Experienced unresolveable errors with backup machine running WinME (cringe). Decided to reformat and start "clean." Boot from ME boot disk w/ME reinstallation cd in drive, select option 2 (boot with cd-rom support), loads cd driver(s) fine, scandisk shows no probs, setup initializes, setup fails when a corrupted .cab file is detected.
Over and over again.
WinME reinstallation cd is pristine, no surface scratching. I am able to access the directory just fine, just that corrupted .cab file is screwing me bigtime. Debug, fdisk, partition, restart, cross fingers...nope, corrupted cabinet file.
Throw hands up, call manufacturer support (Dell). On phone for 4 hours (four hours, no kidding) with a person who uses English as a secondary language and spells "Sally" with a "C" ("type in C as in Sally") running debugs and fdisks over and over. Finally Dell support person tells me that my WinME reinstallation cd is "no good" and I will have to buy another one. Dell support person says that "they just go bad."
I am not knocking Dell, btw. I have 2 Dell computers at home and 2 at work. Would I purchase another Dell? No. I assembled my newest system via NewEgg; it is more fun that way.
If I am going to have to purchase another operating system, it sure as heck isn't going to be WinMultipleErrors...err...Win ME. Strange thing is, XP Home, XP Pro, and even Win95 will not install on the same machine for the same reason (trying different OS's as a desperation troubleshooting method)- .cab file corrupted.
What am I missing here? I have a backup box with an A prompt (or E and D if I want variety) but no OS and apparently no way to install one?