Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: ra on August 08, 2001, 07:51:00 PM

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: ra on August 08, 2001, 07:51:00 PM
I am currently flying over the North Sea in a Dora looking for Britisher pigs to shoot down.  So far no one else is here.  Come on in, you won't see a Niki all night.

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: daddog on August 08, 2001, 08:21:00 PM
I will be in there the moment my kids are down for the night.  :D

Been waiting for this for a LONG time. It will be my new home. Thanks HTC!
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: mrfish on August 08, 2001, 08:33:00 PM
heck yeah!

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: moose on August 08, 2001, 08:38:00 PM
where the hell is everyone? I figured there would be about 20000 thank yous to HTC.

personally, i think they added it because they'll be getting about 10 bottles of ::insert your favorite:: alchohol in the mail.  :D

thanks gang, you guys rock.

(and i didnt even mention anything about new versions  :D)
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: eddiek on August 08, 2001, 08:45:00 PM
Combat Theater is the place to be!

Awesome terrain, great planeset!

No more endless furrballs, ya better know where you're headed and take plenty fuel!

<S> and a big THANKS to HTC!
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Tac on August 08, 2001, 08:49:00 PM
great idea, bad map. I wont spend 30 minutes flying from england to norway or wait until it becomes a CV furball of spawnwars.

Other terrains would rule with this setting.

The 3k range icons is AWESOME. Finally you can zoom up and have the other freak not stare at your billboard!
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: aknimitz on August 08, 2001, 09:09:00 PM
Thanks HTC for giving us the HA!  I love it!  :D  (Although the distances are a bit long).

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: AKSWulfe on August 08, 2001, 09:16:00 PM
Fun arena, I like it.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Zigrat on August 08, 2001, 09:21:00 PM
i love the new arena though i agree the distances are a bit long

they said they are rotating maps frequently though.

a rotation to the philllipines or mindano where the japanese have a largesurface fleet and control of all landbases and the americans have a large naval taskforcee would be very fun.

with the objective of the japanese to eliminate the task force and the objective of the americans to gain a foothold on the island.





i think thatd be fun
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Toad on August 08, 2001, 09:29:00 PM
The clock is running.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: rosco- on August 08, 2001, 09:37:00 PM
Fuel mult is supposed to be off but I dont think it is. This map is way to big.

 Wheres the spit 9?   :D

  Other than that it looks promising. Definatly a step in the right direction. Thanks htc.
 Edit: I dont think perks are working. I landed 1 kill and my perk total in that arena is 0.

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: rosco- ]
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: ra on August 08, 2001, 09:41:00 PM
This is a great start but one of two things has to happen for people to want to stay in this arena:

1) switch to a map with fields closer together like Tac says, so the fights aren't too far away.  Maybe an eastern front map.  This is if the intention is to use this arena as a furball arena with historical planesets.


2) HTC or someone should create 'canned' missions for both sides which would launch simultaneously every half hour or so.  These missions would have to complement each other, ie they would have to ensure that a good fight would result when the two sides met.  For example, the allied mission could be an escorted mid-alt bomber strike while the axis mission would be a coastal fighter patrol near the allied target.  This would also be cool because each side wouldn't know the details of the other side's mission until they actually ran into each other.  

Flying a long way to find action can be fun if it is on a planned mission, but the player base cannot be relied upon to set up these missions.  If one side sets up a mission and the other doesn't, neither side will have much fun.  But if both sides join pre-set missions at the same time, they will enjoy it knowing that eventually they will encounter the enemy en masse.  The long flight prior to engaging the enemy just builds up the tension level and adds to the fun.

One more thing, I don't see why friendly icons need to be set so high in comparison with enemy icons, it seems to be set at more than twice the distance.

Anyway, I'm psyched to see an HA. I was beginning to think HTC was becoming content to appeal to Niki furballers, but I am happy to be wrong.

