Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: Urchin on July 20, 2003, 12:07:10 PM

Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Urchin on July 20, 2003, 12:07:10 PM
Fly this week, its about as one sided as it could possibly be.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: brady on July 20, 2003, 12:18:33 PM
Hey, you sign up to fight for the Empire yet?
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Urchin on July 20, 2003, 12:22:40 PM
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: brady on July 20, 2003, 12:26:24 PM
Title: Re: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Arlo on July 20, 2003, 03:07:16 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Fly this week, its about as one sided as it could possibly be.

A (nother) whine has been recorded. ;) :D
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Urchin on July 20, 2003, 03:27:14 PM
You folks need to learn to differentiate between someone that is posting a factual statement and someone that is "whining".  I know, it is REALLY difficult, especially when you are a dyed in the wool die-hard ****fire pilot.. but the first post is whats known as a fact.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Arlo on July 20, 2003, 03:33:18 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
You folks need to learn to differentiate between someone that is posting a factual statement and someone that is "whining".  I know, it is REALLY difficult, especially when you are a dyed in the wool die-hard ****fire pilot.. but the first post is whats known as a fact.

How many times did ya get shot down proving your "fact" (forming an opinion), Urch (and under what shades account)? :D
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Urchin on July 20, 2003, 04:33:54 PM
Does it matter?  Spit IX vs 109G6, 110G2, and 190A5.  

Spit turns better, climbs better, has more firepower, accelerates better, dives faster, and above 8k is virtually the same speed as the 109G6 and 190A5.

110s got more firepower, but it doesnt do a damn thing if you can't hit your target with it.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: _Schadenfreude_ on July 20, 2003, 04:49:58 PM
Would have been a good room if it was "Early Days of the 8th Airforce" you know - just Jugs and Stang B's vs the LW - we see more than enough of Spit9's in MA as it is - have some imagination when setting up rooms or if you can't let someone else do it.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Arlo on July 20, 2003, 04:55:06 PM
Urchin whined:

Does it matter? Spit IX vs 109G6, 110G2, and 190A5.

Spit turns better, climbs better, has more firepower, accelerates better, dives faster, and above 8k is virtually the same speed as the 109G6 and 190A5.

110s got more firepower, but it doesnt do a damn thing if you can't hit your target with it.

Yes. It does. You gotta experience something to have a qualified opinion on it.

So ... what, again, do you base your "fact" (opinion ... no ... whine) on?

I'm more qualified than you to express a valid opinion on the subject if you're just sitting in the grandstands and yelling "boo."

But if it'll make you feel better ... yeah ... Spits and Tiffies are a tough fight ... I actually got to experience this setup from that pov first hand. But it's not the end of the world .... even for the ones actually on it. ;)
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Urchin on July 20, 2003, 05:05:25 PM
Sure.. I base it on my two years of experience playing the game.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Arlo on July 20, 2003, 05:10:28 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Sure.. I base it on my two years of experience playing the game.

Yeah .... I often armchair quarterback local HS football games based on the two years I was on varsity. And boy do the coaches find my insights invaluable. ;)

 But hey ... since you're coming back to play you may as well start now and hop in there (the dreaded and evil France CT setup) and give it a go .... then come back here and whine your guts out about it all. :D
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: najdorf on July 21, 2003, 08:45:14 AM

Considering your post on your own Squad recruiting thread about flying LW in the CT for this setup vs. flying the Spit, I'm not sure why you are giving Urchin a ration of toejam about what he said.

I have to agree, the LW planes in this setup can't handle the Spit IX Tippy combo.  You can't catch the Tippies and cant do anything with the spits.

You will do better flying the 205's.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Eagler on July 21, 2003, 09:15:44 AM
I think its a good matchup

1 on 1, I win about 80% regardless of what allied crate they fly

I fear the V over the IX anyday

it goes back to the pilot

I'm happy winning 80%
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Slash27 on July 21, 2003, 10:10:27 AM
I win about 20% of mine. Maybe we should wing up?:D
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: najdorf on July 21, 2003, 10:21:10 AM

Sorry, you don't count.  You can make 109's do things they're not supposed to do.  What I am saying, pilots of equal skill, the one driving the Spit has a big edge.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Oldman731 on July 21, 2003, 11:27:58 AM
Originally posted by najdorf
What I am saying, pilots of equal skill, the one driving the Spit has a big edge.

Well, of course that is so.  Having acknowledged that truth, however, you can't just ignore the fact that Spit 9s were flying in Europe in significant numbers during the war, and especially during this period.  Makes sense to enable the plane now and again.  The ladies will then have the opportunity to fly their spits, and real men can fly the 47s and Typhoons.

- oldman (who has been surprised at how well the 205 holds with a Spit - not a match, certainly, but you can hang behind him until he makes an error (or until his bud shoots you down).)
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Dennis on July 21, 2003, 12:22:02 PM
As a recovering spit dweeb, I could not help but climb into a few Sunday night when for some unexplained reason the allied side was outnumbered on the roster.

