Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: RAM on June 04, 2000, 03:23:00 PM

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 04, 2000, 03:23:00 PM
But cya all. Has been fun until I ripped 190's wings 6 times in 2 days in 350-450mph dives and pulling out 3-4Gs.And that happens a lot of times.

I wont change aircraft. I'll see if it is fixed in 1.03. But until then I'm done here as I cant use the only advantage of 190,its power dive.

<S> all.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 06-04-2000).]
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Staga on June 04, 2000, 03:46:00 PM
Damn  (

Well...  We see you next Thursday then ?  (
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: funked on June 04, 2000, 03:52:00 PM

Go have a beer or 10 and maybe reconsider.

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Replicant on June 04, 2000, 04:03:00 PM
Just remember... A5, A5, A5...  Now, bet that put a smile back on your face...   (

I've had a disasterous start to Tour 5... But just hang in there!

Cyas up soon!

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Camel on June 04, 2000, 04:04:00 PM
3rd or 4th time?

He wears his heart on his sleeve, comes to mind.
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Staga on June 04, 2000, 04:28:00 PM
Camel you can keep your comments for yourself.
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: -duma- on June 04, 2000, 04:56:00 PM
Damn, RAM... with luck the A5 will proves as good as you hope   (
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 04, 2000, 04:57:00 PM
Originally posted by -duma-:
Damn, RAM... with luck the A5 will proves as good as you hope    (
In fact I was planning to stay with A8 as it seems it will be a faster plane than A5...

Staga dont worry I dont want this to be a flamefest, so let the people say what they want. I am leaving, I wanted to say goodbye nothing else. If someone wants flames, let them alone.

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Staga on June 04, 2000, 04:59:00 PM
Yep Ram...
I hope to see you soon here  (
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Kirin on June 04, 2000, 05:07:00 PM
No RAM, you don't go! This is an order!!

You are one of the best 190 jocks I know. Ripping wings never had been such a problem for you - why now? I am sure you could adapt to any 'flaw' our 190 may has. JG2 will be incomplete without any 'unga unga' in the radio buffer. We get a new 190 soon - perhaps it will be more your taste perhaps not.

But who is gonna show those spit-boys and cannon-hoggers what LW iron can do? All up to me now??     (


JG2 "Richthofen" (

"Ich bin immer nur die Messerschmitt 109 geflogen, aller Varianten angefangen von der G-6 bis hin zur K-14. Die Gustav war weitaus kraftvoller als die Friedrich, und hinzu kam die weitaus schwerere Bewaffnung. Die G-10 zum Beispiel hatte eine 30 mm Kanone mit absolut zerstörerirscher Wirkung. Sie war auch die schnellste aller G-Serien, mit einer exzellenten Steigrate, und war in sämtlichen Flugbereichen ausgezeichnet zu fliegen. Ich fühlte mich in meiner 'Beule' immer zuhause und Herr über alle Situationen."
Hauptmann Erich Hartmann, Gruppenkommandeur, I./JG 52, Russische Front, 1945

[This message has been edited by Kirin (edited 06-04-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Kirin (edited 06-04-2000).]
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 04, 2000, 05:11:00 PM
Originally posted by Kirin:
You are one of the best 190 jocks I know. Ripping wings never had been such a problem for you - why now?

Because I have died 6 times in a row because the same thing. And If I can stand dying once in a while because a weird ripping wing, I cant stand dying 6 in a row. There is another reason, but that is private, only said in JG2 forum. (for the record: nothing to do with F4Us).

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 06-04-2000).]
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Fishu on June 04, 2000, 05:15:00 PM
Pst. allie conspiracy   (
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Citabria on June 04, 2000, 05:25:00 PM
ram... never under any circumstances fly a p51 if you are ripping wings off a 190.

even if you breath on the p51 wrong it sheds its wings...

spitfire likes to lose them too.

try the la5 ram. it can sustain like 12 g's any day, the wings will never come off.
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 04, 2000, 05:29:00 PM
Originally posted by Citabria:
ram... never under any circumstances fly a p51 if you are ripping wings off a 190.

Citabria are you telling me that a P51 cant stand a 350IAS 4G pullout?. my fw190A8 borke its wings on a pullout at that speed and G load. And its not the first time, exactly, to be accurate, is the 6th in two days, the 4th today.

ripping withgs at 450mph and 3G isnt very good too...well it happened too today.

