Here's the system: - built it for a friend this evening.
Freshly installed WinXP on the system above. Patched and up to date. nForce drivers up to date. ATI drivers up to date. DX9 up to date.
Connection to internet through WinPOET PPoE DSL connection.
Right after startup, clicking on "verizon voyager" which is the WinPOET logon, or any Internet Explorer icon results in nothing happening for about 2-3 minutes (give or take) before anything happens.
If we just wait after logon for a few minutes, then click on the "Verizon Voyager" icon, it comes right up.
What's weird is that task manager shows system idle 99%
Once connected, everything runs fine. During this "dead" period, control panel, "my computer" windows, task manager, etc all seem to run fine.
Anyone seen this symptom before? Any clues on what I might do to try to figure it out?