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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: lazs1 on August 09, 2001, 08:22:00 AM

Title: is gunman back...
Post by: lazs1 on August 09, 2001, 08:22:00 AM
Don't know... same squad (who else would have him)..  He flies the same plane (nik) and has the same attitude and manner of whining.   Don't bring it up in the arena tho as you might get "squelched for 10 min" (LOL) like I did.   seriously..  All I said was the above on channel 1 to get squelched.   I suppose he did too.   Kinda wonder tho what was said to cause said squelching....

Perhaps being accused of being gunman26 is such a horrible insult that it deserves a good squelching?  perhaps "gunman26" has become one of our worst profanities?   Come to think of it.... I guess the squelching was justified..

BTW... he denies it.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: GRUNHERZ on August 09, 2001, 08:32:00 AM
You are talking of TussinDM?

I think hes gunman26. Just too damn similar and he kinda shows up just after gun was banned.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: hblair on August 09, 2001, 08:36:00 AM
I know who you are talking about.

Gotta be him or a similar mo-ron. I killed a few times in a P38 the other night, his explanation was "this game is BS".  :D

Same mentalilty.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: 2Late4U on August 09, 2001, 08:47:00 AM
I've got an will never happen, but I can dream can't I?

Being that HT can't seem to control a few bad apples in the game, I say they invoke a kind of ticketing system.  If you make personal attacks involving profanity or otherwise vulgar language, you get a warning or two, and a short squelch period to cool off.  If it continues you are CHARGED a fee.  Perhaps $10 per occurance, maxing out at $100 and perminant ban.

Yea I know its not gona happen, it would be hell to implement, cause huge billing issues and overall do more to take HT away from thier main job...improving this great game!

I just like the idea of disruptive players helping improve the game with donations just before they get banned   :D
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: 2Late4U on August 09, 2001, 08:49:00 AM
Originally posted by lazs1:
<...He flies the same plane (nik) and has the same attitude and manner of whining.  


Most times I shot him down he was in a Spit.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: GRUNHERZ on August 09, 2001, 08:59:00 AM
gunman26 flew mostly Spits and Nikis.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: Thunder on August 09, 2001, 09:18:00 AM
Burn the WITCH!

Laz... get the wood! GRUNHERZ get the Petrol!

Whoever you are..."Vial Creature", "Wicked Presence" Be Gone!   :eek:
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: Nifty on August 09, 2001, 09:31:00 AM
actually, I'm sad if he got banned.  Come on, admit it, when you saw "you shot down gunman26" you smiled.  I know I did!   ;)
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: Hooligan on August 09, 2001, 09:52:00 AM
Did gunman26 actually get banned?  He said he did but sometimes I found it difficult to believe what he said.

Title: is gunman back...
Post by: sling322 on August 09, 2001, 09:53:00 AM
I have no doubt that its him.  I said hello to gunmanDM one nite on bish country channel after listening to his BS and his ordering everyone around to defend this base or that base.....he got pretty defensive really quickly and kept on insisting that he wasnt the same guy.  I would think that if he wasnt the same guy that saying so once would be enough.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: MrLars on August 09, 2001, 11:07:00 AM
So that's it! I thought AH had attracted just another A**...but no, it's just a recycled <reformated> old one
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: AKSWulfe on August 09, 2001, 11:16:00 AM
<Gunman26>- The name no doubt came from the First Person Shooter, Gunman Chronicles built around the Half-Life graphics engine. I highly doubt someone that unstable would be allowed to have a gun.

<TussinDM>- This name no doubt came from RobotussinDM (sp?).. A lot of you guys are probably far removed from the High School loop, so you don't know that RobotussinDM is the poor man's wannabe LSD if you drink half a bottle... or maybe a whole bottle. I forget..

Anyways... both names come from a youngin' no doubt.

So it would appear to me that Tussin and Gunman are the same person.

[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: SWulfe ]
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: mrfish on August 09, 2001, 11:53:00 AM
if it walks like a duck, and whines like a duck....
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: Dux on August 09, 2001, 11:58:00 AM
I resent that, Mr. fish!
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: lazs1 on August 09, 2001, 11:58:00 AM
thunder.... I really don't care if the twit is back or not.   I allways had fun messing with the short tempered jerkoff when he was gunman..  I do find it fun to point out that someone is so ashamed of who he is/was that he would have to lie.

people using new handles have allways made me laugh but the ones who deny that they are using a new handle  are really bizzare.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: DamnedATC on August 09, 2001, 12:58:00 PM


Look at the scores of each.  gunman26 from july and TussenDM from this month.  They look about the same.  Flew about same airplanes.