Unfortunately, connection problems kept me from staying up very long until later in the evening, when numbers had swung again and I was banished back to the gustav.

I will say with a smidgeon of pride that when I did fall off the wagon, I always chose the MkV ... never the MkIX.

Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Arlo on July 21, 2003, 12:34:04 PM
Originally posted by najdorf

Considering your post on your own Squad recruiting thread about flying LW in the CT for this setup vs. flying the Spit, I'm not sure why you are giving Urchin a ration of toejam about what he said.

I have to agree, the LW planes in this setup can't handle the Spit IX Tippy combo.  You can't catch the Tippies and cant do anything with the spits.

You will do better flying the 205's.

I'm giving him a ration of toejam (calling him a whiner), sir, because he started a piss and moan thread over nothing other than reading about the setup. I'd give you the same ration if you did the same, yourself.  When someone decides to whine and carry on about something they don't even have the cojones to give a try first, then they shouldn't expect sympathy from me. And they shouldn't be surprised if I laugh in their tear-streaked faces, either. :D

p.s. Step back a base or two and grab. Meet those Tiffies co-alt or a lil higher and they can be taken down unless the other guy is just plain better than you. I've had it happen both ways. ;)

Franz can take the Spit .... unless the other guy is just plain better than you or you try to fly "follow the leader." Yup ... I've had that happen both ways too. Granted ... I do better in the Spit ... but I bet if I had an overwhelming hankerin' to dedicate myself to flying German birds for a couple of years, I'd figure out how to fly them better and not be crying everytime a setup offered a challenge. :rolleyes:

If the Lufties would just fly the damned setup instead of leaving their comrades in arms to the fate of, quite often, being outnumbered while sitting in the stands and booing, you'd prolly see some pretty damned good give and take.

Guess I just grew up in a different world where people who are supposedly adult aren't coddled to for making a habit of whining about every little thing. :D
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: najdorf on July 21, 2003, 01:21:01 PM
The 109F is not a good match for the Spit IX which out turns, out guns and goes faster and retains e better; nuf said, end of story.

The Tippy's are much faster than any of the axis rides.  The combination of having the best turning and fastest planes makes the setup a little lopsided.  Stating the obvious doesn't make you a whiner, just a realist.  Adding the 205 evens it out some, I should have upped one sooner instead of stubbornly sticking to 109f and G2's.

I consider myself a decent G-2 pilot and I can't handle spit IX's co-alt 1 v. 1.

I'll tell you what, I never fly Spit IX's but I'd meet ya in the DA co-alt, me in the Spitty and you in your choice of G2, G6 or F and I can almost guarantee you I will take you out.  Does that make me a better pilot?  NO.  Same thing would happen if you took the spitty and I took the 109's.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: SELECTOR on July 21, 2003, 01:49:28 PM
i think current CT is best match up for a very long time..i fly allies if numbers allow but i wouldn't mind the axis set either... well done the CT crew..

at least its not MA arcade
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Karnak on July 21, 2003, 01:54:37 PM
How about changing the Tiffie out for the Mossie?

That would keep the heavy attack power for the RAF, but remove the dominating speed.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: kesolei on July 21, 2003, 02:44:12 PM
I personally don't see the point of a 'fair fight' in the CT. War isn't fair. Don't even kid yourself into thinking that they had planes that were equal- if everything we had was equal we'd still be fighting WWII  (yes, over dramatization I know- Trying to make a point!).

It makes a challenge to have an uneven planeset. Someone made the comment that Eagler could do things with a 109 that it wasn't supposed to do. Well, bloody heck... maybe all us LW people need to take lessons from Eagler.

We're always gonna be outnumbered, and as long as the spits are in the setup.. we'll be outplaned too. But that doesn't necessarily mean we're outskilled. Eagler can do great things in a 109, I know some people who are amazing in a 190.. same thing with the 109s. I personally don't hesitate to grab a 109 and jump into a fight with 5 spits. I end up dead, but I had fun dying and hopefully took one or two with me.

That's the beauty of this... game. You can crash and just take off again in another plane. I think I've landed kills maybe once this set-up, but that hasn't stopped me from flying. I just learned to crash with style, makes life funner if you don't get upset about it. If you're having trouble flying the bird of your choice against the opposing side, ask someone who isn't having troubles for some help. They'll likely be willing to spend a few with ya.

ANyway, off the soapbox now.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: najdorf on July 21, 2003, 04:00:29 PM
Not saying I'm not going to fly the setup, I don't complain about fairness.  But, as you point out, this is a game.  For a game to be fun and competitive, the game boundaries need to be somewhat fair even if the war it's based on isn't.  Who wants to sign in just to die repeatedly.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: ergRTC on July 21, 2003, 04:20:19 PM
can we start a new forum called Put your whiney a!! sh@t here!

