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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Samiam on January 16, 2003, 10:58:13 AM

Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Samiam on January 16, 2003, 10:58:13 AM
I see more and more of the 13th TAS coming out of the stratosphere in favor the little blue killing machine. The FM2's merits as a boom-n-zoom ride are, indeed, undeniable. I hope this doesn't start a clamor to perk it. Next thing you know, they'll be climing into hogs.

13th TAS and welcome to enlightenment. ;)
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Sikboy on January 16, 2003, 11:16:53 AM
hehe, that was fun last night.

I do feel bad though. I rammed Rude (or maybe Milo) last night. Lil blue bugger got behind me close, so I figured I'd drag him up and rope him. Of course as often happens with me, I didn't have as much of an e advantage as I figured, so he crawled up my 6 ping ping ping. As I ran out of speed, I flipped over and started coming back down. It was pretty funny, I had no speed coming down, and he had no speed going up (from my POV anyhow) and we ran right into each other.  

Anyhow, sorry about that lol.

Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Toad on January 16, 2003, 11:41:29 AM
You guys are so dated.

We've been flying the 51 in the dirt for many months. The only thing that's changed is that we feel we now have a pretty good handle on using the 51 down low and we're trying some of the other rides.

But if that old stereotype makes you feel better... enjoy.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Sikboy on January 16, 2003, 11:46:12 AM
Originally posted by Toad

But if that old stereotype makes you feel better... enjoy.

No need to get your hair up, was just commenting on a fun fight, and a regretable incident.

Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Toad on January 16, 2003, 11:52:01 AM
NP, sikboy.  It was a good time last nite. We had fun.

My comment was more directed at those that cling to the old stereotype. A lot of folks think they know how we fly but they're so far off the mark, it's not even worth the discussion.

Lately our goal has been to find a place with overwhelming numbers against us and go in low and furball. We figure if we can get to the point where we can get two or more each in that situation we'll have improved all aspects of our flying, SA, gunnery, wing work, etc.

As you saw last night, we've still got lots of work to do. ;)
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: ygsmilo on January 16, 2003, 11:53:39 AM
fun fights last nite.

Think I just about wore out one of my hats last nite trying to keep my up my SA,,,

never landed a sortie but had a lot of fun.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Samiam on January 16, 2003, 12:02:04 PM
Indeed. I wasn't intending to cast aspersions. Just commenting that I notice 13th TAS landing a lot of kills in one of my favorite rides. Don't read more into it than I intended.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: sax on January 16, 2003, 01:31:21 PM
was a lot of fun:)

Know now what it feels like to have the B&Z  guys come in and ruin your fun though:)
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: WldThing on January 16, 2003, 03:25:42 PM
FM2 is an OK plane.  It can hold its on against some planes on the deck, but you gotta be on someones 6 for a longer period to kill em.  No snapshots.

Id rather fly a Spit then an FM2 ;)
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Samiam on January 16, 2003, 03:45:13 PM
Originally posted by WldThing

Id rather fly a Spit then an FM2 ;)

A. Spit isn't blue

B. Spit looks too good

C. In spite of it's reputation for being a dweeb ride, people respect
     high SPIT icon much more than they do F4F. Easy to bounce
     the uninitiated in FM2.

D. Spit isn't blue (which is really the point here, yes)

Of course, you usually manage to out-fly my FM2 low and slow in a P51D even when I get the bounce. Don't know why you need a Spit or an FM2 (unless you also want to look cool in a blue plane).
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: lazs2 on January 16, 2003, 04:12:25 PM
Fm2 makes the tas guys have to move around a bit.... They look very lifelike these days.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: ygsmilo on January 16, 2003, 04:15:01 PM
Originally posted by lazs2
Fm2 makes the tas guys have to move around a bit.... They look very lifelike these days.