[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: DamnedATC ]
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: Thunder on August 09, 2001, 01:12:00 PM

YES...TussinDM is Gunman26!

I have known this since the day after he was supposedly booted. I had been on a big Bishop Mission and was on chanel 5 (freq188). Some of the guys on this mission were a couple of guys that were freinds of his. After the mission I forgot about RW and was just fighting alone. I guess they must have been on the freq from about 30 min before and didn't realize I was still on. They started talking to each other about Gunman26 and how he had a new handle. They mentioned how he was a good guy but just seemed to fly off the handle sometimes. Next, TussinDM came on they greated him. He told one of them his new handle was TussinDM. One of his old squadies and a freind in a freindly but very direct way told Gunman26 to stop loosing it and be civil. Gunman26's freinds said they weren't going to tollerate it if he was going to fly with the squad. As I listened to them it sounded like Gunman26 seemed to understand there concerns and said he was going to try and change. TussinDM  said he was going to fly lone wolf and then ease back into the squadron.

At this point I just shut up and decided to see if there would be a possitive change. I have to say that I have been on many times in the last several weeks when TussinDM has been on. There have been a few minor things but all in all... I have seen a dramatic change for the better! I told a couple of my old squadmates in the 56th FG about this and to watch and see if that noticed anything while they were on. They all said that if he started up again they wouldn't tolerate it either. I don't think many of us appriciated the old Gunman26 comments.

Last night was the first time I had seen him go off a bit but I think the whole bunch of US and YOU too... pushed his buttons! Everyone read the buffer and just reach your own conclusions.

I edited out all Kills and non related chatter in the buffer and made it B&W so it wouldn't clog this thread"
"The whiter text at the start is on Bishop Counrty is on on Chanel 1 (Open)"



[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Thunder ]
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: AKSWulfe on August 09, 2001, 01:20:00 PM
Funny... the toejam keeps cycling but that's because the spuds keep poking at him trying to tweak him even further.

Then you got that whacked out muting powers to a select few in the arena... I hope they don't get a comped account for that... they abuse their powers like no other.

Title: is gunman back...
Post by: 2Late4U on August 09, 2001, 01:41:00 PM
This is very funny.

I've only played a few hours this tour so far thanks to a variety of reasons, but I was thinking that this tussin guy was a bozo-supreem in that short I see why it felt so farmiliar   :eek:

Personally I dont care if there are jerks in the game...there are jerks in life...I just wish I could perma-squelch.

Off to change my stick mapping, one button pressed and POOF, Im good to go for the night.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: lazs1 on August 09, 2001, 01:55:00 PM
U missed some of the earlier 'conversation' after hooligan and i whacked his niki... he was complaining about one ping kills..  I hit him twice with a typhoon no less and hooli lit him up like a pinwheel at chinesse new year with his 6 fifties....  I got a sist and holli got the kill.   I explained that to gunmanDM and he went off.

Notice how he lied in the conversations.... perhaps I missed my calling and should be a judge.

oh... just out of curiosity... can anyone see anything that I said that deserved to be squelched by admin?   I just need to know what is admissible.

[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: lazs1 ]
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: AKSWulfe on August 09, 2001, 02:01:00 PM
lazs, it's because HTC gave "muting powers" to a couple of goofs.

These goofs mute stuff that doesn't deserve it while letting the real crap get through.

Complete morons.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: Thunder on August 09, 2001, 02:17:00 PM
Ahh, cc.. Sorry must have missed that in my replay.

Provoke an dog and it will bite. Work with it and make it a good friend for life.

Yah Yah.. I know it coming LOL

"Ya can't teach an old dog NEW tricks"


Title: is gunman back...
Post by: lazs1 on August 09, 2001, 02:29:00 PM
thunder... I had no interaction with this tussin guy till last night so had no preconcieved notions.   His childish, angry  and moronic drivel after he was killed made him an easy target for ridicule.   The more he went on (off) the more it became apparent that he was gunman.   Now, if me and hooli could both click to it in such a short time then I would say that he has not changed much eh?

SW... I was kinda shocked when I got the message that I was squelched.   If you look at the buffer you will see that most were on him more than I (i was just getting started) but then maybe they all got squelched too?  seems pretty... pc to me.   creepy.
Title: is gunman back...
Post by: Thunder on August 09, 2001, 02:45:00 PM
Roger laz  :)

Looks like others did too!