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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: weazel on January 07, 2003, 09:12:26 PM

Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: weazel on January 07, 2003, 09:12:26 PM
Lefty Liberal Stuff (    :eek:
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: hazed- on January 07, 2003, 09:40:36 PM
Now that was pretty funny :p
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Gunthr on January 07, 2003, 10:25:10 PM
Pathetic, and increasingly desperate. Rather than bringing forward a renewed passion for whatever democratic ideals they may claim, the Democratic Party and their supporters demonstrate the utter lack of anything meaningful to contribute to the political process in the USA.

They will have to come up with something better than that to convince Americans to vote for them... like an idea or two of their own, for instance, and maybe display some leadership for a change.
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 07, 2003, 10:33:43 PM
And they Democrats are communists and supporters of Stalin, I for one can prove Roosevelt poured billions of dollars to supposrt the Stalin regime and its murder of some 20million soviet civilians. Moreover the very same Roosevelt administration supported both Ho Chi Minh and Mao- between them they probably muredered up to maybe 100 million people.

So go Stuff it Wiezelle, while your'e at it go stuff some of those meds down your mouth...
Title: The truth hurts
Post by: weazel on January 08, 2003, 12:31:05 AM
Doesn't it?

You ever hear of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" grunherz?

Maybe in the Forrest Gump la-la land you live in they don't teach any concepts too difficult for you to assimilate?

Gunthr, I didn't see anything in there to associate it with the democratic party, more along the lines of a person who see's the lack of integrity in the Bush family....

I do agree with your assessment of the democratic party, they have rolled over and are licking the hand that beat them, but on the other hand I see an utter lack of anything meaningful or constructive the current administration contributes to the future well being of our nation either.
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 08, 2003, 12:52:48 AM
Calm down wiezelle Bush stole your precious but youll get it right back just before the end.....
Title: You don't get it do you?
Post by: weazel on January 08, 2003, 03:12:09 AM
I suppose being an immigrant from that toejamhole you came from it's understandable that you don't.

This is America...and we're supposed to be better than whats depicted in that page.

I personally am uncomfortable with the lack of integrity and morals displayed by generation after generation of the Bush family.

Since all the leaders you've ever known were or are contemptable persons  I'll excuse your ignorance....again.
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Dowding (Work) on January 08, 2003, 03:24:58 AM
Grunherz - You've just ruined LOTR for me, haven't you? You complete toss-wit! :p
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 08, 2003, 04:17:07 AM
C'mon dowding he is exatly like gollum - loud, funny to look at obviously desperate and ultimately very sad.  I can just see him hunched over the computer in his parents dark little basement as he looks for his anti-Bush left wing websites.. Noooo!!! My prrrrrresciousss is loooost, that snake he stole it from us,  that tricksey little chimpler thief. Noooo!!! My Prrrrrecioussss!!
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Dowding (Work) on January 08, 2003, 04:19:57 AM
You miss my point, you dolt. I haven't read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, so every film is new to me - you've basically said that Gollum gets the ring in the end. You've spoilt it for me! :D
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 08, 2003, 04:20:41 AM
LOL, there is more to it than that dont worry. Of course if you want me to tell you?
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 08, 2003, 04:24:29 AM
Oh BTW wiezelle jeez everyone knows Bush is the devil himself, calling him a mere nazi supporter actually painting him in a better light - I bet you never considered that did ya?   :rolleyes:
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Dowding (Work) on January 08, 2003, 05:01:41 AM
Nooo. Not another word, I've been enjoying LOTR, and I usually hate fantasy. :)
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Kieran on January 08, 2003, 06:11:27 AM
Hmmm... how come the stuff posted here for the liberal side is always scare tactic, "the other side is the devil" type stuff? Why don't we see more from the conservative side?

Oh BTW, under who's watch did the Chinese manage to slip out some of the more sensitive nuclear secrets? Why, the same president who received millions in campaign moneys from the same country! That means... he was a communist! Who, oh, WHO was that?! ;)
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Gunthr on January 08, 2003, 06:20:17 AM
Calm down wiezelle Bush stole your precious but youll get it right back just before the end.....
- Grunherz

LOL - spit coffee on that one :D

"Gunthr, I didn't see anything in there to associate it with the democratic party, more along the lines of a person who see's the lack of integrity in the Bush family.... "

Weazel, I've read Democratic policymakers, including Daschel say that the conservative media is a big part of why they lost power. The name of the website is "TAKE BACK THE MEDIA" or some such... so I just put 2 and 2 together. You don't really believe that stuff anyway do you? Don't you think Gore's campaign would have beat that to death if it were true?

