Noticed a funny thing when flying today with Mathman.
Was able to alt-tab out to a white screen of death (screen locked up). When all of a sudden an AIM message came through. Now i was able to alt-tab to aim or htc.
Now when i alt-tab to htc the white screen of death was still there, however when in aim and then on *Clicking* on htc tab on bottom I was able to get back into AH.
NOW!! take note: I was only able to fly 1(one) sortie before my puter (athlon 1000 ,256, 64mb videocard) memory maxed out and dumped me to desktop.
From being able to alt-tab out and *clicking* back in... I was able to !!RESET!! my memory in AH.. letting me fly continuously with out any CTDs.
Mathman confirmed it reset his memory as well.. give it a try, just make sure you have something running in the background along with AH to alt-tab, to and from.