Not the pullout, is something there that breaks the wing.
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Revvin on June 04, 2000, 05:39:00 PM
Don't cut your nose off to spite your face RAM, if you were in another well known online flight-sim you would still be waiting for something like this to be fixed a year later. You have been here long enough to know that HTC listen to their customers and the goals they have for this sim so dig up some real life stats or mail HTC and explain your problems, don't walk away just yet..things are just getting interesting
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 04, 2000, 05:43:00 PM
Originally posted by RAM:
I wont change aircraft. I'll see if it is fixed in 1.03. But until then I'm done here as I cant use the only advantage of 190,its power dive.

AS you see I dont close the door to a return if it is fixed.

BTW hitech was online last 2 deaths. I told about this on #1 channel in a quite fair and calm way. He didnt answer at all.

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Fatty on June 04, 2000, 05:46:00 PM
RAM, it's likely a rolling pull on those g's.  I consistantly pull 6Gs at over 500ias in 190, but I always do it steadily.
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Saintaw on June 04, 2000, 06:08:00 PM
How did U set the PITCH increments in the Joystick setting ?
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: JimBear on June 04, 2000, 06:08:00 PM
It probly is worth nothing, but I found that 75% of my wing pull offs were the result of Stick Spiking. Switched to another stick and now 100% are the result of pilot error  (

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 04, 2000, 06:12:00 PM
Originally posted by Saintaw:
How did U set the PITCH increments in the Joystick setting ?

in incremets of 10%. Top at 95%.

My yoke may be a F·$"ing toejam of only 2 buttons, but I experience no spikings at all in it.It is very very stable.

I had once that problem,tho. I was trying a Gravis Destroyer and in a pullout I broke the wings. I nthe film I saw that I experienced a spiking and the Gload went up to 8Gs.

this isnt the case now. No spikes at all (and no blackout, too)

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Nash on June 04, 2000, 06:16:00 PM
Too bad RAM.. I hope things get better for you. It's odd though... I mean, you've been flying the 190 for ages. Just *recently* (a matter of days) you've been having this problem. On HTC's end, the 190 hasn't been changed in I don't know how long. A lot longer than the last few days. The problem sounds like it's on your end to me. Maybe your flying different, maybe your stick is hosed... I dunno... But I don't think HTC have messed with the 190 recently.

In any event, I hope things get better and you reconsider. Cheers!
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 04, 2000, 06:21:00 PM
Nash I experienced it a lot of times. But they were sporadic things...and well one each 3 days is something I can manage ok.

But not 6 deaths in a row. No this way. The thing started yesterday night, and today same story.

I am quite sure that 190 model hasnt been changed. No reason for it. But I cant stand dying a 7th time in a row. And I love 190 I wont fly anything else (I sometimes do in 109, but my main ride is 190), and so I am leaving it until 1.03 comes...and if I still experience that problem then It will be definitive (until it is fixed or someone tells me whats going on).

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Citabria on June 04, 2000, 06:24:00 PM
I tested out the g tollerance of the 190 and filmed it.

It took me full up trim and 500mph and over 9 g's (the accelerometer was off the scale  (
to get anything to fall off.

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 04, 2000, 06:29:00 PM
then some resistance commando has make its path into my Fw190 provider's factory. Because If I go any faster than 400mph and pull anything over 3G my wing says bye bye (not tested it offline. Just repeating what happened to me 6 times in a row online)

Fw190 SHOULD stay ok in high G loads at any speed. It was one of the sturdiest and more compact airframes built in WWII. Its wing was made of ONE piece. It was a drawback because if damage was done you had to remove ALL the wing, but it was sturdy as a rock.

and for sure it didnt break in a 400 mph 4G pullout.

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: funked on June 04, 2000, 06:31:00 PM
This is a weird bug.  Some guys seem to lose wings all the time, but it never happens to me.  I think it's happened to me maybe 3 times since I started playing, and only one time was I pulling significant gees.
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: JENG on June 04, 2000, 07:26:00 PM
Don't leave RAM... we need ya you crazy SPANISH BARCA LUMP  (

BTW without you who's sister are we going to hit on  (

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Creamo on June 04, 2000, 07:44:00 PM
Well, the 190 model hasn't changed in the last few days, so it ain't software related. Since I troubleshoot for a living, it's one or a combination of 3 things.

A. What Fatty said.

B. Hardware - Get a new stick, as in USB so it's consistant AND calibrated, ALL the time.

C. Change the pilot, cuz the plane is fine. :0) (Meaning find out what your doing diffrent all a sudden)

Dude, although I really like the image of you on a CH Pilot yoke cursing, that crappy analog yoke is making AH so unplayable your quiting and dogging the flight model which isn't good PR, or fair.