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: SOB on August 08, 2001, 09:47:00 PM
Not a big fan of limited planesets or even historically matched planesets outside of scenarios, but I'm looking forward to giving it a try tonight.

Regardless, it's great to see something new pop up.  Especially this setup which a few have been wanting!   :)

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: AKSWulfe on August 08, 2001, 09:52:00 PM
Perk points are most definitely turned on and the fuel multiplier seems to be set to "historical" values.

I got 4 kills in the 109G2, landed 24.77 perk points. They are definitely turned on.

I was in the air for a total of probably 30 minutes and used close to half my main tank, not sure how much I used in my drop tank. So I'm not sure if fuel multiplier is set right.

Acks appear to be popping up really quickly. Not sure if this is supposed to happen or not.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: AN on August 08, 2001, 09:53:00 PM
I like almost everything about it, except having to fly so far to find any action.  This alone, though, probably means I'll spend more time in the MA.

Not crazy about the icon ranges, but then again, it's good practice for any events that use those settings.

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Octavius on August 08, 2001, 09:55:00 PM
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol that better moose?   :D

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Staga on August 08, 2001, 10:00:00 PM
That sure was fun, I took off with G-10 100% Fuel and ext.tank and needed every liter to fly back to base after fight  :)

Thanks HTC !
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: moose on August 08, 2001, 10:21:00 PM
damn, got to get in to this tonight, got a new stick today
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: skernsk on August 08, 2001, 11:30:00 PM
I flew for about 10 mins.  Padded daddog, Grunherz and Nifty's score.

I then cried fowl as I was being gangbanged.  Checked the roster and the numbers were porked...there were 3 more of them than there were of us. was actually quite fun till the CV was sent to the bottom.  I'm too damn lazy to fly all that way knowing I'm going to last mere seconds :)

I had a great time!
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: funkedup on August 08, 2001, 11:38:00 PM
Thanks HTC!!!
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Kieran on August 08, 2001, 11:39:00 PM
Guys better populate the arena- use it or lose it. The word on this needs to get around, btw. There have been quite a few who were vocal about coming back "the instant AH got an HA."
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Ghosth on August 08, 2001, 11:49:00 PM
I for one enjoyed myself tonight.

Rolled a 109 against a incoming lanc strike with spit escorts, died twice, no kills.

Rolled a 190A8, flew for half an hour to midchannel. Found a fight, got 2 kills, helped another get his. Was down to Aft tank only so headed back. Was involved in 2 more fights before finally able to land on fumes.

It was edge of the seat, full immersion, hair on the neck salamanderled up the whole 2 hours.

I would like to see a couple of "fixes" however. For the norway map especially rebuild times should be longer considering the length of the flight involved.

Axis has CV's, but unable to roll a pt boat, or an LVT from them. Which with no planes available from cv pretty much makes them useless.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Beegerite on August 08, 2001, 11:57:00 PM
Don't know if it's psychological or what but my Spit seemed to have a different more realistic flight model.  Overall much more realistic than MA and the time spent flying to target builds up the suspense.  I won't complain though if the map is made a bit smaller.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Regurge on August 09, 2001, 12:37:00 AM
Had a blast in there tonight. It took a little extra work to find a fight but it was worth it.

100 miles between bases is a tad far but not too bad.

The only other issue I had was lag. Most of my kills lost parts or exploded a good 1-2 seconds after I hit 'em. Might have just been on my end though.

Also didn't the brits have some P-51B's? I think it would fit in well with the planeset.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Zigrat on August 09, 2001, 12:39:00 AM
abgreed i think itd be nice to toss in the b pony

and the 190 a5

it was cool tho
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Hajo on August 09, 2001, 12:49:00 AM
Fun arena, love the icons.  Loved flying the A8 again on a regular basis.  Got two kills after taking off with DT and 100 fuel.  Had to throtlle back and finally dive, turn engine off, dive turn engine off to make it back to 16.  Was fun, but tiring when you want a fight.  Need a patient day to fly this arena.  LOL my squaddies in MA don't fly LW iron, so my squaddies and I are opponents in HA.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: GRUNHERZ on August 09, 2001, 01:02:00 AM
Great Arena!  Dogfigting Spits and Typhoons in my good old 109 is something else. Plus the lack of radar adds suspense.

