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General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: CarlosL on August 13, 2002, 09:33:51 PM

Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: CarlosL on August 13, 2002, 09:33:51 PM
Hey guys I recently bought a GF4 Ti4200 64mb to get rid of my old GF2 mx and have a nice card for the computer.  But now my fps seems pretty much the same.  First my comp specs.

P4 1.5 gig
512 mb sdram
60 gig hdd
and running windows xp pro

Well I ran AH today with these settings:

1024 x 76x 32 bit, vsync off, anti-aliasing off and my fps at the tower with no action is 75.  Graphics look like poo but hey, high FPS.  So I go to fly and I have just three guys on my screen and terrain, my fps is 30ish.  Now this is really what I did not expect on such a low setting

Now I run the game at 1600 x 1400 x 16 bit, v-sync off and anti-aliasing on 2x.  Even thought these settings look a little high my regular FPS with action on the screen is still 30.  But if I get into a furball it goes down to 7-15 fps (this also happens with other settings)

I have the latest drivers 29.92 and used the refreshrate fix.  Whats going on with my card?  Please help if anyone can, thanks a lot.
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: SKurj on August 13, 2002, 10:24:52 PM
Latest drivers are 30.XX something ... u can give those a try..

I know i tried to help ya in the arena one day, with little success, perhaps someone else can shed some light..

Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: Animal on August 14, 2002, 12:04:41 AM

Make sure you enable AGP 4x and Fastwrites in the BIOS
Update to the 30.82 drivers from nvidia's site

You should be getting MUCH higher framerates.
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: CarlosL on August 14, 2002, 06:22:23 AM
Ok I updated and still no luck.... I updated to 30.82
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: CarlosL on August 14, 2002, 06:27:32 AM
I looked through my BIOS and I can't find any of those options you guys keep telling me to find.  Just to make sure my BIOS settings are configured at start up by deleting delete correct?
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: Hussein on August 14, 2002, 08:24:47 AM
Fastwrites actually degrades performance according to benchmarks Animal.

First of all, if your Pentium4 1.5 is coupled with a SDRAM motherboard, you can't expect much performance from it. It's about as fast as 1.1Ghz PIII. That's your first bottleneck.

Second, do you have resident anti-virus software running? Any other software running on background? If you have, disable them. Especially F-prot5 hogs up system resources like crazy.

Third, make sure you UNINSTALL the old displaydriver before you install a new one. If you didn't do this, uninstall your display driver now and then reinstall a new one. Make sure you have DirectX8.1b.
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: LePaul on August 14, 2002, 08:37:34 AM
A P4 with SDRAM?  Ouch

I have 2 AMD Athlon XP 2000 systems.  One uses SDRAM and a Voodoo 5 card.  The SDRAM system, High FPS is 60-70 (in tower)...get into the game, smoke, etc, mean average is 30 to 40.  The other system, with DDR RAM, GeForce 4 4600 (and some mild overclocking) shows 75 fps everywhere..tower, smoke, etc.  Cant seem to go higher due to monitor refresh (60hz)

My thought is your motherboard/ram is your bottleneck.  If 4x AGP is enabled and everything else the guys mentioned is checked, I'd really consider a new motherboard that takes advantage of the CPU.  SDRAM, as I mentioned, is much slower.  You should be able to find some P4 DDR or RAMBUS boards.

Good luck
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: bloom25 on August 14, 2002, 08:12:44 PM
Your graphics card is being severely handicapped by using an Intel 845 ( not to be confused with 845D, E, or G, these are much different chipsets) based board.  Is this a "name-brand" computer?

The fact that so many P4 computers were sold with SDRAM as being "fast" nearly borders on fraud IMO. :(

That system is barely faster than a 1 GHz P3 would have been overall.

You can try newer drivers, DX 8.1b, and shutting down non-essential programs running in the background.  This might gain you a little bit of an increase in FPS.
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: sidthekid on August 15, 2002, 12:29:39 AM
Carlos Have you turned up the default direct 3d settings. When you replave 3d card it resets. Go to Display settings/ Click on advance/ click on gforce card/ then advance/ Click on direct 3d

turn up your pci texture memory size to 64. I went for a 64 mb to 128 mb they stayed same until i set this to 128. double Fps after setting it to 128. Hope this helps
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: Toad on August 15, 2002, 12:46:31 AM
I thought so. :D
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: Animal on August 15, 2002, 01:01:24 AM
Hussein, can you link me to a few benchmarks proving this Fastwrites decrease in performance?
Not that I dont believe you, I just wanna see the results to get informed.
Title: Another 2 cents worth
Post by: fullback on August 15, 2002, 07:34:46 AM
Smoothness is preferable to high framerates. The best you'll ever realize is the monitor refesh rate. The human eye cannot discern the difference above 25-30 fps, but monitor refresh is discernable below 70 Hz.