Send me your address, Ill ship you a USB Digital Wingman Extreme free of charge, Federal Express even.

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: SFRT - Frenchy on June 04, 2000, 08:02:00 PM
RAM, wings ripping are sensitive in this game, I took the habit of puiilng out of fast dives using trim only. I never ripped doing so.
Stay in my loco neighbor.
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Hangtime on June 04, 2000, 08:30:00 PM
Dammo Creamo.. a fine offer. You are hereby upgraded in rank from Chute Killin Dweeb to Chute Killin Gentleman Dweeb.  ( Salute; sir!

Seriously.. I suspect you are right; and this is a local problem with something on his system. Sure hope he lets you help.. yah helped solve my system troubles a while back; and I appreciate it!

RAM.. plz don't just pack up and bolt... JG2 needs you.. too many of 'em are flyin stolen allied planes as of late.  ( If this keeps up and you leave they're gonna get a rep as the 'Phoney Baloney LW'.

We gotta find a solution.. let Creamo help! (just don't bail in front of him; he can't help yah then!  (


Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: hblair on June 04, 2000, 10:26:00 PM
No offense RAM, but did it occur to ya that you pulling too hard may be the cause of the problem?  (

I fly the 190 almost exclusively now. I haven't ripped wings in God knows how long, it's been a period of months.

Not trying to dig in the dirt, but remember the time you said you covered an F4U with 20 mm sprites? I was online for your tirade on channel 1. I figured you would probably start a thread on the BBS about it. Came to the BBS, and sure enough there it was. I requested that you email me your film so I could post it on the web for us all to download and view and make our own judgements. You sent me the film, but you didn't want me to post it. So I didn't.

But I can tell ya this, that F4U you shot up shouldn't have gone down in my opinion. It didn't appear to be badly enough damaged. If I would have done that kind of damage to an F4U and looked back and saw him tumbling to the ground, I would actually be surprised.

Why did I bring up the F4U gunfilm?

Not to try to embarass you. Just to point out that there are times when we all get pissed at the game. We can't believe that this actually happened! But if you step back and think, "How did that happen?", "Could I have prevented that from happening?" you will be better off.

In my experience in these flight simms, I have learned that every death that I suffered, probably 99% of them were MY fault. I made a bad decision somewhere along the line that led the bad guy to my six, whether engaging too many cons without enough squaddies around, to just generally being too low.

If I had my guess you were probably going faster than you thought you were and pulled the stick just a little too hard.  ( We've all done it buddy. No big deal.

The truly great pilots I've run into take their buttkickings, evaluate why it happened, then replane, learning their lessons without getting too emotionally involved in the process.  (

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Hangtime on June 05, 2000, 12:52:00 AM
ruh roh!
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Fishu on June 05, 2000, 01:35:00 AM
Check your joystick RAM, might be problem there too.
If your stick has small spikes (barely could think those are any harm), your plane might rip apart after code calculates too much up/down stirring caused by some trash in the stick..
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 05, 2000, 06:28:00 AM
Creamo...thanks for the offer. I'll send you a mail explaining wich are the problems,tho...I dont know if I can get it. But thanks for the offer.

Hblair...well I told you not to post the film because the "explosion" on #| channel, not for anything else. I still think that the F4U had enough damage to have something else gone, not just the rudder.

But now I can assure you 6 times I ripped the wing in 2 days. I wasnt looking carefully the first time, so I guess is possible that I was a bit faster...but the Gload was 4G (As I always watch it while recovering). In the next 5 times I checked IAS and Gload carefully. All times I dived, when recovering at 3-4G, 350IAS-450IAS...all where ripping wings. And I was looking carefully.

Dont know if the stick has something to do with it. It seems quite stable and I dont have any problems in that least I dont see any when calibrating.
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Soup Nazi on June 05, 2000, 07:46:00 AM
Originally posted by Creamo:
Send me your address, Ill ship you a USB Digital Wingman Extreme free of charge, Federal Express even.

Creamo, you are being nice....that is very uncharacteristic for you, so I have no other choice than to say...

Soup Nazi
Click here NOW! (

[This message has been edited by Soup Nazi (edited 06-05-2000).]
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: LLv34_Camouflage on June 05, 2000, 08:00:00 AM
RAM, had you taken any pings earlier in those flights? I don't know if AH models any "accumulative damage", though...

Would be sad to see you go.  (


XO, Lentolaivue 34 (

Brewster into AH!