Nice one Laz,,,

How have you been doing?  You and Houligan gonna go to the con this year?
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: WldThing on January 16, 2003, 04:18:22 PM
Originally posted by Samiam
Of course, you usually manage to out-fly my FM2 low and slow in a P51D even when I get the bounce. Don't know why you need a Spit or an FM2 (unless you also want to look cool in a blue plane).

Ahh the reason to fly the spit is in areas where the friendly numbers have dwindled down.. Sometimes u need that one snapshot :)
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Rude on January 16, 2003, 05:57:03 PM
Originally posted by Sikboy
hehe, that was fun last night.

I do feel bad though. I rammed Rude (or maybe Milo) last night. Lil blue bugger got behind me close, so I figured I'd drag him up and rope him. Of course as often happens with me, I didn't have as much of an e advantage as I figured, so he crawled up my 6 ping ping ping. As I ran out of speed, I flipped over and started coming back down. It was pretty funny, I had no speed coming down, and he had no speed going up (from my POV anyhow) and we ran right into each other.  

Anyhow, sorry about that lol.


Alas it was poor me:)

You should have heard me whinin on sqd channel:)

In that eniroment, these things happen...hope next time I get the kill though:)

We are all working on personal improvement regarding some certain skillsets....after 10+ years, I've decided to take what HT has given us and make my own fun.:)

Cyas Down Low!
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: sax on January 17, 2003, 12:50:06 AM
Originally posted by lazs2
Fm2 makes the tas guys have to move around a bit.... They look very lifelike these days.

Rude won't lower him self to your plane choice laz , I however appreciate the true joy of flying the little sucker:)
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 17, 2003, 05:17:10 AM
The FM2 has great snapshot, a very good plane if a bit slow. I like it. The ammo last forever too you can get 12 non vulch "fighting" kills in it pretty easily.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: lazs2 on January 17, 2003, 08:06:16 AM
rude looks good in blue.   He got a little carried away tho when we were doing scyncronized aerobatics together and augered tho.

Salute to the tas guys last nite... there was only one fight in the dreaded pizza abortion and so I went there... The reason for the one fight was the tas... they were fighting/defending against odds and I joined in on the gangbang.   No whining  from them.

I don't like gangbangs from either side but in pizza any bang is better than no bang.  Even so... there were a few good fights with those guys.

Also... MOL guys were fun and did some fighting... the rest of the map was just more pizza crap.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: SLO on January 17, 2003, 08:39:40 AM
hmm you fly low an slow so you can get better in the fighting skills department.....

but yet you choose the wrong blue plane:p

ask blue plane wooped his ass(with alt adv. his):eek:

called a YAK9-T.

anytime you feel brave enough....ask like urchin did....he even asked me to bring some friends along....poor urchin got another bellybutton woopin:eek: ...and everyone said he was good...have too admit....he is...but not that good:p

some of us have been fightin low an slow for years now....we don't look at scores:rolleyes:....

whats hard is finding that good fighter like urchin to give you better expect a good fight...but it isn't...then you don't expect anything and Urchin pops you good...those you gotta be heads up for

Urchin bud that was some nice flyin....but ya gotta stop swimming with the fish:D
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: lazs2 on January 17, 2003, 09:00:42 AM
slo... thanks for joining in... no thread about skill would be complete without the most skilled player checking in... it is truly a shame that you have to be the one to remind us who is the best.   I'm sure it's just an oversite on the part of all the other players.   Heres hoping that I never have to face you in the MA.   So far... I have been lucky.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: SLO on January 17, 2003, 09:45:14 AM
Laz....he actually defied me....not the other way round....he actually thought it would be easy.....wrong

I know you want to defend a friend of yours....but your lame attempt at sarcasm is not wanted and not appreciated.

I never said I was the best.....but be ready for a hard fight...not the easy 1 urchin thought it would be....he paid the price for thinkin so.

I will not start a flame with you....or HT will stop this thread.....and its not mine...outta respect for the 13th TAS...I decline the offer of a flame war.....good day
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Rude on January 17, 2003, 10:05:35 AM
Just some observations.....