At a movie theater, you're watching 24 fps. Not too bad is it?

As long as you have a monitor refresh 70+Hz, I would recommend that you run things at 1024x768 32 bit.

In your bios setup, make sure aperture size is 128MB (double video card memory).

Play with different video settings and be conscious of smoothness and not fixated on framerates.

And have fun!
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: Eagler on August 15, 2002, 08:02:29 AM

when I went from my GeForce2 Ultra to Geforce4 ti 4400 when I first put it in and the PNY driver, my performance stunk (Win98). Not until I formatted the hard drive, fresh install of OS and other stuff, Dx8.1 and all, did I see the huge difference in cards. I'm sure I did not un-install the Ge2 properly and it was time for the Win98 re-install anyway :)

At least this time I had the digital photos backed up on CD's :)

Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: JimBear on August 15, 2002, 01:30:35 PM
LOL Eagler,

The last time I did a reformat I forgot to save the Digi Pics, my wife still reminds me about the "lost" vacation shots
Title: Re: Another 2 cents worth
Post by: Animal on August 15, 2002, 02:23:55 PM
I dont wanna start a long arguement over this because its been overdone in many forums.

In the movie teather, 24fps is smooth because of montion blur.
In a monitor screen, playing games, the healthy human eye can notice up to 60fps.

I can very clearly tell the difference between 30fps and 50fps. 30fps is the minimum I like to have, and its not smooth enough for me (call me spoiled)

You wont see a difference above 60 though.

Originally posted by fullback
Smoothness is preferable to high framerates. The best you'll ever realize is the monitor refesh rate. The human eye cannot discern the difference above 25-30 fps, but monitor refresh is discernable below 70 Hz.

At a movie theater, you're watching 24 fps. Not too bad is it?

As long as you have a monitor refresh 70+Hz, I would recommend that you run things at 1024x768 32 bit.

In your bios setup, make sure aperture size is 128MB (double video card memory).

Play with different video settings and be conscious of smoothness and not fixated on framerates.

And have fun!
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: FOGOLD on August 15, 2002, 04:00:46 PM
If you are running Windows XP the refresh rate will not go above 75FPS or 60 in Open GL. This is a bug in Win XP.  75 is planty fast enough, but for AH you can go to DX DIAG and set the refresh rate higher in the other options box. For Open GL you need another fix like powerstrip (which i use). 60FPS is far too low for Open GL games (MOHAA etc).

The main thing is does your FPS stay reasonable in furballs above airfields with lots of smoke?
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: CarlosL on August 16, 2002, 09:34:32 PM
hey guys sorry for replying late, been busy

Anyways something has to be wrong.  The I can be in a totally destroyed abse with smoke and fps stays at 40-50 which I dont mind at all.  But if just 2-3 or more planes start flying around fps goes to 15-20, and in a furball forget about it like 5-10 fps.

I'm going to try to fully uninstall the display drivers and reinstall with the new detonator drivers. Maybe that'll work.
Title: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: SKurj on August 17, 2002, 12:30:11 AM
+) i stayed outta that one Animal, glad someone did tho!!

Until we get motion blur 24-30 fps is barely acceptable in pc games

Title: Re: Low FPS Please Help GF4 Ti4200
Post by: FT_Animal on August 19, 2002, 07:05:52 AM
Try disabling FSAA on the GF card. This is an option for gaming , for the most part.

A Lot of games do not use this process or require it, When You are playing a game that does not use it, it WILL slow the card to a crawl, in most cases. It's trying to work on something that doesn't exist.

Originally posted by CarlosL
Hey guys I recently bought a GF4 Ti4200 64mb to get rid of my old GF2 mx and have a nice card for the computer.  But now my fps seems pretty much the same.  First my comp specs.

P4 1.5 gig
512 mb sdram
60 gig hdd
and running windows xp pro

Well I ran AH today with these settings:

1024 x 76x 32 bit, vsync off, anti-aliasing off and my fps at the tower with no action is 75.  Graphics look like poo but hey, high FPS.  So I go to fly and I have just three guys on my screen and terrain, my fps is 30ish.  Now this is really what I did not expect on such a low setting

Now I run the game at 1600 x 1400 x 16 bit, v-sync off and anti-aliasing on 2x.  Even thought these settings look a little high my regular FPS with action on the screen is still 30.  But if I get into a furball it goes down to 7-15 fps (this also happens with other settings)

I have the latest drivers 29.92 and used the refreshrate fix.  Whats going on with my card?  Please help if anyone can, thanks a lot.