"The really good pilots use their superior judgement to keep them out of situations
where they might be required to demonstrate their superior skill."
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Pongo on June 05, 2000, 08:19:00 AM
I dont normaly find any difference between the FWs wing strength and others. (maybe the la5 is better like Cit said, I dont know..) But I had one day 2 weeks ago where I tore of my wings 3 times.. In all cases it was strange to me. I was in a full speed dive, and started to gently pull up, and befor I got black or anything the wings were both gone. No creaking no warning nothing.
The guys in my squad were probebly blushing from my language after the third one....
Could it be that what was missing was the indicators of trouble? I dont watch the g meter while I fly so I dont know what I was at but I usually rely on game ques to know I am pushing it.
It could also be because I had been flying the 1c a little It seems to have a better pull out and maybe that gave me just a little bit of a bad habit.
You definatly have to try it after a reboot anyway to see if your hardware caught some stray photons or something.
Good luck

"Stupids are like flies. they are everywere, but are easy to kill"
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Dinger on June 05, 2000, 08:49:00 AM
Uh, I too have yanked the FW's wings off, and it's caught me by surprise.  And yes, it happened in powerdives.  I thought I might add to the thread by provided films of wings snapping at 350 ias, but, alas, I have been unable to do so (sustaining 5 gs pulling the nose down at an initial 400 ias doesn't seem to cut it).  Perhaps it might help the cause if, instead of claiming the existence of an alleged problem and asking them to fix it, we could provide hard evidence (.ahf) of the bug.

What I'm asking RAM is that, for the benefit of science, you stay on a few more days, and run that recorder so that this issue will be fixed.

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Dingy on June 05, 2000, 09:05:00 AM
Originally posted by RAM:
Because I have died 6 times in a row because the same thing. And If I can stand dying once in a while because a weird ripping wing, I cant stand dying 6 in a row. There is another reason, but that is private, only said in JG2 forum. (for the record: nothing to do with F4Us).

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 06-04-2000).]

Whats going on with all these high profile departures?  Many of them seem to be coming from JG2.  Something going on there in Borgland?  Did the Bishop virus we implanted in your collective finally start taking hold?  You been hearing voices saying "BIG SQUADS...BAAAAAAAAAD" .  Halaleula!   (

Just kidding RAM....theres been alot of good suggestions made here, take some time off and pretty soon, yer gonna be aching to see us all again....yes even Saw.  (

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Vermillion on June 05, 2000, 09:11:00 AM
Not sure if this has anything too do with it or not...

But way back when, this same issue came up, and somebody figured out that if you use a straight pullup under heavy G load, you are unlikely to lose the wings.

However, if you are using any rolling component to the pullout, you are much more likely to lose the wings.


Don't remember the specifics since my mind is getting fuzzy with old age. But thats pretty close.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure
"Real Men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires"
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: SC-GreyBeard on June 05, 2000, 11:13:00 AM
Actuall RAM,, it sounds as if your stick may have developed a "Positional Spike"

If you are not doing anything differently than prior to your wingloss,, then something in the hardware is screwy.

Just recently I began losing B-17 wings when I shouldn't have.  Doing some investigation, I found that at a certain point in my stck travel, I'd get a massive spike. (I use a PPro USB)..  Pot cleaning fixed the prob.

Give it a try,, it may take ya a day or two to find it,, but it's there from the sounds of it..


GreyBeard, Squadron Leader
Commander, "E" Flight, Aces High
Senior Staff Council
"The Skeleton Crew"
"Fly with Honor"[/i]
"Keepin' the Faith"
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: funked on June 05, 2000, 11:26:00 AM
I wonder if it's related to the "rough runway bug".
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Udie on June 05, 2000, 11:55:00 AM
 Udie walks over to RAM's boat and opens up the livewell.  WOW good catch my friend!  I'd throw that Nash out though, they're too boney and not good eating (fun to catch though kinda like carp).  Ooooh but give me that hangtime and creamo, and i'll make us up some good Cream-o-hangtime  in my nice marinara sauce. Then we'll finish up with some purried pongo.

 Oh yeah btw,  I've never ripped the wings off the 190 even at 600mph. I didn't think it was possible.

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Pongo on June 05, 2000, 12:14:00 PM
Actually Marinade you pongo steakes in Pipers Pale Ale for 45 miniutes...then onto the BBQ with them...

"Stupids are like flies. they are everywere, but are easy to kill"
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Karnak on June 05, 2000, 12:30:00 PM
Wing ripping is the one area that has never felt right to me in WB or AH.  The accounts I've read from WWII pilots would indicate that this was difficult or impossible to do in a fighter.  The accounts I'm familar with pertain to the Spitfire and Zero.  In WB as AH it seems to be very easy to rip the wings off of these fighters (only Spitfire in AH for some reason  (

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Udie on June 05, 2000, 12:54:00 PM
Here's a funny wing ripping story for you...