That way I dont even have to make the mistake of looking in to find this kind of crap.  Jesus get a grip.  It happens every week, and what gets me is that it is like you guys (all of you that do this) seem to take turns.  Each week its a new volunteer.  Spit 9 is a 1943 ride right?  Or is it even earlier than that?  IF your getting your bellybutton handed to you find somebody to fly with.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Dennis on July 21, 2003, 04:56:13 PM
Originally posted by ergRTC
can we start a new forum called Put your whiney a!! sh@t here!

That way I dont even have to make the mistake of looking in to find this kind of crap.  

Or, you could read the thread title and have a pretty good idea of its contents.

There will be complaints about every setup.  Before and after the fact.  This is a fact of life.  If you don't want to read them, dont.

Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: ergRTC on July 21, 2003, 05:00:52 PM
I thought the title was referring to a change that had been made to a pre-exisiting setup.  EG allies whined so much they took away the 205 or the G2.  Not that they were just whining about the setup the way it was.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: LtMagee on July 21, 2003, 05:03:26 PM
You mean there are spits enabled on this map?? Damn, I better go check..

Thanks Oldman, I have been fight..err..dogf..err ahh...."running" in Typhoon all week. Many kills, Many deaths :D
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Arlo on July 21, 2003, 05:30:31 PM
Originally posted by najdorf

I'll tell you what, I never fly Spit IX's but I'd meet ya in the DA co-alt, me in the Spitty and you in your choice of G2, G6 or F and I can almost guarantee you I will take you out.  Does that make me a better pilot?  NO.  Same thing would happen if you took the spitty and I took the 109's.

Yaknow .... that may actually be the one arena in all of AH where the "equal plane" whine has some merit (if any whine actually does). But it would be practically impossible for someone to whine about how unfair the setup is .... whether it be from the perspective of actually flying there or not. Still, I wouldn't put it past some to try. :D

I wonder what the official "Whiner" creed is?

I ... state your name ... do promise to beetch, moan and carry on about anything that makes my AH existance uncomfortable in any way whatsoever. I will continue to do so until:

A: Someone takes me seriously and fixes my problem.

B: Even if nobody takes me seriously and I cancel my account in protest ... I shall whine on as a spectator on the BBS.

C: The sky finishes falling.

Anyone who calls me a whiner will be promptly silenced by my calling them one back.

I can and will research their stats to prove that they have more character deficiencies than I do thereby justifying my manly whines over their scorn and ridicule.

And lastly but not leastly .... if it ain't broke ... cry even louder.

A-men. So there.


Urch is a whiiiiiiner. Don't defend whining. It ain't doing the whiner a favor. :D
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Arlo on July 21, 2003, 05:42:33 PM
Originally posted by kesolei
I personally don't see the point of a 'fair fight' in the CT. War isn't fair. Don't even kid yourself into thinking that they had planes that were equal- if everything we had was equal we'd still be fighting WWII  (yes, over dramatization I know- Trying to make a point!).

It makes a challenge to have an uneven planeset. Someone made the comment that Eagler could do things with a 109 that it wasn't supposed to do. Well, bloody heck... maybe all us LW people need to take lessons from Eagler.

We're always gonna be outnumbered, and as long as the spits are in the setup.. we'll be outplaned too. But that doesn't necessarily mean we're outskilled. Eagler can do great things in a 109, I know some people who are amazing in a 190.. same thing with the 109s. I personally don't hesitate to grab a 109 and jump into a fight with 5 spits. I end up dead, but I had fun dying and hopefully took one or two with me.

That's the beauty of this... game. You can crash and just take off again in another plane. I think I've landed kills maybe once this set-up, but that hasn't stopped me from flying. I just learned to crash with style, makes life funner if you don't get upset about it. If you're having trouble flying the bird of your choice against the opposing side, ask someone who isn't having troubles for some help. They'll likely be willing to spend a few with ya.

ANyway, off the soapbox now.

Outstanding attitude. This, above all else, earns my respect.

I'll fly with you any day (even if I'm not much help). :D
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: Karnak on July 21, 2003, 05:46:43 PM
Originally posted by ergRTC
Spit 9 is a 1943 ride right?  Or is it even earlier than that?

It is a July, 1942 Merlin 61 powered Spitfire F.Mk IX with some options it shouldn't have such as the 50 cals and the rockets.

But the most important bits are from the 1942 Spitfire F.Mk IX.  The engine that gets you into position and the two Hispano Mk IIs that capitalize on that position.
Title: Well, all you whiney "CT loves the Axis types" got your wish!
Post by: kesolei on July 21, 2003, 06:14:18 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
Outstanding attitude. This, above all else, earns my respect.

I'll fly with you any day (even if I'm not much help). :D

Thank you, Sir.

And, as for flying with ya? I aint much help either, let me assure you! I have to admit though, with 2 of us flyin' side by side there are at least more targets.. maybe we could confuse 'em long enough for one of us to kill something... :D ;)