BTW... LOTR is a pretty damn good read if you ever get the time...
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Dowding (Work) on January 08, 2003, 06:31:29 AM
I fully intend to Guntr. I read alot more books than I watch films, and I've always found that films based on books tend to be very disappointing.

So I'm going to wait until I've all three films. Why spoil a movie with a good book? :)
Title: Re: You don't get it do you?
Post by: john9001 on January 08, 2003, 09:48:38 AM
Originally posted by weazel

I personally am uncomfortable with the lack of integrity and morals displayed by generation after generation of the Kennedy family.

so true
Title: It's not about "liberal" or "conservatives" kieran.
Post by: weazel on January 08, 2003, 12:30:42 PM
"Hmmm... how come the stuff posted here for the liberal side is always scare tactic, "the other side is the devil" type stuff? Why don't we see more from the conservative side?"

It's about right and wrong, you've fallen into the same trap as so many others have.

We're Americans[/b]....and we're supposed to be better than this.

Gunthr, I believe it to be true, but I also believe that most dems have skeletons just as ugly in their closets.

Grunherz, since your just a wanna-be American I'll excuse your ignorance... but thanks for playing.
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 08, 2003, 12:38:01 PM
Well to you every good american must think Bush is evil right? So then I'm not one of those...
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: H. Godwineson on January 08, 2003, 12:54:12 PM
Umm.  Too stupid for words.  No American company did business with Germany AFTER 1941.  Any company that did business with I.G. Farben did so before that date, while we were still at peace with Hitler's Germany.  Zyklon B manufactured by I.G. Farben was not used for the purpose of gassing Holocaust victims until late 1942.  It would have been more than a little hard for an American company to do business with a German company because of little things like a naval blockade, prowling wolf-packs, etc.  The government routinely seized the assets of German companies held by U.S. companies here in the United States during the war.  Undoubtedly, this is what happened to the Bush family.  Had they really been traitors, the government would have arrested them and put them on trial.

Put your brain in gear before posting this garbage.

Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 08, 2003, 01:02:28 PM
But it's his prescioussss....
Title: Put *your* brain in gear.
Post by: weazel on January 08, 2003, 01:06:39 PM
1942 Three firms with which Prescott Bush is associated are seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

Your not an American until you've been naturalized grunherz.
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: whgates3 on January 08, 2003, 01:38:37 PM
"...On October 20, 1942, the US Alien Property Custodian, under the "Trading With the Enemy Act," seized the shares of the Union Banking Corporation (UBC), of which Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder. The largest shareholder was E. Roland Harriman. (Bush was also the managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman, a leading Wall Street investment firm.)

The UBC was established to send American capital to Germany to finance the reorganization of its industry under the Nazis. Their leading German partner was the notorious Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, who wrote a book admitting much of this called "I Paid Hitler."

Among the companies financed was the Silesian-American Corporation, which was also managed by Prescott Bush, and by his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, who supplied Dub-a-Ya with his name. The company was vital in supplying coal to the Nazi war industry. It too was seized as a Nazi-front on November 17, 1942. The largest company Bush's UBC helped finance was the German Steel Trust, responsible for between one-third and one-half of Nazi iron and explosives.

Prescott Bush was also a director of the Harriman Fifteen Corporation, (this one owned largely by Roland's brother, Averell Harriman), which owned about a third of the Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation, the rest owned by Friedrich Flick, (a member of Himmler's "Circle of Friends" who donated to the S.S.).

Republican Presidential candidate Bush's great-grandfather, Bert Walker, helped organize the Harriman investment in the Hamburg-America Line of ships, of which grandfather Prescott became a director. It was seized on August 28, 1942 because it was used to give free passage to Nazi propaganda and propagandists, and had earlier shipped guns to the Nazi's private armies to assist their takeover of Germany.

Further examples would be more tedious than shocking. But, given these evil financial dealings, how did Prescott later become a Republican Senator, and George H.W. become President? Well,the two leading attorneys for these Bush-Harriman-Nazi deals were John Foster Dulles, later Secretary of State under Eisenhower, and Allen Dulles, future head of the CIA.

Prescott's father, Samuel P. Bush, owned Buckeye Steel Castings Co. which made parts for the Harriman brothers' father's (E.H. Harriman) railroads. Harriman's financing for the railroads came largely from William Rockefeller. These shipped the oil of his brother John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil. (This was the origin of the two Georges' involvement in the oil business.)

