Originally posted by ALF
Im not sure what you all are doing to the mossie...but I can only get it to spin like that if I serriously over stick the airplane into an accelerated stall. at 300-350...it takes very little stick to pull 4 G's....and I mean VERY LITTLE. Either you may be pulling back way to hard (this causes the mossie to spin at any speed or you may be having a spiking problem with your joystick.
I just went and did some quick testing...and the mossie is very stable at 5K at 300-350 pulling 3-4 G's.....bleeds right down to stall speed.
I have tested this ad nauseum and have discovered several factors that cause the problem.
I will dial in a ton of damping. Airborne at 300 mph, I jerk back the stick briefly, for no more than a fraction of a second. The elevators DO NOT MOVE and the aircraft does not change angle of attack whatsoever. Yet, the g-meter pegs up beyond 7 g and the aircraft snaps into an accelerated stall. Eventually it drops straight down, absolutely flat, no forward movement.
So, we have issues with the software responding to a g input that didn't exist. We also have an aircraft with zero forward velocity despite 3,200 hp providing thrust thru a pair of propellers.
Watch the film again and pay close attention to the g-meter and the angle of attack when it pegs.
My regards,