ASRS report: As if they didn't have enough to do keeping the passengers contented, safe and secure, the Cabin Attendants on this flight also discovered an unusual fuel problem_ (L)Avgas.
The First Class Flight Attendant advised of a gasoline type odor coming from the forward lavatory...[then] three flight attendants called from the rear galley [to report] a strong gasoline type smell from the aft lavatories. Not knowing what we had...we took the necessary precautions anyway.... [The associated] circuit breakers were pulled and the lavatories were locked.... Operations advised that it was, in fact, 100LL Avgas (not the type of "blue fluid" we were expecting in the lavatories). Dispatch advised [us] to divert to the nearest field immediately.... According to maintenance, the lavatory truck had been topped off with blue fluid earlier that day. However, the blue fluid was 100LL Avgas, not lavatory fluid. We were the 13th aircraft to be serviced from that truck. The first 12 received pure lavatory fluid because the Avgas, rose to the top. Since the truck's pumps suck from the bottom, they were not affected. We weren't so lucky. Our forward lavatory received a mixture of lavatory fluid and Avgas, but the aft lavatories got all Avgas.... It is not certain, but is felt that the truck driver loaded Avgas because it is blue. Then, realizing the mistake, filled the truck with blue lavatory fluid....