 Last year in WB when 2.6 came out the new plane was the Ki-61 Tony.  Well my squad flew them in the New Guinea Senario.  I'll never forget the first frame.  I'm leading my squad and about 5 other pilots, about 20 in all.  All through the flight I'm saying don't pull more than 4 G's at speed or your dead.  

 We fly for over an hour before we finaly find the enemy.  A flight of about 10-15 p38's 2k below us, with the sun at our backs  ( The dream set up.  I call the attack and we dive on the unsuspecting prey.

 I line up on the leader and give him a burst from d3 in to d1 and pull up to gain alt.  I look back to see his flaming p38 spiraling in, but to my horror I also see more than 1/2 my squad rip off their wings when they pulled out of the dive.  Picture 3 or 4 p38's and 10-12 ki-61's all flaming towards the earth. The fight lasted 10 seconds and 20 people died. The rest of the 38's dove and got away, and I took the remnents of my flight back home.

 I'll never forget that flight  (


Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: RAM on June 05, 2000, 09:21:00 PM
Umpf...ok lets see.

I did it. I gave it another try. And now it worked well.
I put film on ALL the time I was online (and I got some 7 megas of pure crap LOL!) in order to film any possible wing ripping...

well the damned wings seem to have laughed a lot at me. I even reached 600mph just before a 3G pullout...a lot of sounds but of course the wings stayed where they should.
A lot of 500-550mph pullouts, never pulling too much (I dont do it anyway)...nothing.

I reinstalled AH this morning that may have done something?!?!?

Well the only thing I can say is that I dont understand a S"·$t...something is VERY weird here...but as long as I dont rip wings more that 2 times on a row the way they were ripping last days, its okay with me.But 6 were too much for me.

[edit] If someone can enlight this poor whinnin guy about what the hell was happening last day with my wings...well I'd be thankful.

(RAM Shakes his head completely lost in this matter)

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 06-05-2000).]
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Staga on June 05, 2000, 11:07:00 PM
Good  (
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Vulcan on June 05, 2000, 11:16:00 PM
Uhhh, someone asked me this online.

This tour I have flown nothing but 190s and the occassional 109G10. I do a lot of power dives (its NOT vulching) and its not unusual to take someone out as you blur past at 500ias.

Pulling out I generally use the trim-controls only and avoiding any sort of rolls until she drops into a safer IAS (when I flew the 51 I had lots of wing rips when rolling in a dive so I carried the habit into the 190).

The 190 way outperforms anything in a dive, I watch many a dweeb-51/hawg rip their wings off on the way down behind me.

Theres nothing like a good power-dive in a 190 then unloading those 30mms and watching Hangtimes 51 turn into a flaming-coffin :-)

-vlkn- in
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: SOB on June 05, 2000, 11:50:00 PM
Originally posted by RAM:

Well the only thing I can say is that I dont understand a S"·$t...something is VERY weird here...but as long as I dont rip wings more that 2 times on a row the way they were ripping last days, its okay with me.But 6 were too much for me.
[edit] If someone can enlight this poor whinnin guy about what the hell was happening last day with my wings...well I'd be thankful.

(RAM Shakes his head completely lost in this matter)

Well, when testing this you were probably paying VERY close attention and making sure to just pull out of the dive, without putting roll into the mix.  When you were online you probably weren't so concious of this, or any other possible variables.  Just a thought . . .

Anyhow, good to see you're staying  (

Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: Minotaur on June 06, 2000, 08:57:00 AM
LOL  (

Good reason NOT to post when you are hacked off.

<S> Ram!   (

The Wrecking Crew
Title: I wont start a flamewar.
Post by: hblair on June 06, 2000, 09:20:00 AM
I did it. I gave it another try. And now it worked well.
I put film on ALL the time I was online (and I got some 7 megas of pure crap LOL!) in order to film any possible wing ripping...

well the damned wings seem to have laughed a lot at me. I even reached 600mph just before a 3G pullout...a lot of sounds but of course the wings stayed where they should.
A lot of 500-550mph pullouts, never pulling too much (I dont do it anyway)...nothing

Next time ya might consider troubleshooting the problem BEFORE you get on the boards and claim you're quittng the game.  (

This worked out EXACTLY as I figuerd it would LOL.

Ya didn't quit, ya fixed whatever your screwup was (whether software or pilot induced)  (