beinbruch!
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 10:56:00 AM
Here's a site that will prevent me from making stupid posts like this again! (

Hey Popeye, this isn't off-topic, this has to do with tulips High!  Instead of logging on and getting insulted (See MURY, known as EZMURY in Warbirds), I can do it here at work!

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 07-14-2000).]
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 10:59:00 AM
DT is winning so far!
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Karnak on July 14, 2000, 11:21:00 AM

Well, two can play at this direct and personal game.

You are just like Pongo: You don't let facts get in your way or affect your opinions.


[This message has been edited by Karnak (edited 07-14-2000).]
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Swager on July 14, 2000, 11:35:00 AM
You're soooo ulgy, ya couldn't score in a potato house with a credit card!!!!
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: ygsmilo on July 14, 2000, 11:38:00 AM
You are so ugly you could score on the Howard Stern Show !!!!!

JG 2's current cannon magnet

Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 11:41:00 AM
Not bad for a couple of loose waffles!
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Dingy on July 14, 2000, 11:46:00 AM
You're so dumb that when you saw the janitor put down a sign that said, "Wet Floor", you did.


Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 11:50:00 AM
Whoa!  Dingy gets 1st place so far!  I like it! Schmuck!
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: indian on July 14, 2000, 01:01:00 PM
Allright get a GRIPDORK and go do some work oh and by the way You are so low you are lower the Whale Sh$t on the bottom of the ocean.

Tommy (INDIAN) Toon
Indians Home page were links to help pages can be found.
Indian's Homepage (

[This message has been edited by indian (edited 07-14-2000).]
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ozark on July 14, 2000, 01:25:00 PM
Rip returns a chainsaw to the store he bought it at.  Rip says to the clerk,
"You told me I could cut down 60 trees a day with this.  I've only been able
to cut down 2 trees a day."  The clerk says, "Let's have a look."  He plugs it
in, pulls the cord and starts it up.  Rip looks around and says, "What's that noise?"

Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Downtown on July 14, 2000, 01:39:00 PM
Gee, dingy that is good.

Rip the gaps in your teeth are so wide when you eat corn on the cob you leave rows.

"Downtown" Lincoln Brown. (
Wrecking Crews "Drag and Die Guy"
Hals und beinbruch!
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 01:55:00 PM
Hmm, DT, Dingy, toss up...Hmmm,well, until we can see anymore, I declare a tie!
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ghosth on July 14, 2000, 02:08:00 PM
Sorry, been there done that. Not funny 2nd time around IMO.

Your going to have to work a BIT harder rip  (
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Ripsnort on July 14, 2000, 02:18:00 PM
Ya ya, I saw the movie Fargo, there Mr.Chipper!  (
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Mathman on July 14, 2000, 03:43:00 PM
You are so stupid, you have to be naked to count to 21.

"Why did I paint Mickey Mouse on my plane?  I liked Mickey Mouse."
-Adolph Galland
Title: Boring Friday: Insult me
Post by: Hangtime on July 14, 2000, 04:35:00 PM
Rip; I suspect you have discoverd the problem with doin nothin all day fer a living is not knowing when yer done.

