Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Wanker on April 27, 2000, 08:17:00 AM

Title: For those of us who need to plan out our vacation time
Post by: Wanker on April 27, 2000, 08:17:00 AM
I would appreciate it if HTC could let us know ASAP when the dates for the con this year will be.

Even knowing the month would help. The sooner I put my vacation time on the calendar, the better chance I have of actually getting it for that time.

Thank you.


"Turning Knight & Bishop sheep into lamb chops since 1999"

[This message has been edited by banana (edited 04-27-2000).]
Title: For those of us who need to plan out our vacation time
Post by: Maniac on April 27, 2000, 09:16:00 AM
I would like to know the exact dates of all this summers future releases of new versions so i can plan my vacation accordingly.

AH : Maniac
WB : -nr-1-

( (
Title: For those of us who need to plan out our vacation time
Post by: Saintaw on April 27, 2000, 09:31:00 AM
Well, on the 1st page ot the HTC site, it does say something about September / October, right ?

I hope I can get there...I realy hope I can make it......

JG2 "Richthofen" (
Don't shoot ! I am only an observer......

[This message has been edited by Saintaw (edited 04-27-2000).]