Please just enable the 190A5, remove the 190F8 if need be to get the 190A5. Please, its really the SpitIXs and Tiffies most common western enemy in 1942-1943.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Saintaw on August 09, 2001, 01:13:00 AM
Am I reading this right or am I not awake yet ?

We got an arena with no dar, 3K icons and historical maps ?

That's IT , this time I QUIT(my job) !

Thanks a bunch HT !
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Thirdup on August 09, 2001, 01:16:00 AM
Hehe, I was just commenting today over on the WWIIO boards that I would return to AH in a heartbeat if there was a historic arena.

Can't wait to read more and fire up my account !
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Dawvgrid on August 09, 2001, 01:45:00 AM
I `ve been waiting for this,,,,,,,,,,,,
so thank you very much HT,much appreciated,
you are stock with me for a loooooooong time
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: mauser on August 09, 2001, 02:48:00 AM
I'll be in there after things settle down for me.  Would love the change of pace, and the choice of arenas.  Thanks HTC  :)

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: R4M on August 09, 2001, 03:12:00 AM
DAMN! an HA-like arena in AH!  ;) Now I am really going to give it a serious thought  :)

Now one of the things wich I wanted for return is here...  :). Lets see when the rest come by.

great step IMO, HTC. GREAT and WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Nash on August 09, 2001, 03:20:00 AM
Wtg HTC! Had some *great* flights in there tonight. Very fun.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Wilbus on August 09, 2001, 04:59:00 AM
*Jumps up and down screaming with excitment*
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: StSanta on August 09, 2001, 05:18:00 AM
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: BlauK on August 09, 2001, 05:45:00 AM
Uhh, we honestly got an AH-HA ????  U not kidding me??  
I hope I can get home soon to try it  :D

Thanks HTC!! S! WTG!!!

Will we get more maps for AH-HA soon??
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: janjan on August 09, 2001, 06:07:00 AM

Could actually think about reactivate my account  :).
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Lephturn on August 09, 2001, 07:02:00 AM
I find this rather amusing.

We get a HA type arena with a historical map.  Folks say "yeah, no endless furballs!".

Then the first complaint you hear is "The fields are too far apart!"

LOL.  Don't those two things seem mutually exclusive to you guys?

I WANT furballs, lots of them.  :D

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: oboe on August 09, 2001, 07:07:00 AM

This is a very exciting development!  Will we be able to see scores here from the scoring webpage?  And are squads enabled?

Are some buffs enabled or is it all fighters?

It definitely makes expansion of the Japanese planeset more important, if you want
to have an interesting PTO setup.  Personally I disdain substitute planes.  The Japanese had some very attractive and useful a/c - lets get 'em in here.

I'm starting to see the path back!
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Ghosth on August 09, 2001, 07:13:00 AM
There is an apparent bug in the squad creation side of things. Several tried to build squads last night to no avail, hopefully that will be shortly fixed.

Some bombers are enabled, Allies had the lanc, Axis have the ju-88.

Lephturn, the only Logical answer I can come up with is "they're spoiled".

Personally the distance didn't bother me at all.

We do have some retraining to do however.

A Yes distances are going to be longer.
B Yes fights are going to be a bit harder to find at times.
C Ettiquette needs to be changed somewhat to suit the arena. Example, if Grunhurz is first one to find a high spit, spends the time to wear him down & is activly pursuing him, we should support him if needed, but IMO we should NOT be stealing his kill.

Teamwork pays off, but we need to honor the guy who was there first. Do it for him & he'll do it for you.

This new combat theatre has a lot of potential, it's up to us to make it fly. Part of that is going to be ethics & acceptable code of conduct.

