I now have quick access to 24+ views. Although it is not optimum, I have become more or less proficient with my setup.
I have the up view (5 key) programed to button 5 on the base of the stick. My original complaint was that pressing button 5 and then using the hat only gave me the 45 degree views for fwd up, aft up, left up and right up. I couldnt get the corner views in 45 degrees unless I left the stick and pressed 5 on the damn keypad. So, I went into the key setup and fiddled around some. Consequently, I have all eight of the 45 degree views up on my hat although I cant recall what I did to get this working.
Heres my current problem! I have to press button 5 on the stick BEFORE I use the hat. If I do this and then say, toggle to the left fwd up view, then come down and switch to the left regular view, I cant push the 5 button and get the left view looking up at 45 degrees. I have to release the hat then push button 5 THEN go back to the hat to get the 45 degree view I want.
It cumbersome and less then I really like but it works a far sight better then not having those qurter views in 45 degrees that I began with.
I also remapped keypad 5 to space bar and keypad 0 (zero) to tilde, so I have better left hand access to those keys as a result.
I guess I accept this fault in the view system because its most likely the SWPP thats not up to snuff.
Lastly, this view system is tremendous, probably too good with the 6 views being so forgiving.
Im doing ok now and thanks to everyone who chimed in with pity and helpful suggestions.
Im ok with it.
[This message has been edited by Yeager (edited 01-17-2000).]