You dog, you ruined my night
[9:31:14 PM] =TgD= Thunderbolt56:J8A shot down by III./JG2_Wotan:Bf-109E-4 at 25658.207 34413.32
[9:37:13 PM] helgi:HurricaneMkI shot down by III./JG2_Wotan:Bf-109E-4 at 33680.81 29778.514
[9:37:37 PM] GisliEinar:HurricaneMkI shot down by III./JG2_Wotan:Bf-109E-4 at 22654.102 31413.93
The one bad spot.....
[9:12:01 PM] III./JG2_Wotan:Bf-109E-4(0) was killed at 15049.493 21372.176
[9:12:01 PM] III./JG2_Wotan:Bf-109E-4 shot down by
Bolt39:HurricaneMkI at 15049.493 21372.176
At least that tree got some revenge for me.