[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Ghosth ]
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Weave on August 09, 2001, 07:22:00 AM
:cool:   :D
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Westy MOL on August 09, 2001, 07:31:00 AM
What Lephturn said  ;)

 I didn't have any time to fly last night but I did pop in twice to see the numbers go from 12 early in the evening (6-7pm est) to 48 later (9-10pmest).

 I look forward to really trying it out!!! Thanks HTC!

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: popeye on August 09, 2001, 07:35:00 AM
No dar, or no INFLIGHT dar?  Dots or bars?
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: AKSWulfe on August 09, 2001, 07:37:00 AM
Just bar radar. Inflight and in tower. No dots what-so-ever. Improvisions for NOE flight.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: lazs1 on August 09, 2001, 07:58:00 AM
well... I don't know why they would call it the "combat arena" and not HA or something.

If they want me or my ilk in a "combat arena" they gotta make the fields closer together and get rid of the silly allies vs 109/190

Course... The Baltic terrain we have in the MA is the most boring, least action terrain we have.   do people actually enjoy long flights doing nothing?
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: hblair on August 09, 2001, 08:48:00 AM
lazs1, gimme lazs back! What have you done with him? He wasn't near as ornery.  ;)

I had fun last night, but there were a couple of problems, the terrain oughta be 256X256 IMHO. The distances across the water are t great.

We need the ability to capture fields, If some of the fields in the east were allied, it would help a lot.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: bowser on August 09, 2001, 09:00:00 AM
I hope the people who screamed for a historical arena aren't the same ones complaining about having to fly 30 minutes to find a fight.  Or do you just want SOME things historical and not others?

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: ygsmilo on August 09, 2001, 09:12:00 AM
Had a lot of fun last nite in the CA, everyone should try it.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: DingHao2 on August 09, 2001, 09:35:00 AM
Great job, HTC.  GREAT JOB!  Just one thing: create some new targets to kill, like an infrastructure, rail stations, towns, and fuel, ammo depots.  Then u've got a PERFECT sim!    :D   :D   :D
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: SOB on August 09, 2001, 09:40:00 AM
I enjoyed flying in it, but the lack of pilots in it when I was in there detracted a little (only 25 with Axis nearly 2to1 over Allied).  I don't know what the big deal is about the fly time tho'.  Ya want more historical, there it is...I liked it.  Even kind of enjoyed the Axis vs Allied setup, which I didn't think I would.

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Pongo on August 09, 2001, 09:46:00 AM
Sounds like contrails might be a good addition to that arena.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Steven on August 09, 2001, 09:56:00 AM
I like it.  Tried it last night for a couple hours.  If I recall correctly, someone posted news about the new arena and incicated the makers of Aces High will listen to the users and modify the combat arena for us as they see fit.  Sooo, after some teething problems I am hoping to see this thing mature into something very fun and different from MA.

It wouldn't bother me if they made the distances a bit smaller, but I don't mind it as it is either.  It gave me time to get up to 25K' and I'm sure gave the Lancs time to get altitude too.  As long as there is some noticeable distance between the two sides.  

In my opinion, the best way to take advantage of this arena is to form up on mass missions.  This place will take forethough on the teamwork.  We had a JU88/FW mission going last night and soon after takeoff got jumped by a squadron of Spitfires.  It ended up being a big furball but of historically opposing aircraft.  Not quite sure what exactly it is I liked about it, but it's not the quick jumps to low altitude furballs of every conceivable aircraft on all sides but mostly N1Ks, N1Ks, N1Ks and LA's, LA's and LA's.  This just felt more right.

I will support this arena though I am of the opinion numbers will be low in the beginning.  If we want this, we have to be stubborn and stick it out.  

332nd Flying Mongrels
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Badger on August 09, 2001, 09:58:00 AM
Is this new Combat Arena the equivalent of the old WB HA?

