Author Topic: E/KoTH rules - changes  (Read 650 times)

Offline BigMax

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E/KoTH rules - changes
« on: April 12, 2004, 09:02:52 PM »
I promised you guys some changes because of the questions that arose from last months KoTH.  I will address each in kind.

ALT CAP - From now on, the altitude cap will be STRICKLY enforced.  The setup CM (Me or Gremlin) will turn winds on at the alt cap to MAXIMUM STRAIGHT UP.  If you cross that barrier, there will be "No Doubt" in anyone's mind that you are too high as you will shoot up like a rocket!  Any infraction of this rule mean you should ".ef" out of your plane as you are disqualified.  If I receive film of anyone above alt cap and they do not exit flight immediately, they will be banned from the following month's E/KoTH.

RUNNING - We have walked a "fine line" with running VS extending.  No More!  There is now a 60 second rule to allow for an extension... Any more than that, and you are running.  I am not saying that you must engage foolishly, but you must go offensive if you are being chased for 60 seconds or more.  Even IF you have 2 wins and 1/2 the guys online are chasing you - but, those doing the chasing should also be blasting each other too.

SKIRTING - For those who like to continuously fly around the edge of the battle without engaging, E/KoTH is NOT about hiding in the corner of the map.  It's about finding a fight and winning.  I will warn guys I feel are skirting, if it continues I will be forced to take stronger measures. WARN, EJECT, BAN

CHIVALRY - There is NO SUCH THING in KoTH/EKoTH!  If you are unengaged, and two are fighting below you with no immediate threats around, you are obligated to engage...  Ask no quarter, give none!  SA is a key part of E/KoTH, be vigilant or die!

As A CM, if HT could give me one fix for E/KoTH, it would be tha ability to turn OFF the names on friendly ICONs...

E/KoTH is NOT about so many of the things we are doing badly, it's about "the fight" more than it's about winning...  I want this to be fun for everyone and it will only be that if it is fair...

***I sincerely hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I feel that a stronger enforcement of the rules is necessary to help the game grow, and for me to be fair with the player - you need to be told in advance***
« Last Edit: April 12, 2004, 09:05:33 PM by BigMax »