Author Topic: Ahh... Killshooter...  (Read 169 times)

Offline sonofagun

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Ahh... Killshooter...
« on: December 12, 2003, 10:25:56 AM »
I jumped up at a field after just logging on since darbar showed a enemy in that sector.  Turns out that all the data hadn't downloaded to my PC yet and after takeoff the darbar turned green.  I'm sure you all are familiar with the effect.

At any rate, I turn for a short approach to land so I can find some action. After landing and while still rolling, I hear a plane screaming from behind.  I had seen the good guy after takeoff so I figured he was buzzing me till I saw tracers flying all around me without so much as a ping.  I floored my 109 and took off again to have a little fun.  I chased him a little and he finally started to extend/run.  After a very short chase, I reverse and watch what he does.  At about 5K or so, newby reverses and heads back to the field, when I turn around and set up for a HO.  Newby picks up on my move and aims his ride straight at me.  As we close our range I painstakingly line up dead in his sights.  Screaming toward each other I see tracers flying at me from about 1.5k.  With nerves of steel I maintain our closure till the very last minute and evade, almost scraping his canopy.  I look back and see about twenty or so pieces of his ride fluttering to the ground.

I waited around thinking he might up again so I could explain killshooter to him, but he never did.

Ah...killshooter...I love it!