Is it a full time arena (7x24)?

What are icon ranges (if any exist)?

Is the radar view limited to ground (tower) only or limited in some way?

Is there a way to stay low under whatever radar exists?

What terrain is the current plane set composed of?

Are there any pricing options just to fly this arena only?

Thanks everyone for any feedback.

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Nifty on August 09, 2001, 10:06:00 AM
Originally posted by bowser:
I hope the people who screamed for a historical arena aren't the same ones complaining about having to fly 30 minutes to find a fight.  Or do you just want SOME things historical and not others?


I made a post on this a few days ago.  It's really nothing more than different interpretations of "historical."  Some say historical and just want the planesets.  Some say historical and want planesets and more "realistic" settings (that's another multi-use word!!)  Personally, I wanted the planesets, different radar settings and the short icons.  That's what the new arena is providing.  I didn't really want the looooong flight times for a 24/7 arena.  Long flight times are really more suited for the events in the SEA, IMO.  If I only have a short time to play, I'm not going to be able to fight in the new arena, unless there's a huge furball close to my side's bases or there's a CV parked off the coast of the Axis side (in the ETO terrains that is).  However, it's not that big of a deal.  I'll go to the MA or TA if I only have a short time to fly.

My suggestions for the new arena are to change the name first of all.  Call it what it is...  Axis vs Allies!!!  Something along those lines so that people who don't read the BBS will have a general idea of what it's about.

Second, change the country switch time!!!  24 hours is a loooong time!  I got stuck flying Axis because I logged in and switched to talk to my squaddies.  I'm used to switching in the TA and SEA where you can switch back and forth all you want.  Might be a good idea to allow free switching right now to keep a decent numbers balance as this thing starts up.

Last suggestion is for icons, but not just for the new arena, but also for the SEA.  When icons are set to short, like they are in the new arena, you don't get enemy icons until around 3k.  Yet you get friendlies all the way out to 10k!!!  Make the friendlies short too.  That way you really won't know what you've got until 1.5 nautical miles away.  As it is now, you can usually guess enemy if the icon doesn't come up, but you just don't know what type it is.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: hblair on August 09, 2001, 10:09:00 AM
Is this new Combat Arena the equivalent of the old WB HA?


Is it a full time arena (7x24)?


What are icon ranges (if any exist)?

Short icons, 3.0 = 3,000 yards

Is the radar view limited to ground (tower) only or limited in some way?

Just some vague bar radar, yes while inflight.

Is there a way to stay low under whatever radar exists?

No radar at all under 500ft.

What terrain is the current plane set composed of?

Norway Terrain

Are there any pricing options just to fly this arena only?

Don't think so

Thanks everyone for any feedback.


Glad to see you back badger. Hope to see you soon in the arena.

[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: hblair ]
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Tac on August 09, 2001, 10:10:00 AM
In my opinion, this new arena would RULE if there were less bases but each base separated by 3 sectors with Vbases 1 sector from each airfield and the bases be minimum of 5k raised for frontline bases and 10k raised for the backline bases (aka, Buff bases).

Less airfield, with a tad bit more separation, raised will ensure people concentrate to fight for each asset. Furballers will love it, mission geeks will love it, as it will take either a lot of dweebs flying in swarm to cap a field OR a mission to flatten it in one swoop. Distanced airfields with nearby vbases will mean that reinforcements will arrive by either mid-hi alt and the airfields will be able to receive GV assistance from the vbases.

Wouldnt it be nice if each side just had 10 airfields ?   :)

Remove the 12 hour limit for country change on the Combat Arena. That way people can switch to fly the other planeset without being restricted to one side for a day. To prevent the "spy" syndrome, make newly switched people be MUTED for 10 minutes when they switch, and dont allow priv messages. If they wanna chat, use CH1 or a country channel or get RW.

