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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: PG monster on May 03, 2001, 04:28:00 AM

Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: PG monster on May 03, 2001, 04:28:00 AM
"Assist" is the starange, not historical thing from WB. I suggest a new scoring consisting of the individual kills (assign to the pilot
  inflicted over 60% damage to a victim) and the shared kills (assign to all the pilots which pinged the victim if nobody inflicted
                      60% of damage). Perk points will need to be reassigned accordingly.

Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: Seahawk on May 03, 2001, 04:41:00 AM
Hey monstr!!! (

hmm....nice idiea.

Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: Sandman_SBM on May 03, 2001, 05:03:00 AM
While you're at it, find a way to credit the wingman that was there lending support.  (
Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: anRky on May 03, 2001, 09:10:00 AM
I think that if more than one person puts bullets in a plane, no one should be awarded a 'kill', but instead everyone that got hits should get partial credit, or an 'assist'.

Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: mx22 on May 03, 2001, 09:20:00 AM
I wonder what you think of kill stealing? Your idea will simply make this problem more evident in AH IMO.


Originally posted by anRky:
I think that if more than one person puts bullets in a plane, no one should be awarded a 'kill', but instead everyone that got hits should get partial credit, or an 'assist'.


Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: Toad on May 03, 2001, 09:20:00 AM
I think there were partial kill credits historically.

Seem to remember them in USAAF stats anyway.
Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: anRky on May 03, 2001, 09:32:00 AM
I wonder what you think of kill stealing? Your idea will simply make this problem more evident in AH IMO.

But with my idea, you *can't* steal a kill from someone who has already shot up the plane.  You *can* take someone's kill away from them, but you can't steal it for yourself, so there would be less incentive to try.  It could cause some hard feelings, and "You shot up my kill!" whines on Ch2, but we have that already.  It would also give people much less reward for gangbang.

Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: RebootSequence on May 03, 2001, 10:04:00 AM
Nah.  I think it works pretty fairly now.  I see only a minimum of kill stealing and if you put a few bullets into a guy before someone else gets them then you still get a little credit and get to find out who it was.  
With most of my kills at least I either have a great shot at d300 or under and get him right away, or I'm on his six for a long time and he's either out running me or out turning me.  I'd say 90% of the time someone swoops in and blows the con away I appreciate the help.  I've found that ah players are very good about not going after a con that is totally dead just to get the kill, and likewise if I'm chasing a con and see that he just took critical damage I break off immediately.  Anything less would just be a waste of ammo.  
Basically my point is that the times people get the kill I'm chasing are ususally one of the following situations: Intercepting a bomber ib to friendly targets, surpressing enemy aircraft over a field for capture, and in a furball when there's usually 2 or 3 guys lining up a shot on my 6 anyway.  All of these times I appreciate any help I get and don't mind a bit if I only get an assist.
Really, its pretty fair right now, and the system encourages a very minimum amount of dweebery compared to others proposed in this thread.

Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: snafu on May 03, 2001, 11:45:00 AM
Hi all,
 Gotta agree I think it works pretty well at the moment with one small exception. "Assist on XXX" is a bit like getting the "Virtual Finger" IMO. What's the point in even telling me I got an Assist on someone if you ain't at least going to give me something for it. I would suggest say one tenth of the perkies as a token. That way it isn't really worth pouring lead into an obviosly already doomed kite but if you do get your kill "stolen" at least you still get something.


Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: Maverick on May 03, 2001, 12:22:00 PM

If there were no points in the arean or reason for points, would anyone care about this???

Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: MrLars on May 03, 2001, 04:45:00 PM
It's been said before...If you disable a plane enough to make it unflyable it should be your kill. Make an unflyable plane just soak up hits like a sponge without ANY assist awarded.

Your mileage may vary

Men Of Leisure
Title: "Assists" must die
Post by: hazed- on May 03, 2001, 05:51:00 PM
there were partial kills ,well shared kills in WW2.

having 60% of damage doesnt mean you deserve the kill. most killstealers unload loads of ammo into their steal and if you shot it down by say, taking its tail off, they could get more % than you by just hitting it a few more times.

this sort of thing is never easy it seems but as it is at least we get an assist when someone steals your kill   (

3./JG2 (

[This message has been edited by hazed- (edited 05-03-2001).]