Samuel Bush became a leader in President Woodrow Wilson's "War Socialism" as director of small armaments and ammunition on the War Industries Board (which set up coercive price-fixing cartels over American industry during World War I). There, Bush assisted Percy Rockefeller (son of William) in his takeover of small arms manufacturers.

The elder George Bush continued the family tradition of support for totalitarian governments by supporting the Communist Chinese in the UN, and by directly aiding its military as President.

Will the younger George Bush continue to support big government, or will he support free markets? His first political act was a tax increase to subsidize his baseball stadium. When libertarians and conservative Republicans were opposing the bailout of American banks that loaned money to the Mexican government, the Texas Governor supported it, because of his connections to those Wall Street Banks.

This is in keeping with the actual history of the Republican Party. It was founded in the 1850's explicitly as the party of high taxes to subsidize politically connected businesses, (then known as "internal improvements"). All Republican Presidents in the last fifty years have continued to increase the size of the government, and claims of support for free markets and lowered taxes are mere rhetorical cover..."
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 08, 2003, 02:05:55 PM
I'm a naturalized US citizen for almost 7 years now...  In fact I've lived here longer than over there, so dont doubt for a second that I'm an American..
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: H. Godwineson on January 08, 2003, 02:07:27 PM
That act was passed, Einstein, to legalize the seizing of German assets held in trust by U.S. companies.  The government cannot simply seize property from private citizens or companies without cause.  That act legalized the seizure of these German assets.  Germany was one of our largest trading partners during the 1930s.  MANY American companies had business connections with German firms.  Such connections WERE NOT illegal.  Do not let the official title of the act fool you.  The majority of the companies that had assets seized were NOT enemies of the state.  Had they been, their owners would have almost certainly been arrested and tried, given the growing hatred of all things German or Japanese.

Erroll Flynn wasn't arrested either, even though he was a member of the American Nazi Party prior to the start of World War II.  If there was any meat to this issue I am certain it would have surfaced before now.

Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Gunthr on January 08, 2003, 02:39:50 PM
whgates3 -

This is in keeping with the actual history of the Republican Party. It was founded in the 1850's explicitly as the party of high taxes to subsidize politically connected businesses, (then known as "internal improvements"). All Republican Presidents in the last fifty years have continued to increase the size of the government, and claims of support for free markets and lowered taxes are mere rhetorical cover..."

Your source, or a link please...
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: whgates3 on January 08, 2003, 03:27:14 PM
it is all quoted from The Draheim Report
in The Dallas Libertarian Post

...which sort of proves you dont have to be a left wing commie to dislike bush & the republican party. real conservatives cant stand him either
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Hortlund on January 08, 2003, 03:57:39 PM
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
I'm a naturalized US citizen for almost 7 years now...  In fact I've lived here longer than over there, so dont doubt for a second that I'm an American..

Are you 13 years old??
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Shuckins on January 08, 2003, 10:41:40 PM
Do you really take Draheim seriously!?  After perusing some of his other articles at the site, I have come to the conclusion that he is a sensationalist, blowing the facts out of proportion in an effort to sell newspapers.  Note the title of some of his other articles:

Al Gore:  Enemy of All Mankind
Al Gore and the Hammer of Communism
Hey, Hey, President Bill, How Many People Will You Kill

What his motives are, outside of selling newspapers, are unknown, but may stem from the fact that he is a libertarian, and therefore somewhat outside the mainstream of American political thought.  

There's nothing wrong with being a libertarian, but like the Republicans and Democrats, they also have their radicals.

If there were any substance to his charges, we would have heard a great deal about it from the more rational members of the left.

Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 08, 2003, 11:53:11 PM
Im 22.  You become eligible for citizenship after five years living in the USA. I have been a citizen for some seven years.
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: whgates3 on January 09, 2003, 12:09:57 AM
i dont think the use of literary mechanisms hyperbole, irony or farce by a columnist in an unrealted article should discredit facts presented by the same columnist in a different article (maybe it should if the columnist prints something you dont like).
Title: Ok, so your an American
Post by: weazel on January 09, 2003, 12:36:49 AM
I have my doubts about that....but none about your ignorance.

Shuckins, obviously your mind is made up on the subject (, but if you do a search you will find 2730 links ( on this subject for Prescott Bush, and another 3280 links ( on George Herbert Walkers involvment in trading with the Nazis.
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 09, 2003, 04:23:49 AM
Yes wiezelle only ignorant people like me fail to see that Bush is indeed satan himself...