[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Tac ]
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Wlfgng on August 09, 2001, 10:19:00 AM
Finally!!! oh yeah.

thanks HTC !!!

problems and all.. you gotta love it.
Give them time to adjust a few things.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: daddog on August 09, 2001, 10:21:00 AM
Is this new Combat Arena the equivalent of the old WB HA?
Yes, very similar.

Is it a full time arena (7x24)?
Yes as far as I know.

What are icon ranges (if any exist)?
Short. 3.0 For enemy, 10 for friendly.

Is the radar view limited to ground (tower) only or limited in some way?
Bar only, and if you are below radar 500' you will be off dar completely. NOE.   :D

Is there a way to stay low under whatever radar exists?
Yes. See above.   :)

What terrain is the current plane set composed of?

Are there any pricing options just to fly this arena only?
None that I know of. Good question! I would take it in a second if there were!

Thanks everyone for any feedback.
Your welcome!
CM CO daddog
332nd Flying Mongrels (
Noses in the wind since 1997
Snapshots & TOD's (
Experience is a hard teacher. First comes the test, then the lesson.

[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: daddog ]
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Nifty on August 09, 2001, 10:36:00 AM
Originally posted by daddog:
Are there any pricing options just to fly this arena only?
None that I know of. Good question! I would take it in a second if there were!

You better not!!!   ;)  That would mean no SEA flying for you!!!
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Badger on August 09, 2001, 11:17:00 AM
Originally posted by hblair:
Glad to see you back badger. Hope to see you soon in the arena.

Thanks hblair and dadman... <S>

Sounds like a long overdue but great setup that could bring back a lot of retired AH players.  :D

It's easier to keep a current customer through smart marketing than it is to find and sign up a new one.

Good luck with it.......  :)
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Creamo on August 09, 2001, 11:37:00 AM
Sounds like a long overdue but great setup that could bring back a lot of retired AH players

Too the MA.

And that's good for the AH player base. You know EXACTLY what I mean.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: SirLoin on August 09, 2001, 12:39:00 PM
What does "Fuel multiplier Turned off" mean?
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: LePaul on August 09, 2001, 12:47:00 PM
I had a pretty good time in there.  My only complaint is the map and fonts are of very poor quality.  I took off in a Lanc from 24 (far west) because I couldnt see A23 in the cluster of CVs/Ships.  Needless to say, it was almost an hour before I made it near shore and where the battles were.  At least I shot 2 down before my Lanc exploded  :P

This is what the historical squads and players have wanted for some time.  I think its a nice change of pace from the unending ponderings from N1ks and Runstangs  :)  Better map will surely draw more in, even with a huge monitor, zoomed in, etc  I can't figure out the names on bases and such.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: JoeMud on August 09, 2001, 12:54:00 PM bad I deleted the game 3 weeks ago
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: AKDejaVu on August 09, 2001, 01:00:00 PM
I'm going to check out this arena tonight.  Dunno if I'll like it or not.  I do know that if I don't, I simply won't fly in it.  If I do, I will only fly in it.

Talk is cheap... if you like it support it by flying in it.  If you don't, don't.

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Rude on August 09, 2001, 01:05:00 PM
It's the end of the world as we know it!

Title: Combat Theater
Post by: AKSWulfe on August 09, 2001, 01:23:00 PM
Originally posted by SirLoin:
What does "Fuel multiplier Turned off" mean?

Means the fuel is not consumed at a multiplied rate: Meaning that the planes should have the same range as their real world counterparts.
Title: Combat Theater
Post by: Soulyss on August 09, 2001, 01:23:00 PM
Took my first HA ride last night and it was a blast.  Gotta be in the right frame of mind though to enjoy it I think.  We ran across a force of marauding Lancs with spit escort and we tore into them good.  Was great fun.   One benefit to the larger map I can see is the the inital alt of the engagements will be up around 20k seems like with the distances involved.  Which will be interesting when we get a map with p47's/ p51's etc. which are supposed to perform better up there than on the deck like we see in the MA all the time.  So far so good  :D