Author Topic: Wearing women's clothes  (Read 129 times)

Offline VOR

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Wearing women's clothes
« on: May 05, 2004, 12:11:56 PM »
The Army can be a funny place sometimes.

Had a 12 mile march this morning which was as fun as it ever is. Now, alot of you "old hands" already know the pantyhose trick, but for the benefit of those who have never had this sort of job, here's the deal: a cheap 99c pair of lady's nylon hose can save you a great deal of pain and discomfort if you're on a long march. It's a pretty common practice and probably has been for many years. Bet you didn't know that America's soldiers are a bunch of nancy cross-dressers! :p

Anyway, to get to the point, I forgot to stop by the store and pick up a pair prior to this morning's event. Dreading the thought of my feet being covered in quarter-sized blisters, I knew I had to do something and *fast*. The solution? I found myself in a bizarre moment of self-awareness digging through my wife's lingerie drawer. Found a pair that both suited my purposes nicely and she is unlikely to miss. (They're now full of holes that would have been in my feet!)

Never, ever, in all my life did I imagine anything as demasculating as snooping through Mrs. VOR's sundrie undies looking for something to wear to work. I may never be the same.

PS: I felt pretty.


Offline Gunslinger

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Wearing women's clothes
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2004, 12:17:50 PM »
we used to wear panty hose when we played football.  November in Nebraska can get a might cold and they were awsome for keeping mobility and warmth at the same time.

I've been on many a force marches (we callem humps in the Marines)  I still cant fathom what panty hose would do for you on one...unless it was cold.  We would march and changer our socks and powder our boots about every 3 miles.  The only thing we wore under our BDUs was usually silk PT shorts.  After we finished we'd peel out of our BDUs and throw on some tennis shoes.

It's a funny site to see an entire company of Marines on a chilly S california morning fully dresseed but covered head to toe in sweat.....nothing but steam rising form 200 bodies.

Offline VOR

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Wearing women's clothes
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2004, 12:21:47 PM »
I've been on many a force marches (we callem humps in the Marines) I still cant fathom what panty hose would do for you

Prevents friction between foot and sock. Never had a blister while wearing them!