Anyhow this thread is getting old and it surely must have been a major dissapointment for you as it's clear you have converted nobody to see the true great satan is Bush - try again the internet is huge...

Till then, stew happily in your filth and hatred you pathetic little creature....
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: H. Godwineson on January 09, 2003, 10:43:25 AM

You're right.  My mind is made up.  Apparently, so is yours.  

If the government of that time saw no reason to prosecute Prescott Bush, then why should it matter to us?  Are we to judge George Herbert Walker Bush II harshly because of the actions of his grandfather that took place more than 60 years ago?

The actions to seize Prescott's holdings that had been doing business with the Nazis took place in October of 1942.  The war was only nine months old.  The investigations of this "scandal" had to have begun many months prior to that date.  The legal arguments and trial must have taken a great deal of time as well.  

The government knew that the dealings with I.G. Farben before December of 1941 were perfectly legal.  I state again that, even in time of war, the government must go through due process in order to seize the assets of any American company, even if some of those holdings have foreign connections.  There was hardly a major American corporation of the 1930s that did not have some financial dealings or partnerships with German corporations.  The government wasn't about to arrest the chairmen and boards of all of these American companies because of their business ties with Nazi owned companies.  If they had done so, we would have been obliged to arrest all of those who had dealings with Iraqi based companies prior to the Gulf War.  That would not only be idiotic, it would be grossly unfair.

Stop beating this horse and start looking for a real issue.

Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: whgates3 on January 09, 2003, 12:54:51 PM
nobodys saying bush is a nazi, only that some of his family fortune comes from doing business with nazis (on the other side of the aisle kennedy $$ is from organized crime). denying facts about his family history shows a great lack of intellectual flexibility.
henry ford & charles lindbergh were great friends of hitler's too & they weren't thrown in jail either (they changed their tune after the war started, not late in '42 - [Raoul Wallenberg's family business was selling to hitler into '44, and he is considered somewhat of a hero/martyr])...i drive a ford
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: H. Godwineson on January 09, 2003, 01:01:50 PM

I understand what you're saying.  Just think it's lot of to-do over something that the younger Bush had no control over and which was not considered to be of major importance by the Roosevelt administration.  The seizure of these types of businesses was rather routine.  I doubt seriously that these business would have been able to trade with the Nazis after war was declared, even if they had wanted to, because of the war in the Atlantic.  Dealings with German corporations were not only legal but actually encouraged by the government during the 1920s and '30s.

I drive a piece of crap.  Died on me on the way to work this morning.  Took me 30 minutes to get it restarted.  A Buick.

Maybe I should buy German or Japanese autos.

Regards, Shuckins
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: whgates3 on January 09, 2003, 03:05:52 PM
if you're going to drive a GM machine, get an old one - an FM-2
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Kieran on January 09, 2003, 03:07:44 PM
nobodys saying bush is a nazi

Hmm, I must have been looking at a different picture when I clicked the link.
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: whgates3 on January 09, 2003, 03:34:35 PM
farce & hyperbole are quite traditional forms of political speech
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Kieran on January 09, 2003, 05:04:20 PM
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 09, 2003, 09:31:45 PM
wiezelle is calling this the fourth reich...
Title: Lighten up Weasel you too Gates
Post by: Holden McGroin on January 10, 2003, 01:12:27 AM
Anybody ever look into how Joe Kennedy made his money? or his Nazi sympathies when he was ambassador to Great Britian?  

Lots of ties to lots of nefarious people in any powerful family, if you follow the "college chums' brother-in-law knew a guy" road.

The GWB Nazi stuff is too far over the top to be decent political farce.  Good farce is supposed to have an humorous element, and show at least a little truth to set up the joke.

The list of american industry that was involved in relations with Nazi Germany was vast.  Ford built a large vehicle factory, Mellon Bank, you name the large corporation, there were ties.  

The US Navy had ties to Germany as late as 1937...  The Hindenburg crashed at their facility, which was leased for the purpose of a port for dirigibles.  Perhaps we sould disband the Navy due to this historical relationship. {or is that sarcasm?}
Title: Friends of I.G. Farben
Post by: Kieran on January 10, 2003, 06:07:48 AM
Don't get me wrong, the film was amusing in many ways. It had some style. Don't doubt for a second there aren't viewers bobbing their heads in assent at every point. Don't doubt for a second this wasn't the primary point of the makers.