I liken our default syle of fighting in the Mustang(10k and below for those of you who believe we still hang out way up there) to Kung Fu....graceful yet potent, minimal effort spent with maximum effect.

Down in the weeds is like streetfighting....brutal, fast paced and bloody. I kinda like it:)

What I'm having a problem with is not the flying aspect, but rather the processing of the data Lazs stated, I just flat augered without a clue as to where terra firma many cons my brain hurt.

Still, I know from experience that sticking with it will yield that old indian in the movie Josey Wales...."Endeavor to Persevere".

Our goal as a squad is to stay with this down and dirty dancing for 6 months, at which time we'll step back and take appraisal of ourselves.

We just have a desire to improve ourselves as a squad....oh, and I'm not forgettin the fun aspect of this too....when we can enter a fight outnumbered 3-1 and walk away with the scalps, then I'll really be havin fun:)

Cyas in the weeds!
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Samiam on January 17, 2003, 10:14:10 AM
I think I was 3-5 against 13th TAS in that furball last night. My excuse is that I was being reckless in seeking out those F4F icons 'cause I knew it was them. Anybody buying it?

Rude and gang.

I maintain that the FM2 is the most underrated little killer in the game (especially when skillfully used against me).
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: SLO on January 17, 2003, 10:19:26 AM
hope you have fun in your new endeavor Rude....I started doin that back in AW....can only tolerate so much Cherry pickin.

1 thing i can say'll feel great winning a 3on1....its hard, fast an dangerous, you will get cherry picked alot though....but you'll feel great after winning you'll save time by NOT climbin to perch alt:p

have fun bud
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: WldThing on January 17, 2003, 10:40:10 AM
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
The FM2 has great snapshot, a very good plane if a bit slow. I like it. The ammo last forever too you can get 12 non vulch "fighting" kills in it pretty easily.

Great snapshot?  I wouldnt push it that far, a mediocre snapshot at least.  It will take more than one to kill as well.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: gofaster on January 17, 2003, 12:35:37 PM
I still believe the greatest jungle fighter is the A6M2.  Its ready to tangle as soon as its gear leaves the ground.

FM2 is a close second though.  It was the 2nd plane I was able to get a positive kill/death score in (the first was the 190A8, with sucker punches from behind and HO boomers) and actually felt like I had real AH L33t 5k1llz, and then the next month I got my noggin thumped by Mustangs for 3 straight weeks and left the GM Wildcat in the hangar.

To get a kill in an FM2, you have to be able to hang onto the target's tail a bit longer than you would in a plane with more guns.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Samiam on January 17, 2003, 12:41:04 PM
The thing I like about FM2 is being able to get a little altitude and bounce folks in a 400+mph dive. A6M compresses too quick to play boom-n-zoom with.

I grant that A6M is better upping from a capped field - and if you need the cannon as a crutch.
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Midnight on January 17, 2003, 01:55:40 PM
Well, I guess I should thank Rude for letting the 412th have free reign of skies above 19K.

It's fun chasing down high Mustangs knowing it's not the 13th :D

Of course, we Mustangs can still find those FM2s when their down low cutting the grass, right Rude ;)
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Toad on January 17, 2003, 04:42:16 PM
You've had free reign above ~ 9-10K for a long time already. You were just so high up you didn't realize it till now.

Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: Rude on January 17, 2003, 04:54:22 PM got me last night:)

I got some of your boys too....enjoy it while it lasts, we won't be such easy targets for long:)

Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: lazs2 on January 18, 2003, 09:56:47 AM
Well.... point is... you guys are good sports about the whole thing and... you fly the fur very well.

I still don't have much use for ya when you are in stangs but...
Title: 13th TAS Sees the light
Post by: GRUNHERZ on January 18, 2003, 10:23:20 AM
The FM2 I flew had awesome snapshot kills, just a lil preess of a trigger and off came the other guys wing sever times as he passed by me. Plus the plane can take so much damage...