Author Topic: Beta 10  (Read 604 times)

Offline 10105

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Beta 10
« on: January 17, 2004, 03:05:58 AM »
First off... this is my first time submitting things to the beta so if I cover something already known... I apologize. (although I've read alot of posts and don't see the things I found)

The P-51 is flying way better by the way than in the first few betas.

Ok... the list

P-51D - - - The rockets on the right wing seem to be either transparent or actually halfway inside the wing itself.  I only saw this on the right wing, never the left.

M3 - - - No Gear Indicator, No Gyro

C47 - - - when dropping troops, the chute is missing.  however... you can see the wire frame of either it or the cables for it.  but the actual chute material itself is not there.

C47 continued - - - I crashed the C47 while trying to land on a field and lost both wings, the plane went a blaze, and it toppled over twice coming to a stop upside down on the ground.  To my amazement it said I ditched when I hit tower.  I repeated this and found I could severly cripple the C47 without getting a crash or killed message.   (maybe i'm just lucky, but thought it was worth mentioning)

Tiger - - - Seems as though the lower half of the Tiger's body is missing when viewing from inside the tower.  Gyro Missing, Gear Shift Missing, and when in turret, can't tell if i'm using HE or AP although I can tell I am changing them with backspace.

8' gun on ship - - - When I click the 8" position and then hit hangar to proceed to that position.  the clipboard tries to go away like usual but gets stuck.  It sticks above and to the left of the guns crosshairs and shakes violently like it is trying to go somewhere but just can't seem to get there.

I hope I've added something worth while.  So far I think it looks great.  

Oh... I do have one quick question.  How come when I play the arena looks so dark.  It is as if the sky is black, yet when i look straight up towards the sun its bright blue.  Do i have a setting wrong?

Offline Kaz

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Beta 10
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2004, 10:52:24 AM »
Post your PC specs it'll help determine what the problem is and maybe someone with a similar setup can help you.

vid card, vid card driver/version, directx version and these can be added as a bonus: mobo, cpu, RAM installed, OS

Offline 10105

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My specs
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2004, 11:52:31 AM »
I'm using...

windows xp
hard drive is a p4 1.4 or 1.3
640 MB Memory
Video Card is ATI All in Wonder Radeon 8500